Program :: How The Strings Are Stored In "mySplitResult".?
Nov 14, 2011
<script type="text/javascript">
var myString = "zero one two three four";
var mySplitResult = myString.split(" ");
for(i = 0; i < mySplitResult.length; i++){
document.write("<br /> Element " + i + " = " + mySplitResult[i]);
"split" function splits the string whenever it encounters "space". But please explain me how the strings are stored in "mySplitResult".And can we use Arrays for this program? If so, can you code it.
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Nov 15, 2009
I want a person to enter a string value in a javascript program.Example: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors.Person: Rock.What is the code for a program to take in strings? Like parseInt andd parseFloat are for numbers. What is it for strings?
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Aug 15, 2011
i'm in need of a DHTML program for design tourism management program.. Since i don't have idea on it i unable to design it.
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Sep 25, 2007
I've been learning javascript for about a week and I'm really struggling right now. This is a homework assignment to help in learning loops and arrays.
What I want to happen is when a form button is hit it will replace the array from the one previous instead of just adding to it. Hopefully that makes sense. What do I need to do? here's my code....
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Sep 14, 2009
I am trying to get an object that is stored as an attribute. In IE7 it works but IE8 appears to return the object as a string value (pretty useless). I tried getting the attribute node and the debugger shows an object as the nodeValue but I cannot access it either. It returns an object in IE7 but in IE8 I get the result of a toString on the object again.
Is there a way to get an object stored in an attribute in IE8?
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Feb 10, 2011
I am trying to pull a value being stored in a php function (it works fine) which is echoed into an html element, and use it in a javascript function. my HTML:
<img id="menu_image" src="<?php echo get_php_value(); ?>" width="356" />
my javascript:
function get_large_image(){
var image = document.getElementById('menu_image').src;
right now the alert is giving me flie path to the current page, I need a file path to the image. When I had javascript pull a value from an input tag using the id to reference and stored the php function in the value attribute, I got this: "object HtmlElement" The final purpose of all this is to modify dynamically and HTML <a>'s href and class attribute based on a certain condition being true.
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Feb 20, 2011
I am having a problem to add numbers store in an array.
arrayValues[0][0] = 1;
arrayValues[0][1] = 2;
var col = 0;
var sum;
for ( var row = 0; row < index; i++ )
sum += arrayValues[col][row];
My result is ==> 12 it is defining my sum variable as string. Even I try do do this var sum = 0; to define sum as numeric variable. my result was ==>012.
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Sep 14, 2011
So when the page loads the thumbnails cycle through using setInterval. When the user clicks on one of the thumbnails, it is supposed to open a new window and show the enlarged version of that thumbnail stored in bigpics. However it only comes up with a broken image link. Any ideas why this is not working?
Here is the code:
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Oct 20, 2011
I have a strange issue currently within my event.state I have a function that I would like to execute. So you can say that event.state = function(). How I now execute this function that is stored in event.state?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web app that needs the follwing settings
Tools/internet options/settings/
Check for newer versions of stored pages.
I can not rely on the users to do this.
Is there any way to did this programatically?
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Apr 17, 2007
I want to be able to see the javascript code in a javascript file on
the web server. Eg where you get <script src="../../../../resources/
javascript/ClientCore.js" defer=1></script>
How can I print the contents of those files to eg a DIV section?
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Mar 21, 2011
Suppose, Ia text file stored on the server. We all know that when a file stored on a server is opened for viewing, some bandwidth is consumned and the consumption increases with every refresh of the page and so on.
So if i use $.get on the client browserto reteieve the contents of the text file stored on the server, will it affect the server bandwidth consumption? I just want to make it clear that it is just a plain text file.
I'm looking forall posibilities as how to retrieve the contents of a text file stored on the server from the client browser without necesarily having to consumned any server bandwidth.
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Mar 24, 2010
I am looking to have the user input a word into a textbox then when the user hits an "Add" button, the word is stored to an array and then is displayed in a table. I also want the textbox to clear after the "Add" button is pressed. Next, I want the user to be able to input another word into the textbox and when the "Add" button is pressed, have that word stored to same array as the first word but just to a different number.ingredient(0)=first word; ingredient(1)=second word. Then I want the second word to be displayed right below the first word in the table, in the next line down.This is what I have so far.[URL]...
<title>Stuffed Pantry~Recipe Search (Under Construction)</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css">
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May 20, 2009
Suppose I have:
<div id=div1>content1</div>
<div id=div2>content2</div>
<div id=div3>content3</div>
<div id=div4>content4</div>
And suppose I some how manage to store order of div like
div3 div2 div1 div4
Now at next page load how to load div in that sequence....
<div id=div3>content3</div>
<div id=div2>content2</div>
and so on
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Nov 30, 2009
how to sum the values stored in an array of textbox using javascript and display it in a separate text box.
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Mar 31, 2007
i have this simple function...
function update(value, oldvalue)
var a = value;
var b = oldvalue;
var result = a + b;
and call the function using a field with this...
onkeyup="update(this.value, other)"
But all its doing is concatenating the 2 numbers together as though they are strings!!!
so if this.value = 11
and other = 15
it displays 1115
i want to add them and display the total, do i need to specify them as being integers or something?
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a dropdown which is being dynamically generated within the cfloop query.
<select name="ResourceType#ctr#" onchange="GenRWType(,0)">
<option value="">None</option>
<cfloop query="getResourceType">
<option value="#getResourceType.Resourcetypeid#">#getResourceType.Resourcetype#</option>
I am calling the JS function GenRWType which is carrying the name of the dropdown.....the issue is how do I get the value of the selected option from dropdown ? This is the code I have and it does not recognize "rname"
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Feb 12, 2010
I've been advised that the only way to accomplish this is via some hand-coded javascript, at which I'm a complete noob, so hopefully someone here might be able to steer me in the right direction.I have a listings page which displays results using images and text which are stored in a MySQL database, all is working fine. The images are pulled into the page from the database and each listing can have up to a maximum of 10 images. Some will have all 10, some probably one or two, so the page is coded such that if there's an image in the field, it displays a thumbnail, if there isn't then it shoves a " " in instead.The results page has one main photo (image 1) and then a series of thumbnails (images 2-10) below it and I need to be able to set this up so that when someone clicks on image 2 it shows the full-size version of that image in the div where image1 sits, and the same for however many remaining images there are.
So my question is, how easy it is to do this with javascript and does anyone have any idea how to code it?The main photo sits in a div whose id is "mainphoto" the remainder all sit in a div whose id is "thumbpix".
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Apr 28, 2010
Having trouble getting with these sortable DIVs, they are stored in a cookie and loaded correctly. But after that they can not be moved any more.
PHP Code:
<div id="example-1-4">
<div id="containment">
<div class="column left first">
<ul class="sortable-list">
<li class="sortable-item" id="A">Sortable item A</li>
<li class="sortable-item" id="B">Sortable item B</li> .....
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Oct 5, 2011
Visit [url]. I want to to save 32 stations grid in exactly the same format or better yet be able to somehow copy it in excel w/out going into the source and manually editing it. How is this possible?
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Aug 8, 2011
The script works if the images are stored within the HTML but when I try to store them in the JS array, it fails. Is there any way to store the images in JS with this script?
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Dec 9, 2011
I have a costestimatorslider using jquery ui slider as:
$(function() {
As you can see I can add the value from the slider ui.value without any problem.Now I would like to be able to ADD or Extract the$('.cost') value to other value as Total(total=parseInt($('#total').html());.) which is Sum of some other calculations stored in a HTML table cell in the page as:
I tried to do it by this way butFirstof all it doubled the value which makesense and it's wrong!, besides itcouldn'textract the cost from the total.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a listings page which displays results using images and text which are stored in a MySQL database, all is working fine. The images are pulled into the page from the database and each listing can have up to a maximum of 10 images. Some will have all 10, some probably one or two, so the page is coded such that if there's an image in the field, it displays a thumbnail, if there isn't then it shoves a " " in instead.
The results page has one main photo (image 1) and then a series of thumbnails (images 2-10) below it and I need to be able to set this up so that when someone clicks on image 2 it shows the full-size version of that image in the div where image1 sits, and the same for however many remaining images there are.
So my question is, how easy it is to do this with javascript and does anyone have any idea how to code it?
The main photo sits in a div whose id is "mainphoto" the remainder all sit in a div whose id is "thumbpix".
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Feb 3, 2006
I'm having difficulties arithmetically manipulating form element values.
I've entered data into the form, and I fetch them using a js, as:
p7Left = Number(document.form1.elements["p7_left"].value);
p7Right = Number(document.form1.elements["p7_right"].value);
scoreLeft = Number(document.form1.elements["left_score"].value);
scoreRight = Number(document.form1.elements["right_score"].value);
Then I add these as follows:
scoreLeft = Number(scoreLeft + p&Left + ...... +);
This does what I want; without the operator 'Number' I get a concatination
of the various variables (as expected). Is there some way of globally
defining all variables as numbers instead of strings?
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Mar 6, 2007
Safari and FF seem to allow this:
var wiggy = "ABCD";
ch = wiggy[2]; // ch will contain the character 'C'
however my JS book seems to insist that I do this:
ch = wiggy.charAt(2);
and indeed doesn't appear to mention the first method at all.
Since for my particular purpose I want to treat the string as an array
of single characters, I prefer the first method rather than the second.
Is there any reason not to pursue this approach?
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Apr 16, 2007
I have two strings that I need to compare and modify when there is a
matching value in the two. If strA = ??,' then I need to remove
the value ??,' from strB and the new value would be strB =
strA = ??,'
strB = ??,12937,12935' (these could be any values in any order)
I'm not sure where to begin on this.
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