How to find the nearest coordinates click point on images? For example, if the user click on point on coordinates(10,20) ; then after that if the user wan find the nearest coordinates of (10,20). Let say the nearest coordinates is between (9,19), (11,21).
How find that point? If i wan fixed to 20x20 pixel for the click point, how to do?
When I click on the image the form submitted to the server. As I can see post data contains next additional values: Image1.x=121 and Image1.y=64 These values are coordinates of clicked point relative to image.
Can I get these values in onclick event handler (within the beforeSubmit method)?
how to find the coodinates for a picture in a middle of the page for example with js? I need this because i have a js script that get the mouse coodinates (X,Y) for the page.I have to modify this script to work only at my picture area and to get me the coordinates for my picture not the coordinates for my hole page. Code:
Are there javascript functions to find the cursor position of a mouse? Also, are there javascript functions to find if the mouse cursor is within a listbox? A C# code sample is shown below:
Listbox lb; //lb is a listbox Point cpos = lb.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); //find coordinates of mouse if(lb.ClientRectangle.Contains(cpos)) //if mouse cursor is within the listbox
Are there any javascript functions which can do the same as the above c# methods?
I'm attempting to find coordinates for several addresses at a time. I'm using a for-loop to loop through an array of addresses. I figured it would be best to have a separate function to evaluate the coordinate given an address, and just call it in every loop.
Note that my code below is simplified (I removed the for loop because that's not where I'm having trouble). I know that the issue is probably because I'm trying to return a value from an anonymous function... I tried making the variable global, I tried having a return line from within the anonymous function, nothing has worked... any tips?
in FCK-Editor I would like to do the following:On one page there should be severalHeaderText under the header, which is hidden, when the text is loaded and slides up and down after click on headerHtml, which is easy to edit with FCK could look like this:
<p><a href=""><span class="click">Header</span></a></p> <p><span class="text">Text under the header, which is hidden, when the text is loaded.</span></p>
When you click a link it jumps to an anchor point on the page and scrolls there smoothly. I was wondering how I get the same effect if I want the link to jump to another page? A normal anchor point on another page would set the href to, for instance, 'index.html#contact' but it won't work in this case as the javascript isn't reading the '#'. <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script> function goToByScroll(id){ $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow'); } </script> </head> <body> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="goToByScroll('contact')">Go to anchor 1</a></li> </ul>
I understand that the very essence of the web is point and click however what I'm trying to achieve is anavigationsystem using a series of static 3D Render images have them seamlessly stitch together creating apseudowalk througheffect. For example if a user clicks on a hot spot e.g. a drawer it will fetch the same image but with the drawer open. or if a user wishes to go 'deeper into the scene e.g. a walk-through style effect then they would click on the hotspot and the image presently loaded would zoom out and and fade out loading the next thus giving you forward motion
mentally speakingIunderstand this to be perfectly simple to do technically speaking not so much this at the moment is acompletelyconceptual idea with no coding as I'm still attempting to get my bearings with jquery i was curious to what peoples thoughts were on the idea whether or not it is possible to do?
i have to draw a line between to different coordinates which are going on google maps so for example :
the above coordinates are in xml format which, i later call in Java script functions and display them on the map as a simple pointers what i need is from one point of coordinates to another point of coordinates Java script would draw a line which would represent the direction from one coordinate to other .
i have problems with selecting the text from nearest p tag, i think this code suppose to return 'some text:' but instead i returns 'some text: DoneImportant'
I need help with figuring out how to round to the nearest 5th number.For example, if I had a variable with the value of 42, how can I round that up to 45; another example being 37 to 40.
I'm a bit confused as I'm just learning PHP/Java, and need to display a percentage. I successfully can display a percentage, however, the decimal like any calculate displays .00000012130 whatever sometimes. How can I round the output to the nearest 10s place? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var a = "14"; var b = "25"; document.write(parseInt(a) / parseInt(b) * 100); document.write("%"); </script> This is the code I use, however, it needs to be modified so that it rounds to the nearest 10 instead of display a decimal.
What i need, is to make the script to find a link, and click it. In example..
There is a page, with 10 links, everytime you load the page, the links changes (it starts like normal, but has diferent endings), so i need the script to find the link that i need, and click it.
I'm trying to create a list of recipes which will on document ready all be hidden except the first one. And then when I click one of the dynamically added links (in a ul) in the sidebar I want the corresponding recipe to go from hidden to shown. I've managed to do everything really simply except I have no idea how to find the corresponding recipe when I click a link in the sidebar (the links link to the recipes with #recipe<number>)
Somehow I need to access the id of the specific recipe, which I suppose should be possible since the clickfunction should store that somehow?
EDIT: I just realized that I could just use the href value as my id for the recipe (since its the same e.g. #recipe). However I'm having trouble using the variable that stores the href/id in the .show function.
$("a[href*='#recipe']").click(function() { $(".post").hide(600); var theHref = $(this).attr("href");[code]....
I am working on a UI that, when you click on a menu option, a div opens and show three divs inside. These divs all have different heights. The heights are based on the divs content.The problem I'm having is... how do I measure what the divs height should be? IE, how do I grab the height for a div BEFORE it has had any style applied to it.