Jquery "" Passing Text Form Input - Missing The Second Word?

Dec 8, 2011

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> //for reference
Code Java:
function nameList(){
url ="post-json.php?action=search&keyword="+$("#keyword").val()+"&additionalInfo=whatever";

Normally this works, the problem is when i write two words in the input box the value isnt getting passed properly to the php side.


how to get both words from the input box?

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Passing Form Value - Display The Value Of The Chosen Radio Button On A Text Input

May 11, 2010

I wrote this form to try to display the value of the chosen radio button on a text input.

Choose one choice...
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="5">Five<br>
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="10">Ten<br>
<input type="button" value="Get Result!" onClick="T1.value=group1.value"><br>

How come the onClick="T1.value=group1.value" results in undefined instead of 5 (or 10) ?

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Java - Database - Post Form To Mysql - Only Posting First Letter Of Word/phrase For Text Input Fields To Mysql Database

Jul 13, 2011

I am having no luck with my post form to mysql. It is only posting the first letter of the word/phrase for the text input fields to the mysql database. It is a photo and text post form. The photo and only first letter of text are posting to database. I am using Jqtouch, jquery, and phonegap.

Here is my form fields:

Here is my java script:

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JQuery :: Jqtransform Input In Firefox - Text Inside Of The Form Input Is Lower

Nov 20, 2011

Jqtransform Firefox Input Problem Basic problem is the text inside of the form input is lower than it should be.

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JQuery :: Passing Letter / Word As First Argument In Function?

Dec 21, 2010

I am new to Jquery and would like to know, when we write a Jquery function and pass 'e' or any other word or letter as first argument, what does it represent? Also If I want to pass some parameter to my function along with 'e', how can I pass it?

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Passing Url Value To Form Input?

May 23, 2010

here is my problem :

my example url : [URL]

I need a JavaScript code that can get type , name & id from my example url and pass them to a form input value.

<form name="myform" >
<input type = "text" name = "type" value = type =111 >
<input type = "text" name = "name" value = name=jack >
<input type = "text" name = "id" value = id=2 >

i can't change my form input tag properties . i don't have access to it's value notice that i need a java-script code that it don't use a method in input tags and it can change the value of that input.

( i am creating a form using CCK in drupal & i don't want to use views module for some reason)

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Passing Reference To Form From Non-input Field

May 27, 2004

I have a bunch of forms in my page, and want to pass a reference to the current form to a javascript function - when, say, a user clicks on a particular element. Normally, within any type of input field, I'd just add something like this:


Then, in my_function( form ) I could refer to form. No worries.

But here's the interesting bit. I also want to run the same function when the user clicks on any <a> tag within a form, like:

<a href="javascript: my_function(this.form)"> ... </a>

Problem is, with this code, the form reference isn't passed to the javascript function. the "this.form" bit doesn't work...

I find this rather curious. So the question is, how do I pass a reference to the current form from within a non input field?

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Form - Make One Of My Input Text Only For Display Purpose - Not For Input

Jun 17, 2009

I have a form and there are many form fields, is anyone know how to make one of my input text only for display purpose, not for input.

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Missing Name Attribute From Dynamic Input Element

Sep 28, 2006

I'm attempting to submit a form via a function which dynamically creates a
hidden input:

function submitLocation(theForm) {
var e = document.createElement('input');
e.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
e.setAttribute('name', 'location');
e.setAttribute('value', &#391;');
var f = document.getElementById(theForm);

The function is called from an anchor's onclick event:

<form name='form1' method='post' action='action.php'>
<a onclick="submitLocation('form1');">Submit</a>

However the function produces an input which is missing the name element:

<INPUT type=hidden value=1>

The desired output should be:

<INPUT type=hidden name=location value=1>

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Force Insert Text Into Form Text Input Field Onload

Apr 13, 2010

Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...

<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>

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Form Validation Script - Stop Sending The Form If Key Fields Are Missing

Aug 13, 2011

Having a few problems with a form validation script. Its supposed to stop sending the form if key fields are missing, but it just sends them anyway!

Below is the code i use in the header to check for blank fields:


And now the code i use to action it:


From what i can see the fields match, it all links up correctly but still it will allow blank forms to be sent.

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JQuery :: Grab Current Value Of Form Input Text?

Mar 19, 2010

This should be fairly straightforward but I'm having some unexpected trouble.

I have a form with an input [code]...

...the value attribute 'search me' is what is displayed on default page load.

If I focus on the text field and type into it, "Hello World!"

How can I see that new value?

I've tried the obvious [code]...

How can I pick up the new value on the fly? It must be possible, no?

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Using Ultimate Form Validator But Form Is Still Submitting Even Though It Says Which Fields Are Missing

Jun 16, 2010

I am using the ultimate form validator [URL] but the form is still submitting even though it says which fields are missing..

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JQuery :: Form Text Input Value And Select List Value Into One Textarea?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to do the following thing:

On a simple html page I included jQuery. The page contains a big form including text input fields as well as select list fields (with multiple values).

I want to combine the values from all fields (text and select list) into one (hidden) textarea.

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JQuery :: Use One Input Text Field To Drive Two Hidden Input Text Fields?

Jul 16, 2011

I have a problem created by my complete [rookie] status – only second time venturing into jQuery. I created a simple shopping cart using php and the PayPal buttons (1: buy now, 2: add to cart). The php back end does it great, it generates the table and the buttons and everything works just like it’s supposed to; Except, I forgot to add sizes. So I found out what I need to add, and I realize that the way the buttons work, I will have two different text boxes for size. Not very visually appealing, and since I’m not submitting this to the server before it goes to PayPal to pay, I cannot modify it with php the way I normally would. jQuery / javascript are my only hope of making this work. What I want to do:Have a single textbox where [size] is entered by the user.

Copy the value from the [correct] text box to the Value=”” section of the now hidden field in the PayPal form That way, no matter whether they [BUY NOW] or [ADD to CART] the right size is submitted to the PayPal shopping cart. This is the actual PayPal code that I’m trying to change

<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Size" maxlength="200">Size</td>


I got this far, and then decided to find how to insert the "enteredVALUE" into the right place in the input text field (what I called output) and I've not been able to figure out how to stuff it in there.

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Passing Form Input Data From One Page To Another Without Control Of The Receiving Page

Jul 31, 2009

I've been searching for a few hours and haven't been able to find a code snippet to see if this is available. I'm attempting to pass text from my website to another website that has a form setup on it. I'd like to fill in the pertinent data for my users on the page that I load for them. I cannot make any changes to the receiving page as it is run by another company. I've pasted some of the code that is available on the receiving form.

<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = document.forms['form1'];
if (!theForm) {


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Form And - Many Form Fields - Input Text ?

Jun 18, 2009

I have a form and there are many form fields, is anyone know how to make one of my input text only for display purpose, not for input.

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JQuery :: Text Undo Redo Machanism Like Googledocs/MS Word

Sep 6, 2010

I find most rich internet text editors, developers put in the product many many features but fail to make a decent undo redo mechanism, I pressed crtl+z they deleted my whole paragraph. Unlike googledocs's one, it knows exactly what to undo.

If anyone can let me know what the logic of google docs/Ms word machanism is, maybe I can give it shot building one.

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IE Is Missing Form Data - Works In Firefox

Apr 21, 2011

I am using javascript to validate a form, and my code works in Firefox, but in IE6 and IE8 it is acting as if it is missing some of the form entries. One of the missing form options is created by using a php function, and the other is created dynamically using javascript. However, there are other dynamically created form entries that IE can read just fine.


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Turn A Single Word In The Input Field Into An Array?

Mar 1, 2010

I know that we can split() a string into an array, if we have a string in an input field like this, "javascript rocks"

what if there is only one keyword in the input field?

for instance, it is only a word - "javascript"?

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Array Displays Input Info And Word Undefined

Apr 5, 2011

The form allows users to enter there details, and when they click on the signup button the following is suppose to happen

1. Thank you note for signing up is displayed, including details they just entered
2. The details entered are stored in an array
3. When you want to view all signups you can click on a signup button and all details are shown
4. The form resets and clears all input fields

I have a form that allows input and functions that validate input, store input, and shows the input and html for the design layout. [code] The two buttons are called signup and members [code]When i run it i can enter all the details and click on signup all the details are still there and then i click on members and it shows all the details i have just entered along side the string signup but it also displays the words 'undefined', so I think there are problems with the array.

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Change Form Input Text Using Dom?

Oct 22, 2009

how to add text to a hidden field in a HTML form. I want to add text from an array, the array holds the information for the caption placeholder for the images.

Basically i have an image viewer which lets you scroll through images and they have a text caption below them telling what the images are. When the user clicks an image this brings up the form and hides the imageViewer. I want the caption of the image clicked to automatically be entered into the hidden field of the form when a user decides to choose a particular photo, so that it sends this to the server script for processing.

At present i have the function
function insertText()
document.getElementById('camera').value = document.getElementById('captionElement').value;
i have commented some out to try various things.

My form input box has an id="camera" and i was told to do something like this. Give the hidden element an id="someName"...then in the JS you can change the value of it by the usual way... getElementById('someName').value=??? where ??? is the name of the camera the user has

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Pulling Input Text From A Form?

Jan 9, 2010

I have the following code:

function post45 ()


I am trying to get the value entered into the firstname box appear on an alert box when the send button is pressed.

With the above code the alert box dosnt display but if i take away the + myForm.firstname.value + from the java script it displays the alert box.

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Pulling Input Text From A Form ?

Jan 9, 2010

I have the following code:


I am trying to get the value entered into the firstname box appear on an alert box when the send button is pressed.

With the above code the alert box dosnt display but if i take away the + myForm.firstname.value + from the java script it displays the alert box.

Way i can get the + myForm.firstname.value + to display the entered value ?

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Share The Code For A Word Counter For The Textarea User Input?

Jul 20, 2005

Can anybody share the code for a word counter for the textarea user input? what if max characters are 256?

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Can CSS Styles Be Applied To Form Input Text

May 20, 2011

I downloaded this simple form which uses JS to limit the number of characters entered into the text input field by counting down from the maximum allowable number of characters (55) down to 0 as characters are being entered. I want to change the number being displayed from the default black to red. How can this be achieved?

<form name="mymind" style= "position:relative;left:40px;" action="insert_status.php" method="post">
<input name="limitedtextfield" type="text" onkeydown="limitText(this.form.limitedtextfield,this.form.countdown,55);"


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