Play A Tune When A Certain Score Is Reached

Nov 14, 2009

I am trying to write a game in javascript that will play a tune when a certain score is reached. I can get music to play if i put the code behind a button but I would prefer to use an if statement in the header section.

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Play - Pause Button - Play A Constant Loop Of Audio On My Site That Autoplays

Jul 22, 2011

To javascript and have succeeded in getting this code:


To play a constant loop of audio on my site that autoplays (which i know, typically people hate... but, i'm doing it anyways on this site).

How to add one button in my html body that is CSS style-able that will both pause and then when clicked again resume playing the audio?

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Calculate Score In This Script?

May 18, 2010


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Calculating A Score From A Row Of Drop-down Values

Aug 11, 2006

I need help in calculating a score from a row of drop-down values.
I need to use the onChange to tally the score as the user moves across
9 categories (with drop-down selection of 1-9 or N/A) multiplied by a
weighted score. The final column for each employee would be the
calculated score. I know how to accomplish this with vbscript but I
need it to process on the screen so the user can see the calculated
score as they make selections. Also the code needs to execute as many
times as there are employee rows.(loop) I don't know how to do this
with Javascript

Here's the VBscript with the variables involved
Var S1 = Category 1 Weighted score
Var S2 = Category 2 Weighted score
Var S3 = Category 3 Weighted score
Var S4 = Category 4 Weighted score
Var S5 = Category 5 Weighted score
Var S6 = Category 6 Weighted score
Var S7 = Category 7 Weighted score
Var S8 = Category 8 Weighted score
Var S9 = Category 9 Weighted score
D5 = 0.92
Var Q11 = Category 1 drop-down Value(1-9) * S1
Var Q22 = Category 2 drop-down Value(1-9) * S2
Var Q33 = Category 3 drop-down Value(1-9) * S3
Var Q44 = Category 4 drop-down Value(1-9) * S4

If (Category 5 Value = "N/A") THEN
Q55 = ' '
Var Q55 = Category 5 drop-down Value(1-9 or N/A) * S5
End If

Var Q66 = Category 6 drop-down Value(1-9) * S6
Var Q77 = Category 7 drop-down Value(1-9) * S7
Var Q88 = Category 8 drop-down Value(1-9) * S8
Var Q99 = Category 9 drop-down Value(1-9) * S9

If (Category 5 = "N/A") THEN
Var FinalScore = round(((Q11 + Q22 + Q33 + Q44 + Q66 + Q77 + Q88 + Q99)
/ D5),2)
Var FinalScore = round((Q11 + Q22 + Q33 + Q44 + Q55 + Q66 + Q77 + Q88 +
end if

Can anyone help me converting this to javascript?

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JQuery :: Add A Score Counting To Script?

Mar 26, 2011

I am trying to add some sort of score system to my script, but I have no idea how to get this working. I have two files 1php and 1 javascript (which gets implemented in the php file)

What do I need?

I want to add a score system to my script.[code]...

But how to do this? Score starts with 0 ofcourse.

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Quiz: Obtaining The User's Score?

Sep 9, 2011

The page will display brief instructions followed by a table containing the quiz.The first is with the Score() function which reads as follows:

function Score(){
if(ans[i]== yourAns[i])


Now unless I'm mistaken (which I am since the score isn't being tabulated correctly) this function essentially uses a for to cycle through both arrays, comparing the user's input against the array containing the right answers. If the contents within index i are the same on both arrays the score increases by one point. Once it cycles through the arrays, it passes score over to prequiz.score.value which will later pass this number to the text box that will display the grade to the user.

Thinking it was the setAnsArray(question, answer) function I added a document.writeline to it. However it showed that the values were being passed correctly to the answer array. Added a document.writeline to the Score() function. Unlike the point above, score always displays as 00000 regardless of how many right answers I provide.

The second issue I'm having is that the reset button is not working correctly. If I hit reset and answer the first question, the score will come back as double the score displayed before.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding= "utf-8"?>


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Alert When Limit Has Reached?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a script which allow a user to move users from one multiple selectbox to another and it works fine, but...

I want to be able to restrict a user to only move x amount of users from one box to another. I want to create an alert when the user try to add a user to much...

The javascript:
$().ready(function() {
$('#add').click(function() {
return !$('#box1 option:selected').remove().appendTo('#box2');


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Submit After Timer Has Reached Zero?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a quiz with a timer. Once the timer reaches zero an alert box pops up saying Too Late and stays on the same screen. The problem is the user can still enter in an answer, how to auto submit after you click ok on the alert box. Here is my count function.

function count() {
tooLate = 0;


So I am just trying to call the submitform function after the timer has reached 0 and the alert box message displays which I have tried but seems to not work.

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Youtube Chromeless Player - Videos With An Id That Contains An Underscore Or Dash Don't Play Although They Play In The Normal Player

Dec 11, 2011

I am using the youtube chromeless player and embeding videos with loadVideoById() method problem is that videos with an id that contains an underscore or dash dont play although they play in the normal player. I also tried replacing with a hex value in querystring i.e (%5f) but that did not work I also tried loadVideoByUrl() method with several urls but still they don't load. here is my code

function switchToPlayer(ytid){
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always"};
var atts = { id: ytid,onmouseover: "this.playVideo()",onmouseout: "this.pauseVideo()"};
swfobject.embedSWF(""+ytid, 'cell'+ytid, "150", "120", "8", "scripts/expressInstall.swf",null,params,atts);

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Pop Up A Modeless Dialog Only When Some Conditions Are Reached?

Jul 20, 2005

I have implemnt a onBlur event of a text input. In the event, a window with all records which related to the text input will be shown. However, I don't want to pop up the window in case there is no records that matching the text input.

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XMLHttpRequest Ready State 4 Never Reached?

Nov 4, 2009

I've written the below code which submits to a servlet, does a bit of processing and returns a JSON object. I'm reaching the servlet, but I never reach the alert("ready()") in the JavaScript.It looks as though the readyState never actually reaches state 4.

function fetchhits() {
var httpRequest = null;
var url = "http://localhost:8080/Json/FetchTopHit?amount=1";


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Ajax :: Form (Score Sheet) Elements Not Accessible?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a form, EWMS.php, that is a score sheet for a dart league. In this form I first have a user choose a division. Ajax returns that choice via MySQL database and PHP. Upon choosing a division that also fills in the next drop down choices of team, which again calls Ajax and brings in the teams associated with the division choice. All works good so far. The last call on team choice drop down brings in the players on that team in another drop down which is peppered throughout the form as it is based on these players that are chosen. The beginning form tag and ending form tag are located in the EWMS.php file while Ajax loads other input elements from the database into the middle of the form.

So now that the form works with these drop downs grabbing MySQL data, I am testing the data the user input by using action="process.php" method="post" in the form tag. In process.php I have some basic code:
$teamV=$_POST['teamV']; .....

When a league is chosen it brings in this findleague.php :
//echo $league;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(team) FROM member_data2011spring WHERE division = '$league' ORDER BY team ASC") or die(mysql_error());
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(team) FROM member_data2011spring WHERE division = '$league' ORDER BY team ASC") or die(mysql_error());
?> .....

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Keep A Running Total Score In A Multiple Choice Quiz?

May 13, 2009

I have a multiple choice quiz in HTML. My requirement for scoring this quiz seems to be different from every other quiz I have seen on the net.

This is due mainly, I believe, to the fact that the number of questions involved in this quiz can be from 1 to infinite as the user action brings up the next question from external JS Q&A files.

In addition I want the user to see their score amended each time they answer a question, not at the end of the quiz (which theoretically may never happen).

In the existing code I already determine and provide "Correct" and "Incorrect" messages immediately following the selection of any of the four 'answer' radio buttons.

What I need to do now is to find out how I can arrange to:

1 count all the Correct answers - when they occur and add to a 'running' total (RT1)

2 count all the Incorrect answers - when they occur and add to a 'running' total (RT2)

3 calculate:- (RT1/(RT1 + RT2)) x (100/1) = percentage success rate so far.

The percentage success rate so far� is to be shown in a text field for the user to see.

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Make The Page Refresh After The Timer Has Reached 0?

Jun 9, 2011

I was wondering how I can make the page refresh after the timer has reached 0 for X amount of seconds? Here is the code I am using:

PHP Code:

<script language="JavaScript">
TargetDate = "{$timerdate}";
BackColor = "#FFFFFF";
ForeColor = "#FF0000";


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Make Page Refresh After Timer Has Reached 0 For X Amount Of Seconds?

Jun 8, 2011

I was wondering how I can make the page refresh after the timer has reached 0 for X amount of seconds? Here is the code I am using [code]...

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JQuery :: Synchronizing Vertical Scroll Of 2 Divs Based On When Waypoints Inside The Content Are Reached?

Nov 1, 2011

To synchronize the vertical scroll of the following "left" and "right" divs only when the beginning and end of each "blahN " div is reached inside the left div. Both divs have a finite height, which basically insures that the scroll bar will be present. The left div outputs text-based content from various database procedures while the right div outputs images corresponding to the text. The text is nothing more than pages from the website and as you can see inside the left div, each is encapsulated within a subsequent div with an incremental class (i.e.- "blah1", "blah2", and so forth.) When one scrolls through each "blah" content inside of the left div, I would like the right div to output the image that corresponds to the text (again, this data comes from the website through previous transactions.) Here's an example: John Doe comes to the website and starts reading the various pages listed inside the left div.

There might be 2 pages loaded inside the left div, or, there might be 20, but in any event, when he loads the entire page containing all this, the first page will be displayed along with the first pages' image. When he scrolls past this first entry (page) inside the left div, the corresponding image related to it inside the MySQL database is then output as well over in the right div and so on with every other "blahN " piece of content. Right now, the jQuery I'm using has synchronized both divs to scroll at the same time, regardless of specific waypoints that might be reached per-scrolling.

Here's the basic markup I'm using right now:

<div class="left">
foreach($obj->field_page_objs as $k1=>$v1){


few other websites and the responsiveness has been minimal-to-nonexistent. I'm sure this is because of both how I've explained the problem combined with the overall difficulty (or niche-ness) it introduces. In any event, I apologize beforehand if this carries over into this website.

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Play .wav

Jul 20, 2005

Any body know of a javscript that will play a sound.wav file repeatedly onLoad?

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Play Wave

Jul 20, 2005

This is a simple question. How do I preload a wave file and play it on command?

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How To Play A Mp3 OnClick()

Sep 16, 2009

I have a site [URL] It shows 9 series. Each series has a set of artists and titles. The images are loaded dynamically.

I would like to be able to click on an image of an album and play an mp3 file associated with the image. The <embed> tag doesnt need to show a playlist, in fact, I want the player to be hidden.

provide sample code of a click event to play mp3?

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Unable To Play Mp3 In FireFox

Jul 29, 2009

I've created an html page where I will present a list of mp3 tracks which user can listen to. When a user clicks on any track, a pop-up will get open which will play that track. The url of this pop-up, which is partly completed is, [URL]

For this I've googled around and found a solution. But this is working fine in IE but not in FF. This solution uses a "m3u" file for the purpose. And I've got this from here: [URL](please scroll down).

In FF, it says to download a plugin but when I click, it searches for the plugin and displayes error message as "No suitable plugins found Unknow plugin(audio/x-mpegurl)"

I want to commit that I do not have quicktime installed on my system but window media player which is getting used when page is viewd in IE.

how to make this work. I've also set the MIME type under HTTP Header in IIS 6.0. The header set are: .m3u; Mime type: audio/x-mpegurl and mp3; Mime type: audio/mpeg

Though, it is an ASP page but nothing is ASP code over there, completely, JS and HTML

Code for sound.asp file


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


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How To Play Music On A Site?

Jun 22, 2010

this site [URL] plays music when you are there.

how do they do it?

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Play An Mp3 On Image Click?

Jul 8, 2010

I have about 40 images on an educational website. When the user clicks each image, a different one second long mp3 should play without opening a new window. Is it possible to do this with javascript?

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Can't Seem To Play MP3s With JPlayer

May 23, 2011

I can't seem to play MP3s with jPlayer, only OGG.

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Can't Play MP3s With JPlayer

Jun 14, 2011

I can't seem to play MP3s with jPlayer, only OGG. My custom code is below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var audioPlaylist;
var Playlist;


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Play Sound After X Seconds?

Jun 25, 2006

I have built an admin area for employees of a business. Once logged-in, if they sit idle for 5 minutes their session will be killed ( the time may vary depending on the employee ). I do all this with php but don't really know much about javascript.

What I would like to do is start playing a small sound repeatedly when the employees session is about 30 seconds from expiring. ( this will give the employee time to click on a link to keep their session alive )

So when the page loads, I would like to pass a length of time in seconds to a javascript. So if the employee can sit idle for 5 minutes, that would be 300 seconds. Minus the 30 seconds that I would like the alarm to be playing for which gives us 270 seconds. ( I'll pass this number to the script with PHP, the script does not have to figure this out... just to be clear. )

So I'm looking for something like this:
- On page load, tell javascript to count down a specific number of seconds ( 270 )
- When the countdown reaches 0, start playing sound file repeatedly.

Sounds easy enough but I haven't been able to find anything like this yet. The only ones I've seen actually display the countdown which I don't want. I want this to count down invisibly. Oh and it should hopefully work in both IE and Firefox.

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How To Play Song Online?

Sep 28, 2006

I have been looking for the answer for a long time, but could not reach to any answer. I am a novice web designer, have very little knowledge on web programming. I hope someone here could help me with the following. The problem scenario is this:

I have a webpage where I have listed some classical songs so that page visitors can listen to song online. All files are in Real Audio format either with .rm or .ra extension. These individual audio files are linked with .ram files so that when visitor’s clicks on the song title, this .ram file launches RealPlayer and the clicked song starts playing. Once a song is played it stops. If user wants to hear another song, user needs to click on another song title to play that song. This is annoying for users.

However, I have seen on some websites where user can select the songs by clicking on the “Check Boxesâ€&#65533; next to each song titles and play by clicking on the “Playâ€&#65533; button. Therefore, user can select lists of their favourite songs by clicking on check box and play these together one after another. There are two other buttons also available for users: “Select Allâ€&#65533; songs and “Resetâ€&#65533;.

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