Made A Back Button For Each IFrame
Jul 10, 2010
I have multiple IFrames on my site with different content inside each. I made a back button for each IFrame
'<a href="javascript:'+ WindowFrameID + '.history.back();"><div class="forwardbutton"> </div></a>'
It works well for a single frame but if I follow any link inside frame1 and click back button for frame2 then frame1 goes back.
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Mar 31, 2007
In one of my pages, I use javascript (AJAX) to populate one mulitple
select field based on user's click event on another control. I noticed
that when I navigate back to this page by clicking browser's "Back"
button, the changes made to the multiple select is not preserved. (It
shows the initial value). While all the other user selections are
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Jan 24, 2011
I am wondering how Back, Forward browser button works for iframes. Does it bring back/forward iframe or top window? I remember I had before a problem because I wanted to bring back iframe and not top window as it did. But today I tested my Facebook app and was surprised to see it works as I need which means it brings back/forward iframe window and not top. Is it possible that Facebook has some javascript code which does that or is this normall behaviour?
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Aug 19, 2011
Why is the input type = radio on this page is not getting the value assigned to it after the user clicks on the related selection? Here is the page under development: - TOTALLY FREE online dating service - You can see this by selecting a choice for "I am a: " Radio button selection. I have set up Javascript code, alert, which will tell you that that selection is "Undefined" even though you have selected male or female.
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Nov 9, 2005
Okay, so I've just installed a javascript that redirects to any random page from a specified list. The problem with it is, it's in an iframe and works as sort of an advertising area. So on the mainpage where the iframe has been placed, whenever someone uses the back button, it just keep going back in the iframe and choosing random pages. The back button doesn't work on the mainpage and instead is used in the actual iframe.
I'm not sure if this is a problem with the iframe or the script, and I don't think I have the mental capacity to figure it out so I'd really value some help! Oh, and apparently the problem doesn't occur when using Firefox. Code:
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Feb 1, 2011
when you have a page that contains an iframe, and then navigate inside the iframe, hitting the browsers back button will only affect the contents of the iframe and not the entire page. I've been searching all over for solutions and cant find one that works for my current implementation.
function ShowPage(frame)
frames[0].location = frame+'.html'
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Dec 23, 2007
I am trying to put together a proof of concept. What I am trying to prove is that a back button affect can be accomplished using DHTML and an IFrame. Here is the concept, as the user changes data, that data can be written to an IFrame. Then, when the user hits the back button, contents can be taken from the IFrame using history.back() since the IFrame should remember the content written to it just like a page would.
Here is my problem. The below code writes the content entered into the text box into the IFrame. But when I click the button to execute the history.back(), the value returned is undefined.
I think my problem might be that the code which writes the contents of the text box to the IFrame is doing that dynamically, so the page is not caching it. If this is correct, how can I write the dynamically entered content from the text box to the IFrame so it can be cached by the IFrame window? Code:
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Jul 1, 2011
I'm looking to have a lightbox pop up when a user clicks the Back button in their browser rather than just navigating back. The purpose is to ask a question with a Yes/No answer, and if they click No, I allow them to go back. The only thing I've found anything like this is the onUnload event, but that doesn't prevent them from going back. How should this be handled?
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Feb 24, 2004
I am trying to write a script that uses the IF statement to see wether or not a user clicked the back button to come to a page, and then if it's true to not let the page load and kick them back X number of pages (say 4) This is what I have so far:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if javascript:window.history.back == 1
return false;
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Sep 14, 2010
I am trying to capture the back button and redirect if it is a certain URL, if not just go back like a normal back button.I've never really messed with the history except for something like this: <a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Anyone have an example using this plugin: [URL]r any other plugin that might achieve this
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Oct 7, 2011
Im trying to use javascript history to resize an iframe when a submit button is clicked inside the iframe.
This is what i found so far.
Us this with iframe:
But im not really sure on how to apply this to my iframe, and i know that the resize part also needs to be edited, but what is missing?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to communicate between a parent document that is controlled
through pure Javascript with an embedded IFrame containing an ASP.NET
form. I can quite easily pass data into hidden fields in the IFrame and
submit the form to pass data to the ASP.NET application.
Now the tricky part! (at least for me, probably not for everyone
else!), how can I set a field in the ASP.NET page (using ASP.NET during
a postback), which I can get the value of within the parent Javascript
controlled page?
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Dec 19, 2010
I have an iframe that contains x.asp:Code:<iframe name=chat width=90% height=50% frameborder=0 src=x.asp></iframe>x.asp is refreshed every 1 second using metatag. The problem is that everytime x refreshes, x goes top so the last line is not visible.What I need is a javascript that when x refreshes, scroller automatically goes to the last line
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Oct 12, 2010
Currently using: version: 2.47 (04-SEP-2010)
If I have iframe: true, my JSON response back is always:
Was this done for a specific reason (note the Head/Body tags)? Is there a safe way of parsing this JSON request out? Am I doing something wrong?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a graphic with a rollover for site navigation on each page. I
put the page to go back to in the rollover javascript.
My question is, is it possible to put in some code that will refer the
visitor back to whatever page they came from rather than one I
The rollover is combined with a tooltip script to make matters fun
(below). However, I'm quite happy to lose the tooltip to have the link
perform as a back button.
<a href="../index.asp"
showtip(this,event,'Back to home page');"
onmouseout="document.images['link1'].src=img1.src; hidetip()";><img
src="bhome.gif" name="link1" border=0></a>
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Jan 27, 2007
how do i make the page go all the way to the top after you press the back button?
for example, you would go to page 1 and you scroll mid-way, then you press a link to page 2. then you press the back button on page 2 and takes you back to page 1 but it brings you back to the section where you scrolled mid-way.
is there any way to make it so it will automatically bring you to the top of the page. ive seen it on other sites.
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Jan 9, 2006
i'm trying to find a way to reset the back button so when incrementing through my forms the users can't acidently go back to a previous page
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May 28, 2006
I am doing a javascript back button within my form
<input type=submit value="Back to previous page" class=header onClick="history.go(-1)">
for some reason it is submitting the form instead of going back a page --
why would this be?
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Aug 3, 2010
after hitting 'back' button I'm taken to spot on page where I was, but I'm being asked to do the opposite -- take user to the top of the page, after hitting 'back' button... when I look up this issue, most people complain of the opposite - that the browser takes them to to top of the page after hitting 'back' button...;-) [URL] is there a way with JavaScript to force page to go to the top of the page when you navigate to a back via 'back' button?
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Jul 6, 2001
The site that I'm currently working on is related to a computer game, and I'm creating an interface similar to the game using js for rollovers and imagery changes.
However, one thing that web browsers have that the game doesn't is a "Back" button. I don't want to disable it--I hate when sites do that--but I want to makes sure that button changes that happen going forward also happen going backward.
That said:
1: Is there any way to force a function to run when the back button is pressed? And if not...
2: Does the body onLoad event work when the page is returned to using the back button?
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Nov 2, 2005
Is there a way in IE to trap when the back button is pressed to do things like prompt the user to save or do some function other than going back?
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May 11, 2006
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title> Back Button Test </title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function createDiv(){
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = TEST DIV'
<input type="button" value="Create Div" onclick="createDiv()">
I using this code sample to create some divs in Firefox and IE6. After going to another site I click in the back button the created divs remain in Firefox, like I want, but doesn't in IE... Do you know what's wrong?! Is this an IE6 lack?!
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Jun 12, 2007
I have used thickbox js library to display 'popup contact cards' on a private website. which requires the user to login, I chose this as it's far better than using real popup widows, or full windows do display the small amount of info (name, position, and phone number).
However the client has had trouble with some users clicking the browser back button to exit the 'thickbox' screen instead of the 'close' text in the thickbox header bar (or using the esc key as you can in the latest version of Thickbox), clicking the back button sometimes leads to the user being logged out returning them to the 'please login' page.
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May 3, 2010
I would like to disable the back button in IE7 and IE8. I assume the best way is to use I tried below and it disabled the IE back button but doesnt show the menu items, url bar etc.
<a href="#" onClick=", 'newpage.html', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto')">go to page with disabled IE back button</a>;
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there anyway to detect when the back button has been pushed? I have
three frames, and it requires three pushes of the back button to get
back to the previous "window". I would like to detect when the user
pushes it and send them back in one go.
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Jul 20, 2005
Can someone point me to a script that will allow me to implement a "back button" in an HTA, since there is no history for HTA's. Understand this requires an array, is there any sample code out there
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