Multiplying Corresponding Elements In Parallel Arrays?

Mar 21, 2010

What I have been given is two arrays and I need to multiply the elements in the first with the corresponding value in the second and then save the result into a third array. I have tried every option i can think of to do this, I entered the result values into the third array just to check the rest of my code is right

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Sum Of Array Elements - Add And Delete Dynamic Rows And Auto Calculate The Amount Field By Multiplying Qty And Rate

Mar 21, 2011

This is my code to add and delete dynamic rows and auto calculate the amount field by multiplying qty and rate.


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JQuery :: How To Count Elements And Arrays

Oct 29, 2011

I want to know how to account elements and arrays. the elements I want to count based on their value. how many there are. and then for the array I just want to count how many there are in a html array.

how could I count these? then how can I select the elements name that matches those values?

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Form Elements Arrays Not Working?

Dec 12, 2010

I tried to get this to work for so long now, I have a form which will have generated fields - ultimately becoming HTML arrays, yet I can't seem to get it to work right wiht Javascript, the code is below, but JS gives me an error saying "area[0] is not defined.HTML format:

<div id="texts">
<div class="textCount">


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Arrays With Elements Initialized To 1 (true)?

Nov 4, 2010

Would this code i made


Would that be an exmaple of arrays with elements intilized to 1(true)

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Searching Multidimensional Arrays By String Match And Returning Elements In Row?

May 26, 2011

I need to be able to match a particular element in a "row" of a multidimensional array, and then find and reference the other elements in that "row".

Below is a sample of the whole array...

var commercialProductList=new Array(
new Array("Sydney Automobiles - Online","Sydney_Automobiles_Online","users",60.39,3.02,1.21),
new Array("Sydney Automobiles - Hard


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Arrays Have Multiple Elements, And InnerHTML Only Lets One Button Get Written?

Sep 16, 2009

function writeCmd()
// var div = top.buttonFrame.document.getElementById("buttonList");


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Multiplying Large Numbers

Apr 10, 2007

I would like to calculate factorial numbers that produce results of
say 100 digits. What is the best way of doing it in Javascript?
Can I define a variable and somehow have control on each of its digits

Can I multiply two relatively small numbers and determine that there
was a carry?

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Multiplying Two Input Fields?

Jul 20, 2010

I would like to create a form that calculates the area of a floor or wall. The user will input the length/height and width dimensions into two input fields and then click calculate.I simply need a script that multiplies the two fields together and puts the answer in a third read-only field.

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Multiplying Values With JavaScript

May 13, 2006

Using JavaScript I want to multiply two values (from a drop down list) to give me a total, ie: 10 * 30 = 300

I don't want an extra calculate button Does anyone know the javascript to carry out this task? Code:

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Running Array And Hash In Parallel

Mar 3, 2007

I'm using an array to store map features (name, lat, lon, caption,
etc), from which the user can then select an individual feature. The
problem is that when thousands of features are stored in the array,
looping over the entire array looking for a match is SLOW.

So I'm running a hash in parallel, where every time a feature is
pushed onto the array it's name is also added to the hash as an
identical key value pair. I then check if the key is defined in the
hash, and if it is, I want to use that feature's values from the
array. Problem is, I don't know the index number in the array for this
feature. Is there a way to look this up without looping over it, by
matching values between the array and hash? Code:

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How To Send Data To Parallel Port

Mar 30, 2009

I have been directed from .NET section to this section. My original post and question are here.

Is it possible to send data to parallel port using javascript?

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Parallel Array Returning Undefined / Why Is So?

Feb 20, 2009

I am working on a very simple code to determine the highest value from an array and also use parallel arrays.

The problem I am having is, when I try to invoke the parallel array namesArray it returns undefined.

I have coded the function so it can be used to find the highest value in more arrays as this is only the beginning of my code. Im not sure if this is what is causing the problems but I have a feeling it is code...

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Can't Get Parallel Array To Work With BiggestValueIndex Function

Feb 20, 2009

After some earlier advice I have realised that I was trying to find the highest vale in an array not the index of that value. I have changed my code accordingly but I still have something wrong with it. It still returns undefined.

I need to have the function findHighValueIndex(anArray) as I will be adding more arrays later.



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Calculating / Multiplying Form Fields (on Exit)?

Jul 16, 2009

This is probably very basic, but I don't think I'm searching the right terms to find what I need, I'm looking for an example code of how to do this.I have 3 columns (form fields below)


I want a user to be able to enter in a price and the amount of items so that when they leave one of those two fields, it will autocalculate and populate the "total" field. I also want the option for them to be able to fill out the total field alone, without having to enter "price" or "items". So basically 'total' has to be filled out either way, because I will then be doing calculations with that data.

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Loading Scripts In Parallel Causes Bug In WebKit Browsers?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a function called 'loadScript' which is used to load JavaScript files in parallel (for the purpose of not blocking the browser from downloading other components at the same time).

See the following link for more information on the subject:[URL].. This function works fine for IE and Firefox and up until today has always worked for Chrome/Safari. But today I noticed an issue for WebKit rendering engines, which is that sometimes the callback method I pass to the loadScript doesn't always fire, only sometimes when I force refresh the page.


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Parallel Array Multiple Search - Mandatory And Optional

Sep 18, 2010

I have 4 arrays that all contain data linked by the index. I have 3 drop down boxes on a web page that give the user 3 ways to search for data. The top one is mandatory the other two are optional. I've managed to create the code to search using the mandatory box but cant figure out how to expand the search.

Here is the function that deals with the search data:
function findFlights(){
var yourAirline = readTheAirline();
var result = 'Here are your flights <BR>';
var choose = 'Choose your destination';

for (var index = 0; index < flightTimes.length; index++){
var flight = flightDestinations[index];
var airline = flightOperators[index];
if (yourDestination == flight){
var b = flightTimes[index];
var c = flightDestinations[index];
var d = flightOperators[index];
var e = flightFares[index];
var message = b + ' to ' + c + ' operated by ' + d + '. Ł' + e + '.';

result = result + message + '<BR>';
}if (yourDestination == choose){
result = 'Please choose a destination city from the destination menu and then click Find flights again.';

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JQuery :: Multiple Parallel Ajax Calls - Improving Performance?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to build a page that has multiple ajax calls on it. When you do it the old-fashioned way with XmlHttpRequest, you'd create a new xhr object for every call so that they execute simultaneously. If I try to do this in jquery it will only execute a call when the previous one has completed. This makes the page load time completely unacceptable. How to improve the performance?

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Multiplying And Addition - Allow Users To Check One Or More Of The Checkboxes And Multiply It By A Quantity

Jan 30, 2009

I am having trouble making a website for a vacation rental I pieced this javascript code and form together with a simple goal in mind: -to have 3 checkboxes each with its unique variable

weeks: 2,000
weekends: 325
weekdays: 275

-to allow users to check one or more of the checkboxes, and multiply it by a quantity they choose (ie "I'd like to stay for two weeks (2 x 2,000=6,000) and one weekday (1 x 275=275)

-finally, to add up the totals at the end (6,000 + 275=6,275)


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Add 2 Seperate Elements In 2 Seperate Arrays?

Jul 27, 2011

I have just found this wonderful forum through Dr Google whilst looking for an answer to my incredibly frustrating question! I am an OU student it is for an assignment I just cannot find the answer in any of the books and searching the net has got me nothing but so far wasted 3 hours :(

Here is the code snippet:

First I had to add a new array called totalVotes and assign a length to it the same as candidateArray, I have done this in the last 2 lines I think this is correct, the question did stipulate that if the candidate array was changed then so would the total votes array hence linking it via length.

Now here is where I am at a complete loss :( The exact wording is as follows:

Use a for loop to calculate the total votes for each candidate according to the following structured english:

For each array position add the element at that position in the online vote array to the element at the position in the paper vote array. store the result at the corresponding position in the total votes array end for.

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JQuery :: Insert 1 DIV ONLY After Previous DIV, Without Multiplying ALL Previous DIVs

Jan 26, 2011

I'm trying to add extra DIVs after the first one on a page. This is for a CMS with form fields in them. Here is the first DIV:

<div class="OptExtra">
<h3>Additional Option</h3>
<label for="RESAddType">File type (i.e. “CD” or “Download”)</label>
<input name="RESAddType[]" type="text" id="RESAddType" size="48" class="FW" />


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Arrays And IE

Jul 23, 2005

I've noticed that IE apparently has a horrible implementation of the
array object, since traversing one with as few as 1000 items it tends
to pop up a dialog informing the user that the script is taking too
long. I tried splitting the array into a 10x100 two-dimensional array
as well as changing the array to a linked list, but neither improved
the code's efficiency sufficiently. Can anyone suggest methods for
optimizing array efficiency, or some other workaround for yet another
one of Bill Gates' blunders?

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Xml Vs Arrays

Jul 23, 2005

I have a web document created by a script and instead of going back to
the db I choose to either create an array to iterate through or xml to
parse through.

So, my question is: What are the trade offs between using an array to
load data from or an xml structure?

My array would look like:

myarray = [[],[],[],[]]

My xml like:


I would use js to iterate or getElementByTagName to find data. I am thinking the page would load faster using xml, and then the user may not even use that functionality. In all cases I have to load the array to memory.

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Arrays Different In IE And Others?

May 23, 2007

I am with XHTML and CSS as much do I have to learn in JavaScript programming. I’m just beginning to understand and modify the DOM and I ran into something that I couldn’t find a solution for after some extensive search. I have this function:

if(document.getElementById && document.createElement) {
function addflags() {
var children = document.getElementById('pagelist').childNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children[0].className = 'bulgaria'
children[1].className = 'england'
children[2].className = 'italy'
children[3].className = 'sweden'

The XHTML is an unordered list with 4 list items and sub lists in those list items (plus links in each li) and I want to add a country flag (set as background image in the CSS) to the direct children of the ul (the first level list items).

Now I discovered that Firefox is only reacting to odd array numbers, i.e. children[1], 3, 5, and 7 (the even numbers have "no properties") while IE is applying the classes correctly(?) as intended above (0,1,2,3).

At which point did I go wrong? Sorry if this is a real stupid question but I’m pretty new in this field and my researches didn’t bring any acceptable results.

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Arrays Of Arrays...

Oct 5, 2005

Is what I'm doing the right approach to creating an array of arrays? I have an external datafile with several employees' records. They are stored in an array with each element of the array being the complete employee record, ie: name, date of hire, etc., etc. These attributes are delimited by a :. I'm trying to separate these attributes while keeping the original array intact. That way I can access these attributes and validate whether or not an instance of the employee object will occur. There are too many records to create this from the start, so I'm trying to implement a for loop to do it for me. This is what I tried: datafile is the name of the original array of employees. emp is the array I'm trying to create .

for(var i=0;i<datafile.length;i++){
var emp = datafile[i].split(":");

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Elements Or Remove / Add Elements Based On Radio Selection By User?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:

<input name="terms_usr" type="radio" id="terms_usr_1" value="1"/>
<label for="terms_usr_1">Credit Card</label>
<input type="radio" name="terms_usr" id="terms_usr_2" value="2"/>
<label for="terms_usr_2">C.O.D</label>


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