Does Form.disable Work On Hidden Text Form Elements?
Jul 23, 2005
Does "document.formName.elementName.disable" work on hidden form text
elements? I have a form with some input fields that are associated with
some hidden text fields and I would like to disable all of the
categories inside the form when the page loads and only enable each
category as it is needed. Code:
I have an array of list boxes. I need them to become disabled if the first one is checked (with an id of disabler_0), and I need them to be enabled if that box is unchecked. Right now it doesn't work.
I have a page that opens up an iframe for the user to be able to select photos. Each photo has a checkbox, and on select I add a hidden form element to the parent frame form. This all seems to work fine, but im now stuck on how to remove the form element when the checkbox is un-checked.
Do you know why js does not reset this multi select box? <select name="LOB" multiple="multiple" size="5" style="background:#fff3b3;width:150px" > <option value="DP" >DP</option> <option value="DTV" >DTV</option> <option value="HSD" >HSD</option> <option value="PPV" >PPV</option> <option value="RF" >RF</option> <option value="VOD" >VOD</option> </select>
Code: function clearForm(oForm) { var elements = oForm.elements; oForm.reset(); for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { field_type = elements[i].type.toLowerCase(); switch(field_type) { case "text": case "password": case "textarea": case "hidden":
elements[i].value = ""; break; case "radio": case "checkbox": if (elements[i].checked) { elements[i].checked = false; } break;
case "select-one": case "select-multi": //alert(elements[i].value); elements[i].selectedIndex = -1; break; default: break; }}}
I've created a admin center, that has two seperate login permissions. Admin which can edit listings, etc... and Viewer which can only view listings, and edit 1 or 2 of the listings details and not all of them like the admin. I've seen web-sites where certain text input fields are sort of Grayed out, not allowing for user to type, click in or change anything in that field. Sort of like the html text input field has been or is disabled. How can I get certain html text input fields to appear disabled, and the text that's inside un-editable or unchange-able?
Im using a JavaScript function to dynamically add rows of user-input data to a form, but Im having problems getting it to work properly with Firefox (works well in IE, though). We are using Struts 1.3 and JSPs, if that makes a difference.
The JavaScript function seems to work initially because the newly added row will show up on the JSP after the user enters their data and clicks a button that uses an onclick event to call the function. However, when I submit the form the new elements dont get included in the request. The result is that when I use the following code in my Struts Action Class to get all the parameter names submitted in the request, I dont receive the new form elements that were added by the JavaScript function and I cant process those newly added records:
Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
Here is the JavaScript code for the function that I call to dynamically add rows of data to the form.
function addData(tableId, distBedsCode, empCode, fte) { var tbl = document.getElementById(tableId); //grab how many rows are in the table var lastRow = tbl.rows.length;
Ive tried using hiddenElem.setAttribute(name,) at the end of the above code, instead of something like = , but that didnt work. There is just some difference between the way Firefox handles things and the way IE handles them
I want to get the code ( I cant write it Im still a newbie ) to check a form user/pass and trigger another hidden form.
Heres what going on:
Have created a form, Form 1 Login: it has a username and pass fields. It shares the page with a Members Login form.
I want javascript to check the user/pass on Form 1 Login against a user/pass I assign. I assume I can assign one in the Javascript code.
The script does not send the form to the server, it just checks to see that the user/pass agrees with what Ive assigned.
The script, if the user/pass is the same as I assigned, triggers a Registration form to pop up that Ive hidden with CSS left:-999em.
Now the script has fulfilled its function, its done. But heres what continues and Adobe BC does this part.
User fills out the pop up Registration form with any user/pass, their valid email and name.
Clicks Submit and the form sends the New user a new personal pass and new username via email.
User adds New user/pass to Members form and is allowed into the site.
This is a round about way but, I can not use php or server side in this process, BC does not allow server side only client side. So Im doing a work around. I know someone could find the Javascript even in a js folder. Tight security is not an issue. I researched this for weeks and BC tells me it will work with their system...I just dont know how to write it.
I have done this once before but it has been a while. How do I add a new form hidden field and value to an existing form and then submit the form within a function that can be run with an onclick event?
I've been struggling trying to get a small order form to work the way I want it to. Here is a link to the live page: [URL] And here is the code in question:
I have two questions...
Question 1 How can I make this piece of script act a little smarter. Look at the order form, I'm catering for up to 4 people and providing lunch for them. If they select 3 people and the spaghetti bol for lunch, it's only adding $10 where it should be adding $30. Obviously this is simple multiplication but since the values in my form are prices it makes it a little tricky. I'm guessing an onselect on the first part of the form which changes the pricing of the other items would be the way to go, but how do I do this?
Question 2 The "Total Price" is placed before the <form> tag by the script. This is ok but it's not where I want it. How can I position this text elsewhere in the document?
I need to pass user input from a form to one database field. I'm relatively new to JS but the idea I had was to have several form elements and use JS to collect the users input and send all the values through a hidden element. What's happening is the variable names are being sent rather than the values. The code below is only passing to the next page. Limitations: I am editing an intranet site built by a 3rd party so a lot of the files we've been given are encrypted. I cannot change the method to post.
I've put together what I think is an illustration of my problem at [URL] Quite simply, I need to be able to access the elements of the form without referring to them by ID as the whole form is intended to be cloned. I intended to do this using parentNode and childNodes[] together with the 'this' keyword. My understanding of 'this' in this context is that it should refer to the HTML element calling the function, i.e. one of the radio button inputs. However this gives the error "Error: this.parentNode is undefined"
I have a grid that I'm adding rows to that include form text input boxes using addRowData. I know I can use the "editable:true" for that but I'd rather not at this time. Anyway I have the <div id=list1></div> surrounded by a <form></form>. Also statically I have a couple of text input boxes and a submit button. When I press the submit button the only parameters that show up in the POSTED data are the static ones. Is there a way to get the form elements "registered" with the form? I know I can always use javascript to extract the data and save it via an ajax call, but if there is a way to do it "correctly"
Example var myRow = {id:"0",call:"<input name='callt"+boxNo+"' id='call"+boxNo+"' class='calls' type='text'/>",amount:"<input name='amt"+boxNo+"' id='amt"+boxNo+"' type='text' value='"+defaultDep+"'/>",residual:"",calculate:"<input type='button' class='buttons' id='b"+boxNo+"'/>"}; $("#list1").addRowData(boxNo,myRow);
I'm working with a form that has both static and dynamic form elements (add textbox, etc), and while I can access the static elements via request.form, the dynamic elements cannot be accessed. I have the dynamic elements appended within a div that lies within a table.
Here is the javascript:
function add3<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>() { var foo = document.getElementById('fooBar<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>'); var numi = document.getElementById('theValue'); var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
I have a message system that I want to prevent double posting. So when a user sends a message i would like to disable the button. But its done using AJAX and will load without much time. But enough to cause double clicking. So now the button needs to be enabled once Text is put in the Form Field.
I'm using the jquery plugin found here. I love the look but I have a form that uses functions like this:
So, when you select a country and it retrieves the state/province text input, the jquery css is not applied to it. Is there something I need to add to the code above or to the jquery initialization code here:
I am having a problem with the submit() method that is driving me nuts. I'm using document.form.submit() with large text fields (approx. 2000 characters) and am getting a "Invalid Syntax" error. If I do the same thing with a text field of under 1500 characters, it works fine.
Is there some size limit here that I don't know about?
I currently have a form named "survey". I found here a JavaScript to validate my form.
I am having serious issues with this script, either it won't execute at all (the form doesn't work, as well as the validation) or the form submits without validating the form.
1. First form on the page has questions with radio buttons. Each radio's value is a number so a score is assessed at the end.
2. Second form on the page is an email the admin form, which duplicates the score in one field.
Question: I would like to know how to write the form results to a text area in second form. However, I can't do this for one, and secondly, the value is a number, can I use labels? Here's the code I've 'made up' so far...
I asked this question on the php forum but the answers I was getting were to do with javascript so i thought i would get more help here with it. What I'm looking to do is have a selection of colored boxes in a form. The user will use these to choose which color they want instead of using a dropdown list of colors.
I was told if i used the images as inputs in the form this would work but I'm confused. How can I have the user click on one of these images and have that set the value of a hidden field. I ca' have the user select the image and it automatically submit the form as I ave several other selections I need the user to make before the form is submitted.