Instantly Display A Form Element Based On Prior Form Selection Made?
Mar 16, 2010
How does one cause a form element to appear ONLY if a certain form selection is made before it?
That is for example say there is a form element of type Radio called "format" so only if they select format value = normal then the form input fields called URL and Name are to appear as the next choices otherwise form input field Group and checklist Places are to appear as the next choices.
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Nov 17, 2010
I want to have several forms on one page that are not displayed until a selection is made from the category drop down box(select element). The form displayed will depend on the selection made. Here is the code I have so far.
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Nov 17, 2010
I want to have several forms on one page that are not displayed until a selection is made from the category drop down box(select element). The form displayed will depend on the selection made.
Here is the code I have so far.
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Apr 9, 2010
Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00
Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.
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Aug 19, 2011
Why is the input type = radio on this page is not getting the value assigned to it after the user clicks on the related selection? Here is the page under development: - TOTALLY FREE online dating service - You can see this by selecting a choice for "I am a: " Radio button selection. I have set up Javascript code, alert, which will tell you that that selection is "Undefined" even though you have selected male or female.
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Sep 23, 2011
I have a dropdown box with 2 selections(True/False default False) .If false I want to show under it a form like so.
input text
input check
input text
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm working on a search filter trying to get a form to update itself depending on what options have been checked from a selection of checkboxes. i.e. selecting one checkbox can bring up other checkboxes. It's just posting the form to update_filter.php and putting the updated form into searchNavigation div.
This works for the first checkbox that is checked, but after that nothing.
Is it something to do with the fact that the form is not the same form that it was before the checkbox was checked if that makes sense? or shouldn't that make any difference?
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Aug 15, 2009
here is part of a form I have:
<select name = "pulmonologist" >
<option selected="" value="">---Select---
<option value="none">None</option>
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Mar 13, 2006
I have a form with a drop down list box, few textboxes with labels and submit button. depending upon my selection I should be able to show hide textbox; assume items, 1,3,5 in the selection box shows the items other than the listbox and 2,4,6 items in the selction box if selected hides the labels and textboxes. but in all the case submit button should be present.
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Nov 6, 2010
How do I automatically populate the second dropdown based on the selection made in the first one. Say if I choose a contry in the first dropdown, then I want to display a list of cities from that country in the second dropdown. Is there a way to do this with jQuery?
The code can be viewed at [URL]
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Jul 22, 2009
I have been searching for hours and have not found what I am looking for. BUT, I have seen it before when I was NOT looking for it. haha!
Anyway, I am creating a form. And the form has an element that asks for "How Many Children?" followed by a dropdown from 1 to 6.
Well I would like to display another set of elements from 1 time to 6 times, based on their selection.
Name: ___ Age: ____ Sex:____
That will be displayed as many times as the user selects.
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Feb 13, 2006
I am setting up a contact form, and want to have a drop down box with a handful of options. Clicking one option should display fields to input username & password, whereas all others will not. So far, I've tried and (replacing 'none with 'block' for the option that is supposed to show the input fields) but neither does what I need it to. I'm fairly new to javascript, just muddling my way through with the aid of tutorials.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to show/hide a simple piece of text and a text field on a
form based on what choice is made from a drop down box.
<select name="dropdown" size="1">
<option selected value="">Please make a selection</option>
<option value="1">Choice 1</option>
<option value="2">Choice 2</option>
<option value="3">Choice 3</option>
<option value="4">Other</option>
i.e. if Choice 2 is selected I'd like to display a new <tr> with the
<td>New text field:</td>
<td><input name="newField" type="text size="20"></td>
if any other choices are made, I don't want to display anything.
I've tried several onchange() functions but can't achieve what I'm
looking for.
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Nov 3, 2011
where a user might change form data without first focusing on the form element. For instance, can it be counted on that an input field will be focused (onFocus) prior to its value being changed?
I know that it can't be counted on to be secure, but for general use by everyday users, can one assume an element's onFocus event will be triggered prior to the user changing form data? If not, in what scenarios isn't this the case?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a simple html form that asks a user to select a state from a drop down list. Later, in the same form, there's a question that needs to display an image of the state they previously selected from the drop down menu. How can I accomplish this using javaScript?
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm just learning javascript and am editing a calculator form that will calculate square footage and write to a form text field. I have another form filed that I would like to display a number based a series of if else statements. ex: if square footage > 2761 then display 5.0., if square footage > 2521 then display 4.5. etc.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Size Calculator</TITLE>
function CalculateSum(Atext, Btext, form){
var A = parseFloat(Atext);
var B = parseFloat(Btext);
form.Footage.value = A * B;
form.Size.value = 21;
/* ClearForm: this function has 1 argument: form.
It clears the input and answer fields on the form.
It needs to know the names of the INPUT elements in order to do this. */
function ClearForm(form){
form.input_A.value = "";
form.input_B.value = "";
form.Footage.value = "";
form.Size.value = "";
// end of JavaScript functions -->
<P><FONT SIZE="+2">Sizing Calculator</FONT></P>
<FORM NAME="Calculator" METHOD="post">
<P>House width (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_A" SIZE=10></P>
<P>House length (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_B" SIZE=10></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Calculate" name="Calculate" onClick="CalculateSum(this.form.input_A.value, this.form.input_B.value, this.form)"></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear Fields" name="ClearButton" onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></P>
<P>Square footage = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Footage" SIZE=12></P>
<P>Size = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Size" SIZE=12></P>
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Nov 17, 2010
This code is able to display a table and show me state, County, Genus and GenusCount and also it shows when I select option as All for Counties in my drop down. it can based on which it can change my table and give me State, all the Counties, its Genus, GenusCount but when I select a particular County and then select for genus in my drop down menu. It is not working correctly. This is my code. If I select `Tennessee->Anderson->All` it should display in tables
|State |County |Genus |
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May 30, 2011
Is there any way to enable a form element(s) based on the selection in a <select> drop-down? I'm trying to enable/disable a group of checkboxes depending on which option is chosen in the <select> above it.I know how to enable/disable something when a box is checked (or text is entered into it) but I have no clue how to handle the <select> option.
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Apr 27, 2011
I am very inexperienced with javasciprt. I am designing a form in coldfusion, and want some dynamic action to take place. My users will be offered 2 selections via radio buttons. Depending on which radio button they select, they will get a few more radio buttons to choose from. I have been told that this can be handled in javascript. So I am appealing to the javascript programmer nation for some assistance in this endeavor.
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Aug 6, 2009
I want an address or assistance on the following: in my page I do a form with a simple select I would like after validation of this select display (without reloading) another form (more complete) after id sent by the 1st form
small precision: the values of the second form are in a BDD and must be displayed
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Aug 25, 2010
I've been struggling trying to get a small order form to work the way I want it to. Here is a link to the live page: [URL] And here is the code in question:
I have two questions...
Question 1 How can I make this piece of script act a little smarter. Look at the order form, I'm catering for up to 4 people and providing lunch for them. If they select 3 people and the spaghetti bol for lunch, it's only adding $10 where it should be adding $30. Obviously this is simple multiplication but since the values in my form are prices it makes it a little tricky. I'm guessing an onselect on the first part of the form which changes the pricing of the other items would be the way to go, but how do I do this?
Question 2 The "Total Price" is placed before the <form> tag by the script. This is ok but it's not where I want it. How can I position this text elsewhere in the document?
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Sep 2, 2010
The specific piece I'm stuck on at the moment is this:I have a form with a lot of fields, two of which are subnet (a drop box populated from a database, via PHP) and IP address (a text input box). When the user selects a subnet, the value is sent to a PHP script that queries the DB and returns the next unused IP address. If all I wanted was to display that in a div next to the IP input box, I'd be set -- that works fine.Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the returned data into a text input box, which is what I actually want.I know that ocument.getElementById("div_id").innerHTML=request.responseText; will display the text in a div in my sample code. I found a post somewhere that implied that frm.getElementById("input_id").value = request.responseText; would do the job for a text input, but it doesn't, at least in any of the browsers I've tested.
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Sep 20, 2011
I am trying to display a rel of each option as they are selected into a div below it . There are several selects of classProductAvailability on the page. When one of the selects changes, I'd like the value of the rel of the selected option to display.At first it seems to work, but only if you start by changing the last pull down menu. The trouble seems to be in the"select.ProductAvailability option:selected", this needs to be written for this instance, not all of the selects of that class on the page. How do I write that, I've tried$(this+" option:selected") but it won't take.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("select.ProductAvailability").change(function () {
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Jan 20, 2011
Basically I'm making an order form that updates the Total Text Box at the bottom of the page depending upon which selection is made from the drop down box in the form,
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Jul 23, 2005
How would I put this together so,
<input name="input1" type="text">
<input name="input2" value="whatever is typed into input1" type="text">
I would like to be able to type something in input1, and see it type
into input2
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Jun 12, 2010
I have very basic javascript skills, just started looking into jQuery and jQueryTools to enhance my websites. I have been coding PHP for about 1.5 years.I have a php form with which users can update their purchase order before making a final confirmation and payment.
Thought it would be nice if, instead of using php for redirecting to a success/fail message in a separate php file and redirecting again back to the form with a 3 second delay, I could get a jQuery script to pop up with a success/fail message, so avoiding all the clumsy php redirecting and page refreshing.I've searched for plugins, but they all act on event listeners attached to a submit button or other clickable html element.Ive searched the net for ages and can't find an easily understood explanation and complete example, where a jQuery pop up notification is displayed in response to a php script executing a db update.
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