I was wondering if there are any proper, robust libraries or functions/methods that I don't know of that will escape all the problematic characters such as single quotes and tabs.
I find myselfwriting x = x.replace(/'/g,"'"); and the reverse over and over again. Shouldn't Javascript have a built in method to do this? I know of the escape() function but I am not sure if this is more for urls. What is the real world way of storing such an "escaped" variable in a database that will later be read into a javascript variable? :-/
Maybe one could use escape() and unescape() in some way, but some expert probably could answer this in a snap.
For my website I would like to create a famous last words generator (randomized), and random page generator (within my site). What is the code for random quotes and random links?
I am new to javascript but have been using java for quite a while. I am looking to make a random quote (out of ten possible quotes) appear in my h2 tag in a page i am working on. In java, i would make a random number generator, in javascript it looks like this:
Code: var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*11) Then make an if statement: Code: if randomnumber=1 { var quote="Live long and prosper" }
document.write(var quote); Could someone more experienced than me tell me if my code looks good and how would a go about getting "var quote" in my h2 tag?
This Link Description script is driving me crazy. The first URL below is the script exactly as I got it from javascriptsource.com, which works fine. But as soon as I replace the linktext with my own (see the second URL) the script stops working. I didn't change anything else from the original but the linktext. I've been racking my brains for hours but whatever it is, I'm missing it....
I just typed the script from the book char by char. I use Firefox browser, v.3.5.7. The error console does not display any mistakes. why on placing mouse over a link the status bar displays A HREF text instead of the link description.
I've looked for a solution to this issue, but it seems like a little different scenario than other situations. I made a system for generating friend requests on Facebook. I have a grid that is 6 x 3, for a total of 18 cells. Each cell has a picture in it, and the picture is linked to the Facebook friend request page. My problem is that since each cell is populated at random from the array, I'm getting lots of repeats. For example, some picutures are in 5 cells, and some are in none. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that once a picture is used once in the grid, it does not get used again in the same grid.I still want every cell filled at random on each page load, I just want to prevent the repeating.
Here's my current code: <script type="text/javascript"> var vip_list=new Array( new Array('http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v225/1616/88/s1220771654_2158.jpg','http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id=1220771654'), new Array('http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v223/1233/29/s904885342_9055.jpg','http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id=904885342'),
(Note that I have put / in above where there is really a just so that it shows up in the post). The link works fine with normal characters in the variable $name, and it works with single quotes in the varable, but not double quotes (the addslashes() escapes single and double quotes with a backslash). Why doesn't the link work with double quotes in the variable?
I am trying to address an element to change the color with javascript but cannot get it to work. Here is the element, I am leaving out some of the closing tags but just want you to see use: PHP Code: <div class="nav" id="nav"> <div class="table"> <ul class="select"><li><a href="index.php"><b>Home</b></a></li></ul>
I want to change the color of the link "Home" with a color I am getting thru Ajax. Here is the code snippet: PHP Code:var menuColorValue = http.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("menuColor")[0]; document.getElementById("nav").a.link.style.color = '"'+floatValue.childNodes[0].nodeValue+'"'; I know the floatValue.childNodes[0].nodeValue is correct and have tested that it holds the color as #000000. I added the quotes because the color value must be in quotes...
I'd like to reorganize the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, as well as any elements thereafter in an array in random order:
var a = new Array('first','second','third','fourth','fifth','s ixth','etc')
In other words, the first, second and third element should remain in position 0, 1 and 2, while the fourth, fifth and sixth, etc. should appear in random order.
how does document.write interpret "" and '' (double quotes and single quotes).what is the significance of &Url (does it signify the current url) colon : is it represented as %3A ? and backslash represented as %2F ?
I am working on a website that uses a random header. I have been trying to figure out how to adjust the code so that the header also serves as a clickable link.
Here is the code that I have:
What do I need to add in order for the header to also serve as a link? I am completely new to JavaScript and I don't understand it very well.
In http:www.dreaminco...wtopic51264.htm a code was proposed for generating a random number within an array and then printing it into the html document using document.write.Is it possible to go one step ahead and feeding the result into an html href function? [code]is the random array member generated by the javascript.
I am trying to write a function that will take a random array as a var and split it into two arrays. My problem is I don't know how to show the split. I need to cut the array at the mid index. How do i write that so no matter what the length is the middle of the index is selected. I have wrote some code but the if isnt working and the var to set the two array lengths is not right Code:
I have a problem with a random link generator within a DIV. When I try it on my desktop it works fine, but does nothing once I upload it to the website.how to explain what happens, but here is it, more or less:The website is this: http:[url]....
Via an Ajax script, http:[url]..... is loaded into DIV "menu". Here's the script:
<script type="text/javascript"> ajaxpage('menu.html', 'menu') //load "menu.html" into "menu" DIV </script>
Well, there's another load of stuff inside the <head> tag. You may see it from the main page source code.Anyway, if you go to the menu.html, the link generator will work there as it is intended; however, if you try it from the main page, it won't do anything. But people are not suppossed to go to menu.html. They are suppossed to load it from the index.html (I mean, plain http:url....)So, here's the link generator code:
--------------------------------- <script type="text/javascript"> function randomlinks(){[code].....
I believe this could be solved if I could target the generator to the whole window, 'cause maybe it's trying to open the new page inside the DIV. Well, I don't know...
Now I know this is a fairly easy task, but I need to show the random div from a selection of 10 which all have the same class. I am not able to do this using unique IDs as the divs will be created by the end user as a repeating region from Adobe contribute.So I'll have a list looking something like the following but I only want one to show.
<div class="mydiv">Line Number One</div> <div class="mydiv">Line Number Two</div> <div class="mydiv">Line Number Three</div>
I have some image URLs stored in an array. I then want to be able to print out one of those image URLs randomly on page load. What would be the best method to do this in jQuery?