Adding Rows To Table

Sep 21, 2010

I have this fairly horrible table that I need to add rows to onclick. I can get it to do it easily enough by setting the tbody id to "tbodyid" and using this simple JS:

Code Javascript:
var rowcount = 0;
function addrow(){
document.getElementById("tbodyid").innerHTML += '<tr>...</tr>';

Works beautifully, but the problem that I've got is that if I put any text in any inputs in the new rows, when I add an extra field they all blank themselves again, which is a bit annoying.

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Adding Table Rows - Putting In A Dropdown Box That Contains Numbers That Will Dynamically Show The Rows

May 1, 2009

i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.

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Adding Dynamic Rows To Table

Jul 23, 2005

I am working on some JavaScript that dynamically adds rows to a table
in response to a button click. A new row does appear on the screen
when the button is clicked. However, that table to which a row has
been added is itself contained within an outer table (to handle the
desired screen layout). That outer table does not properly grow to
contain the new size of the table to which the row was added. (More
specifically, I have sporadically seen the outer table grow correctly,
but then most of the time it does not grow as desired.) Is there
something that needs to be done in the code that will make the right
thing happen? (This phenomena appears in Netscape 7.1 -- things work
correctly under Internet Explorer 6.0)

A second anomoly concerns a button that appears in the newly added
row. An "onClick" event is associated with that dynamically added
button. The newly added button works correctly under Netscape 7.1 but
fails to work under Internet Explorer 6.0. (It is like Explorer will
not honor an event that is set in place by code that is dynamically
created after the page is loaded.) Shown below is an excerpt of the
code that is attempting to set up the desired button. Is there
something apecial that must be done in the code to get Explorer to
handle this properly (I have tried spelling things as both "onclick"
and also "onClick")?

tbldata = document.createElement("TD");
item = document.createElement("BUTTON");
v = 'doaction("Edit",' + n +')'
textitem = document.createTextNode("Edit");

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Adding Multiple Rows To A Table At One Go.

Sep 5, 2006

Is it possible to do so?

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JQuery :: Adding New Table Rows On The Fly?

May 15, 2009

Do you know if you can clone() and then appendTo() a <tr>. [URL]. I want to something like:
It works, but it doesn't render like I want it to. I want it to be a NEW row.

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Dynamically Adding Rows To A Table?

Mar 22, 2010

i am having a table with some rows, which are shown under some categories. how can i dynamically add some rows to the table. there is a '>>' symbol infront of each category names. when i click on that symbol, i want to enlarge this category by adding more no of rows under this. And the symbol must turn to '<<'. when click on this, the reverse thing, ie, remove some rows and shows the initial rows.

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JQuery :: Adding And Removing Rows From Table

Oct 16, 2010

I'm building an application where the user can add Questions. For each Question they can add x answers or remove them (see screenshot). I can add questions and add/remove answers, For each question that is added I update the 'gameQuestions' variable with 1; The same goes for answers that I add: for each added answer I update the 'counter' variable with 1. When I remove an answer, the app. doesn't know how many answers each question has, it simply decreases the "counter" variable. So when I remove the 2nd question, it doesn't know how many answers that 2nd question has! How can I store the number of answers per question and how do I remove them correctly?

Here's my code so far:
var gameQuestions = 1;
var counter = 1;
// Add a New Question...
$(".addQuestion").click(function() {
var question = "<table id='questionSet"+gameQuestions+"' class='form-table' style='background-color:#cccccc; width=100%;'>"; .....

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JQuery :: Counting And Adding Rows In Table

Feb 22, 2011

Is it possible for jQuery to count the number of rows in a table and then add some more if there is less than a defined amount? So that this table with less than 10 rows.....
<table class="testTable">

Becomes this...
<table class="testTable">
</tr><!--added by jQuery -->
<td></td><td></td><td></td> .....

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JQuery :: Cluetip IE8 Very Slow Adding To Table Rows

Apr 16, 2009

I've recently been using cluetip on a datable of about 400 rows. Recently I tested this against IE8 and found it very very slow. Doing simply the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".user").each(function(i) {

Basically for each row in my table (400 rows) it would attach the cluetip to it. In IE8 it would freeze the browser for a good minute, if I pushed the compatibility mode button to run in IE7 mode it worked as xpected. In all other browsers it worked perfectly. Is there something different going on with IE8?

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JQuery :: Data Table Creates Rows Dynamically - Buttons In Those Rows Do Not Fire The Onclick Event?

May 3, 2010

I have some JQuery that makes an Ajax call and then adds some rows to an existing table.

LoadDestinationTable() {
$("#destinationTable tr:gt(0)"[code]...

The problem is that the only place where the click event fires is on the rows that were added when the page was 1st rendered – the th, for example.I also tried adding an onclick event handler to the input button’s creation – that also does not fire.

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JQuery :: Selecting Table Rows In Cascading Table Structure?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a need to select all table rows in the outer table of a cascading table structure, that is a table with contained tables. I tried to use the "Context" section of jQuery, but the table rows of the sub tables are being selected as well.

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JQuery :: Stripe Table Rows After Table Is Reloaded

Feb 3, 2011

I have a site with 2 side by side tables with matching data. The left table is a drag-n-drop implementation so you can reorder the values in the database just by dragging and dropping. It works wonderfully. I want the right table to reflect the changes instantaneously. I got the right table to reload itself with the following jquery line:

$("#newMeet").load(location.href+" #newMeet>*","");

I stuck that line in the "Update" function of my "Sortable" funtion. And the line that I am using to initially stripe the right table is:


Now matter where I stick that line, I cannot get the table re-striped after it reloads.

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Dynamic HTML Table - Highlighting 3 Best Rows From The Table?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a dynamic HTML table which gets populated by coldfusion and displayed in the page, I have a column called performace which holds numeric values. I need to select the top 3 best performace value in the column and then highlight the entire row in different colours (top 3 values for performance). Can any one help me in doing it?My server can run only Javascript and coldfusion, No Ajax/PHP.I need a complete set of code which such that I will add the script and it performs the calculating and highlighting part.

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Remove Table Rows From A Table Via Script By Index?

Feb 9, 2011

Can I use script to remove the 2nd and 3rd table row elements from this html?

<table id="dap_product_links_table">
<td><span class="scriptheader">Product Title</span></td>[code].....

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Del Table Rows Or Vis/Invis Table.

Aug 16, 2004

What I am trying to accomplish is this, I have 4 radio buttons with something different on each. Now depending on what is selected, a table shows with maybe 10 items (its very random really, could be 5, could be 50, but probably more like 20 at most), anyways. I was thinking just delete all the rows, and just recreate the table... but now after thinking about it, just make the tables invisible, and visible depending on what is selected... which is suggested, and could anyone give me hints, or show me how I would be able to accomplish this?

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Adding Rows To A Form Dynamically

Feb 1, 2006

I've got this shopping cart style form where the user can add as many rows(items) as they need.

The last textfeild in each row is the price, which is added up and displayed in the total box at the bottom.

But it isnt working.

can anyone get it to work, anything can be changed i dont care as long as it works(in IE) ....

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Number Of Rows In A Table

Jul 23, 2005

How do I get the number of rows in a table?

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Hiding Table Rows

Mar 11, 2006

I'm getting an error in displayDirectors() on the line shown. What I
want to do is hide the rows in the table where rs_Board("DirStatus") =
"Retired" with hideDirectors() and show all records with
showDirectors(). What I did was create a column with a checkbox which
is not visible to the user and check this box when
rs_Board("DirStatus") = "Retired" and leave it unchecked when it
doesn't. There's probably a better way of doing this. I also want the
text in <span id="DirectorsCaption"> to change with each function but
I'm pretty sure this will work when the other error is debugged. Code:

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Table With Collapsing Rows

Nov 20, 2006

I write a simple javascript to expand / collapse some rows of a table.
The problem is that when I click more than one time the link to expand
/collapse the rows I get an unwanted extra space after such rows. Code:

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Add & Remove Rows From Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have written a script that adds a row to a table and moves the
values from the initial line into the new line

What I am now trying to do is add a button in each new row that will
allow me to delete the row created

I am having no luck doing this

if i add a button using createelement and assosiate code with it the
code executes when i create the row.

script as follows:

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
__uid = 0;

doc = document;

function addRowTo(id) {
var tbl = doc.getElementById(id);
//create a new row
var newrow = doc.createElement("TR");
var newcol , newinput;
newcol = doc.createElement("TD");
newcol.width = 200;
newinput = doc.createElement("input"); = "date";
newinput.size = 20;
newinput.value =

newcol = doc.createElement("TD");
newcol.width = 200;
newinput = doc.createElement("input"); = "start"+__uid;
newinput.size = 20;
newinput.value = doc.main.start.value

newcol = doc.createElement("TD");
newcol.width = 200;
newinput = doc.createElement("input"); = "end"+__uid;
newinput.size = 20;
newinput.value = doc.main.end.value

__uid++; = ''
document.main.start.value = ''
document.main.end.value = '';

<form name="main" method='post'>
<table id="tbl1">
<tbody id="tbl1body">
<td><input type='text' name='date' size=10 maxlength=200 value=""/>
<td><input type='text' name='start' size=10 maxlength=200 value=""/>
<td><input type='text' name='end' size=10 maxlength=200 value=""/>
<a href="#" onClick="addRowTo('tbl1body')">
<img border=0 src="/images/add.gif"></a>

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Table That Can Add/remove Rows?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to build an invoice form where I don't know how many items the user will be entering. I've gotten to the point where I am able to add/remove table rows.I'd like to be able to add some functionality that will be able to check if the item entered has enough on stock on hand (in mysql table) against the value entered in a QTY box (I haven't added this in the example) and return an error message using ajax.


<TITLE> Add/Remove dynamic rows in HTML table </TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">


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Dynamic Table Sum Of Rows?

Sep 23, 2009

I have just took from internet dinamic table. this table is dynamic and its rows dynamically can be increased. it sum but not like integer for ex. in row1 i enter 20 and in row2 i enter 5 it sums like 205 but i need it sums like 25


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Creating Table Rows<tr> Using Dom In IE

Feb 17, 2007

The following code works great on Firefox and not in IE 6.

If I remove the table elements form the variable expor and just output text, the link and the form element and place a <div> with the if form the table and remove teh table it works great, if i put the div inside the table no error but nithing shows on IE. if it put as shown the id on the <table> works in firefox but not in IE I get an unknown runtime error. Is there someway around it? Becuase I want to keep the table for formating purposes as mor fields will be read and shown:

The idea is that the user insert the persons data so afertwards along with some more data it gets summited and in php i get it in DB, but a project can have none or hundres of persons, and always the names are diferent. Code:

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Selecting Table Rows

Jan 29, 2006

Just playing about really, am trying to add the selected table row values to text area. Tried using childNodes but I guess it doesn't work for table rows (just comes out as '[object] - undefined'). Any better methods? - I don't really want an overly complicated solution, afterall it's just testing to get me back into JavaScript again!

<tr class="a" onclick="'#3D80DF''#FFF' document.getElementById('selected_songs').value = document.getElementById('selected_songs').value + this.childNodes[2] + ' - ' + this.childNodes[3] + '
<td>Slit Wrist Theory</td>
<td>36 Crazyfists</td>

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Delete All Rows From Table?

Mar 11, 2008

for(var i = document.getElementById("tableId").rows.length; i > 0;i--)
document.getElementById("tableId").deleteRow(i -1);

I had to write this because it took me an hour to find out the error about deleting rows from an html table by javascript.
If you do this it generates an error :

for(var i = 0; i <document.getElementById("tableId").rows.length; i++)
document.getElementById("tableId").deleteRow(i -1);

The code above wont delete all the rows because "i" is not set back to 0 although the table rows' index will be set again beginning from zero after any row is deleted from the table.

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Delete All Rows Of Table?

Mar 17, 2009

how to delete all rows of table with javascript?

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