Getting Text Input To Equal A Variable And Work Properly?

May 22, 2010

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var seq = new Array(3)


basically, i want to change the variable "str" from "vyrfcd" to document.frm.ab.value, or document.getElementById('ab')

so that the function takes from the text input rather than a static variable

but i'm having trouble getting this to work when i substitute either of those in

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JQuery :: Find Node Text - Making A Variable Equal The H1 Html() Without The Span Text

Nov 16, 2009


making a variable equal the h1 html() without the span text.

// equals 'November2009'
var monthDelete = $('h1').html();
// I need just 'November'

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Setting Variable Equal To Php Variable By Passing A Parameter?

Aug 12, 2011

Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.

<script type="text/javascript" >
function display_elements()
var departments = new Array;


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Making One Variable Equal Another

Nov 9, 2011

I'll get it out their early, I am somewhat of a javascript novice.

Here is the code I am working with:

<script type="application/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var numitems = $("#foo6 > li").length;
var secondstartpoint = numitems -3;


As you can probably see I am trying to set the start point of a jquery carousel to equal a variable that I have created. You can see I have tried " start: secondstartpoint", but this isn't working. I think possibly because the way the plugin is formatted so that the "start" option can only equal a number.

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JQuery :: Set Equal Div Heights Doesn't Work In Firefox

Jun 5, 2009

i am having an issue setting equal div heights The following works in IE but not in FF. In maincontent i have a nested div. Strange thing is when i uncomment the alert, and click the popup the div height is being set in FF??


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JQuery :: Load Page Into Div Only When Database Variable Is Equal To 1?

Nov 14, 2011

Find a solution to this... I am trying to get a page to load into a div, but only if a database variable is equal to 1, if the variable is not equal to 1, it should check back every 5 seconds. Once the page is loaded into the div, it should stop checking. Also when the page that was loaded into the div is closed, everything starts over again.

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Link / Function - Set Source Of A Frame Equal To A Variable?

Apr 18, 2011

set source of a frame equal to a varialble:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
function makelink()
var qual = '';
//set stud = mm_adl_API.LMSGetValue(""cmi.core.student_id")

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Check If First 2 Letters Equal Certain Characters In Input Field?

Jun 14, 2011

I am having trouble with some javascript code that checks the first 2 letters of what the user inputs and whether it equals a certain set of characters. If the user for instance types in 'TT' in an input field, then i want the holding div to disappear, if anything else is typed in then this action wont happen. My code is below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkCode() {
var x=document.forms["myform"]["code"].value.substring(0, 2);
if (x == 'TT')


I believe the problem lies in the javascript line: "if (x == 'TT')", as the rest of the script responds but it just doesnt recognise whether 'x' starts with 'TT'

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Array Undefined After Setting Equal To Values Of Several <INPUT> Fields

Apr 7, 2009

I keep getting <undefined> when I alert out the value of my array 'fadeimages1'. Using php/mysql I retrieve filenames from a directory and create <INPUT> fields to store the filenames. In the javascript portion of the code, I use getElementsByName() to retrieve all of the <INPUT> fields. I then declare an array, 'fadeimages1'. Next, using a for loop I try to copy the values from the <INPUT> fields into the array 'fadeimages1'. When I alert out the length and value variable for each <INPUT> field, I get the correct filename, but after trying to store the value into 'fadeimages1' array, I get value is <undefined> when I alert it out. BTW, the following code uses 'fadeimages1.push()', but I also tried 'fadeimages1[i]=...'. Both result in <undefined> values.


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Referring Variable In Input Text Value?

Jun 23, 2009

I've been facing a problem assigning a javascript variable to an input text's value attribute.

My code is as follows:
var moduleCd = document.getElementById('client.moduleCd').value;
var productSelectLen = productSelect.options.length;
for(var i=0; i<productSelectLen; i++)


look at the bold italic marked text where I want to assign the value of variable moduleCd.

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Syntax - Hidden Input Form Field Value Equal To Document.getElementById?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a draggable marker on my page that sets the value of a javascript variable when the marker is released.I want to submit this value to store it in a database however I cannot figure out how to pass this javascript variable as a hidden form field.Here is my code. I suspect this is completelyhow to make this "lat" value available to me after the form has been submitted.

<form name="myform" method="post" action="" >
<input type="hidden" name="lat" id="lat"


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Pulling Data From A Text Box Input To A Variable

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create a page that will pull data out of an input text box to a variable. I am then trying to take that data and punch it into a function, to eventually spit out the answer back on the web page. It has to do with telling the user to enter how many hours worked and their pay rate. I have included the code below. The problem I seem to be having is that I want to click a button to pull the data, then output the result in another script below the input boxes. I may have over done it with the functions, but what can I say..I'm lost! When I try to run it, I have the document.write cmd in there that is supposed to output the variable grossPay. Instead, it shows all the code instead of the value.

If I have something else wrong, or if I am making poor choices let me know. For some background, so far I am in the beginning stages of functions, if..else statements, so I am not trying to get crazy with this. Just something simple.


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Change Text Color When Value Is Equal?

Oct 1, 2009

I am working on a multiplication table and it is suppose to allow you to enter a value, and then if the value is correct, the text color will turn green, if it is incorrect the value will turn red, it isn't doing anything, I am not that good in programming with Javascript, so I think it's probably something with my code, all the elements are named properly the are all input fields.

function checkMath(s,n)
if(document.getElementsByName("math_"+n.toString()+"t"+s.toString()).value == s * n)


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Getting InnerHTML To Work Properly In FF?

Jul 12, 2009

i looked in one of my other projects that i recently finished, and the code seems to be identical.Basically it should generate an array of Canvases where individual letters can be written. Later other javascript code will try to determine which letter was written (letter recognition).The error that i keep getting is "ChangeThisID is Null".

here's the code:



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PHP Variable Is Not Passing Properly?

Sep 8, 2009

Here's something that I tested without the PHP and it worked ok. Now that I've introduced the PHP to the document it doesn't work. The PHP variable is not passing to Javascript properly. By use of some cleverly placed alert boxes, I figured out that the only thing that is getting passed forward is something called : "object HTML ImageElement"

Specifically, I assign the element ID the unique ID number of the record in the SQL database. The problem isn't with the ID numbers themselves: They are alphanumeric and unique.I think it boils down to one of two lines of code. Either this isn't working (about line 12)

function expander(RecordID){

or perhaps it is when I am calling the function (about line 66):

echo "<img id='".$row['IDNumber']."' src=".$row['ImagePath']." width='5%' onMouseOver='expander(".$row['IDNumber'].");' onMouseOut='shrinker(".$row['IDNumber'].");'>";}

The PHP works (I can get the images to appear, so the connection to SQL and such isn't a problem). I am sure most of the JavaScript is good, too, as I said I had it all working prior to dropping in the PHP.Since I am not going from JavaScript to PHP I don't think I need AJAX. I just need the PHP to pass to JavaScript.

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">[code]....

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I Can't Get The Squared() Function Work Properly

Jul 20, 2005

Can someone tell me where the problem here is? I can't get the "squared()"
function to work supposed to put the squared value into the
iframe area....

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JQuery :: Getting Some Functions To Work Properly?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm pretty new to jquery and I've been working on a little project to see what I can do. The issue is when I first visit the page and click the first link that appears in the main section it displays the popup box as wanted. Now when I click another day, for instance sunday and try to click the first link it doesn't do anything. And if I click back to Saturday the first link also doesn't do anything.

It seems something is not properly activating or maybe a command is overwriting and not allowing it to work like it does when you first hit the landing page.

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JQuery :: Click Anchor Does Not Work Properly In IE7?

Sep 3, 2010

The following code was tested in Firefox and works also in IE 8. But when clicking the anchor (id=movefoot), it does not work in IE 7.

jQ code :

$('#movefoot').click (function (event) {
// move footer
switch (footeropen) {


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Select.remove(i) Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 13, 2010

the remove(i) doesn't remove the option[i] but works unexpectedly and removes the first 4 to delete the selected index only?

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JQuery :: Multiple Files Not Work Properly

Mar 15, 2011

I was on looking for some cool effects for my site, and when I tried to put two of them in a page together it would not work properly. I can get only one to work at a time. It seems that they somehow interfere with each other, but I don't know how. Now have a little experience with JavaScript and jquery, but nothing I tried would work. Here is what I have in my page header right now:


The first one is an accordion navigation panel and it comes with a JavaScript file to link to in the header. Other than that there is no more JavaScript involved with it. Here is the link to it: Accordion Navigation The other one is a image slide show that uses jquery. it has the jquery script, a script file of it own, and some JavaScript right in the page header. Here is the link to this one:

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Can't Get The Radio Buttons To Work Properly In Browser

Oct 31, 2009

I can't get the radio buttons to work properly in my browser. If you don't press one the alert box does not tell you that you have to tick either male or female. Also I noticed you can tick both but it won't say you must choose only one, how can I sort this..

case "radio_hidden":
if (fld.value != "1")/* radio male or female button should be checked*/
fld.valid = true;


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Porting - App - Doesn't Work Properly On Mozilla Browsers

Nov 22, 2010

First, We 've a course registeration Web app that was developed in .NET/javascript.

In brief, the students login, then the available courses is drawn to him (as DIVs) to select courses then apply registeration.

Of course , the dynamic part of selecting/highliting courses is done in javascript as a clientside Javascript.

The problem that this app was developed with no x-browser compatibility in mind (e.g firefox and chrome). it works fine on IE , ofcourse doesn't work properly on Mozilla browsers.

Now, i want to modify it to be mozilla compatible , i spent time inspecting it (functions and classes, "yes the developer made a javascript classes") .

Is there a tool or something that porting to mozilla ?

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Rounded Corner On Rollover - It Doesn't Work Properly In IE?

Feb 4, 2011

I am developing a site that requires the navigation menu to have one rounded corner at the end on the home button. The default button state is created using a background image but I need it to also have a rollover effect on hover and also on focus (for the home page item only). I have tried to use CSS and curvy corners Javascript code to create the effect as I don't want to use images. However, I don't think the curvy corners script is picking up the div item that I want to apply the corner to.

The trouble is I have a number of div boxes on the site that also have rounded corners (3 rounded and 1 square). The CSS is working fine for these in all browsers apart from Opera but when it comes to the navigation it doesn't work properly in IE. Here's the HTML for the menu:


<div id="menu">
<li><a href="index.htm" class="home">Home</a></li><li><a href="#">Mortgages</a></li><li><a href="#">Life Assurance</a></li><li><a [code].....

The CSS is in an external stylesheet, although I have also added the CSS for the rounded corner items to the header code.The class 'homefocus' seems to work when applied to the a tag on the home page but the other class 'home' which should work on hover won't work in IE.

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OnClick Works Properly But Following If Statement Doesn't Work?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a simple problem that I can't solve. I am trying to code a "More Info" button/link to display some more technical details of an item, if required or wanted. I haven't tried incorporating any code in to my web site yet, first I am trying to test how it can be done in a seperate file.

What I have right now is a table with two cells. In one cell is static text, in the other is a hyperlink. The onClick event calls a JS function called "more_info()" in which a global varible is altered to contain the value 1.

Directly after these two cells is more JS (this is before the table ends). The JS here is checking to see whether the value of the global variable has been changed. If the value is 1, display information. There is no "else" clause because I don't want information displayed unless the variable is equal to 1, so it is not required.

I think I know what the problem might be. The browser is reading the code in question before I ever click the link and has already been executed before the variable is changed. I know JS is object oriented so it will not sit there waiting for me to click the button before reading the logical statements.


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JQuery :: Event Animation Callback Doesn't Work Properly ?

Dec 9, 2010

This is my code:

I've set the animation to large numbers (1000) to make it very obvious.

The helper will show before the other fieldSets have been hidden. The show animation begins about half way through the hide animation. Since both elements are occupying the same space, this makes the container jump around in size as it breifly expands to fit one under the other.

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JQuery :: Image Doesn't Work Properly In Safari And Chrome?

Nov 1, 2010

I've hosted a test suite at: Webkit Bug Clicking on the enlarged image doesn't work properly in Safari and Chrome.

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