Form Mailto Entry On Selection List
Dec 8, 2009
I have created this form. I would like to use javascript to mail the form to the selected email from the selection list when the submit button is pressed.
<form name="Contact Us" id="contact" action="mailto:" method="post">
<fieldset id="selection">
Who would you like to email:
<option value="email1" >email1</option>
<option value="email2" >email2</option>
<option value="email3">email3</option>
<fieldset id="Name" >
<input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname">
<input type="text" id="email" name="email">
<fieldset id="question">
Comments and Questions
<input type="text" id="comment" name="comment" style="width: 500; height: 300">
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a web page in which the contents of one selection list
depends upon which element in another selection list is chosen, but where
the information to populate the first selection list comves from an SQL
database on the web server.
There are a couple of these situations in my application but, for example,
the first list might be a list of counties, and the second list a list of
states/provinces. Obviously the names of counties depend upon which
state/province is chosen, but there are too many possibilities to be able to
embed them within the web page itself. So when the user selects a
state/province I need to go to the server to ask for the list of counties.
I have seen a number of posts that sort of address this issue. For example
it is suggested to use <script src="a URL"/> to ask the server side code to
send up data of type "text/javascript". However the examples do not seem to
address how the server side code would know which state/province the user
had selected.
If there is a web site that addresses this sort of thing, I would appreciate
any pointers.
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Dec 8, 2009
I found a script on this forum that does almost what I want from this thread: [URL]. Instead of a dropdown, I'd like to have a list of names using check boxes, so that you have the option to send an email to one or all of the people. When you choose your selections and click submit, an outlook email will pop up with your selections in the to: field.
Here's the solution using a drop down, this works (and works well), but doesn't quite do what I need :
<form name="Contact_Us" id="contact" method="post" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit = "getEml()">
<fieldset id="selection">
Who would you would like to email:
<select name = "sel">
<option value="" >email 1</option>
<option value="" >email 2</option>
<option value="" >email 3</option>
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit the form">
<script type = "text/javascript">
function getEml() {
var emailaddress = document.Contact_Us.sel.value;
window.location = "mailto:" + emailaddress;
Is there a way to use checkboxes but to do the same thing?
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Aug 1, 2005
I have a textbox on one of my forms that is used to accept a time from the
user. I need to write this value to a database to trigger an event later on.
What I'd like to know is...
Are there any functions in javascript that can convert different time
formats to a known format (24 hour clock)... 5pm -> 17:00 or 5:00 to 05:00,
etc. ???
Assuming that I get the input into a 24 hour format, how can I create a full
time/date variable with todays date and the users entered time?
Finally, if the entered time is earlier than the current time, how can I
create the above date/time combination using tomorrows date?
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May 20, 2010
I am planning on using the maito form with Javascript. I have a form and it is structured in the following fashion:
<b>Subject </b> <input type="text" name="subject" size="30"><br>
<b>Person 1 <b><input type="checkbox" name="email" value=""><br>
<b>Person 2 <b><input type="checkbox" name="email" value=""><br>
<b>Person 3 <b><input type="checkbox" name="email" value=""><br>
<input type="submit" onclick="submit">
What I am trying to do with Javascript is that you fill out the subject name and then you select which recipients of email you want to receive the email. So if I select Checkbox 1 and Checkbox 3 then when I click submit, it opens my Outlook and the To is filled in with; So I guess I would need the javascript to populate and <href mailto: form after checking which names are checked and then populating the mailto with the variable that contains the list of names I chose. Right now we have a clunky method using the mailto but I don't have the option of choosing who it mails to so when I send it, I send the mail to everyone, even those on vacation.
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Mar 13, 2006
I have a form with a drop down list box, few textboxes with labels and submit button. depending upon my selection I should be able to show hide textbox; assume items, 1,3,5 in the selection box shows the items other than the listbox and 2,4,6 items in the selction box if selected hides the labels and textboxes. but in all the case submit button should be present.
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Jan 5, 2007
I have a form that I am using to generate an email with several user
selected fields being part of it. As part of this form, I have a select
box which allows the user to select which email addresses it should be
sent to. The box works great except that the CGI script I'm sending the
values to can only parse a single line for each field in the form. The
issue comes into play when someone selects more than one value in the
select box, the output of the select box seems to separate each value
on a separate line using a line feed (or carriage return, I can't
tell). The format that the CGI script needs is for a single line with
each of these values separated by a comma. I'm confident that a
javascript can do this fairly easily, but unfortunately, I am not very
well versed in javascript. I've found a few code snippets on the web
that I've mangled together, but since I don't really know what I'm
doing, it isn't working out so good. I've included what I have in the
form right now below (note that I've removed all of the other form data
but the select box code to save space). Code:
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Apr 27, 2011
rm validation! I want this to be validated upon selection of the drop down list (not when it comes to submit button)I have 2 drop down lists:Starting date (June 5th, 6th 7th)Ending date (June 5th, 6th 7th)I want to write a script that would NOT ALLOW one to choose:- Starting date June 6th and Ending date June 5th- Starting date June 7th and Ending date June 6th- Starting date June 7th and Ending date June 5th
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Jun 25, 2003
Is it possible using javascript to bring up the default mail package or bring up a web form in the event you did not have an email package on your machine?
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Aug 16, 2010
i am writing a script that will update a dropdown list based on the selection of a previous list. the script is run by a PHP script, so instead of posting the PHP, i will post an example client-side script. the hierachy is: category, sub category, brand (but sometimes there exists no sub category and the PHP script queries and adds brands instead) everything works correctly, except for one major issue: you can not change the selection of the third (brand) box this could be an easy fix for some coders, but i am not experienced in javascript and could really use some help. here is an example script, sorry it is so long
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Jul 13, 2011
I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County).I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database.This piece of code is working well . . . .
$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database');[code]......
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Mar 7, 2011
I have 3 ASP list boxes. I would like to populate the second list box based on the selection in the first list box and based on the selection in the second list box, populate the third. I would like to do this using AJAX. How can I do it? Can someone please give me the code snippet as I am a complete noob when it comes to AJAX and I kinda am running outta time to finish implementing it. Additionally, should I use ASP boxes or HTML <select> tag?
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Mar 20, 2010
I am having a problem where I want to give user an option to select more entry from one dropdown.
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<select name="service" id="service">
<option value="service1">service 1</option>
<option value="service2">service2</option>
<option value="service3">service3</option>
<option value="service4">service 4</option>
<option value="service5">srvice5</option>
<option value="service6">service 6</option>
In this case, I want to select service 3, service 4, service 5 and service 6. I don't know how to create a javascript function for this.
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Jul 11, 2011
I'm not aware of JS-Scripting, so I used to create a contact form for my website. Now they give me the download link, but without the opportunity to send the data put in via mail (senseless demo-stuff). Now I count on you to find the area where to add the code for sending (all) the data to an emailadress. Here is the whole form in a zip file: [URL]
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Oct 5, 2011
Attached is the code. It does open the email but does not send any information.
<!-- Table 2 for the Content -->
<form name="orders" onsubmit="return confirmSubmit()" onreset="return window.confirm('Are you sure you want to reset your Orders.'); " action="" method="post" enctype="text/plain">
// Function to Confirm certain conditions and confirm to proceed with order
function confirmSubmit() {
var itemsOrdered = true;
if (document.forms[2].totalExcl.value == 0 || document.forms[2]delivery.value == 0) {
itemsOrdered = false;
if(itemsOrdered != true) {
window.alert("You have not chosen any products to purchase or No Delivery Option selected.");
return false;
var submitOrder = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to place the order?");
if(submitOrder == true)
return true;
return false;
// Function to calculate order value
function calculateValue(orders) {
var orderValue = 0; .....
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Jun 16, 2010
I have a form that i wish the entered fields to be emailed to 2 addresses; my address (bcc) and the email address that the user has entered in the email field on the form. Before you say it, I know that 'mailto' is not a recommended method but it the only one I can use (due to restrictions at work). Below is the code I am using but it doesn't seem to like []. I know it works (including the validation) when I just enter an email address in the code but it doesn't using the email form field.
<FORM NAME='request'
ACTION="mailto:[]?subject=Room Request&"
onSubmit="return validateForm(request)">
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Mar 23, 2007
mailto protocol and Notes v6.5.5 which duplicates the address in the To: field (not a valid email address) and/or posts form data in the To:, cc, or Subject: field rather than in the body of the email where it belongs. I created an entire site relying on the mailto: protocol to submit requests. (Can't use either server side apps or cgi email. Don't ask - it's a long and rediculous story.) Anyway, then we got the new release of Notes and the whole thing has been rendered useless for request submissions.
Is it possible to write a script that will duplicate the mailto: form action and keep it client side? Big hurdle is that it has to pull info from all types of form elements, just like the mailto: protocol does with email clients that actually support it properly.
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Apr 20, 2011
I have two dropdown lists with the second one being dependent on the selection in the first.
Options in list 1: 1,3 or 4
List two should be enabled when 3 or 4 is selected in list 1.
So far so good, managed to get it to work with only one set of lists, but I actually have 18 of those sets in this form:
<select name="fw[$i]" id="fw[$i]">
<option value="1">FWH</option>
<option value="3">links</option>
<option value="4">rechts</option>
I'm not that adept in javascript programming, more like a trial and error guy, how has hit the wall with this problem.
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Feb 28, 2004
Here is what I'm trying to accomplish: I've got a dropdown list that is populated via a php script. Whenever the user selects a value from the list, they have to click on the 'submit' button in order to retrieve the values. I don't want this .... I don't want them to click on the button, rather, retrieve the values from the DB immediately upon selection of a list item. Its like ... I select a value from the dropdown list and it automatically uses its value to retrieve relevant details from the DB, no need to click on any button or anything. How do I do this with js ? Can I accomplish the same with php as well....
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Jun 15, 2009
I have a form with firstname in one field and lastname is another field. I need to manipulate the entry so if someone enters Joe for the firstname and Smith for the second name it will be changed to Smith,Joe. Here is my attempt but it just switched the fields and didnt manipulate how I wanted it:
var name = "Joe Smith"
var pattern = /^([a-z-]+)s+([a-z-']+)$/gi;
name = name.replace(pattern, "$2,$1");
name = name.replace(/,/, " ");
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Jul 23, 2005
When I input my email address on this website, it provides a drop down
box with two of my email addresses. The right bottom corner has a few
45 degree lines to indicate the user can change its size. Do you know
how to create it? I could not find the code in the source.
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Nov 17, 2010
My goal is to get the value in the array from selection drop down list.Basically, I create an Array in Javascript and a selection drop down list in the body.
<script type="text/javascript">
var even = new Array(2, 4, 6);
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Mar 21, 2009
This is part of a demo I'm doing in class of forms and using Javascript to validate. What's supposed to happen is this: when the user selects a choice, it's displayed in the field. If the user selects the right choice (Optimus Prime in this case) then a pop-up says "You win." The code works in Firefox but not in IE.
<form name="form3" onChange="javascript:checkChoice();">
Who is the coolest Transformer?
<select name="tf" size="1">
<option selected>Choose
<option value="Optimus Prime">Optimus Prime
<option value="Megatron">Megatron
<option value="Bumblebee">Bumblebee
<option value="Starscream">Starscream
<br><br>You chose
<input type="text" name="output3" value="" size=20 readonly>
checkChoice() function:
function checkChoice() {
var choice =;
document.form3.output3.value =[choice].value;
checkData3() function:
function checkData3() {
if( {
alert("You win");
return true;
} else {
return false;
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Jan 11, 2007
I am creating a dropdown menu for my site because I have run out of space for a nav bar, what I would love to do is create a dropdown list that when an option is selected will jump to a specific URL.
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May 31, 2006
I'm trying to build an online form which has different recipients. So i'd be something like: Weather user select any of the optiions (where multiple recipients are) depending on that selection that's where the output will go to an specific email address.
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Mar 16, 2009
I am trying to accomplish a fairly basic task with javascript > my lack of Js knowledge has meant i have hit something of a roadblock.I need the a function to take an array from a form, remove the parsed variable from it and repost the form with the new array.This is what I have so far...
<script language="javascript">
function remove(SID) {
var speakers = document.form_name.elements["SID[]"];
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