Highlighting Text Within A Specific Cell
Sep 7, 2006
I'm currently working on a project which is essentially a clickable
world map. I have successfully mapped the image and using a
OnMouseOver = "Continent()" OnMouseOut = "World()" command in each
mapping line ie. <area shape="poly" onmouseover="NA()"
onmouseout="World()" coords="(lotsonumbers)".
In my continent functions I change the image using something like:
function Africa()
return true;}
This gives me the "highlighting" effect I was looking for when people
mouse over the continent.
However! my problem now is that I need to find a way to essentially
link that with a cell within the same table as the mapped image. There
is a list of the continents in the column next to the map (the map has
all the rows merged in that column). I need it so that if I run the
mouse over the continent or that cell both of them highlight at the
same time. I see the best way of doing this as having both call the
World or Continent function. However I have been unable to find any
way of setting a specific cell's background or text from within a
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Feb 23, 2010
I've got a list of DIVs on a page, each one with it's own unique id, i.e.
Code HTML4Strict:
<div id="event1">
<div id="event2">
This is OK, but what I really want is the ability to take the parameter specified in the URL (the #event2), and use it to somehow highlight that specific DIV.I figure the easiest way of doing this is to modify the DIV and add a class to it, such as class="highlight", then use CSS to set a different background colour - but I know very little about JavaScript,
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Apr 19, 2010
I know this code works just fine:
function result(){
var result = document.getElementById('resss').innerHTML;
But what I actually want is to import data from a table of an external website. E.g. I want to get the innerHTML of a specific cell in column 3 and row 2 of a specific site.
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Feb 17, 2011
is it possible to get a specific cell data on an html table using javascript? as of now all I can get is which row number was clicked using this snippet
Quote: function getRowData(r) { var i = r.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex; alert(i); //var x=document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells; //alert(x[i].innerHTML); //document.getElementById('myTable').deleteRow(i); }
and each of my rows has a button which calls the javascript method to get the row number
<input type = "submit" onClick="getRowData(this)">
what I would like to do is to get the first column's cell data of the selected row.
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Sep 10, 2010
Alright, I'm using a Rooh.It WordPress plugin right now, but I don't like the way they do it, so I want to write my own code to do something similar.
I want the user to be able to select the text they want to highlight, and the background color of that text changes to whatever color they have selected.
How can I do this in JavaScript?
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Jul 31, 2009
i want to add an img to a specific cell in a table(which is inside a form) with inside a javascript function.
(i greened which function i use, which cell i want, and which img i want) this is the code i write so far:
<title>Black Jack</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<Script Language="JavaScript">
var h;
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Jan 23, 2011
I have several table rows with the class name "recs", each containing a cell with the class name "data".Now I want to copy the text inside the table cell into a text box whenever I click on each row. For example if I click on the second table row, the name "David" would be copied in the textbox "name"
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Oct 26, 2002
I am using a calendar control based on the one at Brainjar.com. I have made the text field into which the date is inserted readonly. The problem with this is that if a user attempts to change the date manually by deleting part of the highlighted text, the browser goes back one page.
I want to force the user to use the calendar control and not input text directly into the textfield- readonly is not enough as the text can still be highlighted and then causes problems if the user attempts to delete.
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May 3, 2011
How can I use jquery to cycle through all the table rows I have in a table, and hide the rows that contain a specific HTML value that I pass to jquery?For instance, I have a table full of students, and courses each student is taking. If I want to hide all the rows where the course is Chemistry (regardless of student), how would I do that?I already have captured the HTML value, what I mainly need help with is how to tell jquery to hide ALL of the rows with that HTML value, rather than just the row I click on.
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Jul 1, 2010
in a table I want to have a specific click event (calling a function) for the first cell of each row and another function call e.g. for the third table cell.I assigned different class names to these cells and used this script:$("#tab_kat tr").find(".firstCell").bind("click", function() { ... });And the same for ".thirdCell".But is this possible without assigning class names to reduce the size of the code?Something like that:$("#tab_kat tr td.cells[1]").bind("click", function() { ... });
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Jan 6, 2007
I'm trying to write an application to demonstrate to a friend how to
highlight text in javascript, only problem is he wants it to be on divs
So say for example you have a page, and you select some text in the div
(this is static text, not a form or anything) and you click "highlight"
is there a way to wrap style tags around that highlighted text using
javascript, without refreshing the page?
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Feb 15, 2010
et me know how can I highlight a selected portion of an html document with javascript such that the selected portion is repeatedly shown highlighted on each and every page refresh.
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Nov 10, 2011
I'm trying to write a function that is similar to the ctrl+f functionality you get in IE, where you have a search string and when you click 'next' the whole string if matched is highlighted by the cursor.
This works fine for inputs and text areas using the following code:
But now I need to get it to work for normal text in a text node that is in the HTML/DOM. Is there an equivalent way of making the above method work for text in text nodes?
Alternatively is there a way to make the browser (IE) at least focus on some text in a text node? (I could then highlight it with CSS styles).
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Dec 22, 2010
The first page with the menu works just fine, but when you go to any of the other pages it won't let you highlight the text to copy and paste - in certain circumstances. It works fine on my home computer which is running Windows XP. I've been able to work with it in all browsers. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 there are issues. The only real difference is the previous/next page menu and the switch div script which is written in Javascript. This is the only thing I can think that's interfering. I've only tested Internet Explorer and Chrome in Vista (don't know about Chrome in 7) but it inhibits in both browsers.
Might there be any work arounds? On 14.html which is the Index (as in book, not the main web page) the switch div is gone but it's still not working. However, I tested just the switch div script on another web-site without the previous/next page menu and that also doesn't work.
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Jul 31, 2005
i am creating a search method tht searches the string entered in the text box in the given page having table. i want to highlight the found word ( matching part )...
but i dont kw hw to exactly get the table colums and apply the highlight method
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Aug 2, 2005
i am creating a search method tht searches the string entered in the text box in the given page having table. i want to highlight the found word ( matching part )...i can do that but with createTextRange its getting the first match word and than exits
is it possible to create certain part of the page and not the whole page(document.body.createTextrange()) for search like only one column of table and not the whole page contents
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Mar 21, 2010
I was wondering how you allow the user to highlight text they've typed (in a form) and click a button to edit its style (placing tags around the highlighted text).
Could someone explain this a little further and perhaps provide an example.
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Oct 12, 2005
I've been struggling with this for days. How can I use javascript to
high light a part of the text in a textbox or a textarea?
if the user highlights a part of the text in a textbox or a textarea,
how can I say which part of the text is highlighted? (ie: at what
character the highlight starts and at what character the highlight
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Jan 24, 2010
i've followed this javascript and i'd like to link the text to one of my page.How do i place the ahref tag in the script.[URL]...
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Sep 29, 2010
1) search the database for the words user is typing in the text box. This will happen with each key press.2) if there is a match - I need to change the text color.
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Jul 23, 2005
My web page has thumbnail pictures, and when the user clicks on a
thumbnail, I change the image source of a full-size image elsewhere on
the page. I'd also like to change the caption of the full-size image,
but I'm not sure how to set the value of the text. I've tried creating
a form with a single input field, and I can set the value of that
field, but the field has a sunken style that I can't get rid of, and
I'd like to find a different way of displaying the text.
Is there an easier way to change the value of a text field?
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May 11, 2010
In the following table segment, I have been trying to use DOM techniques to get the text values.For example in this line: (<span id="edit5_oname" >BOBBY</span>), I only want to get BOBBY. What's happing is if I use alert(x[2].innerHTML); it returns <span id="edit5_ownerid">8</span>.I have tryed various techniques like:
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Feb 22, 2010
how to do what i wanted. I've got a .pdf file with a bunch of text fields, i would like it to make it so that when the user has focus (is writing in or clicked it) on of the fields it shows a different field with information on how to fill out that field and which field to procede to. Ive figured out how to show a field when focus is on another field, but cant get it to hide again when focus goes to something else.
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Jun 15, 2011
How to select all text in a cell by clicking in it ? I would like to select all text in a cell for fast copying.Copying 1 cell at a time.
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Jun 16, 2011
How to select all text in a cell by clicking in it ?
I would like to select all text in a cell for fast copying.
Copying 1 cell at a time.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can someone tell me how to do this if it is possible?
I have a table based web site, and I would like to dynamically change the
text that is shown in a particular cell of a table. I give the cell the
unique ID label1 so I can get a hold of it, and I can get a javascript to
display the data in an alert box (this is just to see if I can access the
text) with:
mycel = document.getElementById('label1');
myceltext = mycel.childNodes.item(0);
currenttext = myceltext.data;
But how do I exchange the text in this cell for something else?
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