JQuery :: Colorbox - Does It Work For Text

Aug 18, 2010

[URL]you will notice if you click the image, the Colorbox comes up with a new image, BUT if you click the word Details below the image, the colorbox effect does not take place, even though it using the same link as the image. is there a way to make that text link be clicked and have an image pop up in the colorbox style?

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JQuery :: URL Tracking With Colorbox?

Nov 4, 2010

Is there an approach that I can take to have the URL change and still open a Colorbox?I need to get some tracking code to display in the URL, but I guess the <a> tag isn't really followed when I open the colorbox, so the URL change is cancelled when I click to open the Colorbox.

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JQuery :: Using Cookies With Colorbox

Apr 29, 2011

I am somewhat new to JQuery and I am trying to use cookies with a colorbox.

Here is the code I'm using


The end goal is to display the link with the pop_search_searay class (that opens the colorbox) when a cookie is not set. If there is a cookie, then the other link (with id=cookieyes) should display instead (so the colorbox does not open in this case).

I am having trouble with the if cookie is true statement.. After colorbox closes, even if the cookie is set, as soon as I view another page for some reason the cookie seems to reset as I am still seeing the link with the colorbox class displayed.

Is my if true statement incorrect? Do I need to move it somewhere else in the code?

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JQuery :: Colorbox: Can't Show Div With Selector

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to show a div using colorbox, and for some reason, the following is not working: jQuery("div#the_div_that_i_want_to_show").colorbox();

Calling the function directly, however, does work:

$.fn.colorbox({'href':'div#the_div_that_i_want_to_show', 'open':true, 'inline':true});

And passing the div as an argument also works (with arguments 'inline' and 'open' set):$("div#the_div_that_i_want_to_show").colorbox({'href':'div#the_div_that_i_want_to_show', 'inline':true, 'open':true});

This, of course, is sort of redundant, as we're already selected the element with jQuery; there should be no need to also pass it as an argument.However, when I strip out the 'href' argument this does _not_ work--All I get is an empty colorbox/modal: $("div#the_div_that_i_want_to_show").colorbox({'inline':true, 'open':true});

For completeness, here is the div:

<div id="the_div_that_i_want_to_show" style="font-size: 18pt">Hello world</div>

why colorbox is not receiving the wrapped set from the jQuery selector?This call is very similar to that discussed on the following page:: [URL]

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JQuery :: Re-Initialize Colorbox From Within IFrame

Apr 25, 2011

As you no doubt know, a link that is generated on the fly (ie by a JS function) and is supposed to invoke a ColorBox (due to a predefined selector) doesn't work as the link didn't exist when the ColorBox was initialised e.g., you have this in the head:
$(".frmMe").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:1200, innerHeight:640});

Then a link generated by JS at a later time (for example triggered by a users click) like:
<a href="blah.php" class="frmMe">Easter Eggs</a>

Whenever I dynamically create a link like the one above, I re-run the line:
"$(".frmMe").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:1200, innerHeight:640});" afterwards to ensure the colorBox functionality works.

Now however, I have an instance where a link on a parent page like the above is created from within an iFrame (on the fly using JS). Unfortunately however, I haven't been able to find a way to re-intialize the ColorBox on the parent page from within the iframe to ensure that the new link has ColorBox functionality enabled.

I have tried:
$('.frmMe', parent.document.body).colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:1200, innerHeight:640});
but it seems to have no affect and generates no errors (yet this follows the format I use to create the link. On the page which is:
$('#updateBx', parent.document.body).html('<a href="" class="frmMe">Glorious</a>');

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JQuery :: ColorBox Does Not Open After Replacing <body> Content

Nov 2, 2010

I'm using ColorBox to open a simple popup and it works fine. In the same page I have a link which sends an ajax request which return the entire <body> content that I then use to replace the body of the current page. After I do this replacement, the colorbox does not open anymore. I got no JS errors.

Here is a code which reproduces this behaviour

<script src="js/jquery-1.4.3.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.colorbox.js"></script>


In the submitAjax() function I simply replace the body of the current page with the same content.

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JQuery :: Setting Image To Link To Itself And Open In Colorbox

Jul 20, 2011

I have an image that has been resized via CSS to show as 100x100px on an HTML page. When clicked, I want to open the image in a colorbox - so the user can see the non resized/squashed version as it will normally appear. I've worked out how to set the path of the href to itself (so this doesn't have to be changed every time) (see below), although not sure how to get the colorbox part working - I tried changing 'each' to 'colorbox' - as per how you would normally assign the colorbox, and it opens, it just doesn't load the image in it.

<div class="logoImage"><img src="../tym_img_shared/background-2.jpg" alt="Your company logo" /></div>
$('div.logoImage img').each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
$this.wrap('<a href="' + $this.attr('src') + '"></a>');

Thinking about it, perhaps it would be easier to also set the 're' attribute of the link whist setting the source?
$('div.logoImage img').each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
$this.wrap('<a rel="gallery" href="' + $this.attr('src') + '"></a>');
Doesn't work for some reason - but it does if I hardcode the URL and rel?

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JQuery :: AnythingSlider Inside SimpleModal Or ColorBox Shows Crunched Display

Dec 15, 2010

I have been trying to display "anythingslider" plugin inside a jquery modal popup. I have tried with both colorbox and simplemodal and both give exact same effect. The effects I am seeing is when the modal window is launched the anythingslider shows the start button and the 2 green 1-2 tabs stacked vertically on top of each other. I don't see anything else (no slides etc).I am testing with the code found here:URL....I am using the setup and example code as it is listed on the page.[code]

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Use Colorbox To Individually Load The Larger Versions Of Images?

May 9, 2011

Is it possible to use Colorbox to individually load the larger versions of images?I want to assign their default of rel="example1" to various images on the same page, but have them display individually rather than in a linked gallery.

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JQuery :: .find Of An Xml Text Doesn't Work In IE?

Apr 21, 2010

I do the following:

var testdata = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><menu><menuitem title="Accueil">data/page_de_garde.html</menuitem></menu>';

It is quite simple and works with both firefox and chrome.Unfortunately, IE8 display an empty alert box.

Note: I also tryed.find("\menuitem") and.find("\:menuitem")

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JQuery :: Changing Link Text In Firefox Doesn't Work?

Oct 19, 2011

I have the following jquery script for a link with id showHideNav on my page and I want to show/hide (toggle) 2 DIVs (#navigation and #welcomeOuterWrapperDiv) when the link is clicked:

$("#showHideNav").click(function() {
// store a cookie so we know if this link has been clicked in this session
var linkClickedCookieName = 'MoreLessLinkClicked';
if (showNav()) {
$("#showHideNav").html("More ↓");


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JQuery :: Hover Doesn't Work When Change The Text Color Of A Link?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a simple menu as you can see in which i want the link that gets pressed to change color to grey.(line26).But before that (line25) i use jquery to change all the links back to their original color.But that line of code destroys my hover effect on all my links for a reason.

.link {
color: #fff;


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Display "Message Sent" Alert In Same Colorbox Modal Window As Contact Form

Dec 30, 2010

When a user clicks the "Send Carol a Message" button and submits the form I would like the "Message Sent Successfully" alert to display within the modal window. Ideally, I would like for the modal to close after "X" seconds but this is not an absolute necessity


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Make Text Effect Continuous - But Can't Get It To Work?

Mar 19, 2010

I found the following code on a web site. It displays text as if it were being typed but it only does it once. I have been trying to use various functions to make the effect continuous, i.e. make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, again make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, and so on. I wish this to continue for as long as the web page is open. But I just can't get it to work.

<h2 id="fly">Header</h2>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Use "$" for linebreak[code]....

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Updating Div With Text From Ckeditor / Getting Styles To Work

Oct 27, 2011

I have a textarea which uses ckeditor to make it a wysiwyg. I also have a bit of JS which watches the ckeditor and when a user types into it, whatever they type appears in a div elsewhere on the page.My ckeditor allows the text to be bold, italic, underlined and resized. When I apply styles to the text in the ckeditor textarea, I want them to reflected in the div which updates. At the moment only underline and resizing the text works. Choosing bold or italic does nothing the text updates ok, but no bold or italic. I've been told: "Ckeditor is using strong for bold, em for italics. My guess is that the browser or framework you are using doesn't apply bold and italics styles to those tags. You'll have to do that yourself."

I've tested on several browsers, I checked in FF Opera Safari Chrome IE8 & IE9 and its the same in all them. Underline works, resize works but neither bold or italic do. (Interestingly in IE7 bold and italic do work as well as the size and underline! What's going on with that?!?) So I assume it is the framework? Can anyone tell me if this is right and if so, how do I go about doing that myself?

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Text Replace Problem, Doesn' Work In IE

Jul 27, 2006

After the HTML page finishes loading, I want the JavaScript code to go tthrough all the text and replace some words. The following code works in FF

x=document.body.innerHTML.replace(/CC/gi,'Credit Card');
document.body.innerHTML = x;

but refuses to work in IE. It gives a "Operation Aborted" message and does not even render the orginal HTML. Any suggestions? .. Maybe I am going wrong about the entire thing, all i want is to alter text (not tags) on the page using JavaScript.

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Random Text Generator Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2010

i added a random text generator at a page and it doenst work!

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Updating Div With Text From Ckeditor - Getting Styles To Work?

Oct 27, 2011

I have a textarea which uses ckeditor to make it a wysiwyg. I also have a bit of JS which watches the ckeditor and when a user types into it, whatever they type appears in a div elsewhere on the page.My ckeditor allows the text to be bold, italic, underlined and resized. When I apply styles to the text in the ckeditor textarea, I want them to reflected in the div which updates. At the moment only underline and resizing the text works. Choosing bold or italic does nothing the text updates ok, but no bold or italic.

I've been told: "Ckeditor is using strong for bold, em for italics. My guess is that the browser or framework you are using doesn't apply bold and italics styles to those tags.ou'll have to do that yourself."I've tested on several browsers, I checked in FF Opera Safari Chrome IE8 & IE9 and its the same in all them. Underline works, resize works but neither bold or italic do. (Interestingly in IE7 bold and italic do work as well as the size and underline! What's going on with that?!?)So I assume it is the framework? Can anyone tell me if this is right and if so, how do I go about doing that myself?heres the JS I'm using to update the div:

<label for="editor1">Background Story</label>
<textarea id="editor1" name="editor1">This is sample text

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Updating Div With Text From Ckeditor - Getting Styles To Work

Oct 27, 2011

I have a textarea which uses ckeditor to make it a wysiwyg. I also have a bit of JS which watches the ckeditor and when a user types into it, whatever they type appears in a div elsewhere on the page.

My ckeditor allows the text to be bold, italic, underlined and resized. When I apply styles to the text in the ckeditor textarea, I want them to reflected in the div which updates. At the moment only underline and resizing the text works. Choosing bold or italic does nothing :( the text updates ok, but no bold or italic.

I've been told: "Ckeditor is using strong for bold, em for italics. My guess is that the browser or framework you are using doesn't apply bold and italics styles to those tags. You'll have to do that yourself."

I've tested on several browsers, I checked in FF Opera Safari Chrome IE8 & IE9 and its the same in all them. Underline works, resize works but neither bold or italic do. (Interestingly in IE7 bold and italic do work as well as the size and underline!

heres the JS I'm using to update the div:

<label for="editor1">Background Story</label>
<textarea id="editor1" name="editor1">This is sample text

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Scrolling Banner Text Doesn't Work In IE But Does In Everything Else / Solve This?

Mar 2, 2010

Can anybody find out why the scrolling banner text doesn't work in IE but does in everything else? code...

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Can't Get Swap Image And Set Text To Work On Same On Click Event

May 6, 2007

I have image thumbnails on the right of the page. When the user clicks on a thumbnail I want two events to happen.

1. I want the image in the center of the page named "swap" to swap to a larger version of the clicked thumbnail.

2. I want the person's bio to pop up in a div to the right of the bigger picture.

The page looks fine in Firefox 2.0, Ie7, but the image doesn't swap in ie6. The text switches, but the image doesn't pop up.

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Getting Text Input To Equal A Variable And Work Properly?

May 22, 2010

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var seq = new Array(3)


basically, i want to change the variable "str" from "vyrfcd" to document.frm.ab.value, or document.getElementById('ab')

so that the function takes from the text input rather than a static variable

but i'm having trouble getting this to work when i substitute either of those in

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JQuery :: Load And $('span[id*="DT-myid"]').text("newvalue") Doesn't Work?

Oct 11, 2011

I am starting in JQUERY and I experiencing something I don't know if it is normal or it is wrong programmed by me.

Inside a$(document).ready(function(){} I want to load a piece of page which is a form:

$('#C1').load('<anypath>/myfile.php #myID');

C1 is a div like this <div id="C1"></div>

the div myID is well loaded into current page. The problem is that I want to apply this code after load: $('span[id*="DT-myid"]').text("newvalue"). I want to change al span with this id to new value for translations purpose. The problem is that this code is ignored. If I copy the contents of myID into this page and I don't use load then the text function works properly.

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JQuery :: Work On FF Or Chrome, Don't Work On IE

Jan 12, 2011

I have a problem, I don't know why this code doesn't work on IE ver 8 On Firefox, Chrome it is like I want, on IE - no reaction Is this some html/css problem or my fault on js? I'm sure about .js code is correct.. I think.. link html/css/js

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Does Form.disable Work On Hidden Text Form Elements?

Jul 23, 2005

Does "document.formName.elementName.disable" work on hidden form text
elements? I have a form with some input fields that are associated with
some hidden text fields and I would like to disable all of the
categories inside the form when the page loads and only enable each
category as it is needed. Code:

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AJAX :: Cross-browsing Request Work Around - Every Browser Doesn't Work ?

Jun 14, 2010

The "Permission denied" cross site issue.

I have to check from my external domain if a service is running on localhost:8080 of a local machine.

I'm using XMLHttpRequest to do it.

I'm checking a local-web-server, not a file.

Every browser doesn't work, but Firefox. So I'm looking for a work-aorund.

An iframe? a flash swf? an applet java? HTA applications?

A side question is, why does FF work? Because it's a local-web-server?

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