Javascript Array Prototype Functions Voodoo
Nov 4, 2005
I wrote some prototype functions in my code for arrays this is one of them !
Array.prototype.inArray = function(value){
for (var x in this) {
if (this[x] === value) {
return true;
return false;
when I iterate through array .. I get this functions as values in array !!!
can anybody explain this !?!?
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Sep 1, 2010
I am building a customised javascript prototype to sort an associative array on the array key (in ascending order). Basically, I am separating the array keys into a separate array and then using .sort() to sort the keys and then reassembling the original associative array elements according to the sorted keys array.
The sorting works ok except that when I run the test code below, the outputed sorted associative array has an extra element at the end of the array whose key is the name of the prototype function and the value for that element is the function code itself. Obviously I am misunderstanding something about associative arrays or how javascript prototypes work.
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Jul 12, 2009
I'm trying to learn more about creating and using JavaScript objects and ran into this situation the other day:
function someObject() {
var size = "large";
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Apr 24, 2010
I was trying to make some clever class based on a factory pattern. See this page: [URL] So i did this:
As you can see, I have an internal method "showDialog". In the jQuery part, where i create a dialog, I have two function for the drag and dragStop events. Why can I not create them in the same way as the showDialog function? Something like this
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May 5, 2010
Array.prototype.each = function (fn) {
This is my each function that works great in every other browser but IE. UGH! What am I doing wrong? the error points to the this in the function. Is it that IE doesn't like map? Has anyone seen this before? I thought my code was correct. Works perfect in FF, chrome and opera. the canvas text doesn't work in opera, but it does render the features so the each function is working.
I'll post the code if needed, but it's huge. here's the script running.[URL]..
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May 7, 2007
I found this code on Internet:
<script type="text/javascript">
Array.prototype.push = function() {
var n = this.length >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this[n] = arguments[i];
n = n + 1 >>> 0;
this.length = n;
return n;
Question 1: How to call this function?
Question 2: When I delete >>> 0, what I lose? ( >>>0 ı sildiğim zaman, ne kaybederim?)
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm having difficulty trying to return a multi-demensional array using Javascript Prototype's Hash Object.I have been able to return the values of the following associative php array using JSON and Javascript Prototype's Hash Object:
php array
$player = array(
'PlayerName' => 'Ron Artest',
'Position' => 'Forward',[code]............
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Oct 30, 2006
What happens if you do this?
function Person() {}
Person.prototype = 7;
var ted = new Person();
Also what happens if you set Person.prototype to an array or function?
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Apr 5, 2011
How would I go about copying all the prototype functions AND the constructor from one object into another object, and then call them?
I know I can use, but that's not an acceptable solution. I want to deploy this style over dozens, potentially hundreds of objects.
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Jul 4, 2006
Element.update("brief-1-estimate_line_item-category-PRODUCTION-CREW-total", " <td colspan="5"> Total </td> <td> 0.0 </td> <td colspan="2"> Total Cost: </td> <td> 0.0 </td> <td colspan="2"></td> ");
I am trying (by using rails javascript helpers) to modify the content of a table row. as you should be able to see above. The above is what is generated by the helpers and works perfectly with firefox but with IE is get RJS error [object error] alerts.
can anyone see what is wrong with the above js. Ive testing with both IE6 and IE7 with the same results.
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Feb 9, 2006
I've been using the prototype.js library[1] to create classes. Something like:
var Sortable = Class.create();
Sortable.prototype = {
initialize: function(element) {
// more methods...
All of my methods are instance methods. What is the tidiest way to
create class methods and variables?
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Jan 27, 2010
I need to use an equivalent of the php function
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Mar 22, 2010
how to use Javascripts and using Prototype framework by following a step by step tutorial from a book. Unfortunately when I stepping through the following code:
The prototype file can be acquired at Prototype website download
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Jul 23, 2005
I am learning HTML for the first time taking a self teaching class
though my local Community College. Normally this college rocks and has
some of the best resources and down to earth teachers that pick books
that acutally help folks.
Well they failed and my book take more logic jumps that Stephen
Hawkins! :D
So my ultimate question is as follows:
How do I created a function with the following information provided:
Create a fucntion named Mquote that contains the single parameter,
My apologies for such little information. I am sure its my oversight
that I am unable to locate the answer to my question.
What I am looking for is the base layout for noob java functions.
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Nov 25, 2011
According to ECMAScript, the root of the prototype chain is Object.Prototype. Each object has an internal property [[Prototype]] that could be another object or NULL.... However, it also says that every function has the Function prototype object: Function.Prototype, it confused me, because a function is an object, for a function object, what is its function prototype and object prototype..For example:
var x = function (n) {return n+1;};
what is the relationships of x, Object.Prototype and Function.Prototype
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Dec 14, 2009
I am trying to get to the bottom of javascript object, prototypes etc. I have a fairly good grasp of it, but I get confused the closer I get to the base object.prototype. FIrst of all, I was under the impression that all objects descend directly from Object. But some objects (like Array) seem to inherit properties and methods from the function.prototype. So does this mean that the chain is like this:
object -- function -- array Second, I noticed (on the mozilla javascript reference site that object.prototype inherits properties and methods from function.prototype and vice versa!? How can this be? I must be missing something important about understanding the chain?
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Dec 8, 2011
i need to ask the user for details about a car, i will not know how many cars are going to be stored and therefore need an array i think. I need the function for asking the user and will need to repeat the code later in a menu. at this stage i just want to ask the user for input, store it in array and use an alert to check if it works?
// Purpose: Gather car information and store it in a datbase
// Ask user for REG info, CAR MAKE, car VIN
var CarDetails = {
RegNum:"",CarMake:"", CarVin:"";
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Apr 18, 2006
Can javascript functions have variable number of arguments - a concept
known as paramarrays?
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Sep 21, 2007
I have some javascript functions in an xslt file. Everything works and produces the desired html, except when using the visual studio debugger which gives the error "objects of type 'Script1' do not have such a member" and references the line and column where the "this" object is used, as in this.hourarray()
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Dec 18, 2001
I wrote a funtion for all my <a href=...> tags. If I use the function, it looks like this:
<a href="test.html" onFocus="myfunction()">
What I want is to automatically add myfunction() to all the links on a page. So I don't want to add onFocus=blablabla each time when I link to another page.
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Jan 30, 2007
I have this code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language="javascript" >
function outer(data)
var operand1 = data;
function inner(operand2)
alert(operand1 + operand2)
//<input type="button" value="1" onclick="outer(3)(2)" />
//<input type="button" value="2" onclick="outer(3)(2)" />
<div id="target"></div>
How do I call the inner function and pass operand?
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Oct 12, 2010
Demonstration code:
The 'array' variable contains strings representing the id's of different elements. If the for loop above were to finish iterating, would all the links in all three elements call the click function (that displays an alert message), or would only the last element ("element3") have the click function? For me, the latter seems to be the case unless if I'm doing something wrong, but I would like clarifications and, if possible, alternative solutions as to how I can achieve the former result.
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Jul 23, 2005
We have an applet that has to support the SUN VMs as well as the MS VM.
The applet receives updates from a server (via tcp or http) and wraps them
up as objects and passes them using the JSObject scripting context to a
javascript function.
This function takes the object and reads the properties and updates a
All seems simple stuff. The problem is that the MS JVM runs like a rocket,
but the sun vm seems to max out our processor and also takes ages to process
I have tried logging from the console using debug level 5, and it shows a
lot of back and forth between the applet and the javascript when accessing
methods on the object passed.
Seeing that as a possible problem, I now pass a delimited string to the
front end, and then convert that into an update message purely in javascript
so there is only one hit to the applet per message.
I am still seeing a massive difference between the sun and ms VMs.
Has anyone ever come across this, and is there anything I can do to help
flatten out this performance?
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Sep 23, 2005
Here is a compilation/creation/collection of recreated vbscript functions for use in JavaScript. Additions and criticism are of course welcome.
Zip file contains:
<Edit>Surprisingly there haven't been many downloads for this. Here's a quick overview of the contents:</Edit>
Translates into: new ActiveXObject(x)
dateDiff(p_Interval, p_Date1, p_Date2,p_firstdayofweek, p_firstweekofyear)
Returns the number of intervals between two dates
datePart(p_Interval, p_Date,p_firstdayofweek, p_firstweekofyear)
Returns the specified part of a given date.
FormatCurrency(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
FormatDateTime(datetime, FormatType)
FormatNumber(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
FormatPercent(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
Returns the first location a substring SearchForStr that was found in the string str
Left(string, length)
Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Returns the number of characters in a string.
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
monthName(p_Date, p_abbreviate)
Returns the current date and time.
Right(string, length)
Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
Removes leading and trailing spaces
weekdayName(p_Date, p_abbreviate)
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Apr 1, 2006
Might there be a way to add a set of Javascript functions to a display page's existing set of Javascript functions on the fly without reloading the display page, and if so, how?
A couple of approaches I have tried, but without success are:
- A) For an embedded "retriever" IFrame in the display page to retrieve a set of JS functions from the server and then on its "onload" transfer (by innerHTML transference) that set of functions into the parent display page.
- B) Similiar to "A" but to use regular old browser frames - one being the "retriever" and one being the display page.
- C) Using a JS function in the display page to make a http request for a supplementary .js file(s).
Please note: the goal is to retrieve *only* an additional set of Javascript functions from the server, and then add them to an "original" set of functions already loaded into the browser. Meaning, NOT - say - for an IFrame to download from the server *both* the additional set and again the "original" set, which the parent display page could then run directly from the IFrame.
After "A", "B", and "C", I'm at a loss for further ideas.
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Dec 5, 2007
I have a form with 2 submit buttons, "Test" and "Save".
I also have to javascript functions, "TestImage" and "SaveImage".
What I want to do is, when the "Test" button get's clicked, then execute the "TestImage" function. That was easy, I did it like this:
<input type="submit" name="test" value="Test" onClick="return TestImage(this);">
But what I also want is, when someone clicks on the "Save" button, to first execute the "TestImage" function, and then the "SaveImage" function. Anyone know how I can do this?
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