Send A Large Amount Of Data To A Server?
Oct 11, 2010
I am using Ajax to send a large text box to a server script, however, when the textbox has a lot of data it fails. Is there a better way for me to do this? Here is my code.
<script type="text/javascript">
function testmail()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
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Dec 5, 2010
I was looking for JQuery Grid which will help me more than 1000 - 2000 records. I mainly need search and paging .
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Dec 13, 2011
I've been using localStorage to store a large amount of data (> 5mb). I know that most browsers limit localStorage to 5mb. However, on the specification site it states,
User agents may prompt the user when quotas are reached, allowing the user to grant a site more space. This enables sites to store many user-created documents on the user's computer, for instance.
Is this available yet? If so, how would I use it?
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Jun 10, 2010
I built a pretty simple Ajax request which needs to send some data to the server and put the resulting HTML in a div. Unforunately, I need to POST the data. I used .post() and it worked fine ... *on Chrome and Opera!* ... on Firefox no data gets posted even though firebug shows the data in it's console. I ended up building the longest possible request, just to try all the options. No luck. As soon as I POST anything, Firefox won't receive the data. If this was a Firefox issue, wouldn't I read about it everywhere? What's wrong?
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Jul 20, 2005
What would be the danger in having a lot of hidden iframes? i.e.
potentialy 30-40. I need to store a bunch of data and thought about
using hidden iframes to do it but wasn't sure if this would bog down
my page or not. Opinions? I know this is not an IDEAL way to store
data but I'm at my whitts end and it sounds like a nice workaround
right about now!
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Sep 28, 2006
so I'm trying to get a large amount of text back to my ASP script
on the server. My large amount of text is the source to a web page, and
I want to preserve the formatting on it, ie the indenting. Before any
of this the only way I got stuff back to the server is with query
strings. Now I'm pretty sure there's other ways to get data back to the
sever besides query stings but I'm having trouble finding them. Can
somebody point me in the right direction or tell me how?
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Jun 19, 2010
I'm using the .html() function to update information in a div whenever a button is clicked, like this:
$("#myPic").click(function() {
$("#myDiv").html("//new content for div goes here
However, for some of these new sections, the html is QUITE lengthy. can i store it on a separate file in the same directory and somehow import it?? Is there a better way?
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May 19, 2010
I'm working on a project that involves a page with a large amount of images (sometimes 400+). What's the best way to handle this? Should I track the loading-state of all of them, or is it save to assume I can do stuff as soon as the last image is loaded? So.
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Feb 13, 2011
I'm looking for a very simple image gallery solution (no lightbox or something other fance) with a large image and a x amount of thumbnails at one off the sides, where the big image change whenever another thumbnail is clicked, without page refresh. ( a fade transition would be nice)!Which Plugin, preferably as light as possible, is the most suitable for this task?
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Oct 21, 2009
What is the best way to get the client time to the server? Would I user http headers? (I dont know how to do that) or is ajax the best method? I could use ajax to send the unix timestamp to the server everytime a page loads and save the difference between it and the server timestamp as a session variable. sounds sensible?
I dont want to work with timezones but I do want to get the actual time set on the client's computer.
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Apr 5, 2007
Here's the situation: I have a simple php file which retrieves data from a
mysql database and displays it in a table. However, the number of records
has gotten so large that retrieving all the data takes a lot of memory and
the browser freezes.
I been googling for a solution and some1 mentioned something called live
scrolling where the data is retrieved only when you scroll up or down.
Since am just an amateur and not familiar with XML, XSL, etc; can any1
recommend some link where i could find some JS script with such a feature?
one that's easy to get started with if possible...
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Aug 14, 2007
whats the best way to pass a json string to the server.
if my jsonstring = {a:Ƈ',b:'sds',c:'sdg'}
could i send that to the server passing it as 1 variable like so:
url = /serverside.php?json=jsonstring
or would i have to break it down into something like this:
url = /serverside.php?a=1&b=sds&c=sdg
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Jul 24, 2010
I saw some plugin through the google:
Which related with upload file.
I a bit confuse on What different between Applet and Plugin? How the file can send from the client PC to the server? By the way, do DIC have the sample source for this? If no let me do it for the new one here.
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Nov 5, 2007
I have a table I am populating with data from a DB, and have it
sortable on the client side. When the table exceeds around 300 rows,
I start running into problems with rendering and sorting it. I
started out using Prototype to help with the sorting, but it appears
that this results in a lot of calls to _getElementsByXPath, which are
taking up a large percentage of the rendering time. I believe this
call is occurring as the DOM is being parsed.
What is the general/most accepted manner of dealing with large data
sets (I am expecting some to grow into the thousands) in a table so
that it can be sorted client side? I am thinking of building a
javascript (JSON) object containing the data, and sorting based on
this. Anybody have any thoughts on this approach, or any suggestions
for other ways to approach this?
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a coldfusion data component that receives two arguments and runs a stored procedure and returns a large data set. I want to use a textbox with autocomplete its data is that result set. I do not want to convert the result set to an array for performance.
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Jul 6, 2011
I am in the process of creating a site for real estate listings optimized for a mobile environment. One of the features that is desired would be a google map that loads listings as the user drags. One of the catches to this is that very few listings have included latitude and longitude values. Therefore, every time I need to add a listing to the map I first need to geocode it. Now with a few listings this is not really a big deal. However, the end goal would be to show all listings within the current bounds.Which depending on the zoom level could be anywhere from a hand full to several hundred.owever, when I attempt to load say 100 listings to the map it pretty much freezes and is fairly buggy after wards.
That said I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this. Perhaps submitting the listings as places with a CRON and having markers generated automatically? I am just trying to think how I can achieve this in a way which doesn't kill a mobile phone because it seems impossible considering there could be over 5000 listings in bounds of the map area. The only real solution I have is to only show say 30 or so and use pagination for the next 30 and so one within bounds.The ultimate goals is when the map bounds change ALL listings will show up within that bounds. The way I have currently approached this is that when the user stop dragging the map a asynchronous request pulls in ALL listings within bounds as an XML those full addresses are geocoded and added to the map. However, this is wrecking havok on the browser and I am not even going to try it in a mobile environment considering its dragging a desk top down. I'm thinking this is less and practical and pagination has to be used but perhaps someone out there has dealt with a similar objective.
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Apr 9, 2010
I am using jquery to send an ajax request from my facebook app which is in iframe to my server. The ajax request works fine when the web app is running stand alone and out of facebook platform, but within facebook, the result that I get from my ajax request is blank !!! Here is the code I use:
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Sep 5, 2010
i want to check size of file before send to server by javascript (jquery). who can give me some idea about that.
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Jul 12, 2009
I have a table of input elements which i create through a javascript widget. When i press submit i want to make an action and a part of the output should be the same unchanged tables with the values in it. I don't know how to accomplish it. At first i used the html() function, but it does not pass the table with the html values inserted as i would like.
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm requesting a very large JSON dataset for a table via AJAX and I'm building it on the fly with JQuery. What would be the most efficient way to build it?
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Apr 14, 2010
I want to send three text box values to server using jquery ajax. problem is that, i dont know the exact syntax to send three data. When i try sending one data(also change no.of parameters to one at server side method), its going good but when i try to send three text box values, its giving jquery error:"Internal server error". I think I am not sending data in correct way. Example below contains only two sending data, because i was trying to send 2 data first.
Below is the code:
function testCAll() {
type: "POST",
url: "dbTest1.aspx/SendMessage",
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May 22, 2009
We are using jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.1 for paging and sorting purposes. This library is working fine when we are loading smaller
data sets (<1000 records) on the page. However, when data set starts getting large (>3000 records), the initial page gives a script loading
error and the page does not load at all.
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Oct 1, 2009
I am having a little problem trying to show a loader (An animated GIF) while some request to a database happens. I have a page where the user selects a YEAR and when they select it with AJAX I perform a request to a database to get all the values for that specific year.
The problem is that there is a lot of information (4000+ records) that I need to query and show in a table (Actually I didn't use a table I use DIVs that look like a table), and when the user selects the year the webpage freezes for about 5 seconds and then it loads all of the data.
Is there a way to sort of show an image loader gif while the data is being gotten? I tried putting the loader image in the DIV container while no year is selected and then once the request is done, I substitute the DIV container's contents (The image loader) for the data from the database.
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Apr 11, 2011
I am using jquery autocomplete combobox I load more than 25000 data. I set
minLength:3, delay: 700,
When I start typing three characters, in the third character ie8 shows the "Stop running this script" how to handle this huge amount of data
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Aug 6, 2006
I am trying to use javascript just to make a gui for a program written in C++. I am having trouble finding any information on how to input data obtained from a user in the javascript application into the C++ program if it is even possible.
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Mar 30, 2009
I have been directed from .NET section to this section. My original post and question are here.
Is it possible to send data to parallel port using javascript?
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