Jquery :: Adding Rows And Matching Functionality - "Number Of Answers" Button Doesn't Do Anything
Feb 15, 2012
What I want to do which I can't achieve is that I want the functionality of the Option Type, Number of Answers and Answer buttons within each row to match the functionality on top. The problem is that under the "Answer" column within the new row it does not allow the user to select a button and the textbox under the "Number of Answers" button doesn't do anything but just display a number within the textbox.
Step 1: Open the fiddle and you see an options and answers section on top. Open the grid and select option 8. Buttons A to H would appear.
Step 2: Type in 2 in the Number of Answers Textbox.
Step 3: Select buttons A and D, you will find out that those buttons would turn green to show they are selected. Now as you entered in 2 in the Number of answers textbox (step 2), it won't let you select more than 2 buttons, if you do an alert would apear stating you are beyond limit please deselect a button to choose another button.
Step 4. Click "Add Question", a new row is added in the table.
Step 5: In the new row you just created, lets say that oh no I made a mistake, there should be 4 answers not 2 answers and within the table row you just added you changed the number of answers textbox from 2 to 4. My question is how can I get it so that it allows the user to select the buttons (turn buttons green) and deselect (turn buttons white) under the "Answer" column within in the row and that if the user has selected 4 buttons but tries to select a 5th button, it will come up with same error as in Step 3?
I have a script that prints out a lot of <tr>'s, each has a different id, let's say it's a number. What i am trying to get is when a user enters numbers in a certain textfield, named #idtext for example, it shows only those <tr>'s whose id numbers matches the entered value and hides the rest. For example, user enters 23 in the text field, rows with id numbers 123, 23, 231 are shown, the rest are hidden, etc.
Atm i have smoething like this, not working:
$("#idtext").change(function(){ var val = $("#idtext").val(); $('tr[id^<>'+val+']').hide(); $('tr[id^='+val+']').show(); });
I want to create a script where when you hit a button it adds a number to a variable and when you click another button it shows you the amount you have so far. Also I am having trouble with the clear() function where it was suppose to clear the variable. When my var is equal to a certain number (not there yet) I want it to goto another page (I can do this on my own).
Here is my code <html><head> <title> Buttons</title> <body style="background-color:#000000"> <center> <p style="Font-Family:Curlz MT;color: #CC3333;Font-size:40px;">Click the buttons to test my script </p></center> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = 0; blue function mouseOver() { document.getElementById("b1").src ="Hi_h.png"; } function mouseOut() { ..... (The button are images so you want be able to see them if you don't download them).
i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.
I am trying to add functionality to a table that allows users to add and remove table rows, but I am stuck on the JS part of it. The JS I am working with allows users to add/remove table rows that are populated with text input fields, but I want it so where the rows are populated with these elements: 1) multiple select with populated options, 2) file upload box (input type="file"). How to modify the JS below to do this (I am new to JS).
Here is the JS I am working with: Code: function addRow(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); var element1 = document.createElement("input"); element1.type = "checkbox"; cell1.appendChild(element1); .....
I'm working on a simple website in which I'm required to use two types of forms input on a webpage. I have decided to make a simple quiz which will be designed.Is this possible in a simple way? Sounds quite straight-forward.Is it possible to design a radio button which, depending on the choice, the related-text will appear underneath on the same page? So if they select 'A' then paragraph 'A' will show, if they select 'C' then paragraph 'C' will appear (with the rest hiding)..
My problem is quite annoying, probably something really stupid but I've been going around it and didn't find a solution.I call in 2 different pages to this partial view:
<div id = "pNotification"
The funny thing about it is that in the first page I try it, it works just fine and it shows the value of the 3 buttons, but in the second, with the code I'm posting it only shows the alert window when I click on the 3rd radio button below. How is that even possible? It only happens in IE.
I am using a JQuery ToolTip on all links with a title="" and it works great. I want to add another class to (.shadow) and it only seems to work with one class.
Here is the code to initialize:
BTW I am using noConflict b/c I am running other JQuery scripts on the page.
I have tried:
And also:
Also tried creating two scripts. One with var $tooltip1 and the other with var tooltip2.
I am using jquery.1.3.2 version in my application. My application is running on two different server, one is on "http" and other is on "https" I am displaying few files from httpsserver tohttp server via ajax. Everything works fine in IE 6 +. But same functionality not works in Firefox 3.5. Before changing jQuery's version (dont know exactly which version), my functionality works properly in IE and FF. Today I downloaded latest version of Jquery (1.4.2), and while testing I found that, my functionality isnot working in IE too. After restoring old version (1.3.2) everything works fine (in IE) Does anybody explain me what I am doing wrong? What is the solution for this?
I've got the following JS function that does a basic countdown to a specific date. I have a series of dates, and rather than change the date manually each time the previous one has passed, I'd like to automate it a bit and have it just read the date from an array, and use that date for the countdown. The check would be if the countdown'd date has already passed. Here's what I currently have:
<script language="javascript"> // date/countdown
function showDate () { var now = new Date(); var date = now.getDate(); var month = now.getMonth() + 1; var year = now.getYear();
currentDate = now.getMonth() + 1; window.status = month + "/" + date + "/" + year + " thisdomain.com ";
var roundCDiv = document.getElementById('roundC'); var showDate = month + "/" + date + "/" + year; //roundCDiv.innerHTML = showDate;
// countdown var nextDateB = new Date("October 30, 2005"); var diffB = nextDateB.getTime() - now.getTime(); var daysLeftB = Math.ceil(diffB / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); var roundBDiv = document.getElementById('countdown'); //roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB + " days until ...; roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB; roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB + " "; }
Do you know if you can clone() and then appendTo() a <tr>. [URL]. I want to something like: $("#second").clone().appendTo('#second'); It works, but it doesn't render like I want it to. I want it to be a NEW row.
I am in the process of creating a billboard script for our company front page which will switch between two images. I am using the following script as a base: [URL]
I am eager to learn coding, but am still a novice at it so I was wondering if anyone could assist me with adding the following functionality:
1. Rather than (or perhaps in addition to) having the two images change based on a timer, I'd like to be able to insert a "next" arrow. Therefore I will need assistance in coding a button to change the images from "ad_1" to "ad_2" which is currently done automatically by the interval timer
2. I'd like to make the images clickable with unique destinations (so when you click on "ad_1" it will take you to "link 1", "ad_2" will take you to "link 2"
Below is my current code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head>
I'm building an application where the user can add Questions. For each Question they can add x answers or remove them (see screenshot). I can add questions and add/remove answers, For each question that is added I update the 'gameQuestions' variable with 1; The same goes for answers that I add: for each added answer I update the 'counter' variable with 1. When I remove an answer, the app. doesn't know how many answers each question has, it simply decreases the "counter" variable. So when I remove the 2nd question, it doesn't know how many answers that 2nd question has! How can I store the number of answers per question and how do I remove them correctly?
Here's my code so far: $(document).ready(function(){ var gameQuestions = 1; var counter = 1; // Add a New Question... $(".addQuestion").click(function() { var question = "<table id='questionSet"+gameQuestions+"' class='form-table' style='background-color:#cccccc; width=100%;'>"; .....
Is it possible for jQuery to count the number of rows in a table and then add some more if there is less than a defined amount? So that this table with less than 10 rows..... <table class="testTable"> <tr> <td>Foo...</td><td>Foo...</td><td>Foo...</td> </tr> </table>
Basically i have a form with jqueryui implemented (autocompletes) and I need the form to display the number of current results as the user fills the form, i.e. once the user has finishedinputtingdata into one field, the form will query the database with the current form details and return just the number of results ($mysql_num_rows)
I've recently been using cluetip on a datable of about 400 rows. Recently I tested this against IE8 and found it very very slow. Doing simply the following:
Basically for each row in my table (400 rows) it would attach the cluetip to it. In IE8 it would freeze the browser for a good minute, if I pushed the compatibility mode button to run in IE7 mode it worked as xpected. In all other browsers it worked perfectly. Is there something different going on with IE8?
I have this fairly horrible table that I need to add rows to onclick. I can get it to do it easily enough by setting the tbody id to "tbodyid" and using this simple JS:
Code Javascript: var rowcount = 0; function addrow(){ rowcount++; document.getElementById("tbodyid").innerHTML += '<tr>...</tr>'; }
Works beautifully, but the problem that I've got is that if I put any text in any inputs in the new rows, when I add an extra field they all blank themselves again, which is a bit annoying.
I am working on some JavaScript that dynamically adds rows to a table in response to a button click. A new row does appear on the screen when the button is clicked. However, that table to which a row has been added is itself contained within an outer table (to handle the desired screen layout). That outer table does not properly grow to contain the new size of the table to which the row was added. (More specifically, I have sporadically seen the outer table grow correctly, but then most of the time it does not grow as desired.) Is there something that needs to be done in the code that will make the right thing happen? (This phenomena appears in Netscape 7.1 -- things work correctly under Internet Explorer 6.0)
A second anomoly concerns a button that appears in the newly added row. An "onClick" event is associated with that dynamically added button. The newly added button works correctly under Netscape 7.1 but fails to work under Internet Explorer 6.0. (It is like Explorer will not honor an event that is set in place by code that is dynamically created after the page is loaded.) Shown below is an excerpt of the code that is attempting to set up the desired button. Is there something apecial that must be done in the code to get Explorer to handle this properly (I have tried spelling things as both "onclick" and also "onClick")?
tbldata = document.createElement("TD"); item = document.createElement("BUTTON"); v = 'doaction("Edit",' + n +')' item.setAttribute("name","Edit"); item.setAttribute("onclick",v); textitem = document.createTextNode("Edit"); item.appendChild(textitem); tbldata.appendChild(item);
i am having a table with some rows, which are shown under some categories. how can i dynamically add some rows to the table. there is a '>>' symbol infront of each category names. when i click on that symbol, i want to enlarge this category by adding more no of rows under this. And the symbol must turn to '<<'. when click on this, the reverse thing, ie, remove some rows and shows the initial rows.
This is a hard one for me: I got some elements with the class "tiles". What I am looking for is a function, which adds a class "flip" to each element but with a delay between each call of addClass(".flip"), so that the elements change the way they look sequentially, not one after another, but with a delay. Has anyone an idea?