JQuery :: Reading The ID Of An Anchor Tag And Posting It To The Paragraph Of The Parent Tag?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to read the ID from an anchor tag and then insert it into the parent paragraph tag.This is to be repeated for all paragraphs on the page that contain anchor tags. The script is intended to run on page load.I developed the following script but it doesn't work.I got the process to work for a single paragraph but once I modifiedthe script to attempt to loop it failed.I've looked around for examples to use as learning but can't anything that matches my needs.

<script type="text/javascript">


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Text Between Anchor Elements In A Paragraph?

May 12, 2010

I have a paragraph with text and anchors.Given an anchor $myAnchor within the paragraph, I can get the immediately following one:

$nextAnchor = $myAnchor.next('a');

How do I get the text/HTML between these two anchors?

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Posting Parent And Iframe From Parent?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a page which has a form and also one iframe in the same. there is a button on the parent form.when the button is clicked, i am submitting the iframe and parent both. forms are getting submitted. but when i do print_r for iframe values, it is blank


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Change The Background Colour If A Paragraph On Click On That Paragraph?

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to change the background of a paragraph when the text on that paragraph is clicked.

The code looks like:

p= document.createElement("p");
p.onclick = function(){ p.setAttribute("style","background:#306EFF; " ) ; } ;

However it will not work.

What changes should I do in order to make it work?

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Anchor Link In New Window Loads Parent

Jul 23, 2005

I create a new page and write to it. There is an anchor in the
new page so that users can easily navigate to the bottom. In
IE, it works fine. In Firefox, it loads the parent page into the
new page....

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Calling An Anchor In The Parent Page From The Iframe

Mar 20, 2009

i have a page containing an iframe somewhere in the middle of it. the iframe stretche to the end of the page and its height is calculated from its content with javascript.

i want some of the pages i load into the iframe to have a "back to top" link at the bottom. but i can not put the anchor inside my iframe because my iframe doesn't start at the top of the page.

so i put the name linke of the anchor at the top of the parent page which has the iframe inside. but i couldn't find a way to call that anchor from within the iframe.

i'm sure this could be done with a simple code of javascript. how do i get to the parent frame within the iframe?

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Getting Paragraph Height - Height Of A Paragraph That Is Wrapped Once Or More Inside A Div

Apr 19, 2011

I don't need the character height. I need the height of a paragraph that is wrapped once or more inside a div.

I need to know this because I need to make a fixed width div, that will adust it's height based upon the wrapped text that will be append to it.

I have been able to get close with this, but it's imperfect. I'm not sure what's wrong.


Where my css #ruller is this:


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JQuery :: Reload Page With Anchor When Anchor Link Is Clicked?

May 26, 2011

I need to get the page to reload with the anchor in the link when it is clicked in a dropdown menu. For example if I am on 'www.domain.com/about/#2' and I then click on 'www.domain.com/about/#3' the url changes but the page doesn't reload so I need the page to reload, but keep the new anchor (#3).I gave the links with anchors a class of 'reload' and tried this:

$('a.reload').click(function() {

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Script-Added Anchor Preventing Jump Of Doc-Coded Anchor?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a script that scans an HTML document for headers and special comment tags for the purpose of generating a left-floating/position-fixed DIV that contains the document's outline or "table of contents." Within the DIV are lists (UL element by default) whose items (LI elements) are jump-to links (A elements) to the points (headers, special points marked for inclusion in table of contents) in the document. The problem is this. I have typical HTML document with links that jump to points (usually headers) inside the document, as shown below:


<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a>Header Text</h1>

But my script, being a document outliner that finds headers in a document, inserts another anchor as a jump-to point just before the first occurrence of text in the header (inserted A element shown in red below). This somehow disables the document-coded jump anchor (shown in blue below). And it occurs in FF and IE, which suggests it is not a browser-specific issue. Why does it occur? Is there something in the HTML spec that states that two anchors to which a jump occurs are not allowed to be adjacent elements in the document?


<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a><a id="jump-1"></a>Header Text</h1>


To reproduce what I am seeing, search for the text "Why Is A Survey Done". The first occurrence is a within-document jump-to link, which should jump to a header below it. If the script execution to generate a document outline is disabled, the jump works. But if the script is executed and the document outline generated, the jump-to link does not work.

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JQuery :: FadeTo() On Whole Paragraph But One Word?

May 30, 2010

I have a div with some content in it, within the content there's an anchor and when you click it all the content but the anchor itself should fadeTo('slow', 0.2);

What I have now is;

$("p a#somelink").click(function()
$(this).parent().parent().children("p").fadeTo("slow", 0.2);
return false;

Which obviously just fades all paragraphs. Is it possible to do what I want and with which selection string would I achieve it?

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JQuery :: Removing An Emptied Paragraph From The DOM?

Jun 20, 2009


I have an application which removes an image from within a paragraph,wraps that image in a div and places it in front of theparagraph.I now want to remove that paragraph.Why doesn't the following use of remove() not achieve my objective?I've tested the length - it is 0, yet the remove doesn't happen.

<tt>var parnt =
</x-tab>//the parent p


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JQuery :: Put A Paragraph In A Jason File?

Aug 21, 2011

how to put a paragraph in a json file? you cannot have values that are on multiple lines. Is there a way? example, in my chap_17.json file,I have to put the paragraph on 1 line:
"id": "7",
"title": "“Purse Snatcher”",
"illustrationurl": "../../Img/Illustrations/pursesnatcher25.jpg",


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JQuery :: Using Dblclick On A Selected Paragraph ?

Jul 21, 2010

I am using 'selectable' to select an item in a paginated :


I'd like to be able to double-click on the the selected element, but it doesn't work :

$("p.ui-selected").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );

here is the html code

<div id="user-list">
<div id="selectable" style="display: block;" class="ui-selectable">
<p class="ui-state-default ui-selectee ui-selected">


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Using Anchor Jumps With 'instant' Anchor Based Navigation?

Sep 4, 2011

Having a little bit of trouble with a site I'm currently working on I'm using some AJAX for the instant g-mail/facebook style navigation, you know the kind, with no refreshes, etc. Problem is, to allow for back/forward and bookmarks, I currently use a URL that looks like:[URL].. This is fine, not a problem... The issue comes into play when I want to open up the news.html page, from my home.html page, and have it open to news item #6 (for example).

I can't add a #, because one is already being used to reference the anchor for the content div. Has anyone run into a similar problem before? If so, how did you resolve it? Can some jQuery be used to find the location of the news item div in question, on load, and scroll to it like that?

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JQuery :: Assign A Text To P Tag (paragraph) In HTML?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to assign a text to P tag (paragraph) in HTML to assign a link to a source I wrote that: success :function(data){$('#X1_img').attr('src',data['image']['url']);} what function should I use to assing a text to the <P> tag

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JQuery :: Getting Radio Button Changes Some Paragraph Text

Dec 11, 2010

I have code that initially sets a radio button and then changes some paragraph text based on the value of the radio button. After this initial setting, I want the user to be able to change the radio buttons and get changes to the paragraph text. Currently, the code allows a change to the radio button and it shows on the screen, but the value does not change so the paragraph text does not change. I tracked this down by looking at alerts. How do I get the click on the radio button to register a change in the radio button value in jQuery? Here's the simplified code.

$(function() {
//Initialize country
$('input[name="country"]:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); //Set first radio button (United States)
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|1st');
//Enable changes to the country selection and change page text as the selections change
$('input[name="country"]').change(function ()
// change the page per this logic
switch ($('input[name="country"]').attr("selected",true).val()) {
case 'United_States':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|3rd');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a state or territory of the United States.'); break;
case 'Canada':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|4th');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a province or territory of Canada.'); break;
$('#stateMessage').text('Test - all other');
}).change(); // not clear what this change() does. Its in a jQuery example, but code works w or w/o it.
// Autocomplete jQuery code here which works
<p><label for="country">1. Click a country: </label>
<input type="radio" id="unitedStates" name="country" value="United_States">United States
<input type="radio" id="canada" name="country" value="Canada">Canada</p
<p id="stateMessage"> 2. This text should change as radio buttons change.</p>

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JQuery :: Find First Word Of The Paragraph An Then Copy It?

Apr 4, 2011

How can I find first word of the paragraph an then copy it?Second bit I've already work out, but could not find any example of finding first word.

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Jquery :: How To Write HTML (Paragraph And Links)

Jul 7, 2010

I am using Pictureslidesand I would like to know how to write HTML (paragraphs and links) within the Javascript on line 29 of the code below:
01. <script type="text/javascript">
02. jQuery.PictureSlides.set({
03. // Switches to decide what features to use
04. useFadingIn : true,
05. useFadingOut : true,
06. useFadeWhenNotSlideshow : true,
07. useFadeForSlideshow : true,
08. useDimBackgroundForSlideshow : true,
09. loopSlideshow : false,
10. usePreloading : true, .....

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JQuery :: Extracting Text From PHP Generated Paragraph, Populating Modal Form Field?

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to populate a modal form with information from a MySQL database, the text is inserted into a DIV with a PHP WHILE loop, like so:

<?php while ($linkDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($getLinks)) {?>
<div class="linkBox ui-corner-all" id="linkID<?php echo $linkDetails['id'];?>">
<div class="linkHeader"><?php echo $linkDetails['title'];?></div>


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JQuery :: Element Overflows Containing Block When Parent Border/padding Change - Not When Parent's Margin Changes

Sep 24, 2011

Demonstration page: [url]

Adjust the CSS margins of the BODY element with the first slider. The yellow P (paragraph) element resizes to fit its smaller containing block, as I would expect.

Then, adjust the CSS border or padding of the BODY element with the second and third sliders. The P element does not resize, though its origin changes. Instead, it overflows its containing block.

Finally, adjust the margins again. The P element snaps back into its containing block.

As you can see from the source, this is jQuery 1.6.4 and jQueryUI 1.8 pulled from googleapis.com.

Edit: Client is Google Chrome16.0.889.0 dev-m.

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JQuery :: Posting From A Modal Box?

Nov 16, 2010

Here is my code:


$('.ajax_open').live('click', function(){
url: $(this).attr('href'),
success: function(data){


Here is what I am doing:Someone clicks 'add buyer' link on my pageIn a modal box, I load the form to add a buyer. The form is loaded via ajax and then fills the div containerwhen someone clicks the 'submit' button, it should then look at the value of the fields and post to a scriptCurrently I can't get jQuery to see node within the loaded AJAX.

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Jquery :: Posting To MySQL Via Php

Feb 14, 2011

I have a 'to do' item in a page that has an ID attached to it. These items are stored in a database. When clicked I want to reverse the 'state' of the item (active to complete or complete to active) by updating the database using jquery & PHP.I think I almost have it. As all the values are collected ok and if I change the the page that writes to the database to GET and pass the data through the URL it updates the database fine.[code]

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JQuery :: Posting Onclick A Datepicker Value?

Jul 28, 2009

There is an onclick event that calls the changeStartDate, and passesin an ID.

'<input class="InfoBoxLong datepicker" type="text" size="7"
id="StartDate_' + TransactionOrderItemID + '" onClick="changeStartDate
('' + TransactionOrderItemID + '')" value="' + ActivationStartDate


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JQuery :: $.post Is Not Posting First 'submit'?

Jul 10, 2011

Here is my code:

$.post("/adminactions/saveconfigs.json", $("#config_form").serialize(), function(data) {
if(data.result == 'success')[code]....

And my problem is when I use 'submit' button for first time on site jQuery seems to not get it and form is being posted as normal HTML form. Every next submition is posted using jQuery until I reload the site.

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Drop Down List Changes The Paragraph?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm a kind of beginner in this thing but I really need something to be done I want the option of a drop-down list to change the content of a paragraph <p> it worked but I can't select another option after I choose one....this is the code...

function change()
if (document.getElementById('list').value = 'Change')


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JQuery :: Keep Div State After Posting Page And Returning?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a jQuery script which shows a specified div based on the select chosen from the dropdown list.The problem im having is how to retain the div state after the page has been posted and then returned too,

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


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