Jquery :: How To Write HTML (Paragraph And Links)

Jul 7, 2010

I am using Pictureslidesand I would like to know how to write HTML (paragraphs and links) within the Javascript on line 29 of the code below:
01. <script type="text/javascript">
02. jQuery.PictureSlides.set({
03. // Switches to decide what features to use
04. useFadingIn : true,
05. useFadingOut : true,
06. useFadeWhenNotSlideshow : true,
07. useFadeForSlideshow : true,
08. useDimBackgroundForSlideshow : true,
09. loopSlideshow : false,
10. usePreloading : true, .....

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JQuery :: Assign A Text To P Tag (paragraph) In HTML?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to assign a text to P tag (paragraph) in HTML to assign a link to a source I wrote that: success :function(data){$('#X1_img').attr('src',data['image']['url']);} what function should I use to assing a text to the <P> tag

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JQuery :: Use Document.write Statement To Write Html Tables On Client Side

Jul 27, 2010

I am totally new to jQuery and no good knowledge on javascript. However, I was assigned a task, to convert a javascript program to jQuery due to compatibility problem on browsers like Chrome and Safari. My program originally use javascript xmlDoc.load('....') to read XML file, and then use document.write statement to write html tables on client side. Something like this (the sample below may got lots of syntax problem as I jut want to show the major part):

document.write('<TABLE >');
var y=x[0].getElementsByTagName('NoOfRows');
for (i=0; i<=noofrows-1 && i<=y.length-1; i++){
document.write(' <TD>');

Now I changed to use jQuery, I can read the XML file elements. However, when I try to write the table, it failed:


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Change The Background Colour If A Paragraph On Click On That Paragraph?

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to change the background of a paragraph when the text on that paragraph is clicked.

The code looks like:

p= document.createElement("p");
p.onclick = function(){ p.setAttribute("style","background:#306EFF; " ) ; } ;

However it will not work.

What changes should I do in order to make it work?

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AJAX :: Extract Ist Paragraph From HTML Page

Jun 22, 2010

I am developing an application using AJAX and CSS. I have a webpage in which i have some hyperlinks. I want that when ever some one move the cursor on some link, than mini preview should be loaded before clicking. I have done that but problem is that i want just the ist paragraph of the target webpage not the whole page. I dont want images in my preview window.

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Getting Paragraph Height - Height Of A Paragraph That Is Wrapped Once Or More Inside A Div

Apr 19, 2011

I don't need the character height. I need the height of a paragraph that is wrapped once or more inside a div.

I need to know this because I need to make a fixed width div, that will adust it's height based upon the wrapped text that will be append to it.

I have been able to get close with this, but it's imperfect. I'm not sure what's wrong.


Where my css #ruller is this:


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JQuery :: Underline Links Of Dynamic HTML Introduced In The DOM?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a button in my web site "underline links" that changes all thelinks and affects its text decoration to 'underline'. From this pointall the links of the website should be underline. The problem is thatI can only make it work for the current DOM. If I introduce new linksinto the DOM I need to select them specifically to change its textdecoration. Is there something similar to the "live" function injquery? For instance for every links introduced in the DOM I want tocheck if the website is in underline mode. Case its true, the text

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How To Write Html Pop Up

Jun 9, 2009

I have data in the div box. Now i want to create the hyperlink so that when user click on it my only DIV data opens in new window so that user can print it.

Is it also possible that i can have the pre-define template for the html file so that only main content gets inside that template when clicked on link

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JQuery :: Xmlhttpresponse - Consumed Ajax Text - Basically Html 4 - Changes The Links - Hrefs

Apr 24, 2011

I´ve gone thru a few exaples of the 'hello world' equivalent for ajax; the classic example having main.html with div id="main_panel", then having ON THE SAME folder of the main.html file, the few files for getting via ajax and then render it´s content inside div id=main_panel and so on, happy with that;my question is: All of those examples, always get those 'few files', lets say, one.html, two.html, and so, in the same folder where main.html resides; I want to achieve to have the 'some files' in a different folder, let´s say, /editors/ relative to the path where main.html is; I´ve done this, the ajax call works fine; the PROBLEM is that the xmlhttpresponse (consumed ajax text) wich is basically html 4, changes the links (hrefs) in those to the path of main, let´s say, for example, one.html has a link that points to itself, not an anchor, just a link pointing to itself as we often use for pagination of a grid, well, that link href attribute is changed to the path of the main.html file, and not preserving the original href attribute... why? where should I start from? changing the context parametere prior to calling ajax get?

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Document.write, HTML Entities And IE

Jul 20, 2005

Using my IE v.6 browser, document.write doesn't convert HTML entities
(e.g. &apos;, &amp;) to the appropriate character (though NS 6.2 works

Obviously I can get round this for particular entities by writing some
code to do the conversion before using document.write - but I need a
more general solution that will catch any of the HTML entities.

A trawl with Google has found a number of people raising the question,
but no answers. Any suggestions?

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Check If An XML Tag Exists Before Using To Write To HTML?

Nov 9, 2009

I'm making a table that is dynamically populated from XML data. One of the columns refers to an XML tag that is NOT required (hence the tag does not exist in every XML entry). How do I write a statement (if, else, or any other?) that says - check for the tag, if the tag exists, write the tag's data, if the tag does NOT exist, write "n/a".Here's the code:

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)


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Write HTML To Document Using Javascript

Dec 1, 2007

Basically, I have a button which when clicked, should write some html to the page at a specific location. Here's the html currently in the page Code:

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Open And Write To Html Page?

Sep 20, 2010

I have created a site search for my website and would like to display the results of my search in a pre-made html page, specifically a <div> object in this document. Is it possible to open the premade page and add text to the <div> object using javascript?

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Write A /HTML Program That Inputs Two Integers A And B?

May 5, 2009

Write a JavaScript/HTML program that inputs two integers a and b in an input text box, and outputs all odd numbers between a and b (a and b are expected to be between 1 and 30, and a<b)

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HTML Application - Can Javascript Write To A Local Database?

Jul 23, 2005

IE 6.0 (not interested in other browsers at the moment)

I have looked everywhere I can find to look and googled until I am
cross-eyed and am hoping somebody knows what I'm doing wrong.

I have an HTML application (.hta) working fine, except one thing. I'm
trying to write to a local database from a .htm window (opened from
the main .hta window) and it doesn't work with any of the combinations
I've tried (and I admit to having tried a lot).

Here is one method I've tried:

strSQL = "Update myTable SET myField = 'myValue' WHERE myID = 12;"
var db = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
db.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";0
db.ConnectionString = "Data Source='c:myDirectorymyDatabase.mdb'";

I can easily access the information in the myDatabase.mdb and display
it on the screen.

I can ask for updated information to be input on the screen.

But stuffing that updated information back into the database is the

Since I'm stuck in an .htm window, I don't have VBScript available, do
I? If VBScript isn't available and it isn't physically possible with
Javascript, then I'll have to revert to .hta windows, where I know I
have VBScript available. But I'd rather do it all in Javascript
within the .htm so as to avoid the security message that pops up when
the .hta opens a new .hta. For various reasons I don't think it is
possible for me to do this whole project within a single .hta.

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Document.write Command To Dynamically Cretae A New Html Page

Jul 20, 2005

When using the document.write command to dynamically cretae a new html
page .. how should I use the "" charcters.

e.g. for font size="2"

As the attributes appear within " "for the purposes of the documnet.write
bit ...it just gives me errors.?

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JQuery :: FadeTo() On Whole Paragraph But One Word?

May 30, 2010

I have a div with some content in it, within the content there's an anchor and when you click it all the content but the anchor itself should fadeTo('slow', 0.2);

What I have now is;

$("p a#somelink").click(function()
$(this).parent().parent().children("p").fadeTo("slow", 0.2);
return false;

Which obviously just fades all paragraphs. Is it possible to do what I want and with which selection string would I achieve it?

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JQuery :: Removing An Emptied Paragraph From The DOM?

Jun 20, 2009


I have an application which removes an image from within a paragraph,wraps that image in a div and places it in front of theparagraph.I now want to remove that paragraph.Why doesn't the following use of remove() not achieve my objective?I've tested the length - it is 0, yet the remove doesn't happen.

<tt>var parnt =
</x-tab>//the parent p


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JQuery :: Put A Paragraph In A Jason File?

Aug 21, 2011

how to put a paragraph in a json file? you cannot have values that are on multiple lines. Is there a way? example, in my chap_17.json file,I have to put the paragraph on 1 line:
"id": "7",
"title": "“Purse Snatcher”",
"illustrationurl": "../../Img/Illustrations/pursesnatcher25.jpg",


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JQuery :: Using Dblclick On A Selected Paragraph ?

Jul 21, 2010

I am using 'selectable' to select an item in a paginated :


I'd like to be able to double-click on the the selected element, but it doesn't work :

$("p.ui-selected").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );

here is the html code

<div id="user-list">
<div id="selectable" style="display: block;" class="ui-selectable">
<p class="ui-state-default ui-selectee ui-selected">


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Disabling Links In HTML Table?

May 9, 2011

I have a HTML table in a form with a submit button.In HTML table I have links present in first three rows for each columns of HTML table.I want to disable those links when user submit the form.How can I handle this in javascript?

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CSS Switching With Cookies Without Html Links?

May 18, 2011

I am trying to write a script to switch style sheets when a user clicks a button. I got my script to work. I created buttons with in the script, put them in a div, and used appendChild to add the div to the page. This all works and the style sheets switch, however I want to add a cookie, so when the user returns to the page it displays with the style sheet they were using last. I can't figure out how to grab which style sheet the user selected, to add it to the cookie. I have included the code for the switching.

function addEvent(object, evName, fnName, cap)
if (object.attachEvent)


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JQuery :: Getting Radio Button Changes Some Paragraph Text

Dec 11, 2010

I have code that initially sets a radio button and then changes some paragraph text based on the value of the radio button. After this initial setting, I want the user to be able to change the radio buttons and get changes to the paragraph text. Currently, the code allows a change to the radio button and it shows on the screen, but the value does not change so the paragraph text does not change. I tracked this down by looking at alerts. How do I get the click on the radio button to register a change in the radio button value in jQuery? Here's the simplified code.

$(function() {
//Initialize country
$('input[name="country"]:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); //Set first radio button (United States)
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|1st');
//Enable changes to the country selection and change page text as the selections change
$('input[name="country"]').change(function ()
// change the page per this logic
switch ($('input[name="country"]').attr("selected",true).val()) {
case 'United_States':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|3rd');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a state or territory of the United States.'); break;
case 'Canada':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|4th');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a province or territory of Canada.'); break;
$('#stateMessage').text('Test - all other');
}).change(); // not clear what this change() does. Its in a jQuery example, but code works w or w/o it.
// Autocomplete jQuery code here which works
<p><label for="country">1. Click a country: </label>
<input type="radio" id="unitedStates" name="country" value="United_States">United States
<input type="radio" id="canada" name="country" value="Canada">Canada</p
<p id="stateMessage"> 2. This text should change as radio buttons change.</p>

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JQuery :: Find First Word Of The Paragraph An Then Copy It?

Apr 4, 2011

How can I find first word of the paragraph an then copy it?Second bit I've already work out, but could not find any example of finding first word.

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JQuery :: Reading The ID Of An Anchor Tag And Posting It To The Paragraph Of The Parent Tag?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to read the ID from an anchor tag and then insert it into the parent paragraph tag.This is to be repeated for all paragraphs on the page that contain anchor tags. The script is intended to run on page load.I developed the following script but it doesn't work.I got the process to work for a single paragraph but once I modifiedthe script to attempt to loop it failed.I've looked around for examples to use as learning but can't anything that matches my needs.

<script type="text/javascript">


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URL Links - Controlling HTML Page Opening Query

Sep 21, 2011

I have url links in an Access Database which open different info screens depending on the record. I want to include some code in the html which isn't blocked by browsers, but restricts the html code to an initial window of approx 800x600, but can be resized, but importantly the database screen doesn't 'get lost' underneath the browser window.

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