Can A Function Swap Form Field Contents?
Sep 14, 2005
I was wondering if anyone had come across some javascript that would
allow me to have a chart of say 20 music tracks, and be able to move
each track up and down the chart using up/down links? I am sure I saw
one about 3 years ago.
Consider this:
A table with a form around it. Each row of the table is numbered 1 to
20. There will be a form field on each row for Artist, Title, Label, Mix
and Genre. There will also be an up and down arrow to move the contents
of each row up and down.
I need to create 2 javascript functions. 1 to swap the contents upwards,
and one to swap downwards.
The link to go up or down will pass the row number to the function, and
the fields that need swapping. The function will then take the values
and swap them over.
Is this possible? And will it work cross-browser cross-platform? Any ideas?
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Feb 27, 2007
I have one form on a page with 'n' text input fields grouped in blocks of the same input fields. Something like this:
<div id="block1">
<div id="block2">
The number of fields for each block varies because the page is constructed by a server function. What I want to implement is move up and a move down buttons on each block to move what the user has entered in say, block 4, to block 3 (and move the block 3 contents to block 4). And the contrary too.
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Apr 2, 2009
want to swap the contents of two textarea fields in my form when a hyperlink is clicked.i have the hyperlink and layout donw just want to know how i access and set the form fields to their new values,
function MoveBoxContent(thisForm, FieldID, MoveWhere) {
if( $MoveWhere == "u" ) {
$temp = theForm.$FieldID.value;
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm using a form on a page as a vessel for data, rather than to actually submit it. The reason is that the form is submitted to a service at with it's special JS API, so I extract the data from the form manually and then feed the data to the methods from the provided library.
One of the field is a file. Calling ``.val()`` on it simply gives me the file name, but I need the contents.I've looked around, and found a few plugins that would actually send the file, but that's not what I want.
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Apr 2, 2009
want to swap the contents of two textarea fields in my form.i have the hyperlink and layout donw just want to know how i access and set the form fields to their new values.
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm rather new to this, but... I created a website where on the left side I have a div (let's say sidebar1) and on the right side i have a div (sidebar2). I also have a header. Everything else is left for a div named "content".I need a script that allows me to swap the content of div "content" with a content of exactly the same div, but from another subdomain.It's simple to load a content of the whole subdomain into a div by using 'iframe' or 'object', but I have no clue how I can load only a part of subdomain. Is there any way to do this?
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Aug 17, 2011
i'm quite new to javascript and have an issue with an image swap script. I have three images that should change based on the value of a text field (total), however, there is only one image that is swapping. Please see the code below:
<script type="text/javascript">
//This is where we decare our function to validate the HTML form
function validateform()
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Nov 3, 2005
I have a little problem in one of my functions, I would like to pass in a form field name and set the value to something that is passed in. here is my code:
function pickitem(id,type){
opener.document.getElementById("form").type.value = id;
so i'm passing in an id and a formfield e.g. txtName The problem is with the type.value - i haven't touched javascript for ages so i'm really rusty!!
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May 9, 2011
I want to write a generic function since I'm basically doing the same thing over and over. What I'm trying to do is to pass the name of the form and the specific field name to complete the following line: "var testdata = document.form.input.value;".
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm trying to make a function that will enable any given form field. This is what I have, my form name is 'searchfields':
function EnableDisable(field)
var loc = 'document.searchfields.'+field;
loc.disabled = false;
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Apr 4, 2011
When I run the following code the script will not display the second id field from the form:
function enCrypt( code ){
var form = document.getElementById( 'myForm' );
} // end function enCrypt
<form id = "myForm" action = "">
<p>Enter cipher : <input id = "cipher" type = "text" /></p>
<p>Enter message : <input id = "msgcode" type = "text" /></p>
<p>Result : <input id = "result" type = "text" /></p>
<input type = "button" value = "Encrypt"
onclick = "enCrypt()" />
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Oct 31, 2011
New to working with javascript and I've come up with a function. I have a form with a dropdown and input field:
<select name="warranty" id="warranty" onChange="doadate()">
<option value="Select">Select</option>
<option value="In Warranty">In Warranty</option>
<option value="Out of Warranty">Out of Warranty</option>
<option value="DOA" selected>DOA</option>
<input name="doadate" type="text" id="doadate" value="<? echo $doadate; ?>"
size="20" readonly>
I need the input field to be disabled unless DOA is selected in the select form element. I've started on page load with document.form1.doadate.disabled=true. Then I've put an onChange handler in the select to call the function below:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doadate(){
val = document.form1.warranty.value;
} else{
But it's not working, it stays disabled after load even when the DOA is selected in the drop down form field.
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Jul 29, 2010
Tried searching but didn't seem to find a solid solution to my problem I'm trying to pass a value to an input form field, from a function. Here is my code
PHP Code:
function createDiv(sceneNum, startTime, endTime, dialog, notes)
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May 2, 2011
Im currently working on a project with jquery... the thing is.. i need to change the contents of a div named "sub2" with the contents of "pets.html"... i've read some tutorials and i thought the best way to do this is through the use of jquery...
Here's my code:
My image which is supposed to be clicked contains this:
The code is working ., but when i transfer my codes to netbeans with Tomcat running the code didnt work ...
Is there anyone here who knows what's wrong or what should i do with my code?
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Nov 9, 2011
from the below code how do I pass the contents of the 'username' field to the end of the URL:https://carrierconnect.etdatacenter....&user=usernamewhere I currently have usernameBasically the form works where I fill in the username and password then based on whether the user selects 'customer tracking' or 'web booking' goes to the specific URL
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnSubmitForm()
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web form with several fields. If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.
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Apr 25, 2011
I am trying to prevent showing a symbol when a user clicks on an edit button.When negative numbers are entered and the edit button is clicked on then it removed the minus sign but keeps the symbol.
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Jul 28, 2006
I am writing a sort of calculator, I have a text input field as where I display the answer.
How do I modify the contents of this?
I have got as far as getElementById('elementName') hehe.
What lovely piece of syntax will allow me to change the contents of this?
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Nov 7, 2009
The user enters the title of a movie in the text field. I'd like to mirror that title into a <span> so that users can search other sites based upon that title, gather the information and then put it into the current form on my site.
<input type="text" name="title" value="" />
<a href="<span>TEXT FIELD VALUE HERE</span>">search for this title</a>
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Aug 22, 2005
I need to build a regular expression where the expression contents are
for example I have a string that i need to search for, but the string can
change. If i have a variable called string I need to look at the contents of
string otherwise
obviously doesn't work!
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Jul 27, 2010
As the user types the "start year", I want to fill the "end year" with the same value, keystroke by keystroke. But simply using a keypress eventhandler doesn't do quite what I want, as
$("#start_year").keypress(function(event) {
fills in "end_year" with the value before the keypress has been added to "start_year".Again, I just want "end_year" to be the same as "start_year" as it's being typed.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have a php page that has a button on it when clicked shows a div (previously hidden) in the middle of the page this div contains a table with rows.Each row has an image acting as a button and a series of fields that are populated from a database.One of the fields is a quantity box I want to be able to change the value in this box and click on the submit img and have it submit this info (including the altered quantity) back to the php page or to the submit function so that I can then access the values.
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Nov 14, 2005
I've seen so many tutorials for image swapping but if the result isn't exactly what you want there's litte explanation of how to tweak it. I'm working on a slideshow control panel. When the 'play' button is clicked the image should change to a button that looks pushed-in, and the cycle image play function no longer begins upon clicking play. When stop is pressed, stop appears to be pushed-in, but play then changes back to normal.
Most codes seem to revolve around a function such as:
function clic(no)
if (document.images)
document.images[stuff[no]].src = ocl[no].src
temp = select;
select = no;
if (temp != -1) {out(temp)}
Could anyone explain to me the basics of what is going on here? What image arrays do I need? What is the significance of document.images? Why the nestled brackets?
I'd really appreciate a breakdown showing me the simplest way to change image x to image y from an onclick.
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May 8, 2010
i have been tryin for a long time to get both of the javascripts(for the thumbnail to main img swap and the navigational arrow swap) to work in synchit needs to be so that after clicking on a thumbnail then on an arrow, the correct image in the correct order appears. as of now they are running separately and one has no influence on the other. forgive me if im not being clear. i keep trying to replace the id that one script is looking for with the same id from the other but this will not work..why?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have seen this technique on a couple websites, but haven't been
clear on how it's done. What I am looking for is to have a form with
x-options. The technique is that when the first option is selected it
auto updates the other options to correspond. For example if I was
looking for specific cities in a state. Once a state is selected I am
only given specific cities. The end result is to combine this with
php and mysql, but I am sure if I understand the javascript aspect I
can run with it.
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Nov 12, 2011
i think this will help people a lot, cuz i couldn't find any simple answer by googling 3 hours...i need a very very simple jquery form field is the picture what i need:
HTML Code:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
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