Div Rotation - With Its Content (text - Images) Like To An Angle Of 15
Sep 14, 2011
I was wondering if you could tilt a whole div with its content (text, images), like to an angle of 15�. I'm pretty sure it's not possible (because of the text), but I've been away from the world of webdesign for 4 years, and I don't know much about what can be done those days...
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Sep 3, 2009
I have this beautiful script for pocket pc that randomly rotates pictures in the background with fade in/out effect. Now, what I want it to do is to split all the pictures I have in groups so that on every refresh the script randomly chose a GROUP of pictures and THEN rotated only the pictures from this group. I want to do this because if you include say 30 pictures into the script this really hangs the RAM memory, and if there are only 5 pictures to choose from its much more faster. Here's the script from html page:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
body {
background-color: white;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
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Jan 20, 2010
is there a builtin function for Spry in Dreamweaver to achieve the content rotation effect shown on the right hand side of this page? URl...
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Feb 10, 2006
Looks fine in IE and Opera, but is designed to write into a textarea instead of the <div> if the brower is not IE4+ (why is it working in Opera?) so on Firefox you can see the ugly textarea....
Is there a way to either turn off the Javascript in Firefox so it doesn't work at all, or test specifically for that browser (it's not testing for anything but IE right now as I understand it) and put the text into an absolutely positioned element? Code:
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Jun 15, 2006
how would i get the distance and angle between 2 points on the screen.
For example:
what is the distance between (100,50) and (250,70)
what i really wanna do is see how far the current mouse position is
from a given object and what the angle is between them.
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Jun 7, 2009
Is there any way to rotate an image by specified angle
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May 7, 2009
We are unable to rotate the div by an angle(90, 180,270 etc) in firefox browser where as it works in Internet explorer.Please find the below code for Internet explorer.var div= document.getElementById('contentTest');div.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)";approach inorder to rotate the div in mozilla firefox.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am new to javascript, and am having an issue, which I'm sure is elementary.. I found a script for expandable content, it suffices fine. As it stands, the script toggles images onclick. For example, whence the menu is collapsed, it displays "plus.gif" next to it, and when the menu is expanded, it displays "minus.gif" next to it.
Basically, what I would like to know is, thus: how would I change it to display text icons next to it? For example, in place of "plus.gif" I should like it to display "+" as actual text. I've dredged a number of places, however, I've found nothing. Furthermore, I cannot figure out how to do it.
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May 4, 2011
This is my first venture in this forum and also my first attempt at some programming for a fair few years and I have run into a problem i cannot for the life of me see the answer to. I am fairly sure I am just missing something stupidly obvious, but like I said its been a few years since I did any programming so I'm a bit behind with my knowledge!
What I am trying to do is using a combination of HTML & Javascript (well actually JQuery), is to automatically update a cell in a table without the user doing anything. The changes to the content are based on changes to a database by other users. I have written the following code which auto updates text in the DIV, the question is how do I ammend this text to automatically switch between pictures?
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Oct 10, 2011
I have a bar which dropdownbox so transparant, in a way that I could hardly read its text because its overlap my content text and pictures.
But its order superseed the side bar box. I could clearly read its text on the side but hardly read its text on the middle. I am using jquery which I copy from a tutorial video.
What might be the problem? I would like the text could be clearly read in the navigation bar in order word it suppose to be above the content text when I open the navigation drop down box.
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Sep 20, 2011
I wanted to start my research on the topic of slideshows here and ask if anyone knows what's the best method for creating a slideshow that should have the ability to display images and videos (and bookmark them)? It can be a plug-in, but this is for a client so it has to be okay for commercial use (and free).It should also be able to support other content like ads and polls/questionaires, in the form of a div. Also HTML 5 compatible with all the cross-browser compatibility one would expect.
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Oct 13, 2011
I've built this webpage : [URL]. Now, I want the slideshows (Jquery Cycle) to have a pager to navigate the images instead of previous and next [URL].
My code looks like this :
function ajaxpage(url, containerid) {
var $container= $('#' + containerid);
$container.hide().load(url, function() {
next: '#next2',
prev: '#prev2',
fx: 'blindX', speed:'1500',
timeout: 0, .....
after: function() {
var alt = $(this).attr('alt');
// do something with alt text
The code I need to implement looks like this :
How to do this successfully?
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Apr 18, 2006
Im trying to design something that would be intuitive for the user to
represent rotating something. Think along the lines of rotating an
image a specific amount of degrees. The obvious choice is to have the
user input CW or CCW and the number of degrees but i would rather
present something graphically and let them manipulate that, then in JS
determine the rotation.
The only thing i have been able to come up with right now is something
along the lines of the iPod click wheel with a dot at the top. As it is
clicked and dragged it spins, but the problem is i dont know if this is
possible in just JS / HTML, i don't want to use flash.
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Sep 4, 2006
Is it possible in javascript alone (or do I need to use php) to have different code show up each time a user loads the page? Code:
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Apr 1, 2007
I'm in need of a good, reliable ad banner rotation setup where I can add/delete banners (and their links) remotely because I'm going to use it on over 100 web pages.
My question is: is java script the best way to go?
If so, can anyone provide me with a link to a good script I can try?
I don't need to track how many clicks, so a simple script would work fine.
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Mar 16, 2006
I am sure this is possible but I haven't a clue how to make it happen
I am looping X number of times and the user will be entering a fromValue to a ToValue
1.) fromValue to ToValue
2.) fromValue to ToValue
3.) fromValue to ToValue
4.) fromValue to ToValue
what I need to do is when the user enter a ToValue
is for the next fromValue to display the previous ToValue.
Example: user enters
1.) 0 25 in Number 2, the fromValue should be 25.
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Feb 24, 2009
Anyone know if its possible to put individual times on how long the image is displayed? I am trying to get the blank.jpg's to display for 1 second, while the others stay at 5.
var imageWidth = 385;
var imageHeight = 407;
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Dec 16, 2009
Im looking to setup a project for my uni assignment. its going to be a time radio site and i'm looking to create a page that has some javascript to carry out an image rotation.I want to have:- three images side by side- all images to rotate from a folder containing 100+ pictures- they all have different file names and extensions but i can change them if need be i want the images to rotate automatically without the page having to be reloaded or mouseovers or anything- i would like them to rotate on different time frames i.e. first picture 3 sec rotation, second picture 5 seconds, third image 7 seconds.... something like thatscanning the web but come up short. cant use php or anything its got to be a html page using javascript
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Sep 16, 2011
I'm looking for a JavaScript code I could use to rotate my 10 images on 10 seconds interval.
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Dec 1, 2009
I am trying to get two ad banners to rotate on my blog but I just can not seem to get them to rotate at all.
<script LANGUAGE='Javascript'>
<!-- Beginning of Javascript -
if (document.images) {
ads = new Array(3);
ads[0] = "image location correct";
ads[1] = "image location correct";
}newplace = new Array(3);
newplace[0] = "link correct"
newplace[1] = "link correct"
var timer = null
var counter = 0
function banner() {
timer=setTimeout("banner()", 4000);
if (counter >= 3)
counter = 0;
document.bannerad.src = ads[counter];
} function gothere() {
counter2 = counter;
window.location.href = newplace[counter2];
- End of Javascript - -->
Then this is in the body
<center><a href='java script:void gothere()'>
<IMG BORDER='0' HEIGHT='60' NAME='bannerad' SRC='[URL]' WIDTH='468'/></a></center>
Now it displays the second image in the array but it will not rotate through the images. Also I enter in the code like this
<center><a href='java script:void gothere()'>
<IMG SRC='[URL]' BORDER='0' HEIGHT='60' NAME='bannerad' WIDTH='468'/></a></center>
But it displays like the one above after I have saved it.
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Sep 12, 2010
Sometimes I wish I had started with javascript instead of php... Really need your help fellow Sitepointers! I stumbled over a script that I am dying to use for my new design, but I need to do two small tweaks to it that my JQuery skills just aren't up to.Demo of the script is here:http://www.seoarticlewritinglab.com/lofslidernews-1/As you can see, it automatically scrolls every X seconds to the right until it gets to the end. Afterwards, it does a huge fastforward back to the first item. What I want it to do, is to automatically scroll to the right every X seconds, but when it gets to the end, simply change scrolling direction, and scroll backwards one item at a time every X seconds... And when it gets to the first item, switch the direction back to normal forward scrolling.Can someone point me in the right direction and help educate me a little bit in javascript? This is probably really easy for you experts, but I am having a really tough time.
// JavaScript Document
/*! Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net)
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Oct 15, 2006
I am trying to include some javascript in my website which rotates some
stored images. I have attached the code for the index page of my
website as i am having some problems getting it to work. Can anyone see
where i am going wrong? This is my first attempt.
Here is the source script:
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Oct 5, 2009
I have written the following Jquery code to change an image and text on mouseover, what I want it for it to also rotate every 5 seconds automatically. Is there a way I can adapt this code to do that?
$("#main_nav li").mouseover( function() {
$(".navigation_main, .main_info").each (function() {
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Jul 23, 2009
Does anyone have a tut on making a banner rotation script. I would like to ad one to the site I am building.
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Nov 24, 2009
ode for background image and title rotation!I'd like to get images one, two and three to rotate every one second, and have titles change according to the images. Currently both background and titles are not rotating.. ;-;
window.onload = rotate;
var adImages = new Array('one.jpg','two.jpg','three.jpg');
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Jun 22, 2011
Right now I have a random rotating slideshow with delay script implemented on a website. However I want to make ONE of the slides/images clickable to open up a PDF docCan you please let me know what I need to add/change in this to make it do what I need? I am not big on java so
<script language="javascript">
Random image slideshow- By Tyler Clarke (tyler@ihatecoffee.com)
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