How To Program An Input Selection List

Jul 23, 2005

When I input my email address on this website, it provides a drop down
box with two of my email addresses. The right bottom corner has a few
45 degree lines to indicate the user can change its size. Do you know
how to create it? I could not find the code in the source.

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Update A Dropdown List Based On The Selection Of A Previous List

Aug 16, 2010

i am writing a script that will update a dropdown list based on the selection of a previous list. the script is run by a PHP script, so instead of posting the PHP, i will post an example client-side script. the hierachy is: category, sub category, brand (but sometimes there exists no sub category and the PHP script queries and adds brands instead) everything works correctly, except for one major issue: you can not change the selection of the third (brand) box this could be an easy fix for some coders, but i am not experienced in javascript and could really use some help. here is an example script, sorry it is so long


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PHP Drop Down List Selection Populates Second Dropdown List Or Text Box?

Jul 13, 2011

I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County).I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database.This piece of code is working well . . . .


$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database');[code]......

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AJAX :: Populate An ASP List Box Based On Selection Of A Previous List Box?

Mar 7, 2011

I have 3 ASP list boxes. I would like to populate the second list box based on the selection in the first list box and based on the selection in the second list box, populate the third. I would like to do this using AJAX. How can I do it? Can someone please give me the code snippet as I am a complete noob when it comes to AJAX and I kinda am running outta time to finish implementing it. Additionally, should I use ASP boxes or HTML <select> tag?

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Binary Conversion Program - Take User Input And Convert The 8 Digits

Mar 28, 2011

I am writing a program that will take user input and convert the 8 digits the user enters (the 0's and 1's) and converts them into an integer between 0 and 255. It is a very simple program but I am still having some errors :

import javax.swing.*;
public class BinaryToInteger
static String userInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a binary number with 8 integers to convert.");//Dialog Box that asks for user input
static int binaryValue = Integer.parseInt(userInput);//Parses the user's input into an integer

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DHTML Program For Design Tourism Management Program

Aug 15, 2011

i'm in need of a DHTML program for design tourism management program.. Since i don't have idea on it i unable to design it.

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Disable A Dropdown List Based On Selection In Another Dropdown List?

Apr 20, 2011

I have two dropdown lists with the second one being dependent on the selection in the first.

Options in list 1: 1,3 or 4

List two should be enabled when 3 or 4 is selected in list 1.

So far so good, managed to get it to work with only one set of lists, but I actually have 18 of those sets in this form:

<select name="fw[$i]" id="fw[$i]">
<option value="1">FWH</option>
<option value="3">links</option>
<option value="4">rechts</option>


I'm not that adept in javascript programming, more like a trial and error guy, how has hit the wall with this problem.

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Dropdown List Selection

Feb 28, 2004

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish: I've got a dropdown list that is populated via a php script. Whenever the user selects a value from the list, they have to click on the 'submit' button in order to retrieve the values. I don't want this .... I don't want them to click on the button, rather, retrieve the values from the DB immediately upon selection of a list item. Its like ... I select a value from the dropdown list and it automatically uses its value to retrieve relevant details from the DB, no need to click on any button or anything. How do I do this with js ? Can I accomplish the same with php as well....

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Array In Selection Drop Down List?

Nov 17, 2010

My goal is to get the value in the array from selection drop down list.Basically, I create an Array in Javascript and a selection drop down list in the body.

<script type="text/javascript">
var even = new Array(2, 4, 6);


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Getting Selection List To Work In IE And Firefox

Mar 21, 2009

This is part of a demo I'm doing in class of forms and using Javascript to validate. What's supposed to happen is this: when the user selects a choice, it's displayed in the field. If the user selects the right choice (Optimus Prime in this case) then a pop-up says "You win." The code works in Firefox but not in IE.

<form name="form3" onChange="javascript:checkChoice();">
Who is the coolest Transformer?
<select name="tf" size="1">
<option selected>Choose
<option value="Optimus Prime">Optimus Prime
<option value="Megatron">Megatron
<option value="Bumblebee">Bumblebee
<option value="Starscream">Starscream
<br><br>You chose
<input type="text" name="output3" value="" size=20 readonly>
checkChoice() function:

function checkChoice() {
var choice =;
document.form3.output3.value =[choice].value;
checkData3() function:

function checkData3() {
if( {
alert("You win");
return true;
} else {
return false;

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Jump To Url From Dropdown List Selection

Jan 11, 2007

I am creating a dropdown menu for my site because I have run out of space for a nav bar, what I would love to do is create a dropdown list that when an option is selected will jump to a specific URL.

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Open A Selection From A Drop Down List In A New Window?

Nov 14, 2009

How can I open a selection from this drop down list in a new window?

<!-- Stop Underline script available from -->


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Form Mailto Entry On Selection List

Dec 8, 2009

I have created this form. I would like to use javascript to mail the form to the selected email from the selection list when the submit button is pressed.

<form name="Contact Us" id="contact" action="mailto:" method="post">
<fieldset id="selection">
Who would you like to email:
<option value="email1" >email1</option>
<option value="email2" >email2</option>
<option value="email3">email3</option>
<fieldset id="Name" >
<input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname">
<input type="text" id="email" name="email">
<fieldset id="question">
Comments and Questions
<input type="text" id="comment" name="comment" style="width: 500; height: 300">

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DropDown List Popup Depending On Selection?

Oct 27, 2010

Here is my dropdown menu:
<select name="peeps">
<option value="Frank Tompson">Frank Tompson</option>
<option value="Henry Wilson">Henry Wilson</option>
<option value="Bill Kent">Bill Kent</option>
<option value="Jessi McDonald"> Jessi McDonald</option>
<option value="John Hays">John Hays</option>
How can I make it so if I click on John Hays a JavaScript pop up will say Hello John Hays, and if I click on Bill Kent a popup will say hello Bill Kent and if I click on any other name nothing happens?

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Allow Selection From List If User Select At Least One Checkbox

Apr 14, 2010

How do we use javascript to only allow selection from the list in question 3 to be made IF the user selected at least 1 check box in question 2?
Below is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head><title> Example </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
</head><body><form name="Form"><h1>Survey </h1>
<p> Please take a minute to fill in the form below. </p><ol>
<li> Question 1.</li>
<li> Q2.Which classes have you attended?
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="aerobics" value="aerobics"/>
<label for="aerobics">Aerobics</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="boxing" value="boxing"/>
<label for="boxing">Boxing</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="circuit" value="circuit"/>
<label for="circuit">Circuit Class</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="weight" value="weight"/>
<label for="weight">Weight Training</label>
<li> Q3. Which of the above classes has been beneficial for you?
(choose one from the list):
<select class="drop" name="dropdown">
<option value="aerobics">Aerobics</option>
<option value="boxing">Boxing</option>

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Drop Down List Selection Then To Show A Comment Box?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a drop down selection box with several selections and if a person selects "other" from that box I want to show a comment box so they can fill in their comments. Otherwise the comment box will remain hidden.

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Show Dynamic List With PHP Using A Radio Button Selection

Mar 15, 2010

I have a form with a list of subjects (radio buttons) that I get from my database with PHP, and I want to show a list of videos (also from my video table using PHP), based on which subject they choose.

I have tried multiple POST, GET methods with JavaScript examples, but cannot get it to work. I am not having any issues with the PHP getting either list, it is just getting the radio buttons to pass either the POST or GET data to JavaScript, and have it take that value so I can get the list from my database with PHP. I tried to use a div for the list of videos, and didn't have much success.

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Displaying Part Of Form Based On List Box Selection

Mar 13, 2006

I have a form with a drop down list box, few textboxes with labels and submit button. depending upon my selection I should be able to show hide textbox; assume items, 1,3,5 in the selection box shows the items other than the listbox and 2,4,6 items in the selction box if selected hides the labels and textboxes. but in all the case submit button should be present.

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JQuery :: Tutorial - Create/populate A Selection List

Feb 6, 2009

I'm looking for a tutorial type of help on using JQuery to create/populate a selection list. I've looked at their site (and searched on their site/google) and although there is tons of stuff there, I can't find what I need.

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Show/hide Several Elements Based On List Selection?

Jan 26, 2009

I got a table.Each row has a list of statuses.If status == yes, then several elements will be shown in the rowif status != yes, then hide those elements.Im not sure if I have made a good solution, but it seem to work ok (opera9.6, ff2, ie7)The status selector passes on a unique rowid, and itself. This way the js function can get the row, and the status of the selection. Then toggle various elements in that row.Only annoying thing is the way row elements are named and found. It kinda have to rely on some hard coding, but its ok I guess.Im not sure if its possibel to just call toggle( this ), and that way get to the elements in the row.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


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Program A Radio Button To Open An "invisible" Input Field?

Aug 24, 2011

I've learned HTML and CSS pretty thoroughly.I think I have most of the Javascript basics down as far as definitions, but I'm getting hung up on the actual coding.I'm working on an information request form for my fiancee's business site. In it, I want to have options that users select via radio buttons. Rather than having additional input fields static on the page, I would like to program some of the radios, when clicked, to open a previously unseen option where users will then be able to type in the necessary information.More specifically, since she only works in two states, I want a third option of "other," which,when opened, will allow the user to input any other state.Then, should the radio be deselected or reset, the field would disappear again.

If my understanding is correct, I think I will need to use a javascript function in the header, an HTML "div" section with ID, "onclick" and "offclick" events in the button mark-up, and the specific javascript code to call the function (getElementById?).

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Parsing Returned Values From A Multiple Selection List In A Form

Jan 5, 2007

I have a form that I am using to generate an email with several user
selected fields being part of it. As part of this form, I have a select
box which allows the user to select which email addresses it should be
sent to. The box works great except that the CGI script I'm sending the
values to can only parse a single line for each field in the form. The
issue comes into play when someone selects more than one value in the
select box, the output of the select box seems to separate each value
on a separate line using a line feed (or carriage return, I can't
tell). The format that the CGI script needs is for a single line with
each of these values separated by a comma. I'm confident that a
javascript can do this fairly easily, but unfortunately, I am not very
well versed in javascript. I've found a few code snippets on the web
that I've mangled together, but since I don't really know what I'm
doing, it isn't working out so good. I've included what I have in the
form right now below (note that I've removed all of the other form data
but the select box code to save space). Code:

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Form Validation: Disallowing Selection Of 2 Fields In Drop Down List?

Apr 27, 2011

rm validation! I want this to be validated upon selection of the drop down list (not when it comes to submit button)I have 2 drop down lists:Starting date (June 5th, 6th 7th)Ending date (June 5th, 6th 7th)I want to write a script that would NOT ALLOW one to choose:- Starting date June 6th and Ending date June 5th- Starting date June 7th and Ending date June 6th- Starting date June 7th and Ending date June 5th

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Auto-Populate Text Field Based On DropDown List Selection

Dec 3, 2009

I have set up my website quite some time ago that has served its purpose very well, however I will now be adding an order form functionality. So far, by reading books and traversing forums, I have been able to develop a page where the user
1.Enters data into the required fields, that is then submitted to a MYSQL database via PHP,
2.Can retrieve orders that are stored in the database,
3.Delete orders that are stored in the database.

I have wamp installed on my computer as the webserver. I have also incorporated two drop down lists that both retrieve their values from tables within the database. The first drop down list retrieves the Australian States that I have stored in a table, and once the submit button is pressed, it stores the State that is selected to a separate table. This drop down list functions as it should. An extract from "From Place an order.php"

$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'tingling');
if (!$dbcnx) {
exit('<p>Unable to connect to the ' .
'database server at this time.</p>');
} .....

The second drop down list retrieves product names from a table that contains products and their prices. What I would like to happen, is that when the product is selected from this drop down list, a text box is automatically filled with its corresponding price. I had this drop down list working as per the "States" drop down list, but could not get it to auto populate the text field. I got some assistance from a friend and was able to get the text box to auto populate with its corresponding price, however when the page was submitted to the database, the "id" number of the product name from the drop down list was stored, and not the product name.

<select name="productSelection" onchange = "getProductDetails(this)">
<option selected value="1product">Select Product</option>
$products1 = @mysql_query('SELECT * FROM products');
if (!$products1) {
exit('<p>Unable to obtain author list from the database.</p>'); .....

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Set Selection On Input Type=text In Ie?

Nov 12, 2010

I want to set selection on HTML input type=text.

Here's the code for FF and Chrome:

<input type=text value="01234567890" id=1>
<input type=submit onClick="selectIt()" >
selectIt=function (){


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JQuery :: Automatic Radio Selection Associated To Input Box?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a simple product order form that's working nicely, but now I needed the radio buttons to select as soon as the client fills in anything for that product (I need to reciev the value associated to that radio button)

Here's my code so far:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


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