Prevent "NaN" And "Infinity" Error Messages In The Result1-3 Fields?
Feb 18, 2011
In the attached code how do I prevent "NaN" and "Infinity" error messages in the result1-3 fields.I have had a go at the isNAN() etc functions but I just cant seem to get the syntax right.How would I restrict the results to 3 decimal places? I also want to evalaute the three results and populate the lowest field with a text response indicating which of the results has the lowest value, ie "Result 1 is the lowest value".
I'm a newby who has manage to get up and running rather quickly and with ease using the documentation. My form validates as expected but it shows the default error messages and highlights the invalid fields. How can I suppress the error messages?
I'm new to jQuery and the validation plugin, I just wondered if it is possible to get the error messages to be shown in an error summary section instead of inline?
I have a form with dynamic fields. Each set of new fields contains two fields that are required. I validate them by using a class. The downside is that if you have 3 lines of fieldsets you get 6 validation errors if you leave them empty. Is there any way to "group" these messages? The fieldsets contain a from and to date. So if you leave them empty you get a message "Check from fields" ?
'Error On Page' messages, IE only.. I need badly to get rid of these error messages. i'm showing my sites to potential employers. When clicking on the ! icon, the so-called 'Details Page' is too cryptic to be of help usually. the line numbers do not correspond to the JS's line numbers (i'm using BBEdit).
I'm new to using jquery and I have a question regarding the validate plugin. How can I make the error messages appear where I want them? Right now they appear to the right of the input field but I'd like them to appear below it or wherever i'd like
It works fine, but I'm trying to hide the error messages which it defaults to "This field is required." The error message shows up in a label.. How in the world do I hide those error messages within those labels?
I'm playing with the great Bassistance jQuery Validator and am stuck at a point The idea is simple: I have lot of this markup (I semplify, but the idea is that after each <input> there could be something else, i.e. a word, an icon, etc... that is "inline" with the corresponding<input>):
I have created one program using javascript.i have written using javascript functions.. can u tell me what is the problem with my program i have saved it as messages.js,but the script is not executing can u tell me what went wrong.....
If you go to the following page and click 'Buy Now' at the bottom of the page to submit the form the jQuery validate library error messages are displayed at the top of the page, rather than next to the corresponding form element:[URL]
I am Having an account information page which needs to be validated,but the problem is i want each error message to appear under its respective input field. I had tried using errorPlacement but it is showing all error messages at one div id which i had assigned.Is there any way to display error messages under its respective text box(input field) ??? Need of Urgent help.
In the new version of jquery.validate (1.5.3) there is an option to get a remote error message from the server for invalid elements. I did not find what should be the exact response from the server for producing such an error message. From the documentation: "The response is evaluated as JSON and must be true for valid elements, and can be any false, undefined or null for invalid elements, using the default message; or a string, eg. "That name is already taken, try peter123 instead" to display as the error message." But if i return a string, isn't it evaluated as true ?
I'm trying to write a custom display for the error messages on my form. Ideally I'd like to use a modal pop-up window to display the errors, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to prevent the validation plugin from automatically displaying the errors on my page AND I can't quite figure out how to access the individual error messages for the elements on my form. What I want to do is to allow users to save invalid forms, but to warn them that they are invalid to make them confirm that they want to save. [code]...
I'm using the form validation and it's working great. But the form reset button, although it clears the form fields, does not clear the errors. My page header has this code so far:
I'm trying to understand how to implement the following in order for the reset button to do that:
var validator = $("#myform").validate(); validator.resetForm();
I'm not an experienced JS person but have a lot of other programming experience (vb, vba, mssql, delphi).
I'm using this great plugin, but the prob for me is that all error messages have the same class added to them. due to the layout of my form, i need to be able to move some of the error messages around in diff ways. there is a way to add a diff error class to elements based on their id or class or whatever, but not sure how to do so.
I am new to ajax, meaning I know nothing what so ever of programing ajax. I want to do a simple login interface with email and password (with php), but i also want that when I press submit button it show a box with "please wait..." message (this box must slide, from the top of the page). Also this box will display errors messages such as, "invalid email or password" and so on.
I'm using the jQuery form validation plugin along with the fileinput plugin which hides the initial input area, but uses <divs> and some styling /javascript to show the file input field.The issue I am having, is that the 'this field is required' text that is meant to show on submission, doesn't come up for the file input field, nor some checkboxes that I have in a table. I am guessing that this is because the code is needing the label to be RIGHT next to the element (in this case the file input or the checkbox) in order for the validation message to show..Are there any work arounds that anyone knows of so that I can get the error message to show?Is there a way to show the error message for required fields when they have a div wrapping them or anything wrapping them? [code]
I wanted to ask how it is possible to get error messages from the server till it is implemented in the remote method.What do you think is the less work intensive alternative.I also wanted to ask if i have two fields A and B, and the values of B depends on A. How do i make it with the plugin and the remote method ?I saw that there is a way of writing custom methods:URL...But how do i combine it with the ajax calls?
I am trying to display validation error messages when form validation fails. Currently it does display the error messages but then disappears straight away. How can I stop the page from refreshing when validation fails? I have return false in my code when validation fails but still having same problem. Currently I have only done the validation for the full name only. The error msg is showed in:
I have this javaascript which validates fields on a form, and if one of the fields are empty or 0 it will turn that field red, but it does it individually and i want it to turn all fields that are in error in red at the same time
Im new to javascript so this could be a simple change for someone with more knowledge then my self. the webpage is built with ASP.Net
I'm finding (like small syntax errors) in my JS/html which are sometimes hard to spot straight away. For example, when coding python on the web, I usually use try: except: and then use the error function to output what went wrong on the webpage.