Load Page While Scrolling?

Jan 28, 2011

how to load page while scrolling? For e.g. If i want to load 200 records, i will first load 100 records and when the scroll reaches bottom, i will have ajax to get the remaining records. Here, when i get the next set of rows (in responsetext), these rows are seen as text and not as table rows.

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JQuery :: Prevent .load Scrolling Back To Top Of Page When Loading New Content Into Div?

Jun 24, 2011

I've gotten .load to load content into a div but if the window is not at the top of the page it scrolls back to the top each time the new content is loaded but I wanted to avoid any sort of change on the page other than the content in the div. It seems pointless if the user has to scroll back down to the div where the content is each time? code...

Is there a way to keep the window in the same position? Also while I'm at it - is there a more efficient way to write this considering I have 9 pages or should I just write this code out for each instance?

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JQuery :: Scrolling Browser Window - Two Demos Of Scrolling Page Content

Feb 17, 2011

jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.

This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC


I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.

I have a demo here - [url]


Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.

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Which Method Will Make The Page Load Faster - Calling Code From A .js File 50 Times Slow Down Page Load?

May 12, 2011

I have a single webpage that contains information on all 50 U.S. states. There are 50 links at the top to jump down to the state you want, and at the bottom of the information for each state a Back to Top link.

I'm making the Back to Top link into something more complex, and it will require three or four lines of code.

So that I don't have to repeat the code 50 times, and create a burden when I need to edit it, I want to place it in a .js file and call it x. Then below the information for each state I'll simply have:

Does calling code from a .js file 50 times slow down the page load? Which method would load faster?

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JQuery :: Update Table Without AJAX Load: Scrolling

Oct 4, 2009

I've created some jQuery which remove many tr rows from my table and inserts new via AJAX. This indicate that the page is scrolling because first the table increase after elements is removed and afterwards it grows when the new content is inserted. Is there a way to let jQuery update this table without doing so? Eg. by first refreshing the DOM after I finish my manipulation. Here is a bit of my code:

$j(".bookingViewRow").each(function() {
$j.get('cajax.php', {}, function(html) {

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Load Before Page Loads - Slow Down The Actual Page Load Of The Website

Jan 30, 2009

I have some javascript code that does some GET and POST requests that are required. Sometimes it doesn't fully execute for the user because they close or click onto another page before the javascript is completely done. Is there anyway I can let all of the javascript load first and slow down the actual page load of the website.

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Scrolling With Page

Mar 3, 2002

What I need is a javascript, that scrolls an image togheter with the page, so, the images is always visible. You can see an example on britannica.com , in the right bottom corner there's a little '+', that's scroll with the pages, well I want the same with a simple image.

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Js - Add Hash To URL Without Scrolling Page

Sep 17, 2009

the problem with ajax is that the page content generated cannot be bookmarked, nor does the back button work (in some browsers), ive read about history libraries and all sorts of heavy stuff, but i would like to know one simple thing.i want to add a Code JavaScript:


upon a link click, but theres a catch, when this hash add's, i don't want the screen to jump to the top, i want it to remain where it is.clarification:

1. i open page
2. i scroll down
3. i click link that adds a hash (maybe with a value #test)
4. the page MUST not scroll back to the top.

note: i see that adding a hash has different effects in different browsers, is there a cross browser way?

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JQuery :: .load - Faster Method - Two Snippets On One Page, Surrounded By Id's And Then Load Them?

Jul 14, 2010

Is it faster/more beneficial to have two snippets of code be generated by php at 2 different urls and then have a load function for each url? Or have the two snippets on one page, surrounded by id's and then load them that way?

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Stop Page From Scrolling On An Onclick?

Jan 21, 2009

<input class='absmiddle' type='checkbox' name='chg' id='chg' onclick='toggle(this); return false;'>

I thought the return false would prevent this but the page scrolls up a bit. What's wrong?

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Prevent Page From Scrolling Up After Submit?

Mar 9, 2009

On this test page, if you click the contact link, then submit, the page jumps to the top.. i guess that page is refreshing?? How can I prevent this jump to the top and have the page stay still?

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Onclick Function Scrolling The Page?

Jun 1, 2010

I an onclick event that pops up a calendar box to choose a date. When it is clicked, the page automatically scrolls down so the input box is at the top of the windows. It's not a very far move, so it's not a terrible inconvenience... it's just startling.

Here is the code.

var ds_i_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_i_date.getMonth() + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_i_date.getFullYear();


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Help With Status Bar - Still Showing Load In Progress Even After Page Load

Feb 20, 2006

I'm having an issue with the status bar in Mozilla and Netscape showing that
it is still waiting on the page to load even after it is finished. This
problem does NOT occur with IE.

In summary, I am using a onLoad event in the BODY tag to communicate back to
another server each time a page finishes loading. I do this by using a "new
Image()" and setting the .src property to the server. The .src includes a
value in the querystring so I know what request it was that finished

The challenge here is that the status bar still shows "Transferring data
from www.mysite.com..." despite the image being loaded. It never clears and
leaves the user with the impression that there was a problem loading the
page. My web server logs at the mysite.com show that the browser does
indeed make a request for the image and I get the querystring just fine and
it returns a status of 200 so the image is being found and served ok.

I've tried everything I can think of to solve this and really could use your
help please. Bottom line is that if you use the "new Image" statment from
within the OnLoad event of the Body tag, Netscape and Mozilla never seem to
update the status bar to show "Done" despite it succesfully loading the

Here is a simply snippet you can use to easily reproduce this issue:

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Load() Webpage On Div - But Not Load Server Page Or Site

Apr 14, 2009

i want to load web page on div [URL]

getContents_link contain site name.

above code work while load local page, but not load server page or site

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JQuery :: Stop A Page Scrolling When Div Is Toggled?

Jan 11, 2011

I have two divs that are in the same parent div, only one is shown at once. When I toggle the one that is smaller (height-wise), the position of the scroll bar (and hence the user's current location on the page) remains the same. But when I toggle back to the taller div, the scroll bar launches you back up almost to the top of the page.Is there a way I can stop this from happening? I tried return false which i knew wouldn't work. I also looked into scrollTop() but that doesn't seem like it will be of any help since it only returns values and does not set any values?

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JQuery :: Scrolling DIV Overlap Footer On Page

Sep 23, 2011

I'm using this small js to scroll a div, the problem is that it goes all the way to the bottom of the page and overlapping my footer, I need it to stop before the footer. [URL]
$(function () {
var msie6 = $.browser == 'msie' && $.browser.version > 7;
if (!msie6) {
var top = $('#contact').offset().top - parseFloat($('#contact').css('margin-top').replace(/auto/, 0));
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
// what the y position of the scroll is
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
// whether that's below the form
if (y >= top) {
// if so, ad the fixed class
} else {
// otherwise remove it

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Auto Refresh - Stop Page Scrolling

Apr 15, 2010

I'm attaching my php test file but this is a JS problem. When I scroll down in the web page and the meta refresh hits, in Windows Safari and IE6/7/8 browsers, the web page re-positions back to the top. In Opera and FF the page refreshes but it stays where it is. Can someone look at my test script and see why it is not working in IE and Win Safari? My goal is to have the web page not re-position to the top on the auto refresh.

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Prevent Page Scrolling Up When Calendar Shows?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using the following code from this site.

but for some reason if the page is long the whole page scrolls up so the top of the calendar is at the top of the browser, which actually hides the box that the date will end up in.

can anyone see how I can alter the code so that the page does not scroll up, but have the calendar show just below the box that the date will go in and the page does not scroll?

here is the full code that I am using to test this out with. code...

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Custom Page Scrolling Is Not Smooth Enough And Glitches?

Apr 17, 2011

You can view the site at [URL]... This site is based around the concept the the city will grow as the company grows and we wanted a different feeling then scrolling with the scroll bars provided. I have been working on a keypad style of navigation that consists of four directional arrows (up, down, left, right).

I am currently using setInterval() function to loop the scrollTo Plugin on mousedown() and the clearInterval() function to end the loop on mouseup(). I have tried the serialScroll son to scrollTo but could not get it to do anything. My code is almost there i feel but i can not get over this last little hump of making it smoother.

I have also set the interval to repeat at 1 millisecond to achieve smooth scrolling. I have included the code that makes what I have accomplished so far work but it is still a bit rough, especially in Firefox 4. So far this does work in all browsers, including IE, but it could stand to be smoother and I am at a loss of how to accomplish this. Also if you click on one of the navigation buttons and immediately do a right click on it, the page gets stuck scrolling in that direction.


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JQuery :: Scrolling Page Based On Focus Of Elements?

Mar 18, 2011

I am creating a plugin that gives keyboard navigation to tabular table acrossmultipletables.When I have rowsthat run off screen I would like to scroll the window down.. and the reverse is true, when navigating up.Logically I need to get the position of the element that has focus and specify how much to scroll the window.

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Submenu Image Change Using Script While Scrolling Down The Page?

Apr 1, 2011

I have to design a website for my friend and I have no clue how to change the menu image if the page scrolls down, for example If the person clicks on a submenu it will take them to a specific anchor within a page, I have setup a custom jquery scroll bar so all the contents are in the Div that is scrollable.

If you can see that if you click on the submenu which is 2nd hand and repair and rebuild the content will scroll to specific area, but the clients don�t know there location as once the sub menu is clicked the original submenu image appears.So I want them to be able to see if they selected the 2nd tab, the button will stay highlighted and if they scroll down the page when they reach another heading with an anchor the corresponding submenu tab becomes highlighted.

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Call Script After Scrolling Past Anchor In Page?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a page that is made to display several jpgs as if they were a pdf file. I have anchors(<a href='#1'></a>) before every new image. I have a display that stays at the top of the page showing your current page. Next to the display are buttons that allow you to click next page or last page.

It's easy to keep the display(page 1 of 12) up to date if the user only uses the next and last page buttons but I need to call javascript and update a variable any time they use the scroll bar and go past an anchor.

To make it a little harder, the 'pdf viewer' is it's own page and the scrollbar is on an iframe that's pulling in the viewer.

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JQuery :: Toolbar Changing Position While Scrolling The Page?

Oct 11, 2011

I'd like to build a toolbar which is positioned as "fixed" ad the bottom of the page (till now even too easy), but at a defined point I want it to change position from fixed to relative, sitting upon the footer of the page and remaining there.
Take a look at this exemple, which is perfect.. [URL] To do that I tried to search something on the web, but I've found only this: [URL] Now, the voice sticky elements seems to be what I was looking for but actually it is "upside down" and I couldn't be able to edit it to reverse it.. I'm trying (without any good result) to edit this part of index.php:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.waypoints.settings.scrollThrottle = 30;


Am I right using this script? how can I find something "ready-to-use" on the web? or if there's nothing, how can I edit this one to fix my needs? And first of all... what is the name of this particular function (I mean something which change position while you scroll the page?)

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Prevent Page Scrolling Down On Form Focus Event?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm using a code snippet to have a cursor placed in a form field once a page loads, see the below posted code.The form field in question is located below the fold.The problem is that when the page loads it will scroll the page downwards to show the form field, I don't want that happen. I only want the cursor to appear...not the whole page to scroll downwards when the page loads.what I can do to prevent the page from scrolling downward when using this code?It's happening with similar codes as well that places a cursor inside the form field.I only want the page to scroll downward when the user decides to scroll downward, not because of the cursor placement.

Code HTML4Strict:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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JQuery :: .load Not Load Page Completely

Sep 4, 2011

I use jQuery load function to load another page into part ofcurrent page in asp.net. it is work correctly but insecond page i haveone instance ofCKEditor that is not loaded in first page after use load function.

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JQuery :: Using $.load Or $. Get Textarea From 1 Page Load Into Another?

Jun 4, 2011

I know the question begs a question. Why? I have no control over the DB or the Forms. Using 3rd Party based web app. I have this: $(document).ready(function() {

$("#MyButton").click(function (){ $('#CurrentPageInputTextArea').load('jqloadFrom.htm #OtherPageInputTextArea');

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