OnClick, Create Php Variable And Echo Out

Sep 27, 2010

I have a form, that when the user click Submit, I need a php variable to be echoed to the page. This is for an upload page. So when they are waiting for the file to upload, it will say "Uploading..." until the upload is complete.

All I know so far is I need to create a javascript function and include it in the submit button. This is all I have so far in the submit button tag:

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Simple Echo OnClick Function Not Working

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to do a simple echo onclick, but despite what I try to do, it shows no errors, but won't work. I've tried things like:
echo "<div onclick="alert('test');">t</div>";
echo '<div onclick="alert('test');">t</div>';
But just can't seem to get it to work right. I'm trying to do this on a script that is being eval on the ajax request. Thus I'm having problems placing the ',", marks.

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Echo A Php Variable To Function But Nothing Is Happening?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to echo a php variable to my javascript function but nothing is happening.Basically this php page displays bunch of records with a radio button next to each record. So when the radio button is clicked it would open that record in a new window that is clicked.

<input type='radio' name='option' value='$ctr' id='$ctr' onClick="edit_record('<?php echo $ctr ?>')">
<script type="text/javascript">
function edit_record(){[code]....

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Echo A Variable In A Form Based On User Selection?

Aug 15, 2009

here is part of a form I have:

<select name = "pulmonologist" >
<option selected="" value="">---Select---
<option value="none">None</option>


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Onclick Defined Variable - Print Variable Some Place In Document

May 28, 2007

i'm not really sure how to explain this, since I know nothing about javascript, so i'll try and illustrate by the use of php (hope it makes sence)

I have a set of different links, like:

<a href="link.com?page=text1">text 1</a>
<a href="link.com?page=text2">text 2</a>
<a href="link.com?page=text3">text 3</a>
etc, where page is dynamic and can be anything I chose..

Another place in the same document, I echo out what the page variable is, like:

echo "$page";
so when clicking "text 1" the echo will output what i've defined the page to be, in this case "text1" ..

So I want to be able to click the links and change the output of the echo all depending on what i've defined in the link - without refreshing the page!

Is there any easy way to do this?

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Create DIV And Some Other DIV's Inside It Using OnClick Event

Dec 10, 2009

how to create a DIV dynamically. Basicly, I have two labels, and depending on which one is clicked, I want some code to appear inside an existing DIV. Obviously, I will need to do this using javascript and the onClick event. To make things even more complicated, I also want some DIV's inside of the dynamically created DIV. So, the structure would be:

-Existing DIV
--DIV created by label being clicked
---Another DIV
---Another DIV

I hope this doesn't confuse anyone. I have some code for the existing DIV.

<DIV ID="container"><DIV ID="title">Order</DIV><DIV ID="body">Login <LABEL onclick="login()">here</LABEL>. Signup <LABEL onclick="sign_now()">here</LABEL></DIV>

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Create A Link, OnClick Event Set For Some Function

Jun 23, 2006

Does anyone know how to create a link (<a> . . . </a>) with some piece
of javascript code that has the onClick event set for some function that I also wrote (not a build-in function).

I can find all sorts of samples in these disc.groups but none of them
seems to work for me.

I am focussed on Firefox, but some code that also works for IE, would
be appreciated.

BTW I know how to create elements in the html document, that is not the
problem. The problem is that I seem not te be able to set the onClick event for some created element. I tried for both a link and also for a text-element.
I can set the onClick for some built-in function like alert('Nice Day').

There are loads of examples to be found for that, and they indeed work.

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Create A New Object Each Time There's A New Onclick Event?

Jul 26, 2009

Ok. How about if I create a new object?

how to create a new object each time there's a new onclick event?

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Create Calendar Textfields Onclick In Firefox

Aug 31, 2011

The script creates new fields with calendar in a form, if new information is added to a field and then a new field is created the information is lost in FF Live demo: [URL]

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>Calendar Text Input</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="datetimepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

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Dom Onclick Variable Value

Jul 24, 2006

I am trying to apply the current value of variable i to the links onclick event
I've even tried assigning it to variable j but the only values I get when any link is clicked is

i = 5
j = 4

The "page"+i and "Link"+i show as they should with variable i showing the correct value. Code:

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How To Put Variable In Onclick?

Feb 20, 2005

I have a JS variable I want to write inside of a onclick="" attribute. Example:

var cool = "hello";
<a href="#" onclick="RunFunction(cool)">Text</a>

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JQuery :: Create An Element And Load Data Into It Onclick?

Apr 20, 2010

I use following code to create an element and load data into it onclick:

("<div id="element" ></div>").appendTo('#content').load("grid.php");

The first time it loads very fast, 12ms.

I have a close buttons wich removes the element from dom: $("#element").fadeOut('fast').empty().remove();

The second time I execute the onclick event, the first code takes approx 1 second, so much slower. The php code execution time is the same as previously.

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Create OnClick Event For Menu Items For User?

Jan 16, 2011

I seem to be stuck on one part of my code. A quick background, this is a website to showcase various photography services. First, I will layout what I have:

The Javascript for my menu (in the head section):
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeout = 200;
var closetimer = 1;
var items = 0;
function dropit(id){
if(items) items.style.visibility = 'hidden';
items = document.getElementById(id);
items.style.visibility = 'visible';
}function mclose()
if(items) items.style.visibility = 'hidden';
} .....

Now, here is what I have in the body section
<div id="menu">
<ul id="control">
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="dropit('dropone')" onmouseout="mcls()">Wedding Portfolio</a>
<div id="dropone" onmouseover="canclcls()" onmouseout="mcls()">
<a href="jamaicawed.html">Wedding in Jamaica</a>
<a href="indianwed.html">Indian Wedding</a>
</li> .....

So the only thing I can't figure out how to do is create an onclick event for one of the menu items (boudoir) that confirms that the user is comfortable being exposed to a specific (topless) type of image.

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OnClick :: Create A Cookie For The User That Adds The Link Id ?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a website with five links, each with its own id. onClick I would like to create a cookie for the user that adds the link id that they have clicked.I am planning to do this using an array, however, I am a bit confused about the theroy behind a cookie.It is just a text file that can hold any data correct? So I could store an array with

array[0] = hi.html
array[1] = hello.html

and later on pull up what is in array[0] to diplay it on the page? Can I do this with one cookie or would I need a new cookie for each link?

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Send Variable To Url Using Onclick?

Jan 16, 2009

I know how to pass a variable to a url using href.


now I want to do this using onClick, how do I?

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Passing Variable In Onclick?

Apr 2, 2009

Basically, I have a form with some text fields, and I want to put a button next to each text field, so that when a user clicks on the button, it increments the value in the field by 1. I know how to do it if I know the id of the text field, but what if the id of the text field is a variable? How do I do it? Here's my code:

<script language=javascript>
function process(v){
document.getElementById('order_item' + v + '_quantity').value++;


My issue is with my onclick statement:

<input type="button" value="Add +" onclick="javascript:process(0)">

This works fine for my first field, but I need to have one for every text field, so how do I pass my counter variable (which determines the id of the appropriate text field) to the process function?

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Pass Variable With Onclick?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a book on my page consist of 3 iframes, 1 iframe opens the table of contents and 2 iframes to open 2 pages at the same time, also i have 2 buttons to navigate pages next and previous through this function


the problem starts here, if i click on next-previous button I want it to continue from page 36,37 but what happens it continue from pNum in the function, how to update the pNum from onclick ?

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Changing Variable Value With OnClick?

Nov 13, 2011

I am building a site where I want all links to partial page reload using xmlhttprequest and innerhtml. I have done this before, butI always had to have a seperate xmlhttprequest function for each link. So this time I am trying to write just one function, and have the onClick change which document the request is getting. It is not working and I appear to novice to figure out why. Here is the code, i have bolded some relevant lines:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeContent()
var whichPHP;


Also, if I use the innerhtml function to write another of these hrefs, will that link be able to access the function if it is in the header, or should I put the entire function in a .js file on the server? The point of all this would be that the entire page never reloads and all the text content is swapped out on demand.

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Create A Variable Link

Jul 23, 2005

I must begin to say that I'm rather new in wtiting and using JavaScript. Now
I want to use JavaScript in a HTML-page. On the homepage is a link. Every
time the homepage is displayed the link must point to another target. I want
to realize this by having a lot of differet targetpages. The names of these
pages are p1001.htm until p<nnnn>.htm. At this moment the last is p1153.htm,
but the amount is increasing every day.

I have a file named "counter.txt" which contains one line with the string of
the last targetpage, at his moment "1153".

My idea is to have a JavaScript which:
1. reads the file counter.txt to determine the last available page
2. then takes at random one number between 1001 and 1153,
3. sets the HREF-link to page p<random>.htm.

I know it must be possible in JavaScript, but can anyone help me?

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Create A Variable File?

Feb 15, 2009

How would this be written on .js file. I need to create a variable named dateString which is equal to the following text string: weekday, month, day, year.where weekday is the name of the weekday, month is the name of the month, day is the day of the month, and year is the four-digit year value. (HINT: Use the wdayName array using thisWDay variable as the index value to display the weekday name, the monthName array along with the thisMonth variable to display the month value, and the this Year variable to display the year value.)

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Create Variable Name Dynamically??

Nov 1, 2011

how to create variable name dynamically?

eg: if (test==1)
var test1=1
if (test==2)


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Create Variable Name From An Array Value?

Oct 21, 2011

In javascript is it possible to create a var name from an array value?

(I will assign to that name the return value of a function)

I have this example, I want to create a var name from array_example[0][1]. Is it possible?: code...

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How To Create Variable Name Dynamically

Nov 1, 2011

how to create variable name dynamically?

eg: if (test==1)
var test1=1
if (test==2)


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Create An Object According To A Variable?

Feb 7, 2011

How can you use an integer as an object? The idea is to create dynamic object according to a particular id which is an integer

var newObject = function(integer) {
window.integer = {};

I cannot console.log(window.123), only console.log(window.integer) ...

how I create the object window.123 or perhaps, window.id_123 ?

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How To Echo An Iframe

Sep 2, 2010

I would like to know which statement I should use in order to echo an iframe in JS.

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Url Variable To Onclick - Can't Get The Next Page To Load

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to use an onclick statement to go to an alternate web page displaying a different version of tha file being displayed in the current page.

In the HEAD section of the current page I have a global variable named currentfile that contains a file name. This function is also in the HEAD section immediately below the variable's declaration

I have tried every combination I can think of in the onclick code to get it to work but, no joy. here is an example:

I just can't get the next page to load.

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