Show/hide Several Elements Based On List Selection?

Jan 26, 2009

I got a table.Each row has a list of statuses.If status == yes, then several elements will be shown in the rowif status != yes, then hide those elements.Im not sure if I have made a good solution, but it seem to work ok (opera9.6, ff2, ie7)The status selector passes on a unique rowid, and itself. This way the js function can get the row, and the status of the selection. Then toggle various elements in that row.Only annoying thing is the way row elements are named and found. It kinda have to rely on some hard coding, but its ok I guess.Im not sure if its possibel to just call toggle( this ), and that way get to the elements in the row.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


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JQuery :: Show / Hide Elements Or Remove / Add Elements Based On Radio Selection By User?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:

<input name="terms_usr" type="radio" id="terms_usr_1" value="1"/>
<label for="terms_usr_1">Credit Card</label>
<input type="radio" name="terms_usr" id="terms_usr_2" value="2"/>
<label for="terms_usr_2">C.O.D</label>


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Show/hide Elements Of A Form Based On Drop Down Box Selection

Feb 13, 2006

I am setting up a contact form, and want to have a drop down box with a handful of options. Clicking one option should display fields to input username & password, whereas all others will not. So far, I've tried and (replacing 'none with 'block' for the option that is supposed to show the input fields) but neither does what I need it to. I'm fairly new to javascript, just muddling my way through with the aid of tutorials.

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JQuery :: (.) Period In Value Field - Show/hide A Div Based Based On The Selection Made Via A Dropdown

Apr 9, 2010

Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>

The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00

Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.

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Show/Hide Buttons Based On Radio Selection

Jul 20, 2005

I have a form with three radio options. And I have three buttons:

<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="Edit Data">
<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="View Data">
<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="Delete Data">

If the first radio button is selected, I only want all three buttons to be
visible to the user.

If the second radio button is selected, I only want the "Edit Data" and "View
Data" buttons to be visible.

If the third radio button is selected, I only want the "View Data" button to be

Is it possible to accomplish this in Javascript? In particular, I want to
continue using the "input type=submit" buttons without having to create my own.

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Show - Hide Div Based On Radio Selection - Prototype

Apr 27, 2010

I have 3 divs that contain radio with labels and beneath each radio button I would like to show/hide a form based on whether the radio is selected or not.

Code idea:

So if the radio1 input is selected this would show form1. Selecting radio2 input would hide any other forms (form1, form3) and show form 2 etc.

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Dropdown Menu Hide Or Show Content Based On Selection

Nov 26, 2009

I'm pretty bad with Javascript, but I need to hide or show a snippet of text (could be inside a div without problems) based on the selection of a dropdown menu (<select>). If they choose anything with the word "Series" on it, I need to show the snippet. If they choose anything without "Series" on it, then the snippet needs to disappear. I should mention the snippet is part of a form, just a checkbox but that shouldn't be a problem I don't think.

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Show/Hide Text And Form Field Based On Drop Down Selection

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to show/hide a simple piece of text and a text field on a
form based on what choice is made from a drop down box.

<select name="dropdown" size="1">
<option selected value="">Please make a selection</option>
<option value="1">Choice 1</option>
<option value="2">Choice 2</option>
<option value="3">Choice 3</option>
<option value="4">Other</option>

i.e. if Choice 2 is selected I'd like to display a new <tr> with the

<td>New text field:</td>
<td><input name="newField" type="text size="20"></td>

if any other choices are made, I don't want to display anything.
I've tried several onchange() functions but can't achieve what I'm
looking for.

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SHow / Hide Elements Based On Selected Option

Nov 13, 2010

I've tried to find a stright forward script which show/hide specific form fields based on a selected option. I've seen many online but non of them was working with me without the need of some coding or tweeks. Does anyone here have such script?

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JQuery :: Show/hide Form Elements Based On Radio Button Selections ?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a set of radio buttons on my pricing page:

And a corresponding text_field input element div I'd like to display based on which radio button the user selects:

When the page loads, I'd like to see:

When the user clicks on a (different) radio button, or clicks one for the first time, I'd like whichever div is currently showing to be hidden, and the newly selected one to be shown.

Right now I have jQuery code at the bottom of my page that looks like this:

For each of the four options.

When the page loads, the correct div is shown, and when I select a new button, the new div is shown, but the already showing one isn't hidden.

I've read some posts that suggest using change() instead of click(), but others indicate that's problematic in IE.

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Update A Dropdown List Based On The Selection Of A Previous List

Aug 16, 2010

i am writing a script that will update a dropdown list based on the selection of a previous list. the script is run by a PHP script, so instead of posting the PHP, i will post an example client-side script. the hierachy is: category, sub category, brand (but sometimes there exists no sub category and the PHP script queries and adds brands instead) everything works correctly, except for one major issue: you can not change the selection of the third (brand) box this could be an easy fix for some coders, but i am not experienced in javascript and could really use some help. here is an example script, sorry it is so long


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AJAX :: Populate An ASP List Box Based On Selection Of A Previous List Box?

Mar 7, 2011

I have 3 ASP list boxes. I would like to populate the second list box based on the selection in the first list box and based on the selection in the second list box, populate the third. I would like to do this using AJAX. How can I do it? Can someone please give me the code snippet as I am a complete noob when it comes to AJAX and I kinda am running outta time to finish implementing it. Additionally, should I use ASP boxes or HTML <select> tag?

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Displaying Part Of Form Based On List Box Selection

Mar 13, 2006

I have a form with a drop down list box, few textboxes with labels and submit button. depending upon my selection I should be able to show hide textbox; assume items, 1,3,5 in the selection box shows the items other than the listbox and 2,4,6 items in the selction box if selected hides the labels and textboxes. but in all the case submit button should be present.

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Show Image Pop-up Based On Selection?

Apr 3, 2010

On I set it up so the larger image shows based on the thumbnail clicked.With JavaScript can I make that "ZOOM" link to the large version of the image that is selected?

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How To Show Hidden Fields Based On Selection

Oct 3, 2011

I want to know that "how to show hidden fields when a user selects a particular option in the html form"

I want the fields to be hidden first,then when the users selects:

Option A- Particulars fields which have I will create for this option must be displayed.


Option B-Particular field which I will create for this option must be displayed.

I want this code to run as soon as the user selects a option.Not on a button click

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Auto-Populate Text Field Based On DropDown List Selection

Dec 3, 2009

I have set up my website quite some time ago that has served its purpose very well, however I will now be adding an order form functionality. So far, by reading books and traversing forums, I have been able to develop a page where the user
1.Enters data into the required fields, that is then submitted to a MYSQL database via PHP,
2.Can retrieve orders that are stored in the database,
3.Delete orders that are stored in the database.

I have wamp installed on my computer as the webserver. I have also incorporated two drop down lists that both retrieve their values from tables within the database. The first drop down list retrieves the Australian States that I have stored in a table, and once the submit button is pressed, it stores the State that is selected to a separate table. This drop down list functions as it should. An extract from "From Place an order.php"

$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'tingling');
if (!$dbcnx) {
exit('<p>Unable to connect to the ' .
'database server at this time.</p>');
} .....

The second drop down list retrieves product names from a table that contains products and their prices. What I would like to happen, is that when the product is selected from this drop down list, a text box is automatically filled with its corresponding price. I had this drop down list working as per the "States" drop down list, but could not get it to auto populate the text field. I got some assistance from a friend and was able to get the text box to auto populate with its corresponding price, however when the page was submitted to the database, the "id" number of the product name from the drop down list was stored, and not the product name.

<select name="productSelection" onchange = "getProductDetails(this)">
<option selected value="1product">Select Product</option>
$products1 = @mysql_query('SELECT * FROM products');
if (!$products1) {
exit('<p>Unable to obtain author list from the database.</p>'); .....

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Hide Forms On Page Then Display Form Based On Option Selection?

Nov 17, 2010

I want to have several forms on one page that are not displayed until a selection is made from the category drop down box(select element). The form displayed will depend on the selection made. Here is the code I have so far.



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Hide Forms On Page Then Display Form Based On Option Selection

Nov 17, 2010

I want to have several forms on one page that are not displayed until a selection is made from the category drop down box(select element). The form displayed will depend on the selection made.

Here is the code I have so far.

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Show / Hide Table On Selection?

Nov 17, 2011

I got a selection tag which pulls values from DB to populate,i want to hide or show related div/table based on the selection. now i got two confusions. how can i know what is selected coz the option tag value is coming from DB, also i never work with show/hide thingy. how can i achieve it?

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Drop Down List Selection Then To Show A Comment Box?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a drop down selection box with several selections and if a person selects "other" from that box I want to show a comment box so they can fill in their comments. Otherwise the comment box will remain hidden.

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How To Update Selection List Contents From A Server Database Based Upon User Data Entry

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to create a web page in which the contents of one selection list
depends upon which element in another selection list is chosen, but where
the information to populate the first selection list comves from an SQL
database on the web server.

There are a couple of these situations in my application but, for example,
the first list might be a list of counties, and the second list a list of
states/provinces. Obviously the names of counties depend upon which
state/province is chosen, but there are too many possibilities to be able to
embed them within the web page itself. So when the user selects a
state/province I need to go to the server to ask for the list of counties.

I have seen a number of posts that sort of address this issue. For example
it is suggested to use <script src="a URL"/> to ask the server side code to
send up data of type "text/javascript". However the examples do not seem to
address how the server side code would know which state/province the user
had selected.

If there is a web site that addresses this sort of thing, I would appreciate
any pointers.

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Disable A Dropdown List Based On Selection In Another Dropdown List?

Apr 20, 2011

I have two dropdown lists with the second one being dependent on the selection in the first.

Options in list 1: 1,3 or 4

List two should be enabled when 3 or 4 is selected in list 1.

So far so good, managed to get it to work with only one set of lists, but I actually have 18 of those sets in this form:

<select name="fw[$i]" id="fw[$i]">
<option value="1">FWH</option>
<option value="3">links</option>
<option value="4">rechts</option>


I'm not that adept in javascript programming, more like a trial and error guy, how has hit the wall with this problem.

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Toggling Hide/Show On Radio Selection?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a calculator that I want users to be able to select a radio option that will display the coresponding calculator and hide it when the other radio button is selected in other words I want to only have one visible div at a time. How would I do this?

Here is my Javascript:

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">


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Show Dynamic List With PHP Using A Radio Button Selection

Mar 15, 2010

I have a form with a list of subjects (radio buttons) that I get from my database with PHP, and I want to show a list of videos (also from my video table using PHP), based on which subject they choose.

I have tried multiple POST, GET methods with JavaScript examples, but cannot get it to work. I am not having any issues with the PHP getting either list, it is just getting the radio buttons to pass either the POST or GET data to JavaScript, and have it take that value so I can get the list from my database with PHP. I tried to use a div for the list of videos, and didn't have much success.

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Hide Elements Based On ID

Oct 13, 2005

I've got the following function which works perfectly...

for (x=1;x<howMany;x++){
what = "b_" + whichProcess + "_" + x;
document.getElementById(what).style.display = ''

the function will pass how many elements there are to be changed along with their ID numbers... it's used to hide rows on tables... eg:

<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>

the above hide perfectly... but I have other rows such as

<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_3_1"></tr>

my question is how can I make a loop which will hide ALL elements which begin with "b_"

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JQuery :: Making Dropdown Show / Hide Depending On Selection

Jan 10, 2011

I have the following code that generates two dropdown boxes in a form, but I would like for the second to be hidden unless the first has 'Software problem' selected. Is it possible to do this?

<p id="parent-menu">
<select name='helpdesk-category' id='helpdesk-category' class='dropdown' tabindex="40">
<option value='-1'>Select a Category</option>
<option class="level-0" value="13">Software problem</option>
<option class="level-0" value="14">Hardware problem</option>
<option class="level-0" value="15">Suggestion</option>
<option class="level-0" value="16">General query</option>

<p id="toggle-menu">
<select name='software-category' id='software-category' class='dropdown' tabindex="50">
<option value='-1'>Select a Program</option>
<option class="level-0" value="6">BigHand</option>
<option class="level-0" value="7">IRIS</option>
<option class="level-0" value="8">MS Outlook</option>
<option class="level-0" value="9">MS Word</option>
<option class="level-0" value="10">MS Excel</option>
<option class="level-0" value="11">Oyez</option>
<option class="level-0" value="12">Internet Explorer</option>

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