JQuery :: Slideshow To Navigate Images With Ajax Dynamic Content
Oct 13, 2011
I've built this webpage : [URL]. Now, I want the slideshows (Jquery Cycle) to have a pager to navigate the images instead of previous and next [URL].
My code looks like this :
function ajaxpage(url, containerid) {
var $container= $('#' + containerid);
$container.hide().load(url, function() {
next: '#next2',
prev: '#prev2',
fx: 'blindX', speed:'1500',
timeout: 0, .....
after: function() {
var alt = $(this).attr('alt');
// do something with alt text
The code I need to implement looks like this :
How to do this successfully?
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Aug 18, 2010
So Im trying to create a slideshow with thumbnails the user can scroll through and use to navigate the slideshow. I'm a big fan of cycle so I wanted to use that as my main slideshow component and was planning on using jcarousel for the pager. So far it works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, yet in IE the thumbnails are not loading. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the images in the pager are generated and then jcarousel just isnt proccessing that in IE but I 'm not sure. I feel like I'm very close to getting this slideshow to work, yet I need to figure out why it is failing in IE.
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Sep 20, 2011
I wanted to start my research on the topic of slideshows here and ask if anyone knows what's the best method for creating a slideshow that should have the ability to display images and videos (and bookmark them)? It can be a plug-in, but this is for a client so it has to be okay for commercial use (and free).It should also be able to support other content like ads and polls/questionaires, in the form of a div. Also HTML 5 compatible with all the cross-browser compatibility one would expect.
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May 3, 2010
Okay I have a blank html page with the following in the head:
$(document).ready(function () {
url: 'include.html',
success: function(data){
My question is why isn't this working? that it's probablybecauseit's been loaded dynamically andif ($('#load').length) is not checking dynamic content - but how would Iamendthe if statement to also check dynamic content?
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Jan 4, 2011
I have been using YUI for the past 5 years and have begun to explore jQuery. One essential thing that I use is the YUI Dispatch plugin that allows for dynamic execution of ajax response content (i.e. js & css injection). Does jQuery or any of it's related plugins offer similar functionality to the YUI Dispatch plugin? Here is the link the the yui dispatcher for reference: [URL]
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Oct 31, 2010
I am echoing some dynamic content into a DIV based on form entries. The content is essentially a dynamic table, with results populated based on the user input. The user can further refine the database results by entering more data into other fields. All of this works fine. What I'd like to add is the ability to click on an <a> tag header on each column to sort by that column. I haven't gotten it to work, so I wanted to try a more simple test. I currently echo <a id='test' href='#'>Click Me</a> into the DIV set aside for AJAX response. I then setup a jquery .click() event monitor to simply alert me when I click on it. If I place this <a> tag in the main portion of the content that is static, I get the alert box. But when I put this into the content of the DIV tag generated dynamically by AJAX, it doesn't fire the alert. Is there something I need to do to 'reload' the page? Is the dynamically added content not part of the document since the entire page isn't reloaded?
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Jun 14, 2009
Dynamically loaded content (via JQuery's get method, for instance) seems unable to connect to a stylesheet that resides on the main page. I understand this is due to the fact that the dynamic content is not part of the DOM.
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Aug 14, 2009
I need to do an application similar with google maps but using jquery. i need to navigate into a set of images using left/right/up/down and zoom in/out. Do you have any idea about how can I do that? A link, tutorial , anything is useful.
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Nov 20, 2011
I've been trying to get this to work, but it will not load my test.html website into my div named Content, I also downloaded the demo found here :[URL]But I cant get that to work either, what am I doing wrong?
Here is my code. :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Apr 5, 2011
I am trying to get a content of a php page(Dynamic) with the help of Ajax by sending Get request to the server page.Like the script should fetch the content of server page (Can be changeable with time )into a certain div tag that i will define. I dont wanna use prototype.js to make the script little bit faster.
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Sep 29, 2005
I would like to build an HTML page that has four content areas. The first with 3 links that when clicked chage what is shown in the other 3 - and so changing the default content in these sections. The content for these sections will be contained in seperate HTML files sitting on the same server.
I understand this can be done without refreshing the page and believe JavaScript and Ajax is the best method to do this. Any advice?
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Jun 26, 2007
I'm sure some wizard will tell me this is a classic example of "piece of cake"; in which case I bow and promise to listen In case I've struck granite rock, feel free to throw questions my way and I'll tell you if I've tried it or not.
I have a file, main.php (I know this is the JS-forum, bear with me). It outputs HTML and inline Javascript functions. When the user clicks on a graphical "tab", that tab is activated, and an ajax call is made to fetch.php with some specific parameters. Once the ajax request has completed, a given innerHTML container on the now active tab is filled with the stuff that fetch.php outputs.
So far so good.
The problem is that the stuff that fetch.php outputs is partial pure HTML and partial inline javascript. And this is where it gets tricky. If I declare an inline javascript function in the returned data, Firefox (and I suspect MSIE) refuses to understand that the function is there. It simply doesn't exist (!).
Using the Web Developer add-on for Firefox, there's an option to look at "Source code" and "Generated source code". The output from these two differ in that when I view the "Generated source code", I see the dynamically inserted javascript/HTML from fetch.php, whereas viewing "just" the source doesn't.
What did I do wrong? How do I get the browser to find/accept/activate the javascript code/functions that were inserted dynamically? I cannot put them in a .js file and include it, since they need to be dynamically created, and I cannot use eval() since that executes javascript "as is", in which a function will not be executed unless called.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]....it's not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...
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Dec 10, 2010
Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.
Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.
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Sep 16, 2010
I'd like to place an AJAX call to load another SELECT menu in my form, and I'm having trouble finding a tutorial. For your Copying/Pasting pleasure :rolleyes:, here's an example button for which I'd include the onclick():
<button type="button" >Add</button>
And here's an example SELECT menu:
<select id="idNumber" name="weekday_1['workPeriod_new'][] >
<option value="1" >one</option>
<option value="2" >2</option>
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a jquery slideshow on a webpage. It works fine. No problem. how I could load the images by an XML file?
The code is:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
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Jun 15, 2010
I have preloaded the images i want to use into an array and want to cycle thruindefinitely each image in the array, and use the each function on the array. The array isvar imgs = [];
I have a div such as this
<div id="mydiv"></div>
& with current styling such as this -
background-image: url(myimg.jpg);
only the last image shows up... I am going around the bend ( turning green, red, and face rgb (255,255,255)
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Feb 2, 2010
At my whits end with trying to get jquery cycle to play nice with IE and pngs. I know its the opacity issue but I just can't tweak it.Can someone please suggest a better solution for my slideshow? Check the link below to see what I have now. i would like something similar that is also clean.http://vismarkgroup.com/dev/vision/
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Oct 5, 2011
I found a jquery image slideshow script but the images have no links to them. When I manually add the links to the image urls, these work only in IE - when I click next, the picture updates and is linked to the correct URL. In other browsers (Firefox, Chrome..), the last url becomes the clickable link for all the images. I have tried to use the .wrap option and I'm sure I'm on the right track, except I have 4 images and I want it to go to 4 different urls.it sought of works, but only the first url is picked up and becomes the link for all the images.How can I get the link reference for the url to iterate with the original loop of the image?
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Oct 27, 2010
I am having an issue with my slideshow images not always loading correctly and instead displaying just a thumbnail of the image. If I reload the page the image works correctly [code]...
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Mar 16, 2011
I am using jQuery with a Brightpearl website, except on one of our pages, (edit your address book page), the slideshow images, instead of fading one into the other as it should, decide to tile over the top of the page and don't fade at all. The input boxes show through, but not the submit button, so it renders the page useless.
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm creating a slider with the Cycle plugin and ran into a little bit of a road block.
What I want to do is simply have anchor links on my slideshow images, which I can get working just fine, except that when I add these anchor links, it removes my image caption (which worked prior to adding anchors on my images)
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May 24, 2011
I am looking to build a slideshow (basic, with next/previous options, e.g jquery cycle) but I would like it to get the images from a specific folder. So, whenever I want the slideshow updated, I would simply drop the files in a folder and that would do it.
Would this require a php script? If yes, direct me to somewhere to find out more...Or if there are other ways.
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Dec 18, 2005
This code dynamically resizes all the images in the slideshow to a static width and height, specified in the Customization section.
Other customization variables are available, as well.
It's useful for when your images are larger than 640x480 and manually resizing them is impractical, and especially if many of your users are on dial-up connections and the delay in preloading/loading "large" or many images would be annoying.
The slide images are displayed in a new, reused, centered window, just large enough to hold the image.
The code uses consecutive integers for the slide image file names, beginning with 1.jpg, etc.
You are not required to code each file by name, just rename your images and set the imgCount variable, in the Customization section, to the number of images in the show.
A .txt file is attached, which if saved as a .bat file, (remember those?), and when executed in folder containing .jpg files, will rename up to 100 of them to the required convention of consecutive integers, so long as the existing file names are at least three characters long.
The code generates a set of "controls," consisting of a Start/Resume button, Pause button, Cancel button, and a set of radio buttons for the user to dynamically select the slide interval from 2 to 10 seconds.
<script type="text/javascript">
// -------- Begin Resized Slideshow -------------
//--- Customization ------
var imgCount = 10; // number of images in the show
var textColor = "Blue";
var backColor = "#F0F8FF";
var btnColor = "lightblue"
var dispW = 400; // this is the width for the slide image
var dispH = 300; // this is its height
var imgPath = "Images/"; // use "" if the images are in the current directory
// --- End Customization -------
// --- Do not edit below this line -------
var useWidth = screen.width*.85;
var prevActive = "i5";
var leftStr = Math.round((screen.width-useWidth-36)/2);
var absStr = "Position:Absolute;Bottom:10px;Left:"+leftStr+"";
var userDelay = 0;
var tick = 0;
var count = 0;
var wStr = 0;
var hStr = 0;
var tStr = 0;
var lStr = 0;
var IMGStr = "";
var miscFlag = false;
var cancelFlag = false;
var pauseFlag = false;
var slideWindow = "";
function manageBtns(n){
if (n == 1) //start
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"
if (n == 2) //paused
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disable = false;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Resume Slideshow"
if (n == 3) //canceled
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"
if (n == 4) // done
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"
function cancelShow(){
count = imgCount;
cancelFlag = true;
self.status = "One Moment...";
tick = 0;
if (miscFlag == true){runShow()}
function pauseShow(){
tick = 0;
pauseFlag = true;
miscFlag = true;
function waitLoadImage(){
if (slideWindow.document.images[0].complete)
if (count < imgCount){countDown()}
else if (cancelFlag == true){runShow()}
else {setTimeout("waitLoadImage()",500)}
function displayIt(){
if(slideWindow == ""){slideWindow = window.open("","SlideShow","toolbar=0,status=1,"+tStr+","+lStr+","+wStr+","+hStr+"")};
slideWindow.status = "This is " + count + " of " +imgCount;
IMGStr = "";
function getNextimage() {
document.getElementById('nullIMG').src = imgPath + count + ".jpg";
wStr = document.getElementById('nullIMG').width;
offsetW = wStr;
wStr = wStr+20;
wStr = "width="+wStr;
hStr = document.getElementById('nullIMG').height;
offsetH = hStr;
hStr = hStr+20;
hStr = "height="+hStr;
lStr = (screen.width-50-offsetW)/2;
lStr = "left="+lStr;
tStr = (screen.availHeight-90-offsetH)/2;
tStr = "top="+tStr;
IMGStr = document.getElementById('dispIMG').innerHTML;
function closeLastImage(){
if (slideWindow.document.images[0].complete)
if (cancelFlag == true){isDelay = 1000}
else {isDelay = userDelay*1000}
count = 0;
else {setTimeout("closeLastImage()",500)}
function countDown(){
if (tick > 0){self.status = tick}
if (tick == 0 && (pauseFlag == false && cancelFlag == false)){self.status = "Loading Next Image...";}
if (tick >= 0)
setTimeout("countDown()", 1000);
else {runShow()}
function runShow() {
tick = userDelay-1;
if (count < imgCount && pauseFlag == false)
miscFlag = false;
if (pauseFlag == true)
self.status="Slideshow Paused at Image "
+count + " of " +imgCount + "."
pauseFlag = false;
if (count == imgCount && cancelFlag == false)
self.status = "Slideshow Is Complete."
if (count == imgCount && cancelFlag == true)
self.status = "Slideshow is Canceled."
cancelFlag = false;
pauseFlag = false;
miscFlag = false;
function updateInterval(Active) {
next = "i"+Active;
next = next.toString();
prevActive = next;
userDelay = Active;
tick = userDelay-1;
if (slideWindow != ""){slideWindow.focus()}
function buildSupport(){
var divStr = "<Div style='Position:Absolute;Top:-2000' id='dispIMG'><IMG Src='"+imgPath+"1.jpg' width="+dispW+" height="+dispH+" ID='nullIMG'></Div>"
function buildBox(){
var styleStr = "<Style type='text/css'>.cDiv {"+absStr+";Height:54pt;Padding-Left:0px; Padding-Right:0px;Padding-Top:6px;Padding-Bottom:6px;Margin-Right:4px;Margin-Left:6px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;Text-Indent:0px;Text-Align:None;width:"+useWidth+";Border-Top:#C0C0C0 1px solid;Border-Left:#C0C0C0 1px solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px solid;Border-Right:Black 1px solid;background-color:"+backColor+";}.iBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:5px;Padding-Right:3px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;} .nBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:0px;Padding-Right:5px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;}.nxBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Border-Right:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:0px;Padding-Right:5px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;} .cBtns{Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:"+btnColor+";Border-Right:Black 1px solid;Border-Top:White 1px Solid;Border-Left:White 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Cursor:Pointer;}</Style>";
var controlStr = "<Table cellspacing=Ɔ'><TD class='iBox' bgColor='moccasin'>SlideShow Interval:<TD class=nBox id =i2><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(2)'>2</TD><TD class=nBox id =i3><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(3)'>3</TD><TD class=nBox id =i4><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(4)'>4</TD><TD class=nBox id =i5 bgcolor='darkorange'><input type='radio' name='interval' checked onclick='updateInterval(5)'>5</TD><TD class=nBox id =i6><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(6)'>6</TD><TD class=nBox id =i7><input type='radio' name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(7)'>7</TD><TD class=nBox id =i8><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(8)'>8</TD><TD class=nBox id =i9><input type='radio' name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(9)'>9</TD><TD class=nxBox id =i10><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(10)'>10</TD></Table><Table><TD><input type='button' id='startBtn' class='cBtns' value='Start Slideshow' onClick='runShow()'></TD><TD><input type='button' id='pauseBtn' class='cBtns' value='Pause Slideshow' onClick='pauseShow()'></TD><TD><input type='button' id='cancelBtn' class='cBtns' value='Cancel Slideshow' onClick='cancelShow()'></TD></Table>"
var tblStr = "<DIV id='isFloat' class='cDiv' align='center'>"+controlStr+"</DIV>"
function initControls(){
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;
// ---- End Resized Slideshow ---------
<h3 align='center'>Resized Image Slideshow</h3>
<!-- Keep the following line as the LAST line in the BODY -->
<script type="text/javascript"> initControls()</script>
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May 2, 2010
I am javascript newbie. I have a slideshow on my site and it works fine if I type in the images for it to display, however I want to get the image files path from my database, so it shows all the photos.
Here is the code I am working with. I want to make all the image paths "images/photos/2.jpg" come from my database. I have tried adding php into it but it doesn't work.
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Apr 25, 2010
SlidShow to show more than 6 images at a time. Here is the development link: [URL] - there are 12 pictures but only 6 are showing there. Same with [URL] where is the setting to expand it to show ALL images I specify, not just the first 6?
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