I'm relatively new to jQuery, and I don't understandy why the following doesn't work. Hopefully, you can enlighten me. I declared a variable: var currHive = $("#masterHive") .find("div.currentHive"); Now I want to see if the query returned the correct element id. So, I tried each of the alert messages shown below, one-at-a-time. This is the strategy I am using to verify the code; i.e. do something, then tell me what I did.
Note: I have successfully used --- alert($(this).attr('id')); --- in an experiement to tell me which button was clicked, in a statement using the .bind() method.
I have a classified listing application (php) that shows an alert message on the main page to let the user know if there was an error, if the listing was entered, if a required field was left blank, etc.
the alert msg. displays whenever the page is loaded. However, if someone navigates with the forward or back buttons in the browser, or reloads the page, the alert message displays again.
I am pulling my hair out for a solution that shows the alert only once and then does not show an alert again until a new message is generated.
When a user clicks the "Send Carol a Message" button and submits the form I would like the "Message Sent Successfully" alert to display within the modal window. Ideally, I would like for the modal to close after "X" seconds but this is not an absolute necessity
I need to change the value of the input box coming from a query result. M_ACCOUNT_NAME=rsQuery("ACCOUNTNAME") Here's where I am having problems: $(document).ready(function() { $('input:text[name=txtAcctName]').val(M_ACCOUNT_NAME); }); The input box does not display the content of the M_ACCOUNT_NAME. I alreadytested M_ACCOUNT_NAME with simple response.write and it has content. I also tested that I am accessing the right element by substituting val(M_ACCOUNT_NAME) with val('HELLO'). HELLO is displaying correctly.
On some sites I have worked on, users can delete content from their site. When they go to delete an item, I take them to a page where I pull the item details of the item they are about to delete from the dbase, and say "Are you sure you want to delete so and so". They can choose Yes / No. Yes takes them to action that runs the SQL to delete the item from the dbase. No takes them to the previous page.
I have seen some sites that have managed this process differently, where, instead of being taken to another page, a little pop up box opens saying "Are you sure", with a Yes / No option on it. Yes takes you to delete the item, No leaves them on the page they are on.
Am I right that this method uses Javascript? I know that it won't work if javascript is turned off, but - most people don't turn it off...
I am in the process of learning javascript and I've been looking at this code for the longest time ever. So far I got most of it done. For example I leave all the required fields empty, it gives me the alert message of the first field and not the alert messages of all the others. What I want to know is how can you go through and check the whole form first before submitting and then when there is any error on any field, shows just one alert message containing all the error messages.
Code for the form <form action="mailto:hummdedum@felloff.com" method="post" name="form" onSubmit="return isFormValid();"> * First Name: <input type="text" name="FName" id="FName" onblur="checkFName();"/><label id="labelFName"></label><br /> * Last Name: <input type="text" name="LName" id="LName"onblur="checkLName();"/><label id="labelLName"></label><br />
I am taking classes in the: <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="semester" value="fall" /> fall time<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="semester" value="spring" /> Spring time <br />
My favorite element is: <select name="element" id="element"> <option value="">select one</option> <option value="fire">Fire</option> <option value="earth">Earth</option> <option value="water">Water</option> <option value="air">Air</option> </select><br />
I want to also validate birthday.. and I tried using regular expression with leap years but the expression is too hard for me to think of. So I am gonna try using split() but I don't know and for the clear button. Since I blur functions, how would I just clear all the blur statements = like a restart of the form and then when the user enters the field the blur function still works?
I have been looking all over the web for a solution, because my website displays funky in safari. To fix this i figured i'd tell users that if they are using safari, then using javascript, i could tell them a message. Originally i tried detecting safari then displaying a message. But i couldn't ever find a browser detection for safari. So i thought wait.... If i could:
1. get a javascript alert saying my message. 2. time that message alert frequency by a session, say 10 days? or even every browser session...
Before the user can close a page, I would like to have a message come up that asks if this is really what they want to do. the page needs to stay open.
I got this, edited, from msdn function closeIt() { event.returnValue = ""; } <body onbeforeunload="closeIt()" >
It works just fine, too well. I get the message when the user refreshes the page, something I do not want. Any thoughts?
I have a calendar where i write my events. If I have 2 events in the same day, how to put a carriage return between the events in the alert part of message? For example, I want this alert message:
Event one to the office. Event two to the store.
The string that I use actually is:
fAddEvent(2003,9,17," Event one. Event two.","alert('Event one to the office. Event two to the store.');","#00ff00","red");
In Salesforce, I am adding what they call an "S-Control" via HTML/JavaScript that will display an alert if certain field criteria are met. The alert would be a reminder to hit the "Submit for Approval" button if the Quote Estimate is equal to or greater than $50,000. For testing purposes I added another criteria, that the Opportunity name must = Test and Stage must = Proposal/Price Quote.
Here's what I've come up with so far, taking from other examples, but I receive no alert
Firebug is giving me no error messages, but alert() message is never triggered. I want the alert() message defined below to alert what the value of the variable result is (e.g. {filter: Germany}). And it doesn't. I think the javascript breaks down right when a new Form instance is instantiated because I tried putting an alert in the Form variable and it was never triggered. Note that everything that pertains to this issue occurs when form.calculation() is called code...
i have created one simple login form with 5 fields namely username,email id,password,retype password and phone no.and i have created one alert message for each function so that it displays alert message when there is an error.now i want to replace alert message with INLINE VALIDATION(displays beside text only)....kindly tell me how to do....
I am currently doing a fadein and fadeout function using jquery. When I click on a <a>, the page will fade in. There is an alert message (which is the javascript alert()) prompt out on the page once the page fade in. However, I want to fade out the page when I click the "OK" in the alert message.
I've tried but cannot success..
$('alert').click( function(){ $('#fade , .popup_block').fadeOut(function() { $('#fade, a.close').remove(); //fade them both out
I've been given the task of building a carbon offset calculator: rolleyes:
What I need to do is have a webpage on a touchscreen kiosk that allows a visitor to the client enter their name/company/email address, plus select how they travelled to the premises and their departing post code.
When they submit the form, I need it to email the details to the client so they can produce a nice little certificate saying how many trees have been planted to offset the visitors journey - but I also need it to display the details on screen before resetting itself for the next Prius driving visitor to use.
I've got to the stage where I can EITHER capture all the details needed and email them OR capture all the details needed and calculate the distance travelled, KGs of CO2 expended and how many trees are needed and display them. I'm having difficulty getting it to do both!
I have an external JS file that generates HTML for displaying an image--it does this via a document.write. I would like to capture the HTML it writes and display the HTML in a textarea.
To better illustrate what I want, this is what I originally tried:
I want to show some message in a box when the mouse is over a button (examples: undo, save, open, ecc ) like in some interface. I don't want to display the mesage in an alert window.