.js Displays Date Based On Page Title?
May 25, 2011
I use this code to produce a date... however, I need to produce a different date depending on the page title... for instance: Page title: Product 1 will display 5/29/11. Page Title: Product 2 will display 6/13/11 etc.Here is the code I use to produce the date... any tips on how to get a different date for the different pages?
<p align="center"><br><b>Est. Shipping Date:</b><br> <br>
<script type="text/javascript">
Number.prototype.mod = function(n) {
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Dec 6, 2007
I'm trying to use the Cluetip plugin to display data on mouseover ofthe tr tag. The data displayed is stored in the title attribute. Itworks great in FireFox, but in IE7 the browsers default title displaysalong with the Cluetip. Am I missing an option that would allowCluetip to override the browsers default title display?
cluetipClass: 'jtip',
clickThrough: true, /* Set to true for allowing click to go through
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Jul 11, 2009
What I'm looking to do is be able to load a number of pages in advance for a daily blog, and then have index.html automatically pick the right page based on today's date. I guess I'll name the files something like '20090708.html', '20090709.html' etc.As well as selecting the right page to display (happy to use frames for that if there's no other way), I want to include "previous post" and "next post" buttons at the top of each page. Happy to hardcode what they point to, but I'd like a function whereby the "next post" button is not displayed if the user is on "today's" page.
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Jan 13, 2011
I have a drop down menu where people can select a month, day and year. Based on their selection, I want to show them an image.
If their selection is >= July 26, 2010 but <= July 25, 2011, show the red image;
If their selection is >= July 26, 2011 but <= July 25, 2012, show the white image;
If their selection is >= July 26, 2012 but <= July 25, 2013, show the blue image;
If their selection is >= July 26, 2013 but <= July 25, 2014, show the yellow image;
I don't know how to compare a selected date to a range of dates like this.
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Jul 5, 2011
I have Been trying to make a webpage that displays a googlemap with multiple markers based on data from an XML file but can't seem to get it to work. Would be ETERNALLY grateful to anyone who can pick out where I'm going wrong!
<script type="text/javascript">
function callXML(){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
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May 13, 2006
I have a lot of DIV tags on an HTML page. I want to group some of them
so that I can hide them all together at once if needed. What's a good
way to do this? I want this to be compatible with at least IE 5. Would
it be a good idea to assign all DIV tags in the same group the same
"title" attribute?
This is what I want to do, but I'm not sure if it's the correct
approach, and I'm not sure how to set the style with javascript either:
<div title="groupA">hello world</div>
<div title="groupB">from group b</div>
then with javascript set this style:
If this is the right approach, and is compatible with say IE 5 or 6,
would someone tell me how to do it in javascript?
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Jan 25, 2010
How do I get the date value from the address and then put the date into a textbox on the same page when loading the page up? http:[url].....
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Jul 23, 2005
There's some command I forgot that you can type into the
address field of a web browser that will cause it to
display the source code for that page instead of
the page itself. Can anyone tell me what it is?
It's something like:
except I don't quite have it correct.
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Jun 2, 2009
How can I change a URL link dynamically based on the date.If my link is now [url.....html. Next Tuesday,how do I dynamically change it to www domain/24.html .I am getting the date from the week function so I need to pass it to the URL
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Apr 6, 2009
I have an HTML form which contains two date fields to accept airport taxi bookings, sometimes clients book one way, sometimes they book return journeys, some cases even involve 3 or more journeys.
Now there is a field for the date of each journey all contained within one HTML form:
date0, date1, date2 etc... depending on how many legs there are to their journey.
What I'd like to do is set an initial value for all date fields based on the value the user enters into the first.
So if the user enters: 24/04/2009 into [date0] field then [date1] should be automatically set to be 7 days later and [date2] 7 days after [date1] etc.
The user must be able to overwrite the initial values, without affecting the previous dates.
<form name="form1" method="get" action="booking-function.asp">
<%'ASP Loop Condition for number of date fields to display%>
<input name="date<%=(x-1)%>" type="text" maxlength="10" />
<%'End ASP loop%>
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Feb 4, 2009
I am using the following JQuery function to rotate content on my webpage on page refresh. It works perfectly, but all items are displayed while the page is loading before they are hidden. It looks a little odd from the user's point of view as they see all items and then they disappear. how I can make it hide all rotating content while the page loads - then just display the correct content once page has loaded?
<script type="text/javascript">
var randNum = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2))+1;
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May 28, 2010
I have a form that captures member registration details. In the admin section .. I would like to change the Status field of a record/s from NEW to PAYMENT DUE after 14 days from the data of submission. The status change should automatically trigger on the 15th day. So when the admin checks the list page he/she should be able to view the updated status field.
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Sep 22, 2010
I've been trying to figure this script out for awhile and I've hit a wall. Basically, what I want to do for my organization's website is to use JS to display an image containing our hours and have it change each day of the week.
The hard part (for me) is that there are certain days we're closed. Ideally, I'd like a separate "We're Closed" message to overwrite the image carrying our hours on specific days (major holidays like Xmas, New Years, Vet's Day, furlough periods, etc. etc.).
Here's the code I've managed to cobble together (I have a real basic understanding of JS, so I've been pulling scripts from sites offering free copy/pastecode):
For the most part, this code works just fine. However, if I jump my system clock to December 24, the "closure.png" comes up appears ALONGSIDE the hours image for that day of the week. In other words, I've got two images appearing right next to each other - that's not what I want.
How can I work the code in such a way that when a closure date comes up (in this case, 12/24), just the "closure.png" image shows up by itself?
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Sep 11, 2007
I have a form with a selection box and would like to replace the completion date based on the selection "Closed" with the current date. Code:
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Jun 6, 2010
could someone please point me in the right direction for creating an AJAX page that displays "live" data from a mysql database? I need the page to update its self every time data changes in a mysql table.
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Jul 8, 2010
To give you a little background about myself, I am a complete JavaScript novice. I am used to SQL scripting a little. We have recently moved to a web IT Service tool, we have taken on the programming of this tool and it is mostly using JavaScript. Within my tool I am trying to create a field to display the financial Period Number, based on the open date of a task using a 4 weekly rotation. Therefore what I am trying to code is;
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Mar 2, 2009
I have made a page thats makes an AJAX call to the server gets the time and displays it. In the OPEN method i have set
req.open("GET","/timerProg.cgi?param1="+new date(),false);
I have set the last parameter as false as i am expecting a synchronous request so that time displayed should be consistent.
I am using new date() since the browser is caching my request and displaying the same output everytime as i dont know any other alternative.
The alternative so that browser does not cache the results and gives proper output each time.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a listings page which displays results using images and text which are stored in a MySQL database, all is working fine. The images are pulled into the page from the database and each listing can have up to a maximum of 10 images. Some will have all 10, some probably one or two, so the page is coded such that if there's an image in the field, it displays a thumbnail, if there isn't then it shoves a " " in instead.
The results page has one main photo (image 1) and then a series of thumbnails (images 2-10) below it and I need to be able to set this up so that when someone clicks on image 2 it shows the full-size version of that image in the div where image1 sits, and the same for however many remaining images there are.
So my question is, how easy it is to do this with javascript and does anyone have any idea how to code it?
The main photo sits in a div whose id is "mainphoto" the remainder all sit in a div whose id is "thumbpix".
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Sep 5, 2005
How do I use Javasript to get the <TITLE> element of a web page?
If anyone can supply a cross browser way (IE 5.5+, Firefox 1+), it is
most appreciated.
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Nov 19, 2005
I want to display the title of my pages (the title which appears on the top of your browser window) in the actual page aswell. How do i do this, i need javascript or some kidn fo script to look at the title and then write it to the page.
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Aug 7, 2006
I need to retrieve the value of the tag TITLE, which gives the title of the html page using Java script. could anybody help me out in this reg.
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Feb 15, 2011
I found this code in another thread... basically, I need to be able to display a certain image based on the page's title... for instance if the title is: Lotus 7, I need image lotus.jpg to display in an element on the page, however, if the title is Bodhi 9, I need image bodhi.jpg to display in the same element
var imgs = new Array();
imgs[0] = new Array();
imgs[0][0] = "Research";
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Jul 15, 2011
One my website its one index page, putting in content depending on the link (ie ?page=xxxxx) and from that it generats the page name, (Page name - MySite). I also have an AJAX search form working on keyup (kinda like google autosearch). I want it so when i start typing there it changes the title to Search - MySite. Then when its empty revert to what ever it was before. I already have the AJAX coding for the search bar.
Also i need to check if its on the homepage or not, and if not load the homepage (currently done by php include), does javascript have an equivelant of php's include?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have been trying to find a simple way to capture the page title for a form that will be used throughout my site.Basically, creating a javascript function to allow a user to email a page to a colleague. Of course I only want to have one form, so I wanted to capture the referrering page information.I have had no trouble capturing the referring URL using javascript, associating it with a form field and passing it through PHP validation and emailing it.I am having trouble doing the same for the title. I have tried to capture these with an onLoad event, but that didn't work (for title only - works for others).
Here's the js which is referenced on the html pages (link to external file):
// JavaScript Document
function start() {
var ref = document.getElementById('httpref');
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May 7, 2005
I want to get the current page title and url!
as with document.title we can get the current page title,
<body onLoad="MM_goToURL('parent','script.php?title=document.title');return document.MM_returnValue">
this is the function I've used for that above trick
function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");
I tried that, but it won't work.
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Feb 15, 2011
Is there a way to dynamically generate a certain image via js based on the title of the webpage? like for instance....
If not is there any other way to dynamically generate specific images on specific pages via .js?
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