Hide / Show Menu Error "sgml Parser Of Html Validator"
Mar 19, 2010
I'm trying to get a drop down menu that can be activated by clicking on the main menu button, but have problem with the 'id'. When i declare the id's as a number, it gives errors through the sgml parser of my html validator (you can't use numbers to declare id's). But when i change the id in a letter, eg 'a', the menu doesn't work...
I'm trying to incorporateRemy's select-chainplug-in into my code, and I'm having troubles. I hopesomeone can take a minute or two to help me. My situationseemed simple, only 2 levels, Products and Programs under each Product. I have the back-end working, so it returns the JSON list of Programswhena Product ID is passed. However, the plug-in keeps failing in the .ajax() function, tripping the error(). It reports a "parsererror", so I know I've messed up something. One wrinkle, I have multiples of the Product/Program pairs on my page, identified as "prod_x"/"prog_x", so I need to dynamically call them. Here is my code:
I am using javascript that will show/hide a DIV if a link is clicked. In the DIV is a form. When the user input's form info, and the form is processed, if there is an error the page reloads displaying the error. However, the user must click the link again to see the form and correct their mistake. Is there a way to keep the div shown on reload?
<script language="javascript"> function toggle() { var ele = document.getElementById("show"); var text = document.getElementById("add"); if(ele.style.display == "block") {
I make a menu and in one of it's item I want to show a sub menu under it when the user mouse is over it, I use onmouseover and onmouseout for this and I make the visibility of the sub menu hidden and when the mouse become over the item it's visibility become visible. the problem I faced is that when the mouse become out of the item of the main menu the sub menu disappear and I couldn't click on or over it.
I am currently in a Javascript class and it is completely confusing me. I have a website that I am trying to make the tabs at the top all work. I already did the setTab function but I am not even sure if that is right. I have found lots of other websites that have good advice but they want me to do things way different than the book. Basically they are leaning me away from Javascript. The whole point of the class. I am including the original files as well as what I have so far. The page-1 is most of assignment and the Homework Description is the part that was cut off.
The below is a menu, which is hidden until clicked, and can be hidden by clicking it again.
<!-- This goes in the HEAD of the html file --> <script language="javascript"> <!-- function showIt() { if (document.layers) {document.layers["layer1"].visibility='hide'} else {document.all["layer1"].style.visibility='hidden'} } function hideIt() { if (document.layers) {document.layers["layer1"].visibility='show'} else {document.all["layer1"].style.visibility='visible'} } // --> </script>
<span id="layer" style="position:absolute; top:17; left:20; width:250; height:90; visibility:show"> <script> <!-- author: bfsog@hotmail.com use it as you wish //--> <!-- function buttonText(type) { if (type=="Hide Menu ") {document.menu.button.value="Menu";} else {document.menu.button.value="Hide Menu ";} showIt(); if (document.menu.button.value=="Hide Menu ") {hideIt();} } // -->
<!-- change the value of 'top' and 'left' in the layers properties below to place the menu in the desired position matching the placement of the button --> </script>
I have a nav menu with lists within lists (3 deep), with pattern as follows:
When a parent link is clicked it reveals the sub-list. What I would like to do is hide currently visible lists when another is revealed. I've tried to use .siblings but it dunt werk (or, at least, I can't make it happen!)
The amount of information I have in the footer for most of my pages has, over time, grown enough that the footer now takes up too much space vertically. Rather than completely removing the information, I would like to strip down each section of it into a single, descriptive word, and have more info about each section shown when you click on the specific word.
Essentially, it would be a mini-menu with extended information available for each menu item. I have seen show/hide javascripts that do similar things, but nothing precisely along the lines of what I am looking for, and I haven't been able to tweak any of the existing ones as I am pretty clueless about javascript beyond very basic modifications.
The main problem for me has been how to accomplish the layout I'd like for the footer:
Section1 ~ Section 2 ~ Section 3 ~ Section 4 Extended Text for Section #
The show/hide scripts in menu form that I have seen all show the extended text under each menu item, rather than having a designated area for the it regardless of which menu item was selected. But perhaps there's something out there that is more along the lines of what I need?
I'm trying to get the following script to work, but I'm getting an error saying "rowID is undefined".
function showhide(rowId) { var showRow = "Edit_" + rowID var hideRow = "View_" + rowID document.getElementById(showRow).style.display ="block"; document.getElementById(hideRow).style.display = "none"; }
I'm building the html using an xsl stylesheet, so I'm passing a dynamic name attribute as the rowID parameter. When I look at the HTML source, it looks fine. Please tell me where I'm going wrong...I'm sure it's simple, just not to me! Thanks, Kathy
I am working on my portfolio site and I've come to a bit of a wall. I have a main navigation which, when clicked animates a div containing my content to be visible. I have this working fine but now I want to have external content loaded into this containing div when different navigation items are clicked, which I also have working, but I cannot get these to work together. First off, if the div is not shown I want the appropriate content to be loaded then the div to animate, and if the div is showing, I want it to hide, swap the content then animate. I am sure its just a case of structuring my code properly but I just cant seem to get it right.
Show the div $(document).ready //content animate show ( function() { $('.navigation a').click ( function() { $('.content').stop().animate ({ marginTop : "0px" },{ easing : "easeOutQuint", duration : 2000 })});})
And finally swap the content: $(document).ready(function() { // Check for hash value in URL var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); var href = $('.navigation a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href'); if(hash==href.substr(0,href.length-4)){ var toLoad = hash+'.php .content'; $('.content').load(toLoad) }});
$('.navigation a').click(function() { var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' .content'; $('.content').fadeOut('fast',loadContent); window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-4); function loadContent() { $('.content').load(toLoad,'',showNewContent()) } function showNewContent() { $('.content').fadeIn('fast'); } return false; }); });
This is my first post here. I'm not well versed in JavaScript, so I'm not sure how to do all the following things: (1) set up a horizontal menu with (2) + and - images as bullet points, such that clicking on the bullet points (3) changes + to - and vice versa while (4) a single-level drop down menu makes text disappear and appear.
It should look like this: --------------------------------------------- [+] Option A [+] Option B
how to write a script where when a link is clicked in the left nav column, it will display text in the right main column. So, when you first arrive to the page, nothing will appear in the main portion of the site. Content only appears after clicking on a link. When you click on another link, the previous content is hidden, and the new text is displayed. Here's what I have so far:
HTML <div class="container"> <div class="nav"> <ul id="menu">
I'm struggling around to show submenu on mouseover of menu-div. I found a solution to show each children of one menuitem, but I wont to show the whole submenu-strukture of all menuitems. Here is what I've done till now:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]"> <html xmlns ="[URL]"> <head> <meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=utf-8" .....
So when I hover over li.first I will get all submenu-items of the first heading! Is it possible to mouseover the div#navi or the ul#nav to get shown all submenu-items from every menuheading?
I tried something like this, but of course it doesn't workjQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(".first ul").hide(); jQuery(".#nav").hover(function () { jQuery(this).children(".first ul").toggle("slow"); }); });
Basically, I have written an application that runs a report based on a certain amount of parameters, one of which being date. So, the date selection is a <select></select> dropdown menu and it has the usual in it, today, yesterday, this week, last week etc. The problem is I need it to have a 'Custom' selection to run reports for custom dates. When 'Custom' is selected in the dropdown menu, two text boxes appear underneath with YYYY-MM-DD watermarked in them. I have assembled enough code from around the web to get this to work and it works fine, the problem I have is that when the user clicks off the 'Custom' option and on to a different one, I need the textboxes to disappear again.
Here is the code I am using: <script type="text/javascript"> function showhide(divid){ thediv = document.getElementById(divid); if(thediv.style.display== 'none' ){ thediv.style.display='block' }else{ thediv.style.display='none' }} .....
I'm pretty bad with Javascript, but I need to hide or show a snippet of text (could be inside a div without problems) based on the selection of a dropdown menu (<select>). If they choose anything with the word "Series" on it, I need to show the snippet. If they choose anything without "Series" on it, then the snippet needs to disappear. I should mention the snippet is part of a form, just a checkbox but that shouldn't be a problem I don't think.
Basically i need the menu to be collapsed to the first level initially. So only the User, Admin and Company User links are visible.
When these 1st level menu items are clicked the 2nd level sub menus need to be displayed when navigated to the 1st level index page and so on for the third level menus.
I need to be able to remember the location as well so the menu stays open on the correct page.
The annoying thing is that if i was allowed to do this in Coldfusion this would only take me a little while but i don't know much JavaScript therefore am a bit stuck. I am not allowed to use libraries either such as JQuery, MooTools
Another challenge is to style the 'active' link locations.
When you are at the first level the class of the anchor needs to be selected_bg.
When in a sub of said first level the class of that selected anchor needs to be selected_bg and the first level needs to change to selected.
For the third level both the above stays the same but then the third level takes the class of selectorThird when active.
I have been staring at this problem for too long and most likely missing a simple solution so I hope somebody can take my blindfold off and show me the way The markup (which comes from a CMS and I cannot change it) I am working with is akin to:
Notice how the second fo 3 FAQ sections has 2 paragraphs under the 'trigger' rather than 1? Therein lies my problem, because what I am doing with prototype.js is:
1.) Loop through page and collect all <p>'s 2.) do a .each iteration and attach an onclick event on $$('p strong.open') - assume this node for each iteration is now var 'trigger' 3.) run Element.hide() on trigger.next() 4.) in the onclick event, run Element.show() for trigger.next()
- If you are still following so far - my problem is that next() only shows/hides one single element and that is the <p> holding the content - which is fine except when there are 2 or even more <p>'s with content I need to act on. I;ve experimented with nextSiblings and adjacent() and I end up with too many nodes - basically every <p> in the entire document. I just want 'hide all P's after the trigger P up until the next p > strong.open
I am having some jQuery troubles whereby I have some jQuery that toggles an 'Other' HTML input field and associated label when a user selects the value Other from a HTML select drop down. I have this working for one field but the application I am building has increased in scope whereby there may be multiple instances of members on one page so the Other option will be there multiple times. At the moment if a user selects Other from one drop down all Other input fields show. How do I make this exclusive without repeating the jQuery for the separate instances?
I would like to learn jquery but have already stumbled upon a little problem.
My whole website is programmed in PHP. On every page I include my header.php containing the header, login bar etc. I am now trying to show/hide a set of divs in my HTML BODY.
Now I understand that I need to put my jquery code in my HTML HEAD tags, however, I don't want to put it in my header.php because then the jquery will be included in all my pages.
I am attempting to create an ASP.NET Custom Validator javascript for a checkboxlist control. My goal is to limit the total number of selections to be 1 - 5 at most. My problem is that I get a null reference when I attempt to retrieve an object for an individual list item, which of course results in an "object required" error message....
I am looking for HTML validator with the following restrictions: 1. Web server is the localhost (page should be validated locally). 2. The page is dynamic (generated by PHP with client side javascript, which alters the DOM).
I tried the following:
1. Tidy Firefox extenstion (http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/). Unfortunately, it doesn't really makes the real DOM validation. In my JS code, I had .inerHTML code injection, but this extension didn't show the injected html code.
2. I am using FireBug Firefox extenstion. This extenstion shows the real DOM, but unfortunately it doesn't validate the HTML. 3. MS developper toolbar for IE and Web Developper Firefox extenstion make only external HTML validation.