For some reason the success and error callbacks are not working at all. I'm using jquery.ajax to submit a form w/o page refresh through a php file. I have set the success & error callbacks but even when I changed the mysql password (to a incorrect one) I got the success message :Shere's the php & js script
For some reason the success and error callbacks are not working at all. I'm using jquery.ajax to submit a form w/o page refresh through a php file. I have set the success & error callbacks but even when I changed the mysql password (to a incorrect one) I got the success message [code]...
I'm using getJSON to load data from the database onto a form. How can I specify the success & error callbacks? here's the code I'm using: EDIT: I managed to get the success callback by adding it below the $('fontSize')... but how can I set the error callback?
And i have gone through this forum and other forums for a simple fix ... since so many have had this problem..but i have nt found anything that seems to work hence i am posting this problem
I dont know what i am doign wrong i have used debugbar and i can seethe html content that comes back i have used fiddler and i see hte html content that comes back there....the xhr stat =200 so every thing is good..yet it doesnot replace the the content $("#updateroster").html(data).
today I updated my Firefox from 3.5 to 4.0b3 and it seems that the AJAX success callback is not longer fired. Firebug shows the correct response but the function is never called. Is this a Problem of the FF Beta, or is Jquery responsible for this?
I know this is a simple question with a simple answer, but I can't seem to wrap my brain around it.Sorry for the infantile nature of this post. Anyhow, I am making an AJAX call via JQuery and need the function to return a value from a calling function, like so:
success(data, textStatus, jqXHR)Function, Array A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the dataType parameter; a string describing the status; and the jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest) object.
'success': function(html){ jQuery("#quote-of-the-day").html(html) } success: function(data) { var out = "<ol>"; $(data).each(function(){ out+="<li>"+this.title+"</li>"; });
The above 2 ways of defining the success call back confused me.
1) According to definition, it should take 3 parameters, why here it only takes 1 parameter? 2) Why the name of parameter passed into function() can be different? Does this name matter?
I have a really simple scenario which got broken after upgrading to 1.5.the defined handler for the success callback in $.ajax doen't set the data parameter - it's always undefined. This works fine in 1.4.4.
No matter what I put in here, Firefox is going into the error; will not return success.What the server returns is just plain text, no html, thinking maybe it has something to do with This, but I can't figure it out because there are only So many options for
I've noticed this weird behaviour of jQuery in Safari and Chrome (didn't test on Firefox as I'm using some webkit CSS extensions). After setting up the call like this:
If a timeout occurs (I switch the local webserver off), the 'success' method will be called! More than this in the textStatus parameter there is a string with "success" !!! The error handler doesn't even get called.... (As you may notice the only way I had to tell the problem, was to check the data param if it is null or 0 length. How can I avoid this?
Why my page is not redirecting within the if then statement.
Here is the code:
I have tried this without the if then statement and it works fine. I am not sure why my if then statement will not work within success function, am I doing something wrong?
I actually have a JSP page with this basic HTML elements; <div style="display:none;" id="loadingBar"> <img src="images/loading-big.gif" alt="loading"/> </div> <div style="display:none;" id="result"></div>
And then the JQUERY with these source code; var content; var dataString = "ha"; $( function() { $.validator.addMethod("username", function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9\_]+$/i.test(value); }, "UserID: only letters, numbers, or underscore."); $('#userAccountForm').validate(); $('input').focus( function() { content = $(this).val(); if(content=='- none -') { $(this).val(""); }}); $('input').blur( function() { .....
Strangely is... the loading Bar FadeIn effect come nicely. But when at line 73; when It reached success call, it never fading out. $('#loadingBar').fadeOut("slow"); Is this line not working when it came into success portion or.... there's something wrong with my source code? I confused ....
What I noticed is that my error callback is fired every time. MyService.asmx: [WebMethod] public FileInfo[] GetFileInfo(int Id){ Proxies.ServiceRef.ServiceClient c = new Proxies.ServiceRef.ServiceClient(); return c.GetFileInfo(Id).ToArray(); }
The Jquery code where I am getting error: $.ajax({ url: url, data: jsonData, type: "POST", contentType: _I.contentType, timeout: _I.timeout, dataType: "serviceproxy", // custom type to avoid double parse dataFilter: function (jsonString, type) { .....
When I debug using firebug the response is as follows. {"d":[{"__type":"Proxies.AFARServiceRef.AssignmentInfo","ExtensionData": {},"AssignDate":"/Date(1317748587667) /","AssignFileName":null,"ClaimId":"PA026195","ClaimantName":"Rachel Weiss","FirstContactDate":"/Date(1302678000000)/","FirstContactTime":{"Ticks":433800000000,"Days":0,"Hours":12, "Milliseconds":0,"Minutes":3,"Seconds":0, "TotalDays":0.50208333333333333, "TotalHours":12.049999999999999, "TotalMilliseconds":43380000, "TotalMinutes":723,"TotalSeconds":43380},"Id":5257, "InspectionDate":"/Date(1302246000000)/","StatusId":1,"SubmittedCount":5, "UploadedCount":9}]}
I'm trying to submit a form with the jQuery Form Plugin by malsup. I'm fairly positive my code is correct because in IE8 the success function is being called and the background of the boxes are turning green. In IE7 however, The submit function is definitely working as the file is uploaded to the correct place, but the success function is not being called/fired. Any ideas as to why this might be? Do IE7 and IE8 handle this that differently? The function in the success call is just changing a checkbox and combo box background colors to green.
I'm using an .ajax() call to do a jsonp request to another domain. When the user is not logged in, however, the server will return a 401 error. Unfortunately, this causes my .ajax() call to fail _without_ calling the error callback. Is this a known bug? Here is my code:
However, once the callback is included I get an error I've been trying to track down for the past day and a half. In IE the error thrown is "Object doesn't support this property or method" on Line 100 character 4. In my JS debugger the plugin breaks on line 99
I am looking to fade text out when the mouse passes over it and replace it with text that is faded in. My understanding is that this needs to be done through a callback, as the text needs to fade out completely before fading in. However, when I try to implement this idea the content does not fade in, so I must be doing something wrong.[code]I left the mouseout part unchanged, as that is an example of what I am changing from. What happens is that the mouseover text fades out, but the replaced text does not fade back in. Additionally, the shown text flashes before fading out if the mouse rolls over the text (as opposed to the containing box), which is not really a problem, but I am not understanding why that is happening. All works fine with hide/show. Full code can be found at URL...
I am writing a small data entry screen that will post the form data to a page and return a message. But i cannot get the Success or Error functions working properly.
Here's the code where strData is the posted querystring of:
I'm not sure whether it should be in a form and using the onsubmit or click of a button.
I'm trying to create a "Books I'm Reading" widget using the Readernaut API. I'm using JSON with a callback. This is a portion of what the JSON URL returns:
I am looking for a solution for many days: my callback - function works well in firefox 5, IE8, but not in safari, opera, IE7 etc. The function "checken" is not executed. There are no error messages in the debugger of safari or IE7.
var session_id = $.cookie("fe_typo_user"); function checken (nummer){ var elem = "#img" + nummer; $(elem).attr('checked',true); } var url = "refreshCheckboxes.php?id=" + session_id; $.getJSON(url,function(data){ $.each(data.posts, function(i,data){ checken (data.number); }); });
The response of the script: {"posts": [{"number":"1325"},{"number":"1303"},{"number":"1302"}]} html (example): <input type="checkbox" id="img1325" class="merkzettel" name="merkzettel1325" value="img_1325.jpg" />
You can test it here: [URL]. Activate some checkboxes, load another site and then go back to this site and the checkboxes you have selected, must be activated by the script.
We have an Ajax error callback that notifies the user that something went wrong. The ajax call takes some time, and sometimes the user navigates away while the ajax is in progress.
That causes the error callback to be fired. However, in the error callback I can't seem to detect that the reason for the error is that the page is unloading so as to distinguish this from other errors. In the callback, this is true: (textStatus === "error" && errorThrown === "" && jqXHR['status'] === 0 && jqXHR['statusText'] === "error").