JQuery :: Menu Links Show/hide Content In Another Div?
Oct 11, 2011
how to write a script where when a link is clicked in the left nav column, it will display text in the right main column. So, when you first arrive to the page, nothing will appear in the main portion of the site. Content only appears after clicking on a link. When you click on another link, the previous content is hidden, and the new text is displayed. Here's what I have so far:
<div class="container">
<div class="nav">
<ul id="menu">
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Dec 4, 2011
It is not possible for me to make the content1,2,3,4 fadeIn instead of just showing. When i type 'slow' here content disapear:
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Nov 30, 2010
I have some wordpress code which generates a menu with links to the pages created in the admin area.
The id of active is on the currently selected menu item. In the above code the home page. How can I get the subnav to show only if the main menu item which contains a subnav is active? The rest of the time I want the subnav hidden. I have found the effect I want on another site [URK]. If you select advanced treatments a sub menu appears. If you select say jobs then the subnav for advanced treatments disappears.
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Nov 26, 2009
I'm pretty bad with Javascript, but I need to hide or show a snippet of text (could be inside a div without problems) based on the selection of a dropdown menu (<select>). If they choose anything with the word "Series" on it, I need to show the snippet. If they choose anything without "Series" on it, then the snippet needs to disappear. I should mention the snippet is part of a form, just a checkbox but that shouldn't be a problem I don't think.
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Feb 6, 2010
I'm using a simple jQuery show/hide toggle effect for the FAQ on this page:
I would like to add Show All / Hide All links to the top and bottom of the page that will show and hide all answers at once.
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Mar 22, 2011
I am getting to know jquery a little, and I am trying hide and show a div when a link is clicked.I have a page setup that has a flash video in a div on the main page. Then when a link is clicked, a lightbox window opens and plays another video. I am trying to get the video on the main page to hide while the lightbox video is playing. Then when a user closes the lightbox window, the div with the main video on the page is shown and starts playing again.So far I can get this to work with one link. But I cannot get the main video div to hide when a second link is clicked.
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May 22, 2011
I searched before more and more but I can't find those things that exactly I want.
I'm on design a new website, you can see this page: [URL]...in this page I have 3 hidden DIV, and at top of content area I have 3 buttons (About, Karan Group, Contact), please click on those buttons and see action.
I'd write this motions by jquery but it's really really amateur! because I have to define all things like below codes (as working for output):
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Aug 6, 2009
I'm using a jquery slider for displaying content on a webpage.
Like in the first examples i have 5 panels, and i have a meta navigation, contact, links ect. all thedifferent content for the meta-navigation is displayed via jquery in panel 5, and is working fine.
Now my question; when the user is for example on the second panel, and the clicks on links, the page should show panel 5 (which is the index page(default.asp)), and then show only the content for the links.
I tried different stuff for loading the defautl.asp page, but it doesn't work. how do i tell, that if i click on the link wirh class="kontakt" the page should load the default.asp, and THEN do all the jquery stuff?
Below is one example, what i tried, but did not work.
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Nov 18, 2010
I have several drop down lists of links with one of the drop downs being a "My Favorites". My intent is that when the user clicks on a star image next to the links, it is cloned and appended to the favorites menu, where it can then be drag and drop sorted. To remove the link from the favorites menu, the user can either click on the "x" button to the right of the link on the favorites menu, or unselect the star on the main menus.
I have successfully cloned the link and appended it to the favorites menu by selecting the star and enabled the drag and drop sorting, but I am having trouble removing the link form the favorites menu when unselecting the star and when clicking on the "x". Here is what I have so far:
var me = '';
var me = $(this).next('a').text();
$(this).addClass('favorite').next('a').clone(true).appendTo('ul#myFavs1').wrap('<li></li>').before("<div class='dragHandle'><img class='png' src='_images/dragHandle4.png' width='11' height='11' /></div>").after("<div class='remove' title='Remove from Favorites'></div>").attr('id', me); return me;}, function(me){[CODE]...
So, I clone the link, wrap it, add a drag handle and the 'x' button, give it an id of the text of the link which all works fine. I have a different part of the script that uses the drag handle to drag and drop the links...that works fine. The issues I am having are that unselecting the star does not remove the link from the favorites drop down and clicking on the 'x' does not even fire the alert. The z-index on the 'x' is higher than all the other elements in the li.
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Oct 10, 2010
I am trying to learn jquery. my example below is to show and hide content in a group divthe code works but i want to know if this is best practice to write what i did. Is there better way to do it?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
> <head
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May 15, 2011
And also add a plus & minus button to it, so when it is hidden, the button is plus, and when it is showned the button is minus.[URL]I want it to be animated with .hide() and .show()
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Dec 8, 2011
So i have this full paged HTML/CSS side and i wanna imploment some Jquery to hide and show my Contact informations.But, my problem is that, i have a FULL side filled with Div's and other goodies. My problem is, how do i get make a link, which is inside a Div to be a special class so that only when you click that "class" it shows / hides the content?The Div i have it something like this;[code]
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Nov 28, 2011
I am having some real trouble figuring out how I can hide and show divs one at a time, a bit like an accordian. Currently, I have several buttons, which open and close a div containing a ul menu. What I am trying to achieve is to only have one div showing at a time.
So for instance, when the page loads no divs are displayed, just the buttons. You click a button a div slides out. you click another button this div closes and another opens. I am new to jQuery, but working hard to understand and learn. So far I have the below for each button (div).
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Apr 4, 2010
I am using the following code to show and hide several dynamic content areas on a page. It works like an accordion where when you open one it closes the other.
Is there a way I could change it to so it doesn't automatically close one when another is open? Meaning I would like to have multiple content areas expanded at once. I would also still want to be able to manual close them if I want.
Size : 378 Bytes
Download : 436
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Sep 2, 2010
Is it possible with jQuery to show a part of the content again which is already hide?
<!DOCTYPE html>
When I click on #hidr, #div1 is hide() like it should, but when I click on #showr, #div2 doesn't show up, probably because it is hide in div1.
Is there a workarround?
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there a way to edit the following show hide set up to allow for initial div to be open. So for example instead of nothing coming up, #video1 would initially load and then when you click on li links it would load a new div in as coded replacing the initial video for example, if you clicked video 2 or 3 thumbnails?
<ul id="brightCove">
<li onclick="javascript:doShowHide('video1');">
<a href="javascript://">video 1 thumbnail here</a>
<li onclick="javascript:doShowHide('video2');">
<a href="javascript://">video 2 thumbnail here</a>
</ul><div class=showhide" id="video1">
content for video 1 </div>
<div class="showhide" id="video2">
content for video 2 </div>
$(document).ready(function() {
// Add ID of New Category in line below separated by Commas
doShowHide = function(idstr) {
$("div.showhide:visible").each(function () {
if (this.id != idstr) $(this).hide("fast");
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Aug 27, 2010
I have the following show/hide div function made with jQuery:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
It toggles perfectly, but I would like to make to which appears to overlap the underlaying content div below. Right now it just pushes down the content div when sliding out.
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Jun 28, 2009
I am working on my portfolio site and I've come to a bit of a wall. I have a main navigation which, when clicked animates a div containing my content to be visible. I have this working fine but now I want to have external content loaded into this containing div when different navigation items are clicked, which I also have working, but I cannot get these to work together. First off, if the div is not shown I want the appropriate content to be loaded then the div to animate, and if the div is showing, I want it to hide, swap the content then animate. I am sure its just a case of structuring my code properly but I just cant seem to get it right.
Show the div
$(document).ready //content animate show (
function() {
$('.navigation a').click (
function() {
$('.content').stop().animate ({
marginTop : "0px" },{
easing : "easeOutQuint",
duration : 2000
Hide the div
$(document).ready //content animate hide (
function() {
$('#hide').click (
function() {
marginTop : "200px" },{
easing : "easeInQuint",
duration : 1500
And finally swap the content:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Check for hash value in URL
var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1);
var href = $('.navigation a').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var toLoad = hash+'.php .content';
$('.navigation a').click(function() {
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' .content';
window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-4);
function loadContent() {
} function showNewContent() {
} return false;
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Jul 6, 2009
I want to use a toggle to hide and show some content but it isnt working
html code:
JS code:
But this code dont works correct, notiv that i want to use more then one box.
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Feb 9, 2011
I'm struggling around to show submenu on mouseover of menu-div. I found a solution to show each children of one menuitem, but I wont to show the whole submenu-strukture of all menuitems. Here is what I've done till now:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns ="[URL]">
http-equiv ="Content-Type"
content ="text/html; charset=utf-8" .....
So when I hover over li.first I will get all submenu-items of the first heading! Is it possible to mouseover the div#navi or the ul#nav to get shown all submenu-items from every menuheading?
I tried something like this, but of course it doesn't workjQuery(document).ready(function(){
jQuery(".first ul").hide();
jQuery(".#nav").hover(function () {
jQuery(this).children(".first ul").toggle("slow");
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Jul 23, 2005
I was wondering if anyone has any idea how this can be done. I am
trying to show/hide navigation links based on server names or ip
addresses. So if, someone visits a particular url/ip address he/she
sees only a particular set of navigation links. I am sure this can be
done using some kind of Java script or VB script, just not sure how.
I have two servers with different server names and IP addresses. Based
on user's input I need to display the hyperlinks which then directs the
user to other utilities. For this I need to create a script which takes
the user input and show/hide those link based on server name or ip
for example -if the user types in- http://wxyz.com or 166.xx.xx.01 then
only two hyperlinks will be shown but if the user inputs-
http://uvwx.com or 166.xx.xx.02 then we want to show all the
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Jul 20, 2011
I have four links which show a div and when you select another link it closes the current div and shows the new one. I'm trying to add a 'Close' button within the currently open div which obviously will hide the div and allow it to be opened again by selecting a link.
HTML Code:
My problem is that when the box has been hidden by the close link it will not be shown by the links.
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a drop down jquery menu with links and a image slide show with links. When I mouse over on the drop down menu, the drop down menu links go behind the image slide show [URL]
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Jun 8, 2011
I have a list item, where only some of the items are linking to a quote from the client. The quotes are in another list, where each list item has an id corresponding to the client link. I want to show the client quote when you roll over the client anchor link. Currently when I mouseover it's showing nothing.
Here's my HTML
<!--client list-->
<ul id="clientList">
<li>no quote Client /</li>
<li><a href="#client1">Client 1</a> /</li>
<li>no quote Client /</li>
<li><a href="#client2">Client 2</a> /</li>
<!--client testimonials--> .....
At the moment, when I mouseover one of the anchored client links, the content disappears, so it's not showing the correct client quote <li>.
$(document).ready(function() {
// see if the requested page url contains an anchor '#'
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
// if no anchor, show the default blockqoute
var id = 'default';
var id = hash;
} .....
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Nov 18, 2009
First let me admit that my Javascript coding skills are lacking. I know enough to implement and slightly modify existing code, but not enough to write a complex script from scratch.
With that said, I'm trying to implement a navigation system like the left vertical links on this page: [URL]
I looked into using JQuery tabs, but the ul would be too long for a horizontal list. Ultimately, I'm looking to mimic the way this navigation behaves in the way it hides/shows/maintains the content based on the mouseover function. I also looked into using JS to hide/show layers, but it looks like I need something to hide/show divs with HTML content within the normal text flow.
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Jun 12, 2011
how I can change the code below so that instead of all the fade in fade out stuff the function will actually replace whatever is inside a div called Myholder with the response this script pulls in?
Here's the code I need to change.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
drop_1 is the name of a drop down which when changed runs this script which brings back a second dropdown with data relating to the first one.
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