JQuery :: Find Reverse - Possible Find A Node Backwards Instead Of Forwards
May 27, 2009<div>
Is it possible find a node backwards instead of forwards.
I would like to do (remember find_reverse does not exist)
Is it possible find a node backwards instead of forwards.
I would like to do (remember find_reverse does not exist)
I am writing a programmatically control the focus (basically what I want is to transform "tab" to "enter")... why do I want such a non standard thing? Customer request... and since he is paying, I have to implement it.
Now, currently I solved the problem by finding the next element with a greater "tabIndex" value, but that forces me to configure tabIndex values for everything in my form... and that is specially problematic because some of my UIs are generated dynamically with information in the database...
So, what I want, is to find the next ":input" element traversing the DOM tree in the same way the focus moves when pressing the "tab" key... that should be something like "find the next sibling that is ":input"... if none found, go to parent node, got to sibling of parent node, look in there... if none found, and this parent has no next sibling, go to the parent of the parent and repeat operation recursively..
is there (somewhere) a jQuery plugin (or method) that already does this? Or do I need to write it?
How To Find The Parent Node of any item in JSON Data
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an XML feed which has duplicate media:thumbnail child nodes for item
>Taylor's trial 'neo-colonialist'</title
i'm trying check the value for a node that is loaded with ajax, and to check it every certain time (3 seconds). I've come this far, but don't know where to go from here:
//Messenger frame...
<iframe src="http://settings.messenger.live.com/Conversation/IMMe.aspx?invitee=<?php echo $IsUserAvailable; ?>@apps.messenger.live.com&mkt=es-UY&useTheme=true&themeName=blue&foreColor=333333&backColor=E8F1F8&linkColor=333333&borderColor=AFD3EB&buttonForeColor=333333&buttonBackColor=EEF7FE&
I also read of a method called on(); but never know how to use it, because i can't think of the event i should attach to...
How to handle error in .find() if nothing found in XML nodes
What I mean is: I request for XML file :
dataType: "xml",
so nothing happens at all (after request is done (NO problem with request) - 200 OK )
I've got a semantic XML document, for which I'm using $.get successfully to extract <title> and description> nodes. The <link> node does not work, however. It returns blank. Strange, since I can see in Firebug that $(this) has 4 children, and link is in there.
Suppose I have <div id="outter"element. In side the div, I have
other <divand <imgelements. I used the following code
insideElementsList = outterDiv.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i ++){
insideElementList[i] ...
In the loop, how can I know the current element is a <divor a <img>?
Is there a way to tell if the text in a text box has been selected forwards or backwards?If you select some text from left to right and then hold down shift and use the cursor keys the right end of the selection moves. If you select some text from right to left and then hold down shift and use the cursor keys the left end of the selection moves.Is there a way in Javascript to detect which way the text has been selected? I need to know if the "end" position is before the "start" position or after. Using ranges and selection objects seems to "normalise" the selection so that the start is before the end.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat I am coding now is a piece of a much larger project that I am, for the moment, developing on my own. This code, relatively useless on its own, is essentially practice or proof -of-concept. Much of it will probably be used in the larger project. If at times, it seems that I am using a cannon to kill a fly, this is why.
Additionally, I do not claim credit for all the code here. Some of it is copied from other sources. I have studied it, understood it , then modified it appropriately, making it my own.
However, the code is broken. I have tested it on Internet Explorer 9.0.??? and Firefox 4.0.1. It breaks in both browsers. I have previously tested it in Chrome, but not recently. On IE I have used the built in debugger, and I have been using Firebug in Firefox. I have also used the debugger at [URL] quite frequently. JSLINT returns some 'Bad Type' errors regarding 12 lines in the html body, each having the structure: <td><input /></td>. I can find no explanation for the 'Bad Type' errors. Otherwise, according to JSLINT, the code is fine.
The predecessor to this code worked fine. I had been using inline event handlers (onblur and oninput) that called the doMath function when one enters data into the table. The values are then averaged and summed. All this is extremely basic. The problem began when I removed the inline event handlers and began to use window.onload (I believe I am using document.onload now, but the problem has not changed.)
I have adopted Douglas Crockford's 'walkTheDom' recursive function to find all tags with a particular class name. I would like to assign every element in the array returned by this function an event handler.
This is the problem: This script simply cannot find the body node of the DOM ( and, seemingly, none of its child nodes either). Initially I tried 'document.body', which failed. I then began with 'this' (essentially 'document') and tried walking the DOM to get to it ('body') eventually. This, too, failed. I tried array index notation to refer to it(I forget the specific syntax), and most recently, I've given it ('body') an id and referred to it directly using 'document.getElementById()'. These most recent attempts also failed.
After hours of figuratively bashing my head against the wall looking at code and probably even more time doing research online, I am extremely frustrated. As often seems to be the case, my problem is probably simple
I have included most of the code, even though it is a little long. This way you may easily copy the code and reproduce the problem yourself. I do not often post to forums, and, more relevant, I have no idea where the error may be located.
Potential problem areas are in RED.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
making a variable equal the h1 html() without the span text.
// equals 'November2009'
var monthDelete = $('h1').html();
// I need just 'November'
The .find() method does not seem to match on input fields by using a class. The ti This problem seems to be only visible on input fields. The following is a demonstration of the issue:
Example at [url]
How to get the URL...??
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I'm trying to use the each and the find statement to accomplish this but I can't seem to get the desired results.
I'm working on a script for a selection of a specific item. When I select a item the image should change, so far so good. But when I select an other item, the image of the item I selected before should change back and there is where I find myself stuck. This is my script so far
var small_src = $(this).attr('src');
var new_small_src = small_src.substring(small_src.lastIndexOf('/'), small_src.lastIndexOf('.'));
$(this).attr('src', 'img' + new_small_src + '_selected.' + /[^.]+$/.exec(small_src));
This results in changing the image to a selected image, but I can't change it back when I select an other.
I have a hover fuction that returns a jquery object when it finds an anchor. What would be the test statement to see if the next ul has a class of 'secondary'? Then if this is true I would display it.
<li><a href="#">Buy Tickets</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Group Sales</a></li>
<a href="#">Reviews</a>
I've a html code like that:
<p class=".left">
I need to calculate the column sum .i can manage to find the row product.but cannot find the column sum. here is the link Jsfiddle
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have dynamic html table , Now I want to find the items in the first column. The column name(td) is chk. How can do this using Jquery ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i find out the div element with in the Div?This is my aspx Page CodeThis is for Fixed Table Header when table has thead and tbody tags
<div id="gridDiv" class="fullScreenTable">
<asp:GridView ID="gvMyRecipesData" runat="server" AllowSorting="true" ShowHeader="true" >
How do I add a class to the <p> tag before each disabled element..this is not working for me. Basically if it finds a disabled checkbox within my accordion ui I want to strike-through the text..
// add line-through for disabled checkboxes
':disabled').prev().addClass("disabled"); html
Is there a way to determine if a div is outside of the containing div?ex.
<div id="container" style="overflow:hidden">
<div id ="row"></div>
Given this
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
Why do I only get one element back. I thought that find should give me at least 3 elements.
I know this might seem like a newb question,
but the following returnsnothingfor me, except a blank alert box...[code]...
I want to check if the image wrapped by a tag, so I write the [code]...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI started working with JQuery. Mmy first function comes here:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("li.um-gallery-1st").toggleClass( "big" ).show()
$("li.um-gallery-1st").next().toggleClass( "small").show()
$($this).next().toggleClass( "smaller").show()
How do I select the next element after next? In that case the third.