Function To Change Paragraph Styles?

Nov 24, 2010

Would this work? or do I got the wrong function commands?

How would I alter this to make it work, been staring at the screen for 8 hours..

var myInDesign = app
var myDocument = app.activeDocument
var myDocName =


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Change The Background Colour If A Paragraph On Click On That Paragraph?

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to change the background of a paragraph when the text on that paragraph is clicked.

The code looks like:

p= document.createElement("p");
p.onclick = function(){ p.setAttribute("style","background:#306EFF; " ) ; } ;

However it will not work.

What changes should I do in order to make it work?

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Function Parameter Won't Change Styles

Jun 8, 2009

My script is below

Why wont the Parameter e work in"1px solid red";

but it will show the value of e in alert(e) [code]...

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Change Some Letters From A Paragraph When Load In A Page?

Mar 14, 2009

i'd like to change some letters from a paragraph when i load in a page.

I can do in the following two ways, it works fine. but i do want the following way.
<body onLoad="s2t()">

and i write my code as following, but it does not work




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Change Text Within Paragraph Depending On Radio Button?

Mar 23, 2011

I have an electronics site on which I have a code generator. Im an stuck on how to acheive something.

I will simplify what I want to do, so I can then adapt it to my code. I have a paragraph of text on the web page, on which I want to change some words with in the paragraph depending on 2 radio buttons.

Example (radio buttons & short paragraph):

(Radio Button) Apples (checked) (Radio Button) Bananas "Welcome to jakes fruit shop. You have selected apples today" (apples being the word that would change if the banana radio button is checked)

Here is the code generator if your interested. [URL] What I actually want to do is put other 'fixed' text in the input text area (near botton of page) with only the config line changing.

And If I can be shown how to do the short example above, i think I will be able to edit my generator and get it to do what i want it to do.

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Change Displayed Text In Paragraph Without Reloading Page?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a list of paragraphs that all need to say the same thing. Each has it's own ID and class (each one has a different font color) and I need a co-worker to be able to type a phrase or name into a form field & hit "go" and have it update all of the paragraphs to reflect that text in the various colors. I also need it to have a predetermined default phrase.

Welcome Home (in blue)
Welcome Home (in red)
Welcome Home (in green)
Welcome Home (in black)
Welcome Home (in yellow) etc.

I already have the framework set up (with the colors and everything) it's just a matter of changing the contents of the paragraph-tag.

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Have Text Onclick Change 2 Styles?

May 2, 2010

I would like to have a text link do 2 things:

1. Change #box1.style1 to class="style2" (from style1)

2. Change #box2.style2 to class="style1" (from style2)

So the text link would not change its own style, but change the class of 2 different divs

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How To Have Text Onclick Change 2 Styles

May 2, 2010

I would like to have a text link do 2 things:

1. Change #box1.style1 to class="style2" (from style1)

2. Change #box2.style2 to class="style1" (from style2)

So the text link would not change its own style, but change the class of 2 different divs

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Script To Change Div Styles Not Working - Not Defined Error

Sep 2, 2009

I have a form where I want certain fields to be visible only if the user clicks a checkbox on the form.

Specifically, when Presented_to_Goverment_EntityCheckbox0 is checked, these fields should appear.

I created two different styles, show below; one makes the fields visible and one hides them

Then I surrounded the fields with a div ID'ed as wdiv

I am using the following javascript to change the styles in response to an onclick event.

I call the Javascript in this line:

However nothing happens when I click the checkbox and if I look in Firefox's error console it says ChangeDiv is not defined.

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Debugging A Simple Function - Move The Object - A Paragraph Element Node With Id Message - To The Right

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to attempt a simple animation, as indicated by the following code. The intention is to move the object (a paragraph element node with id message) to the right by 200 px and down 100 px, by 1 px a second.

However, there seems to be a bug or my methodology is incomplete as the browser returns the Textvalue of the paragraph without any styling.


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Getting Paragraph Height - Height Of A Paragraph That Is Wrapped Once Or More Inside A Div

Apr 19, 2011

I don't need the character height. I need the height of a paragraph that is wrapped once or more inside a div.

I need to know this because I need to make a fixed width div, that will adust it's height based upon the wrapped text that will be append to it.

I have been able to get close with this, but it's imperfect. I'm not sure what's wrong.


Where my css #ruller is this:


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Drop Down List Changes The Paragraph?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm a kind of beginner in this thing but I really need something to be done I want the option of a drop-down list to change the content of a paragraph <p> it worked but I can't select another option after I choose one....this is the code...

function change()
if (document.getElementById('list').value = 'Change')


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Text Between Anchor Elements In A Paragraph?

May 12, 2010

I have a paragraph with text and anchors.Given an anchor $myAnchor within the paragraph, I can get the immediately following one:

$nextAnchor = $'a');

How do I get the text/HTML between these two anchors?

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JQuery :: FadeTo() On Whole Paragraph But One Word?

May 30, 2010

I have a div with some content in it, within the content there's an anchor and when you click it all the content but the anchor itself should fadeTo('slow', 0.2);

What I have now is;

$("p a#somelink").click(function()
$(this).parent().parent().children("p").fadeTo("slow", 0.2);
return false;

Which obviously just fades all paragraphs. Is it possible to do what I want and with which selection string would I achieve it?

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JQuery :: Removing An Emptied Paragraph From The DOM?

Jun 20, 2009


I have an application which removes an image from within a paragraph,wraps that image in a div and places it in front of theparagraph.I now want to remove that paragraph.Why doesn't the following use of remove() not achieve my objective?I've tested the length - it is 0, yet the remove doesn't happen.

<tt>var parnt =
</x-tab>//the parent p


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JQuery :: Put A Paragraph In A Jason File?

Aug 21, 2011

how to put a paragraph in a json file? you cannot have values that are on multiple lines. Is there a way? example, in my chap_17.json file,I have to put the paragraph on 1 line:
"id": "7",
"title": "“Purse Snatcher”",
"illustrationurl": "../../Img/Illustrations/pursesnatcher25.jpg",


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JQuery :: Using Dblclick On A Selected Paragraph ?

Jul 21, 2010

I am using 'selectable' to select an item in a paginated :


I'd like to be able to double-click on the the selected element, but it doesn't work :

$("p.ui-selected").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );

here is the html code

<div id="user-list">
<div id="selectable" style="display: block;" class="ui-selectable">
<p class="ui-state-default ui-selectee ui-selected">


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Vertical Align A Paragraph Of Text?

Jul 27, 2006

it is possible to align a paragraph of text so it is placed in the middle of any browser window, using only html and css. Can this be done without js? If not, how much javascript will I need to know in order to do that?

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JQuery :: Assign A Text To P Tag (paragraph) In HTML?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to assign a text to P tag (paragraph) in HTML to assign a link to a source I wrote that: success :function(data){$('#X1_img').attr('src',data['image']['url']);} what function should I use to assing a text to the <P> tag

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JQuery :: Getting Radio Button Changes Some Paragraph Text

Dec 11, 2010

I have code that initially sets a radio button and then changes some paragraph text based on the value of the radio button. After this initial setting, I want the user to be able to change the radio buttons and get changes to the paragraph text. Currently, the code allows a change to the radio button and it shows on the screen, but the value does not change so the paragraph text does not change. I tracked this down by looking at alerts. How do I get the click on the radio button to register a change in the radio button value in jQuery? Here's the simplified code.

$(function() {
//Initialize country
$('input[name="country"]:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); //Set first radio button (United States)
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|1st');
//Enable changes to the country selection and change page text as the selections change
$('input[name="country"]').change(function ()
// change the page per this logic
switch ($('input[name="country"]').attr("selected",true).val()) {
case 'United_States':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|3rd');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a state or territory of the United States.'); break;
case 'Canada':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|4th');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a province or territory of Canada.'); break;
$('#stateMessage').text('Test - all other');
}).change(); // not clear what this change() does. Its in a jQuery example, but code works w or w/o it.
// Autocomplete jQuery code here which works
<p><label for="country">1. Click a country: </label>
<input type="radio" id="unitedStates" name="country" value="United_States">United States
<input type="radio" id="canada" name="country" value="Canada">Canada</p
<p id="stateMessage"> 2. This text should change as radio buttons change.</p>

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JQuery :: Find First Word Of The Paragraph An Then Copy It?

Apr 4, 2011

How can I find first word of the paragraph an then copy it?Second bit I've already work out, but could not find any example of finding first word.

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Expand / Collapse Paragraph With Button Clicked

Jul 14, 2009

I've done a script where a paragraph expands when the expand button is clicked (plus.gif) and contracts when the same button is clicked again. Only problem is I want the icon to change to a minus icon (minus.gif) once it the paragraph has expanded. I'll obviously need to include this in the script, however I'm not sure how to go about it.
Collapsed: [URL]
Expanded: [URL]

Here is the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="expandCollapse.js"></script>
<a href="javascript:void(0" onclick="return toggleMe('para2')" style="color:#ec008c"><p><img src="images/plus.gif" border="0" hspace="6" vspace="0" /></a><strong><font size="3">Beginners 2</font></strong></p>
<div id="para2" style="display:none"><p>*</p>
<p>Students can progress to this level upon completion of the Beginners 1. You will be taught slightly more complex pole tricks and combinations that require all the strength and agility you have gained so far. This is when you will go upside down on the pole, and how to come down gracefully!</p>
<p>Cost: $220.00</p>
<p>Length: 1 Hour</p>
<p>Duration: 8 Weeks<o:p></o:p></p>

And here is the current javascript in 'expandCollapse.js':
function toggleMe(a){
var e=document.getElementById(a);
if(!e)return true;
} else {"none"
} return true;

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AJAX :: Extract Ist Paragraph From HTML Page

Jun 22, 2010

I am developing an application using AJAX and CSS. I have a webpage in which i have some hyperlinks. I want that when ever some one move the cursor on some link, than mini preview should be loaded before clicking. I have done that but problem is that i want just the ist paragraph of the target webpage not the whole page. I dont want images in my preview window.

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Preview All Form Info In Paragraph Format?

Jan 6, 2010

I am NOT a coder; I have managed to attain a decent comfort level with (X)HTML and CSS over the course of the last few years, and I recently bought PHP and JavaScript books with the intention of learning both of those. But at the moment, my skills are akin to a child who is still learning the alphabet. Second, a little background: I am currently in the midst of designing forms to be used on a newspaper website. At the moment, the newspaper uses paper forms that people fill out for announcements such as weddings, engagements, births, child birthdays, etc. But due to an ever-shrinking budget, they'd like to find a way for people to enter the information online and have it arrive at the newspaper in a format that is as close to "ready to print" as possible.

My first experiment was the child's birthday form: [URL] PHPMailer-FE, I was able to set up a PHP template that emails the form info in paragraph form, so that it arrives in my inbox as "Peter Smith celebrated his seventh birthday December 31" rather than "Name: Peter Smith. Celebrate: Celebrated. Gender: His. Birthday: Seventh. Date: December 31." Okay, here's where the JavaScript comes in: I would love to have a "preview" button so that people submitting the form can double-check to make certain that the announcement will read correctly (especially to be sure that they haven't missed any he/she or his/her choices). Which means that I'd like to have, say, a pop-up window that shows the announcement as it will run: "Peter Smith celebrated his seventh birthday December 31." Once people have previewed the announcement, they can then send it to us at the newspaper. Is there a way to accomplish this in JavaScript that can be done by someone who has almost no working knowledge of JavaScript?

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Jquery :: How To Write HTML (Paragraph And Links)

Jul 7, 2010

I am using Pictureslidesand I would like to know how to write HTML (paragraphs and links) within the Javascript on line 29 of the code below:
01. <script type="text/javascript">
02. jQuery.PictureSlides.set({
03. // Switches to decide what features to use
04. useFadingIn : true,
05. useFadingOut : true,
06. useFadeWhenNotSlideshow : true,
07. useFadeForSlideshow : true,
08. useDimBackgroundForSlideshow : true,
09. loopSlideshow : false,
10. usePreloading : true, .....

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JQuery :: Reading The ID Of An Anchor Tag And Posting It To The Paragraph Of The Parent Tag?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to read the ID from an anchor tag and then insert it into the parent paragraph tag.This is to be repeated for all paragraphs on the page that contain anchor tags. The script is intended to run on page load.I developed the following script but it doesn't work.I got the process to work for a single paragraph but once I modifiedthe script to attempt to loop it failed.I've looked around for examples to use as learning but can't anything that matches my needs.

<script type="text/javascript">


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