Array.prototype.push = Function() {
May 7, 2007
I found this code on Internet:
<script type="text/javascript">
Array.prototype.push = function() {
var n = this.length >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this[n] = arguments[i];
n = n + 1 >>> 0;
this.length = n;
return n;
Question 1: How to call this function?
Question 2: When I delete >>> 0, what I lose? ( >>>0 ı sildiğim zaman, ne kaybederim?)
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May 5, 2010
Array.prototype.each = function (fn) {
This is my each function that works great in every other browser but IE. UGH! What am I doing wrong? the error points to the this in the function. Is it that IE doesn't like map? Has anyone seen this before? I thought my code was correct. Works perfect in FF, chrome and opera. the canvas text doesn't work in opera, but it does render the features so the each function is working.
I'll post the code if needed, but it's huge. here's the script running.[URL]..
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Oct 30, 2006
What happens if you do this?
function Person() {}
Person.prototype = 7;
var ted = new Person();
Also what happens if you set Person.prototype to an array or function?
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May 28, 2007
I have a 2d array that I created like such:
var images = new Array(50);
for(var i=0;i<=51;i++)
images[i]=new Array(2);
Now I would like to push values into this array, but I can't get the proper syntax to work. How would I for example convert these statements:
JavaScript Code:
into a push statement (regardless of position pushed into array)?
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Dec 17, 2010
I have an array question. I think that you'll have to run the script in your browser to see the results. The below array separates ages but I get stuck on how it does this when I get to line 6 and beyond. Line six reads "if (tempAge <21) minors.push(tempAge);"
I only understand that the pop method takes the number 19 off of the ages array. So if this is so then I think that line 6 reads that if 19 is equal to or less than 21 do something, but I don't know what it does after that, please help me understand how it works.
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Mar 29, 2011
Let's say i have two arrays:
var array1 = ["1","2","3"];
var finalArray = [];
and I want to dump the values of array1 into finalArray several times to end up with the value of finalArray being:
What would be the easiest way to dump the values into the other without making it multidimensional?
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Sep 25, 2011
How do I use array.push to add an object with a custom index in an array?I have this script but it doesnt work. Chrome's Javascript console is not outputting errors
var tempList = new Array();
var split = $('#itemid').val().split('_');[code].....
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Nov 12, 2009
I am basically just practicing with javascript (Just started a few days ago) and wanted to create an array that pretty much checked a form for errors, listed errors, then spewed them out in the end. I am sure there is source code for something like this, but I wanted to just do this out of practice, as I have done this before in PHP. I am basically making a function with a bunch of if statements and if any of them pop up I try to PUSH a string into the array. Now, it has worked, somewhat and sometimes. But then it just plain stopped working. I played with the code for a while, placing alerts in parts of the function and found that it WAS the push code that stopped it from running completely.
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Nov 25, 2011
According to ECMAScript, the root of the prototype chain is Object.Prototype. Each object has an internal property [[Prototype]] that could be another object or NULL.... However, it also says that every function has the Function prototype object: Function.Prototype, it confused me, because a function is an object, for a function object, what is its function prototype and object prototype..For example:
var x = function (n) {return n+1;};
what is the relationships of x, Object.Prototype and Function.Prototype
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Dec 14, 2009
I am trying to get to the bottom of javascript object, prototypes etc. I have a fairly good grasp of it, but I get confused the closer I get to the base object.prototype. FIrst of all, I was under the impression that all objects descend directly from Object. But some objects (like Array) seem to inherit properties and methods from the function.prototype. So does this mean that the chain is like this:
object -- function -- array Second, I noticed (on the mozilla javascript reference site that object.prototype inherits properties and methods from function.prototype and vice versa!? How can this be? I must be missing something important about understanding the chain?
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Sep 1, 2010
I am building a customised javascript prototype to sort an associative array on the array key (in ascending order). Basically, I am separating the array keys into a separate array and then using .sort() to sort the keys and then reassembling the original associative array elements according to the sorted keys array.
The sorting works ok except that when I run the test code below, the outputed sorted associative array has an extra element at the end of the array whose key is the name of the prototype function and the value for that element is the function code itself. Obviously I am misunderstanding something about associative arrays or how javascript prototypes work.
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Nov 4, 2005
I wrote some prototype functions in my code for arrays this is one of them !
Array.prototype.inArray = function(value){
for (var x in this) {
if (this[x] === value) {
return true;
return false;
when I iterate through array .. I get this functions as values in array !!!
can anybody explain this !?!?
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm having difficulty trying to return a multi-demensional array using Javascript Prototype's Hash Object.I have been able to return the values of the following associative php array using JSON and Javascript Prototype's Hash Object:
php array
$player = array(
'PlayerName' => 'Ron Artest',
'Position' => 'Forward',[code]............
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Feb 27, 2006
I am trying to use the sortBy function in the prototype.js
library. Nevertheless, I can't work out what to include in the iterator
function. Can someone shed some light on this?
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a periodicalUpdater that returns countdown time that is created with php but I now need to call out one function when the time is right. the script PeriodicalUpdater calls
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Jan 5, 2010
Is there a jQuery way of doing this Prototype bind?
var func = myFunction;
, 1000
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm learning how to use Javascripts and using Prototype framework by following a step by step tutorial from a book. Unfortunately when I stepping through the following code:[code]
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Nov 3, 2010
Not sure if this is possible, but I have an external script that creates an object, and I want to overwrite some of its functionality, but keep the scope.
Here is a basic example:
Obj = function (userConfig) {
I want it to log two Objects, but instead I get two window elements. Is this because I am declaring the functions in the global scope, and not from within the object?
Anyway I can keep the scope of the object, whilst still overwriting the function?
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Apr 19, 2010
This JS code is on RoR+ImgMap site.I've tweak several portion of ImgMap, specifically around line 2205 of the file imgmap.js by adding that when the user draws a shape, the focus will be set to the respective href field, instead of the default behavior - adding new row(imgmap form).
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Aug 30, 2010
I need to know how to add an event to a button. The specific issue is that I want to add an event which is a prototype function of a class. Consider the following as an example:
MyTestClass = function() {
this.firstName = "Pete";
this.lastName = "Johnson";
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Jan 8, 2010
I want to write a plugin, say 'myPlugin' which I can use like
$('#myID').myPlugin() ;
$('#myID').myPlugin.test() ;
The plugin I wrote looks like
$.fn.myPlugin = function() {
// do something
} $.fn.myPlugin.test = function() {
var $this = $(this) ;
// do something ;
}})(jQuery) ;
This works and it doesn't work. It works because test() is called, but this is not the element with id '#myID' it is $.fn.myPlugin. To fix this I tried the following
$.fn.myPlugin = function() {
// do something
} $.fn.myPlugin.prototype.test = function() {
var $this = $(this) ;
// do something ;
}})(jQuery) ;
but now the function 'test' is unknown.
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Nov 4, 2010
is there a way in jQuery to bind variables to function calls similar as prototype.js does it? See [URL]
E.g. in the slideUp method of jQuery you can specify a callback that is called after the effect has finished. I would like to bind a variable to this call so that it is used inside of this callback as a closure.
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Oct 9, 2006
It seems like determining element position in a web page is a difficult
task. In the position reporting source code I've looked at there are
special fixes for at least some versions of Safari and Opera. I am
doing a lot of dragdrop experimentation and in some situations need a
position reporting function. The function doesn't need to report the
positions of exotic elements like images in button elements; however, I
would like a position reporting function that can at least handle
combinations of scrollable elements and tables....
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Feb 15, 2011
I am trying to understand somecode. I don't think I am understanding everything correctly. Can someone confirm or add to my understanding?
Here is the code, below is my explanation:
- CODE 1 - is saying if the the class subnav_dd is called on an anchor tag on a li, then make the function in the if statement "live". (Live in a sense binds the function to the condition, but unlike bind it allows the condition to be used more then once. ) So if the class subnav_dd is the parent, and has a class of .dis then prevent anything below it from firing. CSS - If code 1 is true, then I will only get the first li to fire, the remaining ones will not.
- CODE 2 - This one is a little tricky. Function ToggleOptions takes 3 variables (target, array, state). The condition is if the div subnav + target have siblings, then check to see how many siblings are there. Put the amount of siblings into an array, then check the state of each sibling. I don't completely the rest of it.
I think if the div subnav is called and something is found in the array then the class dis is either added or removed. Then what? I don't understand why I still need the else that adds a class to #subnav_
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Jul 24, 2009
I want to make one div appear by the click on a link, and the divbelow the appeared one has to be pushed down some pixels.So if I click the link inside the top div:
<div id="header">
<a>Show new div</a>
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Jun 12, 2006
I have seen this in help files and on a few other sites but I am not sure what the correct lingo is for this function but I am looking for a way to hide a layer of text below a heading and then make it appear when the heading is clicked but I need it to push down the text that is below it and not cover it up.
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