I've got 3 textboxes and 3 buttons on my form. When I press enter in the first textbox, I'd like to have a click performed on the first button. Same thing for the other 2.
I have a function that is called OnKeyPress event of my textboxes. 2 issues:
- How can I find out which textbox called the function ?
- How can I perform a click on a button (the appropriate one) from the code?
when i click on a <a> tag with class poplight this works fine. But when i add another anchor tag dynamically to my page (without a page reload, via ajax) like below...
and if i click on that anchor tag that was no placed on top of my first row it does not call the click event instead i can see the variables i tried passing through that anchor tag on my url.
any clue why this is happening.... i donot get any errors as well on firebug.
I would like to create a plugin that I can put before a click event on a button. The click event should occur if the user's time on the page hasn't expired. The plugin should check the user's time, and then stop the click event if the time has expired. With the plugin, I'm essentially putting two click events on the same button, as I need to check the expiration when the button is clicked. The plugin is working on my test page, but I'm afraid that this is contingent on an arbitrary ordering of the click events by jQuery. If I have my click event chained after my plugin, can I be assured that the plugin would always stop the click event if the time is expired? Or could jQuery execute the click event before the time gets checked?
I want to call the click event of the link (anchor tag) on the click of the button. I used this code below in the click event of button to call links click event and it works fine in IE.
But, this doesn't work in Firefox. I googled a bit and found that in firefox, you have to do something more to achieve this behaviour. So, I ended up doing this on button click to work in firefox:
var link=document.getElementById('linktag'); var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent(
The above code does the click on link when I click on the button. But my problem now is that I have defined a link as
and when click is called and mailto links opens my email client, it somehow ignores the subject and body parameters of the link. It works properly when i actually click a link element. but it doesn't work when i simulate the click event by code written above. above dispatching event code somehow ignores the link parameters?
How can I give a click on a link when it is just created and added to DOM?
None of this works: function openProfilePage(profile){ $('#profile-link').remove(); var link = $('<a/>').attr({'href':'profile.php?user='+profile, 'target':'_blank', 'id':'profile-link'}).css({'top':'-200px','left':'-300px', 'position':'absolute'}).html(profile);
I have an object that has a click event I'm trying to trigger. However in the click event I have the following if statement:
if(event.button != 0){return true;}
This if statement allows right clicks to go through and activate but it also prevents me from triggering the event. Any ideas on how to prevent this? If I remove the if statement from the first click function everything works as intended.Here's my example code based off of the trigger event examples:
This is just a page swapping images on the mouseover event, but i want to remove the mouseover events from all links when the the on click function is triggered, this is the html code,
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function BodyClick() { // How to access the event object here? alert(window.event.shiftKey); } function WindowLoad() { document.body.onclick = BodyClick; } window.onload = WindowLoad; </script> </head> <body></body> </html>
It does not work in FireFox. How to make it work?
My only requirement is that I need to assign the BodyClick() handler dynamically in script (not statically in HTML). So I cannot use this solution: <body onclick="BodyClick(event)">
I'm trying to add 2 functions to an event handler dynamically using javascript. The element that I'm adding the event to is also being created dynamically.
Here's my code:
newspan = document.createElement("span"); newspan.onClick = expandCollapse('category' + numCategory + ); ChangeStyle(this); newspan.appendChild(newdiv); I need onClick to run both the expandCollapse() and ChangeStyle(). ChangeStyle() needs to pass "this" to the function.
I then loop thru the array to assign the text and bind the click event after having created the buttons with IDs of "button_<index>".
for( var index in buttons ) { $("#button_"+index).html ( buttons[index].text ) .click( function() { clickButton( buttons[index].action ) } ); }
The text appears correctly in the button, but every button defined only fires the list bound click, in this example the action equal to'2'whether I push "Button 1" or "Button 2".My actual case has four buttons, all firing the event for the fourth button.I've tried not chaining the .click(), going thru the loop twice once for the .html and once for the .click, neither of which made a difference. If I hard code each button .click, it works fine.
I have a div with a dynamic ID and content based on a database.I want to replace that ID's content with some content with I collect from the database via PHP.The new content may contain <br />'s.
I have a page where I want to display buttons only when a particular list item is selected. The user can then click on one of five buttons. I am able to put the buttons in a <div> section using this
So i'm just getting into writing jquery. it's my first scripting language and first time in the field of programing. I have a general idea of what i want to do, but not so much how to get it done. Objective: I would like to change the class of a div "ActiveSelection" to the same name as the id of a clicked link in the "catalog" ul. Here is an example of the HTML
The code below displays a dynamic table with all its contents in the form of links.I wanna know as to how i can detect whether any of the links in the table has been clicked.As the table is dynamic i am not aware of the syntax of how to use the onClick evnt handler for these links. Code:
I'm trying to create a dynamic table with onclick event like this but onclick event seems to do nothing:
var srcTable = this.iContext.getElementById("tbody"); var tmpRow = null; var tmpCell = null;[code]...
I found a few examples like this: tmpRow.onclick = function() { alert(this.rowIndex);};
but I need use selected data, maybe call a defined function. I already tried lines bellow but nothing works, because doSomething is not function of tmpRow object.
tmpRow.onclick = function() { doSomething(this);}; or tmpRow.onclick = doSomething(this); or
I want to be able to load content of multiple divs in just one click.And after the content has been loaded make a final call to a function on success.I'm using JQuery.when() wich works fine like this
For some reason my change() function is only called when the page loads. I'd much rather it gets called when the select changes.
Here's the code:
window.onload = init;
function init() { var new_select = new Selector('tdata','myselect','myid'); var new_select_list = new DataSource("some_list"); new_select_list.addItem(1,"One"); new_select_list.addItem(2,"Two"); new_select_list.addItem(3,"Three"); new_select_list.addItem(4,"Four"); new_select_list.addItem(5,"Five"); new_select.setDataSource(new_select_list); new_select.formInput("form","input"); }
In the below code snippet I'm trying to add an dynamic event in <div id="button3"> when you click at button1, which is added static in the html body. button3 has exactly the same behaviour as button1, but the eventhandler will not be activated.
I am trying to dynamically close a div overlay. I have an x that dynamically appears, then closes when the user presses it. I want the overlay to also close when the user clicks the close button. So far I've tried to bind the click event to my button but its not working.
CSS: div#testbutton{} HTML <a href="#" id="testbutton"><img id="testbutton" class="close" src="/images/common/button-close.gif"/></a>
I have have a calendar widget, the calendar displays by specifying an event for the calendar (eg. onClick, onMouseOver, etc...) it works well on textbox and buttons. the problem is when I put an onClick event on an image...it does not work, if I put an <a> tag around the image, it will only display the calendar but it's unclickable.
and it will be hidden, so I want to have a clickable image that will trigger the click event so that a dialog is prompted. Can some one please help me figure out how to do this? Lol, this is as far as I've gotten..
I am writing a callback functions that fit into a framework. Unfortunately, the framework does not provide any means of getting the initial onclick event. So, I tried doing the following to see if the ctrl key was pressed:
var ctrl=(window.event&&window.event.ctrlKey);
This didn't work. Is there a way to know if the ctrl key was pressed after the fact?