Edit Using Html - Transform The Layout Of The Products That Are Added To The Cms System

Jan 12, 2011

I have the following script sent to me and would like to know if I can edit this javascript to transform the layout of the products that are added to the cms system that it renders items for?

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<SCRIPT type="text/JavaScript">

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Drop Downs - Add The Totals From Products Under Added/Cancelled To The Sub Total

Feb 9, 2011

What i'm trying to do is:

1. Add the totals from products under added/Cancelled to the sub total

2. Then taking the sub totals added them to the total products

3. Need the total # of products that was selected as well

4. Then from the total products, want to Added subtract cancelled Divide Number of products = total net (1.34% = 134% w. the decimal moved over 2 spots to the right)

Link: [url]

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Objects And Prototyping - Transform XML Into HTML In Different Views

Nov 8, 2009

I am ok with using objects creating classes if someone else defines, but when it comes to defining my own, I hit a nasty brick wall... I am using an XML/XSLT wrapper called Sarissa to help with programming a utility to transform XML into HTML in different views. For this to happen, I have created a Loader class which loads in XML required. I am aware of prototyping for binding methods to objects (as opposed to replicating the same method every time an instance is created)... The aim being I want to create a progress bar for the essential files that need to be loaded in. Presently I have them load in Synchronous mode just to get the utility working, which I know is poor, so would like to address it.


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Onlive - Creating A Voting System - Upon Hitting "submit" The Votes Should Be Added To A Database

Mar 15, 2009

I am a graphic designer who has been stuck with creating a voting system for my son's school newspaper website.

Here is what I have so far: [url]

You will see that it is a 1-10 voting system where the user drags the choices into the order of his preference then hits submit. It is working on on a functional level, but I have no idea how to make it work on the backend. I need to somehow accomplish the following:

1. Either get rid of the numbers on the left or somehow stop them from all becoming "1" when dragged.

2. Upon hitting "submit" the votes should be added to a database. I can create a database but I have no idea how to get these numbers into it.

3. The 10 choices will change each week for at least 13 weeks so the database needs to adapt to this.

Here is a zip file with all of the files used on the voting page: [url]

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JQuery :: Can't See Html That Was Just Added .html()

Sep 20, 2010

I have a drag and drop app that takes the text of the item dropped and places it into a table cell like so...

$(this).addClass('ui-state-highlight').html('<a href="incoming_returns/' + thefilename + ' target="_blank">' + ui.draggable.text() + '</a>');

I then loop over the table cells and check if the cells have text in them. For some reason the cells that had text dropped into them do not recognize having text when I look at them via .html()...The cells that were populated with text when the page was loaded are seen just fine...I look at each cell using the following...

$(".fieldholders_" + requestid + " td.droppable").each(function() {
if($(this).html() != "") {

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Enable Edit Mode In A Dynamic HTML Table?

Jul 19, 2010

Below is my Coding done. A dynamic HTML table is generated text boxes in table Rows(Dissable mode) with EDIT & DELETE buttons. When user clicks on Edit button, particular row(Text Box) should be enable to edit the values generated.

But Unfortunately in my coding, always the fist row only gets enabled.

<script type="text/javascript">
function m(id){
return false;


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Have The Nav Menu At Left Be A Separate HTML Page That Only Have To Edit Once, And Then Have Repeated Throughout The Site?

Jan 13, 2010

Here is the preliminary design of a site I'm making in Adobe GoLive (CS2) in OSX Snow Leopard:I'm using CSS for the layout.What I'd like to do is have the nav menu at left be a separate HTML page that I only have to edit once, and then have repeated throughout the site.I achieved something similar with a javascript code I learned from a friend for the title and top menu of this site:The script on the ScorpioMartianus page looks like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"

The header.txt looks like this:

document.write('<center><p><img src="scorpiomartianus_titulus.jpg" alt="" width="597" height="200" border="0"></p><h2> <a href="scorpiomartianus.html">NOVA</a> · <a href="actadiurna.html">ACTA DIVRNA</a> · <a href="commcanalis.xml" target="_top"><img


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Accessing Newly Added HTML?

Mar 14, 2009

I just started with jQuery and AJAX so I'm hoping that I'm just missing something obvious. I have a comment field and I have already finished all the functionality of allowing users to add comments to the page using an AJAX form.

The problem that I have is that the comment <div> itself has some rollover properties for edit/delete so that those links only appear when the mouse enters the comment div. For whatever reason, they only appear on comments that existed on the page load. Any comments that are added while on the page aren't accessible to jQuery until I reload the page. Is that normal behavior?

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JQuery :: Get ID Of Dynamically Added HTML Elements?

Aug 16, 2010

I am generating HTML based on user actions (in this case, populating a table with the result from AJAX calls).

In my context, I have a link where there is a Quantity field, which I would like to be editable. When I create the html, I give a unique ID to each row, (to reference to a JSON object), however I am unable to get the ID for said row, seeing as the DOM tree is parsed on the pageload and doesn't seem to update when I add elements to the page.

This means that $(this).parent('tr').attr('id') is not returning anything at all.

How would I make it so I can retrieve the ID of my row (which was created/added to the page after it was parsed)?

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JQuery :: Html() - Avoid Custom Code Added By IE?

Mar 5, 2011

simple code page with div content, there some things and i do :alert( $("#content").html() ); gives me really nasty code in IE it adds some of default values, changes code to uppercase as for really old html opera and firefox works fine is there a way to avoid custom code added by IE?

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Code That Can Be Added To HTML To Tell Internet Explorer To Run Script?

Mar 19, 2010

I am new to Javascript and I have created a website using a javascript tamplet for a slide show.
The website works good in all browsers, except in internet explorer! this is a big problem for me since many people have tried to look at the site in internet explorer and it didn't work and it is just not good..

Is there a piece of code that can be added to the HTML to tell internet explorer to run the script?

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JQuery :: Can Listeners Work For Html Added Client Side

Sep 15, 2010

I have taken over from a developer who has used javascript to add additional text input boxes to a form so there is no limit to the number of input boxes there can be. I have got a jquery autocomplete function that works fine if the input box is added by the server but the listener doesnt fire when the text box is added client side. As with all things this is part of a much bigger project and I only want to change the smallest possible part (add autocomplete to this text input box) MY QUESTION: is it even possible fo ra jquery listener to fire when the input box has been written client side after the page has loaded? Is there a way to "refresh" a listenerto find the new tag that have been added?

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Submit Button Doesn't Recognize Inline Added Html

Jun 28, 2009

I have a form, with a submit button. Inside this form i have one input text field, in addition to an add more button to add more of that input field using JQuery .html(val);. Now the issue appears when I submit the form, all inline added input fields are not recognized, they are not set and there is no data for them in the POST.

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JQuery :: Does Attr Physically Inject The Added Attributes In The Rendered HTML

Jun 29, 2011

suppose we have a <a href=www.google.com>google</a> tag in our HTML page.And it is inside a div with class name as chapter. Now i added the script as below,

function() {
'div.chapter a').each(function(index) {


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JQuery :: Loading Files - Script Element Is Dynamically Added To The Head Section Of Html

Feb 6, 2010

I came up with some code to load javascript files dynamically. But I've got problems..

When the script element is dynamically added to the head section of html, i think that the document.ready event fires once again and therefore the code sort of runs twice.

In the html page I call this method:

In the script test.js I have the function SayHi():

The SayHi method never gets called and alert('begin') & alert('getScript') get called twice in this sequence:begin begin getScript getScript.

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JQuery :: Create Ajax Request & And Edit Html Request

Jun 2, 2009

I worked with now in jQuery. Property however at present the following problem: [i]I provide a AJAX Request. the side is loaded, the parameters all conveyed and back receives I a complete HTML side. Now I would like to have only certain elements however from this side, like DIV, SPAN etc. How can I make with the AJAX Request return in such a way best, which I can select these elements thereby? Simply it would be unfortunately not functioned over the function $ (element), it even if I indicate the HTML Request as secondly parameter.[/i] Excused, for my bad English. ;-) Translatertool. There is unfortunately too many words, in order to describe my problem. ^^

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Difficult Xsl Transform

Jul 20, 2005

I need to transform:
<A> x <A>
<A> y <A>
<B> i <B>
<B> j <B>
<B> k <B>

<P> x <P>
<P> y <P>
<P> i <P>
<P> j <P>
<P> k <P>

There seems no easy way to do that. Am I missing somethig? I tried using variables, but they cannot be reassigned within the same context.

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Adding Total Value Of Combined Products?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a program that allows the user to input a product number from 1 to 5, and the amount of each product number sold. After all values are added, the program is supposed to calculate each product's total retail value, as well as the total retail value of all five products combined. The program runs fine, up until the end. I got all my alert boxes working, and the program is doing the multiplication as it is supposed to. However, when I get to the end, I receive "Last weeks total retail sales are: $NaN".

My code:
var productNum;
var quantity;
var prodPrice1 = 2.98;
var prodPrice2 = 4.50;
var prodPrice3 = 9.98;
var prodPrice4 = 4.49;
var prodPrice5 = 6.87;
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
var total5;
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity1 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity2 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity3 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity4 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity5 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );

total1 = document.writeln("Total for product 1 is $" + (prodPrice1 * quantity1) + "<br />");
total2 = document.writeln("Total for product 2 is $" + (prodPrice2 * quantity2) + "<br />");
total3 = document.writeln("Total for product 3 is $" + (prodPrice3 * quantity3) + "<br />");
total4 = document.writeln("Total for product 4 is $" + (prodPrice4 * quantity4) + "<br />");
total5 = document.writeln("Total for product 5 is $" + (prodPrice5 * quantity5) + "<br />");
document.writeln( "<h1>Last weeks total retail sales are: $" + ( total1 + total2 + total3 + total4 + total5) + "</h1>" );

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Products From A List On Another Individual Page?

Apr 17, 2009

I was wondering if anyone was aware of a script that would reccomend products from a list on another individual products page?

I would like something that will list three products that a customer might be interested in when they are viewing an item on my site.

I have an ecommerce site where I was told that I needed to use javascript to avoid paying alot of money for something very complex and more than what I need.

Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, do you have a script to get me started?

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XSL/XML Transform Object In Firefox

Jul 23, 2005

I'm having problems with a custom JS object (XMLLoadObject) I designed
to load XML and XSL files, perform an XSL transform with them and embed
the resultant HTML fragment into the host HTML document. I designed this
object so that I could generate and embed HTML fragments from more than
one XML/XSL source into a single HTML document. This is done by
instantiating an XMLLoadObject with an XML filename, an XSL filename,
and the ID of the HTML element as arguments. Once the object is created,
XSL Parameters can be assigned to the transformation with a member
function. Finally the documents are loaded and transformed with call to
the member function xmlLoad(). A distinct object must be instantiated
for each transform. The object assigns closured member functions as
event handlers to give access to the object's XML Document and XSL
Document objects (member data). Code:

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Difficult Xsl Transform Clarification

Jul 20, 2005

A and B can be anything, another words those elements are variable.

I need to transform:

<A> x <A>
<A> y <A>
<B> i <B>
<B> j <B>
<B> k <B>


<P> x <P>
<P> y <P>
<P> i <P>
<P> j <P>
<P> k <P>

There seems no easy way to do that. Am I missing somethig? I tried using variables, but they cannot be reassigned within the same context.

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Transform Link Name On OnMouseOver?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm a very beginner in Javascript. In a nutshell, I need a code which will transform a link name once user is hovering over link. Nothing really fancy, just a basic transformation, switch to upper case will do perfectly.(I got my own code for operations with text, which works when text is entered from a form. I just don't get, how to get string name on hover and put it back after). I've already googled for over an hour with no result.

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JQuery :: Retrieving Data Dynamically - Many Products Per Time?

Jan 26, 2011

I am trying to do something like the way they roll the 3 products on the bottom of page:[URL]...

The most important is that tha data is dynamic and I want to retrieve more than 1 products per time. I am using ASP.NET.

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Jquery :: Checkbox Filter - Page That Lists Products

Oct 24, 2011

I have a page that lists products. i then have a list of categories with a checkbox next to each one. i want to be able to refine the products list based on the categories checked. but i want to not have to use a submit button on the form and not have to refresh the page. i know i need jquery to do this. not sure how though.

example code:

PHP Code:

So if Red is checked than it should the on the page Product 1, Product 2, and Product 4

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Set Up Products Page With Swatch Rollovers And Detailed Views?

Nov 3, 2009

Ultimately I'd like a set up resembling http://shop.lululemon.com/Swift_Tank...30/p/1230.html

Where you're able to click a swatch color and get a thumbnail of it on the model and a thumbnail of a fabric detail that you could then enlarge. I'm not sure how to go about this. I'm able to do it with one thumbnail, where when you rollover the various swatch colors, the thumbnail of the model gets replaced. However I'm unable to add in the 2 other thumbnails (on that site they're using 3 but I would only need 2) that would change at the same time, where you could switch back and forth from at detail of the model and the fabric.

I don't necessarily need the zoom function, but if it is possible to do all of those that would be good too.Otherwise I just need help coding how to at least get the swatches to change 3 images upon mouseover and that 2 of those images would be like the 3 thumbnails on the link above and would replace the larger thumbnail once clicked.

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Client Side Transform Problem

Dec 2, 2005

I have several xml files and a common stylesheet on the server. In my
html I have a sidebar of links. For each link I fire an onClick event
that triggers an xml load and transform with the output displayed in a
small popup. Everything works great for one click. My issue is that in
Firefox, each subsequent click concatenates the results to the previous
tranformed results. How can i start fresh each time. I've tried
resetting all variables involved but the problem won't go away. This
works fine in IE by the way. Does anyone have an idea on what the issue
could be?

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