Reading Hidden Feilds Values In Html Body?
Sep 2, 2010
im writing a .net mvc web app and in this step Id like to send a post back to my controller including date and time values that i have stored inside hidden fields on a form. where im getting confused (I am very new to java script) is how I can now read those values and add them to the URL I'm constructing
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Menu" runat="server">
<form id="form1" name="form1" action="WorkOrder" method="post">
<input type="hidden" id="time" name="time" />
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Jan 9, 2010
I am trying to get a simple set of Javascript tabs to work properly. I have just two tabs and I want to set up the script to have the second tab automatically hidden prior to reading the javascript code because right now it shows the contents of both tabs when the page is loading and then the second tab disappears after all the script has loaded.
I have the jquery script linked to on the page and here is the way my script looks to run the tabs:
I want to add something like style="visibility:hidden;" to the DIV that isn't shown on page load and have it added and removed as necessary when users click on the tabs. So basically I would like the generated code to look like this:
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Mar 7, 2007
function submitPartsForm(str) {
var count=document.getElementsByName("partId");
for(var i=0;i<count.length;i++)
document.mylist.myNum[i].value= document.getElementsByName("partNum")
myNum[] is a hidden variable and partNum is the name of a text field
that has many instances i mean there are many textfields with the same
name so it forms a column in a data table.
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Jul 16, 2010
i am developing a web application in which i have to retrieve the user browser and platform information. i am using javascript to get this information and tryin to pass these values to the html hidden form element. pasting a brief code from my application.
document.mldsform.screen_height.value = screen.height;
<form id="mldsform" action="/QoEMLDS/qoe" method="post">
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Mar 22, 2003
the css line
body { overflow:hidden }
doesn't work with the W3C standards
is there another way I can get rid of the scroll-bars on the body of the document, and still be W3C compliant?
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.
Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.
Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.
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Jul 23, 2005
While I am new to javascript, I've programmed in a dozen other
languages for decades, and now have been working in javascript
intensively for several weeks. My first comment -- which has nothing
to do with this problen -- is on how its richness makes it so
difficult to provide adequate reference material. After working only
with what I could discover through Google searches and actually
writing some nifty fast incremental select element populating code --
what I found on the Web, which has been cited in many locations, is
ugly code and sloooow when search a list of, say, 2000 possible
entries for inclusion in the box -- just with those hints.
I finally broke down, bought what the reveiws say are the two most
complete books -- Javascript Bible and Dynamic HTML, The Definitive
Reference (both by Goodman), and am aghast: With the "Bonus Chapters"
in the former, they total more than 3,000 pages! And with their
in-depth indexes, it's still very difficult to find what one needs.
(The HTML and CSS speification publications add another 400 pages . .
..) As a truly elementary example: I wanted to return from a function
as a result of a test, not by running it out: The "return" is not
indexed, nor are any of the words that might lead one to it. In fact,
it is shown in some examples about 980 pages into the book, but
nowhere is it actually documented. Yes, I know, every language has a
"return" statement, but its usage and syntax varies -- and on some
occasions, it's actually called something else.
So, to my current issue. For reasons that are valid -- please don't
ask, "Why do you want to do that?" -- I need to hide the page in its
entirety until the onload script has altered it based on certain
criteria. After doing a lot of brute force stuff -- setting font
color to "white", etc., etc. -- I discovered that one can put the
attribute style="visibility:hidden" directly in the <body> tag --
which itself is not easily discovered. But: Tables in the body that
have a non-zero "border" attribute still show -- just the borders!
Yes, I know I need to learn CSS as well; give me a break, guys! I do
have that spec as an HTML doc, and it was there I finally found this
out. You know, you can't look such things up by concept in the
indexes of either book, or the HTML spec, or the CSS book, unless you
already know the term that implements it; if I know the term, I don't
need to look it up! In any case, try looking up "hidden" in either
book; you get no hint that it can be applied via style to any element.
If you know it's available as a style attribute, then know the
attribute is "visibility", why than you can find it . . . and by that
time, you must know enough that you don't need to find it. (Again, a
Google Groups search on words associated with the concept told me what
terms to use, and then I didn't need to use the book . . .)
I apologize for the rant (Fortran was good enough for my grandfather,
it was good enough for my father, and it's good enough for me -- bah,
humbug!), but it's been a very frustrating couple of weeks.
The real question: What about them table borders? So far, I'm
defining their values as zero, then setting them to their final values
at the same point that I make the body visible. Should I need to do
all that? What should make that unnecessary?
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Apr 20, 2010
i created multiple checkboxes with similar name. and i want to retrieve each single value and do some calculation according to each value. i've tried count, split but still cannot find the solution.
var total_price = 0;
var brg = new Array(Request.Form("brg"));
var qty = new Array(Request.Form("qty"));
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Aug 5, 2009
I am having an issue reading from a div that is being changed. The div in question was initially empty. A function that was called upon the selection of something in the drop down list creates another drop down list within that div (sets the inner html). Now, I have another function that needs to read from this new drop down list. However, when I use alert(document.getelementbyid('divid').innerhtml) in the function it returns undefined. The drop down list is created successfully and populated by the relevant data. The method of creation was calling another php file that created the list after querying a database.
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Sep 2, 2010
Im trying to write a html with javascript page that reads values from an XML file and outputs to a table. Thats easy i hear you say?
Trouble is the application that is outputing the XML file doesnt output a simple XML file.
Below is a section of the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CVES name="EUREX" datetime="09 Aug 10 14:40:41">
<thread name="DB 0" state ="active" nb="0" tempo="00:00:02" action="Wait"/>
<thread name="DB 1" state ="active" nb="0" tempo="00:00:02" action="Wait"/>
im able to read the contents of the CVES tag (Name and datetime) but cannot get any others to load.
how can i get details from LastReadingTime? Thread name="Exch 1"
Having googled reading XML into HTML file and cannot find anything that covers this kind of xml file
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Jun 9, 2009
I think this can be achieved through a form may be a text area, but not sure how to put those text area value into the array
can ne one help me on this
var Win;
var page_index=0;
var page = new Array();
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Mar 2, 2010
Right I have a process page in php which is fairly long and complex with many options. If a certain option case is met as this ie: we've hit the Note Saved case.
// save notes against company
if ($_POST['a']=="Save Note") {
if (addnote($_POST['notetitle'],$_POST['notebody'])) {
$err = "<p id="returnresults"><font color="red"><strong>Note Saved</strong></font></p>";
} else {
$err = "<p id="returnresults"><font color="red"><strong>Failed to save note.</strong></font></p>";
I want to then wait until the page load is complete and then do the following.
The reason I need to wait for page complete is that the div that needs to be displayed it one of the last parts of the page rendered so triggering the above too soon leads to the div not actually being available to be shown. Now my current fail attempt at doing it was this echo "<script type="text/javascript">if (confirm('You have not yet added a call back event do you wish to do so now?')) { document.getElementById('addevent').style.display='block'; } However it doesn't display the hidden div
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a text file which has values in the format of "text1,text2,text3" etc what I need to do is read this text file using jquery and store the data in a variable in the head of my webpage, so something like:
var data = everything within textfile.txt
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to make a tool for my own personal use where I read values from a website with a login system (using cookies), then processing those values and displaying them to myself in a different format and with all the calculations I need.My plan was to open the external site in a frame and log in to the site, then use javascript to read the values and do the calculations. The problem is that I can't get the JS script to work with the frame. It won't read the values. Here is what I have for the reading script:
var price = document.frames['table3'].document.getElementById('p1').innerHTML;
'table3' and 'p1' are the names used on the site I want the info from.
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Feb 3, 2011
I need to get the values of two hidden fields and values that make a query in my database and return this column to a text field in the same form, I have already informed the forum here that can do that with Ajax, researched and made an example But it is not working.
I am sending the code below:
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a div tag element and a hide/show button above it. I'm able to handle the hide show of the contents all right via the button, but I want the div to be hidden when someone clicks anywhere else in the document, save inside the div area itself.This functionality is similar to what you see on the sign on panel in Press the sign in, the div sign in panel displays. Press the sign in link OR anywhere else on the document outside the panel. The panel is hidden.What's the best way to script this functionality in jquery?
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Mar 24, 2009
I`m trying to write XML in HTML and read it with JavaScript, but it`s not working.
my XML in HTML.
<xml id="xmldata" style='display:none;'>
<marker lat="50.895842" lng="-1.4051" html="text"/>
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Apr 16, 2011
We are using a CRM system which accepts emails submitted from a website. I am not a javascript programmer.
I need to be able to extract certain information from the email body using javascript.
I have the contents in variable email.body and I need a function that extracts the Company, First name, Last Name,E-mail and Address.
Below are the contents of email.body:
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm an ASP developer by trade, but I've had to create client side
scripts with JavaScript many times in the past. Simple things, like
validating form elements and such.
Now I've been assigned the task of extracting content from a given HTML
page. If anyone's familiar with the Yahoo! Store order confirmation
screen, I need to be able to grab the total amount from the table to
the right-hand side. (Sample File:
If you view the source, this is in a table and enclosed with ugly html.
the value I want to retrieve is wrapped with b tags. Originally I was
thinking of using innerHTML or innerText for extracting the value. But
I find that we cannot gain control of this piece of the Yahoo! Store to
make it work!
So after talking with peers, we thought of reading in the entire HTML
page and using regular expressions to try and extract the value.
Something along the lines of: '<b>[0-9]+.[0-9]{2}</b/>'
I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Could someone please point me in
the right direction? If this solution is even a good one. If you have
something better, I'm all ears! (eyes) If using the regular expression
would be a good solution, I need to find out how to read in the entire
HTML doc, and then parse out that piece.
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May 25, 2011
I have written the following code to read contents of a text file using FileReader object of HTML 5 for Google Chrome.
function handle_files(files) {
var i;
if (checkBrowser("Chrome")) {
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i];
var reader = new FileReader();
ret = [];
reader.onload = function (e) {
}reader.onerror = function (stuff) {
console.log("error", stuff)
}text = reader.readAsText(file[i]);
<input type="file" multiple="multiple" onchange="handle_files(this.files)">
Unfortunately, the variable text always displays as undefined. Everything above the line text = reader.readAsText(file[0]); works fine. Is there any other solution to read a text file using HTML5/JavaScript on Chrome?
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Oct 31, 2011
I need a way to read the iframe url even when you navigate to a different page it will read again and keep tracking where the URL is on. Display the URL of the iFRame all the time how would I do this is it possible?
Is used
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May 9, 2011
I am trying to cycle through a set of tables within divs this works fine in firefox, but I cannot understand why it is not working in webkit broswers an example of what I'd like to cycle through:[code]do I need to somehow define that 'roundabound' id is what i'd like to cycle through?
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Mar 1, 2011
This is some of the code I am using to add dynamic rows when user clicks the Add Row button.
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Sep 11, 2011
Users enter a page and choose from a drop down list for example when they choose 6 then the page should load 6 text boxes. Im also wondering how we would uniquely name each of the textbox's , Eg textbox 1 would have a name of t_1 and the second would be t_2. hope someone can help me out. Im trying to use javascript with html and php as well in some places.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a form as below:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addRow(tableID)
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May 3, 2005
<title> working with jscript</title>
in my <body> tag how can i get the pname value,qty value which is built by dhtml.
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