Reading Values From A Changing Div?
Aug 5, 2009
I am having an issue reading from a div that is being changed. The div in question was initially empty. A function that was called upon the selection of something in the drop down list creates another drop down list within that div (sets the inner html). Now, I have another function that needs to read from this new drop down list. However, when I use alert(document.getelementbyid('divid').innerhtml) in the function it returns undefined. The drop down list is created successfully and populated by the relevant data. The method of creation was calling another php file that created the list after querying a database.
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Apr 20, 2010
i created multiple checkboxes with similar name. and i want to retrieve each single value and do some calculation according to each value. i've tried count, split but still cannot find the solution.
var total_price = 0;
var brg = new Array(Request.Form("brg"));
var qty = new Array(Request.Form("qty"));
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Sep 2, 2010
Im trying to write a html with javascript page that reads values from an XML file and outputs to a table. Thats easy i hear you say?
Trouble is the application that is outputing the XML file doesnt output a simple XML file.
Below is a section of the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CVES name="EUREX" datetime="09 Aug 10 14:40:41">
<thread name="DB 0" state ="active" nb="0" tempo="00:00:02" action="Wait"/>
<thread name="DB 1" state ="active" nb="0" tempo="00:00:02" action="Wait"/>
im able to read the contents of the CVES tag (Name and datetime) but cannot get any others to load.
how can i get details from LastReadingTime? Thread name="Exch 1"
Having googled reading XML into HTML file and cannot find anything that covers this kind of xml file
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Jun 9, 2009
I think this can be achieved through a form may be a text area, but not sure how to put those text area value into the array
can ne one help me on this
var Win;
var page_index=0;
var page = new Array();
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a text file which has values in the format of "text1,text2,text3" etc what I need to do is read this text file using jquery and store the data in a variable in the head of my webpage, so something like:
var data = everything within textfile.txt
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to make a tool for my own personal use where I read values from a website with a login system (using cookies), then processing those values and displaying them to myself in a different format and with all the calculations I need.My plan was to open the external site in a frame and log in to the site, then use javascript to read the values and do the calculations. The problem is that I can't get the JS script to work with the frame. It won't read the values. Here is what I have for the reading script:
var price = document.frames['table3'].document.getElementById('p1').innerHTML;
'table3' and 'p1' are the names used on the site I want the info from.
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Sep 2, 2010
im writing a .net mvc web app and in this step Id like to send a post back to my controller including date and time values that i have stored inside hidden fields on a form. where im getting confused (I am very new to java script) is how I can now read those values and add them to the URL I'm constructing
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Menu" runat="server">
<form id="form1" name="form1" action="WorkOrder" method="post">
<input type="hidden" id="time" name="time" />
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Oct 21, 2011
I am trying to setup a textbox to only accept specific keys. The problem is, some of the Function keys are reading as the same values as letters.Ex.
112 - F1 - p
113 - F2 - q
114 - F3 - r[code]....
Is there another way to allow the function keys without enabling all matching letters as well?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have two columns in my table and the rows are created dynamically.
For each row, I want to get the value of each table and insert them in an object as follows.
How can I do that?
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Jan 13, 2009
Im trying to change the values of some row values. The rows are created dinamically. So my solution for writing in those rows was:
mytool_array[3]+","+baseimp_concepto+","+mytool_array[5]+","+IVA_concepto+","+mytool_array[7]; // substituya en el textfield
The textobox is declared as
<input type="text" name="info_concepto" id="info_concepto${i}" value="${fila.idConcepto_facturar},${fila.descripcion_Concepto},${fila.cantidad_Concepto},${fila.tarifa_Con cepto},${fila.baseimponible_Concepto},${fila.IVA_BD},${fila.IVA_Concepto},${fila.preciototal_Concept o}">
Where fila and i are the number of the row calling the function.But it dosent change.
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Feb 24, 2009
I'm a beginner with this stuff, so I'm not sure what sort of code I should use.
Basically I want users to put in words and every time "x" letter goes in, I want it to turn into "y" when they hit a button.
I think arrays would be a good way to go, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it translate S:
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Aug 25, 2003
I have the following code in a popup window.
<td bgcolor="#000000" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 0);" class="swatch"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000033" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 51);" class="swatch"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000066" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 102);" class="swatch"></td>
What I want to do is to define the setRGB function so that when I click on a color swatch (onClick) it updates 3 fields in a form in the window that opened the popup with the corresponding RGB values. So let's say that in the window that opened the popup i have a form 'formname' with three text fields named 'red', 'green' and 'blue'.
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Jun 9, 2010
i want to disallow users to change a text input values . I don't want to use disabled tag of text input because of some problem . I just want to disallow users to enter or change a text input value .
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to write to table cells in a given column. To illustrate:
<table id="tableName">
<td id="col1">some value</td>
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a button that needs to increase/decrease the value of a text field when clicked. This code is working in Internet Explorer and Chrome, but not Firefox.
<a onClick="scorebox1 = parseFloat(score1.value); score1.value = scorebox1 - myscore; scorebox1 -= myscore;"><img src="images/minus.png" alt="Subtract Point" border="0" /></a>
<input size="2" name="score1" style="font-size:24px; width:50px; text-align:center; color:#FF0000;" id="score1" value="0" />
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Oct 14, 2011
How can I dynamically change the color of values on a page, to show if they are above or below a target value entered in a text box on the page. Those below should be shown in green, those above in red, and identical (equal) should be in amber. Values can be put in a particular tag and then use the getElementsByTagName.
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Jun 6, 2009
I'm working on an ordering form which calculates the total order price using Javascript. I have a checkbox which I want to use to toggle the display of various items, and also reset the value of an item depending on whether or not it is checked.
Further details
I have a checkbox for the colour "Black" which, when checked, hides a SELECT, a bit of text, and "Quantity" field. It also resets the value of the "Quantity" field to zero.
When the "Black" checkbox is unchecked, the three items (SELECT, text and Quantity) are revealed again, and the Quantity field for "Black" is reset to zero and hidden.
The reason is that users can only either EITHER a black item or select from a list of colours. Black items are a different price to all others.
How the form works
When the user enters a quantity into a text field for each item, the price of that item is added to the total at the bottom of the form. When the form is submitted (with PHP validation), it emails the order to a salesperson. The price of each item (for emailing the order) is set using hidden form fields with defined values, while the order total is calculated using the id of each quantity field (e.g. "item_31_85.00").
What I need to know
I want to achieve the following when the "Black" checkbox is clicked:
Toggle the display of three items (SELECT field, text (in a DIV) and an INPUT)
Reset the value of the INPUT field (and reset a different INPUT when the checkbox is clicked again)
My current code
The code I'm currently using in the PHP form is below (truncated for readability):
<input type="checkbox" name="black" onclick="togglecontent('colour_box','colour_price','color_quantity','quantity_reset')" /> Black
Currently I can hide the SELECT and accompanying text when I check the "Black" checkbox, but it won't reset the INPUT value nor hide it. I've not yet attempted to do unhide and hide the Black text and input since I can't get this part working yet.
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Jan 17, 2010
I use jQueryUI's tabs and when a user changes a form in the tab, it promprts the user that a change has been made. My question is, how do I revert the values before being changed when the user presses 'OK' on my confirm() prompt?
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Oct 9, 2010
I have the following code:
A = {
"value": "a",
B = A ;
B.value = "b";
alert (A.value); // => b
I expected A.value to be "a". how can I change values of a new object, without changing the parent-object?
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Jan 12, 2011
I currently have a normal link like Code:<a href="" class="link">sitepoint</a> and when a user clicks on it I want to be able to change the "link" class to a different class. However, I don't want to add anything to the actual link html. Is it possible to do this using javascript without modifying the original link code?
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Feb 2, 2011
I am trying to dynamically clear the value of a form input field and then submit the form.When I used $('#my_field').val('') to clear the field, it was cleared on the screen but when the form was submitted the original value of the input field was posted.My browser is FireFox and I can see using FireBug that when the field is cleared, firebug is still showing the html code with the old value. E.G. <input type="text" value="old_value" />The same situation occurred if I used $('#my_field').attr('value', '') to clear the field.The same situation occurred if I actually changed the value of the field rather than just clearing it.To work around this problem I ended up using the $('#my_field').removeAttr('value') to clear the field before it was submitted.
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May 7, 2009
I am a complete novice when it come to Javascript. I copied the script for displaying random images at a specific interval (from I would appreciate knowing whether the following is possible:
The pages are based on tables, so the parts that change are all cells.
1. Can I define text instead of an image in the array? i.e. can I have the image change to say an apple in one cell and the next cell have text explaining what an apple is?
2. Would it be possible to put a countdown timer for when the image/text is going to change?
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Jul 6, 2011
Ive got a small image of a power button and when pressed the inner section on the button changes to yellow, but when its pressed down Im also trying to get part of my H1 (main header logo title) to change to yellow.
Ive created a span with an id surrounding the letters of the H1 that I want to change, the id being : "power";
The javascript that I have come up with so far and works is as follows:
<img id="poweron" src="" alt="Power on button" onmousedown="this.src='images/poweron.png';" onmouseup="this.src='images/power.png';"/>
I understand Im not really supposed to be using inline JS, and I know Ive got to create a function for the onmousedown event to trigger changing the H1 text, so am I under the right impression that the JS so far written is redundant and will have to be re-written so thats contained within a script placed just before the closing </body> and an external script for invoking the main function ?
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Dec 7, 2006
Is it possible to read from JS XML data which are stored in another file?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to find a simple step-by-step on how to read a simple XML file
like this one, which will work in IE 6 and Firefox 0.x.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>
<ARTIST>Christopher Santee</ARTIST>
The problem is every example, I find that it will work in IE but not Firefox
or visa versa, could someone please point me to a how to that will work with
both browsers. I just spent two weeks reading the Microsoft Press Book "XML
Step by Step", only to find out that the technology only works with IE.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can someone give me some pointers on how I can read one or more
arguements from a url, using js?
Why? I'm working on a LAMP based project and when a user successfully
registers, the header redirects to the login screen - I'd like to check
for the value of register, if read from:
A pointer/hint as opposed to a solution should be sufficient because I'm
doing pretty well learning javascript.
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