Restrict Single Quote And Backslash
Feb 11, 2006Does anyone have code to restrict input of a singli quote and a backslash in input field? I need to make sure this code works in IE, FF, Opera. Well, all major browsers
View 6 RepliesDoes anyone have code to restrict input of a singli quote and a backslash in input field? I need to make sure this code works in IE, FF, Opera. Well, all major browsers
View 6 Replies am writing a function in js that requires me to assign an javascript value to an html element. But I am stuck at a point where I have to assign document.write value to embed object.
function ytEmbedPlayer(videoUrl,w,h){
var flashvars = {};
var params = {allowFullScreen:'true',wmode:'transparent'};
params.allowscriptaccess = "always";
I am having issue here were, I have to print videoUrl value as an embed src.
<embed src="document.write(videoUrl)"
I think I am messing up with the single quote and double quote.
I have an asp form where one field has potential for entry of single quote (usually a possessive -bob's-).How can I replace "'"with "`" before it is passed forward generating an error.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI m having trouble restricting an action to a single image. I am trying to make the background fade to full opacity on hover, and have that working like I want to. The problem is that when I hover one image, ALL the images fade to full opacity. Obviously it would be nice to only have the one that is being hovered over. I am sure it is just a simple thing in the code but I just can't figure out what it is.
I ran into this issue yesterday, and no matter what I try I can't seem to get it work correctly.
I need to parse out single quotes from a field, and replace them with double quotes, so it doesn't blow up later, like it did yesterday.
I've tried using regex, but I'm sure its not the correct syntax.
javascript Code:
document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");
document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");
how I can get a text input box to start with a single quote/tick?
I tried this but with no luck...
Quote: <script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<input type=text value=');
Below is a Random Quote generator script I found on the net, its a great script, but I want the quote to be in bold, how is that done please?
<font color="#71025F" size="2" face="Verdana,Arial">
<script language="JavaScript">
var Quotation=new Array() // do not change this!
i have a long string contain html tags, javascript code, in a variable, & of corse it contain both ' & " in i want to put all the stuff somewhere in my page, so i assume should use .html() for this. but i think because of this ' & " it does not working. what should i do?
var content_area = $('div#zone1');
content = ' stuff contain quote & double quote';
remember i have both quote & double quote i can't convert all of them to ' or ".
woundering if it could be possible to strip out a backslash / from <img>-tag ? I have that code rendered:
<img src="/images/content/img_ad_listing_basic_summary_enus.gif" alt=""> I would need to strip out the first slash from src= like that: <img src="images/content/img_ad_listing_basic_summary_enus.gif" alt=""> Would be geat if somebody could hit my head on that
I just want my regular expression to match a backslash. Thats all. Tried giving [\]. Aint working. Tried[x5c] not working. But this hexadecimal character match is working for all the other characters.
Code JavaScript:
It checks that the character before the comment isn't a backslash or that we're at the start of a string/line since it's in multi-line mode. Then it captures the actual comment. Seems to work so far... I have the following RegEx that matches double slash comments:
Code JavaScript:
It works fine except for this one exceptional case where a RegEx which ends in a slash is followed by a comment as in the following example:
Code JavaScript:
//*[sS]*?*//gm, // Slash comment
The RegEx captures "//gm // Slash Comment" as a comment, removes that piece, and in the process breaks what used to be a valid RegEx statement. how I might be able to fix the pattern to avoid this issue?
Im having a problem with retriving "" backslash , In my
javascript client side page , ill get the response from the server side
, the response will contain some url like "ankindex.htm" .
So what i have to do is, ill get those url and display them in
textfields ,
The problem is , while retriving the url , the backslashes are
missing , for some backslashes its generating junk values like box
shapes things and displaying. So due that i cannot any further
have made a homepage with nvu and works good but want to restrict access to all pages except the main page. i want everyone that tries to access a subpage directly to be redirected to the mainpage.
is there any simple way to achieve that ? must be in html or javascript.
I am using IE 6.0. On a page, I have placed a contenteditable div
which I want to use as a Rich Text Area. I am using the execCommand method of
the document to control bold, italics, underlining, and undo for this div.
I have placed an input element on the page to. All but the undo, are
restricted to working only on the div. How can I restrict the undo to
working on only the div?
Below is the complete page so you can see what I am talking about.
Just paste it into an htm file and traverse to it via your browser.
Type something in the div and the input and then try the buttons. Code:
I have a textfield where i would like the user to input only Y or N.
can somebody tell me how can i restrict the user from entering any other character, number or special character.
How do i restrict files types that can be accessed when using the input element type the one used when do i restrict it to certain files with given file extensions?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having a table with rows created using a button click event. While adding rows to the table, I create drop dowlist using
objVehicles = document.createElement("<SELECT class='dropdownbox' id=Vehicles"+objAlertRowId+" name=Vehicles"+objAlertRowId+" STYLE='width:148px'; onchange='setDataChanged();toggleEditButton(" + objAlertRowId+ ",this.value);' >");
And the output will be like the attached screen shot.
The control name as Vehicles0,Vehicles1 and so on Now I want to restrict that the the user select no duplicates from the List.
What logic I can implement ?
I've a textbox field, where user enters his name. I want to restrict
him from entering double and singls inverted commas.What kind of
function should i write.
I need to restrict an area on the image but also get the coordinates from the image. I am using a form element "input type=image" so I can get the X Y coordinates from an image. I don't want the user clicking on a whole image, in this case a map of a country. I don't want the users clicking off the country's borders in to another country and I want to be able to get the coordinates from inside the country. I have tried to mix the element from the form with the area shape so when someone will click on the image it will first verify if it's over the hotspot and if it's over the poly coords then it will allow the user to click, the form will submit and the coordinates will be stored into the database.
I just don't know how I could integrate javascript into this. This is my code, not really something functional, the coordinates will pass on to the next page as a variable but limiting the area where the users may click is something that I have not figured out. I can create an area shape but without getting the coordinates from the image. Anything will do, even without <input type=image , if there is some way around this so I can make this work.
<script type="text/javascript">
function myEye() {
<form action='store.php' method=post name="coordform"> .....
In JSP / HTML, I want to restrict the size of file being uploaded.
<input type="file" name="myfile"/>
If the user trying to upload a file size bigger than some value say 5MB, i want to give mesage to the user. I don't want to wait till the file gets uploaded to server and then validate the file size. I am looking for client side validation. Can it be done using scripting language or any other way?
Need a solution for this in Internet Explorer. I got a solution using ActiveX control:
var myFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var filepath = document.getElementById('myfile').value;
var thefile = myFSO.getFile(filepath);
var sizeInBytes = thefile.size;
But ActiveX controls are not allowed in our application. Is there any alternative way for this?
I'm currently generating some tooltips to display data for certain items in a game. The tooltips and stats work great, however, for certain items, the tooltip gets long and will extend pass the viewable range for the user.
Here are the links:
test page: [URL]
javascript: [URL]
css (for hover div only): [URL]
If you hover over the links of items (like villages, barracks, etc.) a tooltip will pop up to show you the stats. But if you notice, for items like castles, the tooltip can extend past the viewable range for the user.
Is there anyway of restricting the amount of webpages open. I would like users of a site only to beable to have two pages (from the site i am talking about) open at anyone time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am very able to restrict char length by using substr() but this means that in some cases the word gets cut off in the middle of it.
How can I restrict the char length to the nearest word.
This is where I got to and then went blank?
if(comparename.length > 18){
if(comparename.substr(0,18) != ' '){
for(var tzx=0;tzx<comparename.length;tzx++){
while(comparename.substr(0,(18-tzx)) != ' '){
I have a Web application and the web resources like jss,css,jquery files are located outside of the WEB-INF directory (Java application) and if some user or hacker change the URL could see the source code for many js and jquery files.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI picked up this Drag n Drop script years ago from the net. Modified it slightly but one mod i cant make work is limiting it to only running when the mouse is over an ID called dragid. Currently a mouse drag anywhere in the browser moves the dragid element which is annoying.
HTML Code:
//Drag and Drop script
//Stop Opera selecting anything whilst dragging.
Is it possible with jQuery, or JavaScript for that matter, to trap the mouse in a div or other tag so that it can only move around in it. I'd like this for a modal window so thta the user knows that they must do something in the window first before carrying on.
View 2 Replies View Related