Typing Cursor Back In First Text Box After Clicking Ok Of Alert
Jun 7, 2011
i need typing cursor back in first text box after clicking ok of alert
<script type='text/javascript'>
function player()
document.getElementById("Player2").value= document.getElementById("Player1").value;
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Jun 7, 2011
it is required to locate the typing cursor in field after when click ok on java alert [URL]
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Aug 4, 2010
I've already developed a system for doing this which isn't perfect i'm wondering if there is a better solution. Here is the code I got atm.
I don't like the use of key == 8 and length == 1 to detect that chatmsg box is empty, but the event triggers before the val() of the chatmsg actually changes. So is there nothing better I can do?
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Feb 24, 2011
After comming alert, cursor should not go to the next field. i am a beginner to script functions. can any one give me solution .
function validateDate(strdate)
if(strdate.length < 8 || strdate.length > 8)
alert("Error:Enter Valid Date");
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Mar 3, 2010
I've had this script for a few years which I use to make a search box, it adds the user's search to the end of a url, so you can make a search box for Google or pretty much anything. If the user clicks on submit ('Find') without selecting a pull down option I like the script to alert something like 'select a site' or if they don't enter any keyword to alert 'enter a keyword', however when either of these happens, the alert box needs to be clicked several times to get rid of the alert. so I'm wondering if the script is running in some kind of loop.... The script does what I wat I just want to make the alert boxes go after the first 'click' to hide them...
function addplus(items)
var plussed = "";[code].......
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Apr 26, 2011
I'm calling $.blockUI() whenever a anchor tag with a "link" class is clicked:
$("a.link").die("click").live("click", function()
The anchor click loads a new page, however, the unblocking of UI doesn't completely work. The overlay is removed, however, the cursor is not changing back to "normal". This is happening in Firefox 3.6.16. So, the end-user perceives the page as still processing because the cursor is "spinning". Moving the mouse will change the "wait" cursor back to the "normal" cursor.
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May 27, 2009
Im trying to find a static way to see if someones typing, entered text etc... Currently, if you are typing, or enter anything in the input box it will say you are typing, and if u delete it, the message dissapears.. is there a way where if you're not typing at all it can say "You entered text" or something? maybe a way to time when the last key was pressed?
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Feb 4, 2009
When I click on my image, I am supposed to get it to execute the function initRedirect().
However, it says image01 is equal to null in the error console.
This is the line that does not work!
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Nov 30, 2009
I need to perform an Ajax request as someone is typing into a text field. But I don't want to trigger a request on every key press. What I need is to perform the request if a key has not be pressed for x number of milliseconds.I seen an answer here - Time Restraint - but I'm having difficulty applying it to my situation.I'm using jquery and this is a trimmed down version of my current code:
javascript Code:
- javascript Code
I don't know how to change this function to use setTimeout in a way that lets me execute a trigger function on a control relative to the current field. Ideally I need to pass $(this) as a parameter for the function setTimeout calls, but I don't know how to do that when the function call is passed as a string.
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Jul 2, 2009
I want to destroy the session when user click on Back button or browser... is it part of Javascript or Php..?
i think its just a small Query..!
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Jan 17, 2011
There are 3 graphics (top left of page) which open a linked page in a pop up window; each popup comes into focus the first time it's opened - clicking on the same graphics again doesn't bring the already opened popups back into focus.I had originally sized each popup as 320x430px in the body at each of the 3 references to the linked pages, but discovered that (in FF portable 3.65.13) the popups all opened full-size windows. In an attempt to resolve this I removed the size info from each of these 3 page references (lines 84, 89, 94) and moved it to the head (line 67) which seems to have resolved the size issue, but works only when I specify the popup to be any size except the original size of 320x430 (e.g. 320x431; I have now settled for 321x431)
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Jul 15, 2010
I am currently doing a fadein and fadeout function using jquery. When I click on a <a>, the page will fade in. There is an alert message (which is the javascript alert()) prompt out on the page once the page fade in. However, I want to fade out the page when I click the "OK" in the alert message.
I've tried but cannot success..
$('alert').click( function(){
$('#fade , .popup_block').fadeOut(function() {
$('#fade, a.close').remove(); //fade them both out
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Oct 25, 2011
Within my code below, when selecting 'Animals'in the dropdown menu a second dropdown menu appears.Selecting any item within this second dropdown menu causes a page redirect. When you click the back button in the browser, this second dropdown menu disappears in every browser besides Firefox. I want the user to be able to change their animal selection, e.g. choose 'Cat' first, then go back and choose 'Bird'.
I don't understand why the second dropdown menu disappears, going 'back' should display the page as it was. Is there any way to get the second dropdown menu to reappear without using a jQuery history plugin? This code does not behave as I have described in jsfiddle, so have pasted it here:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
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Jan 14, 2010
Is there a way to create an alert that would pop-u when the user clicked refresh?
On refresh:
"Warning: Refreshing this page will bring you back to the beginning of the application. Are you sure you want to refresh the page?"
Yes - No
On page forward or back:
"Warning: Using the forward/back buttons may cause unexpected problems. Please use the tabs to navigate from page to page. Are you sure you want to use the forward/back button?"
YES - No
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Sep 8, 2011
I need an html page that when visited automatically redirects the browser to return to the previous page it was on. here is the current code I have:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>[code]....
this works in firefox but in IE you have to press ok in the alert box before it returns. I admit I am a javascript novice. Any suggestions
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Jan 27, 2004
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
if (confirm("Are you sure to delete?"))
self.location = 'delete.php'
} else {
The above code give an alert with two choices(confirm or cancel).
If the user clicks the cancel button, it will go to previous page.
If the user clicks the confirm button, it will go to delete.php.
I like to make it like the following.
If the user clicks the cancel button, it will go to previous page.
If the user clicks the confirm button, It will proceed reading the next code.(the next code contains the code for deleting.)
I tried to remove "the self.location = 'delete.php'" as a test.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
if (confirm("Are you sure to delete?"))
} else {
The above code do;
If the user clicks the cancel button, it will go to previous page.
If the user clicks the confirm button, it will proceed reading the next code. So the deleting will be done.
It seems work fine.
But if the user clicks the cancel button, It will go to prevous page and the deleting will be done.(it might proceed reading the next code)
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Aug 10, 2011
i'm New to JQuery and I recently had a problem with encorporating a transition at the beginning and end of my carousel. I found that by default it would Fast Forward/Fast Rewind through all the images at the ends, rather than just jump to the slide and wrap.
I've managed to solve the issue (bar a transition effect from the last slide back to the first) it now jumps to slide one, rather than rewinding through all the images. However (and i know this sounds silly) but i'm having trouble doing the reverse. I'll add both the zip file to show a working model if interested and also post the 2 relevant functions :)
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Jun 17, 2010
I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?
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Feb 7, 2007
I have a page that is dynamically build through DOM manipulation. So, when I browse outside the page, and then click back, those dynamically created DOM objects are gone. I can rebuild the page easily. So the point is that if the user leaves the dynamic page, then clicks back on their browser, I need the page they are going back to to refresh. I thought it might be something about caching, so I've tried to use all following 3 META tags but it doesn't work.
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
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Jan 13, 2006
I would like to hide some text from my user initially. Then when the user clicks 'Read More', those text will appear. I have some idea of how this can be done in JS but got stuck halfway
Can someone pls help me? How can I write (using JS) into the place where I want the text to appear?
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Aug 14, 2006
Can anyone show me how to select text before or after a cursor in a
textarea or an RTE?
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Nov 10, 2011
I'm trying to write a function that is similar to the ctrl+f functionality you get in IE, where you have a search string and when you click 'next' the whole string if matched is highlighted by the cursor.
This works fine for inputs and text areas using the following code:
But now I need to get it to work for normal text in a text node that is in the HTML/DOM. Is there an equivalent way of making the above method work for text in text nodes?
Alternatively is there a way to make the browser (IE) at least focus on some text in a text node? (I could then highlight it with CSS styles).
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Oct 21, 2010
How to add a function that will add some text in textarea, when someone clicks on button, where the cursor is?(Like here, on daniweb textareas!)eg. There is bold button! The user clicks on it, and the text "[BOLD][/BOLD]" writes where curser/caret is. Cursor/caret (|) is focused between these two elements "[BOLD]cursor/caret (|)[/BOLD]"
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Feb 10, 2009
Javascript is my very weakest, and i'm not all that good..I need to adapt this (already working) code to add the text where the cursor is within the textarea.Like i say, the above code works fine, its just now to get it place where the cursor is within the box.
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Mar 4, 2003
I need to control the cursor position in a textbox to do this, does anyone know how to place the cursor in the textbox at a particular position
The functionality I am looking for...
Excel provides data entry help based on previous entries i.e. if in a previous cell in a column I entered "Jim Bob" then the next cell I type a "J" Excel provides help by showing "Jim Bob" in a way that allows me to pick it or keep typing. This is the kind of functionality I am trying to get using JS.
In the code below I create an array of previous entries by the user over the last 45 days this all comes from a DB but that's not important here. When the user enters a key in the textbox I can pop the text box with a matching value from the array, only up to the chars entered.
The Problem or Question:
Is there a way to place the curser back into the last position and highlight the remaining part of the match from the array?
This is really hard to explain but if you ever used Excel you may have an idea of what I am trying to do. Code:
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Jul 29, 2011
Using an onMouseDown, I can determine the coordinates of the cursor. Is there any way to write some text (a string) at that point. I am using at the moment a <textareaa> tag. I want the user to be able to click in the text and at a string to be inserted at that point.
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