I created two forms. In the first frame i had Items with checkbox like
names of students etc. When ever i checked on any name It's display on
the other frame. Up to know it's fine. But when i deselcted any check
box it again display same name.
My requirement is when i deselected the checkbox that particular
student name is deleted from the list .
I want to write an if / then statement and have tried using this:
var MyVarMailto; if (Request.Form("LoanRequest") == "Under $250,000") { if (Request.Form("Organization") == "1") { MyVarMailto = "emailA@address.com"; } } else if (Request.Form("LoanRequest") == "Over $250,000") { if (Request.Form("Organization") == "1") { MyVarMailto = "emailB@address.com"; } } else { MyVarMailto = "emailC@address.com"; }
So basically I have a form that gets filled out and submitted which passes the values to this page. I want to check the values against conditions that you can probably figure out above and then set the variable contigent to those values. I tried using AND after the first condition but that doesn't do anything.
Following have an option in OS: windows/Linux. i only want when user select OS - linux ... then function call otherwise if user select OS - window ... no need to call this function validate() i think it requires if condition in function Validate().... how it is posible to put if condition in function validate()
Currently have a txt input with default value="Your Name". with the on focus event to clear default text.
However if a user doesn't touch the txt box the the script goes on to validate the email box below because we have "Your Name" loaded up. and that passes validation below.
How do I go about adding another condition to look for string "Your Name" to the following if statement.
I tried adding another "||" statement after value.length <2 part and got nowhere.
function checkmailform(){ if ( (document.forms.newsletterform.Name.value == null) || (document.forms.newsletterform.Name.value.length < 2) ) {alert("Input First NewsName"); document.forms.newsletterform.Name.focus(); return false; }else{...
Is there a way in javascript to use multiple if conditions? For example I need something like this: Code:
if( email=="" ) { do something } elseif( !issemail(email) ) { do something else }
I know it would be possible to use else and then another if but since this javascript code is PHP-generated and I'd have about 5 conditions, I can't really do this easily.
I came across something I'm unfamiliar with -- there's an added check for window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1 to see if the XMLHttpRequest send() completed, i.e.,
if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1))
Does anyone know why this is done or which browser this (kludge?) is meant for?
I m crearting a pop with some parameters like locationbar,statusbar=no and its height and width 1280*800. but originally i have given its hight to be 699 to pixel a viewpoint.. can i put some if condition. checking if the resolution isn't at 1280 * 800 and if so than the popup should have scroll. is there anymore smater way to handle this? as of now if someone has a less Res. everything get clipped off
i am trying to have text-decoration applied on some text depending on the value of certain variable. If the value of myvar=0 text-deco =none and if it's 1 then text deco= line-trough...
Kind of the same thing that emails web apps like yahoo or gmail do with mails read or unread if it's unread then email title/subject is bold/strong but if it's read then email title is in normal font-weight...
here is some piece of code i have written to do that
the text on which i want to apply the conditionnal decoration is a table cell (cell2DisplayCell1), the text itself is inserted by the innerHTML instruction!
I tried to introduce the conditional statement with a function displaylinksLineThrough() which is defined in the second block code... Code:
Is there a way to combine selectors with && condition. eg: $('.classname div[att=value]') Requirement is to select all div elements with class 'classname' and (&&)an attribute 'att' whose value is 'value'
How could I add a class to a div that contains a div that contains a link that contains specific text, and name that class based on that link but with hyphens in place of spaces and all lower case? Here's specifically what I'm looking for:
<div class="my-div-one"> h2>Title of this section</h2> <div class="my-div-something-else"><a href="url">My Special Link</a></div> </div>
In the above example, I want to add the class my-special-link to my-div-one. Is that possible? How could I do that?
In the attached code the outcome always defaults to the first test, even if the condition is false. How would I alter the syntax so that both condtions are evalauted?
I have 3 sum fields which I want to change to a red colour if the value is > or < 100. Apparently this is a DAP, but I am using javascript to tweek some of the settings in DAP.
In the attached code the outcome always defaults to the first test, even if the condition is false. How would I alter the syntax so that both condtions are evalauted?
I'm building an application that lets a user enter a text string in a text input box, then I display the text string in a separate division using dynamic html techniques. I use innerHTML to rewrite a div, specifiying the style elements inside the <div> tag, and placing the text string between the <div> and </div> tags. I use the overflow:hidden attribute to keep the text from visibly overflowing.
However I'd like to be able to actually detect that an overflow has occured, so that I can truncate the text string (change the form input element value) so that it contains only the characters that 'fit' without overflowing the div element.
Is there a way to capture the event of a specific DIV element overflowing?
I would like to execute functions based on the value of a form. This is the code I have. <input type="text" id="posttitle" value="Title" onblur="if(this.value.length == 0) this.value='Title';" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Title') this.value='';"> Now let's say I want to execute the function "myFunction()" onblur if that same condition is met, so not only will it recreate the value "Title" but it will also execute a function afterwards. How can I achieve this? I assumed I'd do something like... onblur="if(this.value.length == 0) this.value='Title' myFunction();" But that did not work.
I'm working on a script that calls my php file, checks the db and returns text. If the returned text="bad" then i want the var "bad" to be set to 1. at the bottom of my script, if anything has tripped bad=1 then it returns false and the form doesn't submit...everything works great except for this one piece so i was wondering if you guys might offer me some insight
I have the following code that I use to loop though records in my database and display the text. For each record I look through the text for a certain piece of text and then split the content it is found. So for example if the database contained a field with the data "this is some text [splithere] this is some more text" then the first part (this is some text) would be displayed and then a more button would be shown. If the user clicked the more button then the rest of the content (this is some more text) would also be shown.
At the moment the more button is always shown, even if the [splithere] text was not found. What I'd like to do is only show the more button where necessary. I'd also like to change the text from 'more' to 'hide' when the button has been clicked and the additional content is being shown as when they click the link again the text is in fact hidden and so saying 'more' doesn't make any sense.
This is my function function func_name(){ if (field1.value == '' && field2.value == '' && field3.value == '' && field4.value == '') { alert("All fields are empty."); } else { if (field1.value != '') { if (field2.value != '') { if (field3.value != '') { if (field4.value != '') { alert("All fields are not empty."); } else { alert("Field4 empty."); } } else { alert("Field3 empty."); }} else { alert("Field2 empty."); }} else { alert("Field1 empty."); }}} If I set all fields to be empty, the alert display "Field1 empty.".