Searching For Text And Highlighting

Aug 2, 2005

i am creating a search method tht searches the string entered in the text box in the given page having table. i want to highlight the found word ( matching part )...i can do that but with createTextRange its getting the first match word and than exits

is it possible to create certain part of the page and not the whole page(document.body.createTextrange()) for search like only one column of table and not the whole page contents

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Text Box Input Searching For The Entered Text On Another Webpage In The Same Way Find In Page Would Do?

Apr 2, 2011

Is it possible to have a text box input searching for the entered text on another webpage in the same way Find In Page would do? I have a webpage that I want users to input an item, and that this will open the targeted webpage and bring you to (and highlight) the matched item(s) like find in page does. Is this possible or is the easiest way to just make users open the link to the target page and just complete the find in page search there?

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Inline Text Highlighting - User To Be Able To Select The Text They Want To Highlight

Sep 10, 2010

Alright, I'm using a Rooh.It WordPress plugin right now, but I don't like the way they do it, so I want to write my own code to do something similar.

I want the user to be able to select the text they want to highlight, and the background color of that text changes to whatever color they have selected.

How can I do this in JavaScript?

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Possible To Prevent Highlighting Text Within A Text Field?

Oct 26, 2002

I am using a calendar control based on the one at I have made the text field into which the date is inserted readonly. The problem with this is that if a user attempts to change the date manually by deleting part of the highlighted text, the browser goes back one page.

I want to force the user to use the calendar control and not input text directly into the textfield- readonly is not enough as the text can still be highlighted and then causes problems if the user attempts to delete.

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JQuery :: Searching For Certain Text?

Nov 17, 2010

I have some elements (table, div, ...) which contains content. Now I want to search an certain text and do something if one element contains this text:


searching for 'schnitzel
Code 1
<p>some text</p>


now I tried the :contain filter, but it don`t work.

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Static Text Highlighting -- Can It Be Done?

Jan 6, 2007

I'm trying to write an application to demonstrate to a friend how to
highlight text in javascript, only problem is he wants it to be on divs

So say for example you have a page, and you select some text in the div
(this is static text, not a form or anything) and you click "highlight"
is there a way to wrap style tags around that highlighted text using
javascript, without refreshing the page?

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Highlighting Selected Text?

Feb 15, 2010

et me know how can I highlight a selected portion of an html document with javascript such that the selected portion is repeatedly shown highlighted on each and every page refresh.

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Highlighting Text With Cursor ?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm trying to write a function that is similar to the ctrl+f functionality you get in IE, where you have a search string and when you click 'next' the whole string if matched is highlighted by the cursor.

This works fine for inputs and text areas using the following code:

But now I need to get it to work for normal text in a text node that is in the HTML/DOM. Is there an equivalent way of making the above method work for text in text nodes?

Alternatively is there a way to make the browser (IE) at least focus on some text in a text node? (I could then highlight it with CSS styles).

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Disabling Highlighting Of Text

Dec 22, 2010

The first page with the menu works just fine, but when you go to any of the other pages it won't let you highlight the text to copy and paste - in certain circumstances. It works fine on my home computer which is running Windows XP. I've been able to work with it in all browsers. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 there are issues. The only real difference is the previous/next page menu and the switch div script which is written in Javascript. This is the only thing I can think that's interfering. I've only tested Internet Explorer and Chrome in Vista (don't know about Chrome in 7) but it inhibits in both browsers.

Might there be any work arounds? On 14.html which is the Index (as in book, not the main web page) the switch div is gone but it's still not working. However, I tested just the switch div script on another web-site without the previous/next page menu and that also doesn't work.


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Highlighting Searched Text

Jul 31, 2005

i am creating a search method tht searches the string entered in the text box in the given page having table. i want to highlight the found word ( matching part )...
but i dont kw hw to exactly get the table colums and apply the highlight method

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Searching For Highlighted Text On Webpage?

Feb 24, 2009

Is there a way of searching for highlighted words on a webpage?

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Highlighting Text Within A Specific Cell

Sep 7, 2006

I'm currently working on a project which is essentially a clickable
world map. I have successfully mapped the image and using a
OnMouseOver = "Continent()" OnMouseOut = "World()" command in each
mapping line ie. <area shape="poly" onmouseover="NA()"
onmouseout="World()" coords="(lotsonumbers)".

In my continent functions I change the image using something like:
function Africa()
return true;}

This gives me the "highlighting" effect I was looking for when people
mouse over the continent.

However! my problem now is that I need to find a way to essentially
link that with a cell within the same table as the mapped image. There
is a list of the continents in the column next to the map (the map has
all the rows merged in that column). I need it so that if I run the
mouse over the continent or that cell both of them highlight at the
same time. I see the best way of doing this as having both call the
World or Continent function. However I have been unable to find any
way of setting a specific cell's background or text from within a

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Highlighting Text And Changing It's Format?

Mar 21, 2010

I was wondering how you allow the user to highlight text they've typed (in a form) and click a button to edit its style (placing tags around the highlighted text).

Could someone explain this a little further and perhaps provide an example.

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Locating Searching For Text Within Iframe Or Frame?

Aug 18, 2010


I would like to utilize this script where I could pass the string of words to another page.

Meaning, search for the text, actually a word, then take the two words following the searched text and have them passed to the next page...I have tried to "alert" the words, but have no success.

I have tried to modify the code using the following, but the result just posts a "-1" in my alert popup.

As you can see I modified the code from the original thread in the third block of "for" code. also, I added an "alert" tag. One more thing, I added a function call for the form button.

The code is below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var count = 0;
var itemList = new Array();
var oldText = "";


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Highlighting Part Of The Text In A Text Box

Oct 12, 2005

I've been struggling with this for days. How can I use javascript to
high light a part of the text in a textbox or a textarea?


if the user highlights a part of the text in a textbox or a textarea,
how can I say which part of the text is highlighted? (ie: at what
character the highlight starts and at what character the highlight

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Resolved Linking An Highlighting Text To A Page?

Jan 24, 2010

i've followed this javascript and i'd like to link the text to one of my page.How do i place the ahref tag in the script.[URL]...

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JQuery :: Highlighting/changing Text Color In A Textbox As User Types?

Sep 29, 2010

1) search the database for the words user is typing in the text box. This will happen with each key press.2) if there is a match - I need to change the text color.

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Searching Through A Text Document "search Engine"?

Mar 16, 2009

I just wanted to know if I have a text document that contains html code,how would I search through the code and retrieve all the data related to the search. i.e. by creating a search engine. The problem I face is if the format of the tag names change in the html txt document then it won't work. Therfore using DOM to retrieve the text would fail. Is there anything other than DOM that I can use to parse through the text document, so even if the code changed the search engine would still work.The aim is to search through a html "text document" and retrieve the data that the user wants.

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Auto Searching A PDF

Jun 13, 2006

I have been looking for a way to open a PDF file and automatically
locate and go to a certain phrase within the file. The phrase should
only appear once within the file, if not, the first occurrance is all
that is needed.

The file is needed to be opened from a website, into a new window. As
it is opened, it needs to be sent the key phrase that it is looking
for. I have no trouble choosing what phrase on the html side or
opening the pdf file on its own. Note that the opening and finding of
phrases would be done with Javascript on the html side.

Essentially what I am looking for is for the user to be able to click a
link on the website. The site would open up the new pdf window
containing the file and is automatically at the spot where the first
phrase appears in the pdf.

However, I do not wish to attach any Javascript to the pdf file itself.
The file may be changing over time by other users who may not have the
expertise to deal with the javascript adding. At the moment, the
original file is created in word and then transfered to PDF. So the
PDF file name stays the same, as well as its location which would be in
the same directory as the html file that links to it. But the contents
of the PDF may change over time so I cannot add a Javascript to the pdf

Note that it may be possible if neccessary to add Javascript to the
PDF. I may be able to get the users to edit the file in PDF mode but
that is not a given.

I do not want a pop up window such as in the find option for the user
to press before coming to the right location unless any other possible
solution is not available.

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Searching Through An Array?

Aug 18, 2009

- Asks the User to select a date (year, month, day) via drop-down boxes- Converts whatever the user inputs to a formal that will match a string value found in an imported array in a .js file... And what I'm having trouble with:- Searching through the imported array for a matching value- Printing whatever block of the array matches the value, as well as any others that also match the value.

For starters, because the array I'm working with is enormous, I'll just make one up here that is still in the same format. In working with the main code, assume that this is the cdr.js file:

var cdr = [
"callid": "Guest User1",
"start": "2009-05-11 15:08:40",


I've essentially left the section where the search code needs to be blank as I'm not even sure where to begin.

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Searching For A Keyword?

Aug 19, 2009

I've been searching google endlessly and I've come to the conclusion I'm not using the proper search keywords. I'm trying to create something similar to the banner/button combo you can find here:[URL]..

I assume these type of slide show buttons combos use java script and possibly php. If anyone knows the proper name for this type of slide show or can point me to some scripting

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Searching An Xml File

Jan 20, 2011

I've tried every combination I can think of, and I can't figure this out. According to me, if you type a name that matches one of the xml items' names into the box using the following code:


it should show the gmarker with that name... but nothing. If I leave it blank and hit the search button at least I get the alert, so something is working.

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Searching Within A Textbox?

Feb 19, 2004

<script type='text/javascript'>

function highlight()
var find = document.BODY.term.value;
var text = document.BODY.body.createTextRange();
var mark = text.getBookmark();

alert('You must enter a search term');
return false;}



<form name='BODY'>
<input type='text' name='term' /><input type='button' value='Find' onclick='highlight();' />
<br />
<textarea name='body'>hello there, hello!</textarea>

Basically, what I would like this to do is simply search for a string within the textarea and highlight it. So far all it does is return true or false on success ( concerning findText AND moveToBookmark ).

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Searching For Something In A JS Array?

Jul 26, 2010

I don't seem to understand how to search for something in a JS array.If my array is...

var roilaArray = [];
roilaArray[0] = ["able", "fumela"];
roilaArray[1] = ["about", "kapim"];
roilaArray[2] = ["accident", "fituje"];
roilaArray[3] = ["account", "menoka"];


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Searching Html Documents

Jul 20, 2005

I was wondering if you could cast some light on a confusing subject. is
there a way which you know of that can search through html documents and
extract selected information, and display that in another (main) html

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JQuery :: Searching Variables For An ID?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to search an AJAX response for an ID, but it is not working as intended.

// Some code omitted
success: function(result) {
$('#load').fadeOut(250, function() { // Fading out my loading gif
$(this).remove(); // Removing it


So, to sum up the problem: I want to search the result variable for a form with the ID of "memberForm". If it is not found, that means the login was not successful and therefore error messages should be shown (that is what happens within my if sentence braces). If memberForm was found (the else sentence), then that code should be executed. But my if sentence always validates to true, so apparently there is something wrong with it. These are the possible return values that will be stored in the result variable:

If the login was successful:

<form method="post" name="memberForm" id="memberForm" action="logout.php">this is the form</form>

Not successful:

<br /><div class="validation" id="logfail">Login failed. Invalid login combination or inactive account.</div>

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