Js - Add Hash To URL Without Scrolling Page
Sep 17, 2009
the problem with ajax is that the page content generated cannot be bookmarked, nor does the back button work (in some browsers), ive read about history libraries and all sorts of heavy stuff, but i would like to know one simple thing.i want to add a Code JavaScript:
upon a link click, but theres a catch, when this hash add's, i don't want the screen to jump to the top, i want it to remain where it is.clarification:
1. i open page
2. i scroll down
3. i click link that adds a hash (maybe with a value #test)
4. the page MUST not scroll back to the top.
note: i see that adding a hash has different effects in different browsers, is there a cross browser way?
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Mar 13, 2009
I'm attempting to implement some deep-linking in my simple AJAX application by setting location.hash, and I've run into two problems:
1) Sometimes setting location.hash seems to send the window on both IE and FF to scroll to the top of the page. I do not want any scrolling to occur. The location.hash change happens in a function which is triggered in an onclick event.
2) Changing location.hash creates a history entry on FF (not on IE)... that's pretty cool for FF, but in this case I do not want a history entry created. How can this be avoided?
I found an example which seems to have avoided both these problems, but cannot decipher the pertinent code: [URL]
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Feb 17, 2011
jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.
This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC
I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.
I have a demo here - [url]
Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.
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Aug 10, 2010
What I want is a textbox that the user can enter information into. When they press a key the onkeyup event will simulate a function. All that I can do. The function needs to automatically scroll down the page to the anchor that corresponds to the number the user entered. The web page is a factor finding program. You can enter 2 numbers and it finds all the factors of all the numbers between the 2 you entered. Here is the link: [URL] As you can see, when you try to find factors of numbers a new window opens and there is a search box in the top left. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. If you want to check out the code look at the web page but here is the bit that creates the new window
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Jul 14, 2011
I'm a javascript rookie trying to figure out a way to get bookmarkable URLS for the images on a single page with multiple slideshows. I must admit I don't really understand the first part of the code on the Cycle demo page for this, which only works for a page with one slideshow:
While I'm shopping for a little guidance, it would also be really cool if the hash tags were semantic somehow with respect to each slideshow e.g.:
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Mar 3, 2002
What I need is a javascript, that scrolls an image togheter with the page, so, the images is always visible. You can see an example on britannica.com , in the right bottom corner there's a little '+', that's scroll with the pages, well I want the same with a simple image.
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Jan 28, 2011
how to load page while scrolling? For e.g. If i want to load 200 records, i will first load 100 records and when the scroll reaches bottom, i will have ajax to get the remaining records. Here, when i get the next set of rows (in responsetext), these rows are seen as text and not as table rows.
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Jan 21, 2009
<input class='absmiddle' type='checkbox' name='chg' id='chg' onclick='toggle(this); return false;'>
I thought the return false would prevent this but the page scrolls up a bit. What's wrong?
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Mar 9, 2009
On this test page, if you click the contact link, then submit, the page jumps to the top.. i guess that page is refreshing?? How can I prevent this jump to the top and have the page stay still?
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Jun 1, 2010
I an onclick event that pops up a calendar box to choose a date. When it is clicked, the page automatically scrolls down so the input box is at the top of the windows. It's not a very far move, so it's not a terrible inconvenience... it's just startling.
Here is the code.
var ds_i_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_i_date.getMonth() + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_i_date.getFullYear();
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Jan 11, 2011
I have two divs that are in the same parent div, only one is shown at once. When I toggle the one that is smaller (height-wise), the position of the scroll bar (and hence the user's current location on the page) remains the same. But when I toggle back to the taller div, the scroll bar launches you back up almost to the top of the page.Is there a way I can stop this from happening? I tried return false which i knew wouldn't work. I also looked into scrollTop() but that doesn't seem like it will be of any help since it only returns values and does not set any values?
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Sep 23, 2011
I'm using this small js to scroll a div, the problem is that it goes all the way to the bottom of the page and overlapping my footer, I need it to stop before the footer. [URL]
$(function () {
var msie6 = $.browser == 'msie' && $.browser.version > 7;
if (!msie6) {
var top = $('#contact').offset().top - parseFloat($('#contact').css('margin-top').replace(/auto/, 0));
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
// what the y position of the scroll is
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
// whether that's below the form
if (y >= top) {
// if so, ad the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm attaching my php test file but this is a JS problem. When I scroll down in the web page and the meta refresh hits, in Windows Safari and IE6/7/8 browsers, the web page re-positions back to the top. In Opera and FF the page refreshes but it stays where it is. Can someone look at my test script and see why it is not working in IE and Win Safari? My goal is to have the web page not re-position to the top on the auto refresh.
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Sep 7, 2010
I am using the following code from this site.
but for some reason if the page is long the whole page scrolls up so the top of the calendar is at the top of the browser, which actually hides the box that the date will end up in.
can anyone see how I can alter the code so that the page does not scroll up, but have the calendar show just below the box that the date will go in and the page does not scroll?
here is the full code that I am using to test this out with. code...
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Apr 17, 2011
You can view the site at [URL]... This site is based around the concept the the city will grow as the company grows and we wanted a different feeling then scrolling with the scroll bars provided. I have been working on a keypad style of navigation that consists of four directional arrows (up, down, left, right).
I am currently using setInterval() function to loop the scrollTo Plugin on mousedown() and the clearInterval() function to end the loop on mouseup(). I have tried the serialScroll son to scrollTo but could not get it to do anything. My code is almost there i feel but i can not get over this last little hump of making it smoother.
I have also set the interval to repeat at 1 millisecond to achieve smooth scrolling. I have included the code that makes what I have accomplished so far work but it is still a bit rough, especially in Firefox 4. So far this does work in all browsers, including IE, but it could stand to be smoother and I am at a loss of how to accomplish this. Also if you click on one of the navigation buttons and immediately do a right click on it, the page gets stuck scrolling in that direction.
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Mar 18, 2011
I am creating a plugin that gives keyboard navigation to tabular table acrossmultipletables.When I have rowsthat run off screen I would like to scroll the window down.. and the reverse is true, when navigating up.Logically I need to get the position of the element that has focus and specify how much to scroll the window.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have to design a website for my friend and I have no clue how to change the menu image if the page scrolls down, for example If the person clicks on a submenu it will take them to a specific anchor within a page, I have setup a custom jquery scroll bar so all the contents are in the Div that is scrollable.
If you can see that if you click on the submenu which is 2nd hand and repair and rebuild the content will scroll to specific area, but the clients don�t know there location as once the sub menu is clicked the original submenu image appears.So I want them to be able to see if they selected the 2nd tab, the button will stay highlighted and if they scroll down the page when they reach another heading with an anchor the corresponding submenu tab becomes highlighted.
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a page that is made to display several jpgs as if they were a pdf file. I have anchors(<a href='#1'></a>) before every new image. I have a display that stays at the top of the page showing your current page. Next to the display are buttons that allow you to click next page or last page.
It's easy to keep the display(page 1 of 12) up to date if the user only uses the next and last page buttons but I need to call javascript and update a variable any time they use the scroll bar and go past an anchor.
To make it a little harder, the 'pdf viewer' is it's own page and the scrollbar is on an iframe that's pulling in the viewer.
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Oct 11, 2011
I'd like to build a toolbar which is positioned as "fixed" ad the bottom of the page (till now even too easy), but at a defined point I want it to change position from fixed to relative, sitting upon the footer of the page and remaining there.
Take a look at this exemple, which is perfect.. [URL] To do that I tried to search something on the web, but I've found only this: [URL] Now, the voice sticky elements seems to be what I was looking for but actually it is "upside down" and I couldn't be able to edit it to reverse it.. I'm trying (without any good result) to edit this part of index.php:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.waypoints.settings.scrollThrottle = 30;
Am I right using this script? how can I find something "ready-to-use" on the web? or if there's nothing, how can I edit this one to fix my needs? And first of all... what is the name of this particular function (I mean something which change position while you scroll the page?)
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm using a code snippet to have a cursor placed in a form field once a page loads, see the below posted code.The form field in question is located below the fold.The problem is that when the page loads it will scroll the page downwards to show the form field, I don't want that happen. I only want the cursor to appear...not the whole page to scroll downwards when the page loads.what I can do to prevent the page from scrolling downward when using this code?It's happening with similar codes as well that places a cursor inside the form field.I only want the page to scroll downward when the user decides to scroll downward, not because of the cursor placement.
Code HTML4Strict:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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Feb 25, 2009
I got a page on which on the left side there is a Tree with branches, on the right side of the page i got an <EMBED> tag that shows a pdf file, User can click on tree branches to expand them and can click on the leafs to view different pdf in on the right side of the page...
The problem is that if a user expand several branches the tree grows down and than the user scrolls down the page. to click some leaf of the tree... and by doing the scroll the <EMBED> tag with the pdf becomes invisible (because the user scrolled up)..
how can i make the <EMBED> tag stay allways on top of the page even if the user scrolls down....?
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Aug 6, 2010
im searching for a plugin/code example for text scrolling. I got some text in a <div> if text is longer than for example 300px it gets cut and is scrolling from start to end, stops for a second and then scrolls back, stops and all over, and if its not long enough than 300px then just displays normaly. Something similar to the Song name scrolling inin anyMP3 player.
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Nov 9, 2005
I use xmlhttpreq object to add data to the current html file.
It will add to a specifiy place, like after a tag or before a tag
And if it adds too many data after that tag, the whole page will become
big and need to scroll down to see the latest added data
how to let it scroll down automatically without any annoying scrolling
One way I can use is to use a anchor which is at the bottom of that
page and after i put my data into the textbox and click the link( which
is linked to proper file to process the data but also point to the
anchor) the page will show from the bottom. but the whole page will
first jump up a little space then jump down.
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Jun 24, 2011
I've gotten .load to load content into a div but if the window is not at the top of the page it scrolls back to the top each time the new content is loaded but I wanted to avoid any sort of change on the page other than the content in the div. It seems pointless if the user has to scroll back down to the div where the content is each time? code...
Is there a way to keep the window in the same position? Also while I'm at it - is there a more efficient way to write this considering I have 9 pages or should I just write this code out for each instance?
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm trying to add scrolling buttons that scroll the page onmousover. They work great, however, since the duration is a fixed value, and the distance changes based on how far the user scrolls, it sometimes scrolls fine (when the distance and duration are proportioned), and very slow (when the duration is way higher than the distance)...
Is there any way to change the duration based on the distance?
To make some sort of "speed" setting, instead of a constant duration?
Here is the code
It just scrolls a div that has overflown content.
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Mar 22, 2009
on the top of the page with the pictures scrolling with news and links inside of them without using flash. like with ajax or something? and if it can be done... how would i go about it?
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