Display A Calculation Result With A Thousands Separator?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to display a calculation result with a thousands separator (eg $1200 to $1,200).

what javascript code I can use to achieve this?

This is my 'calculate' button....

<a href="#TB_inline?height=360&width=380&inlineId=popup" class="thickbox" onClick="checkValue(); calculateTotal(); true" >
<input type="button" name="Button" value="OK" class="OK" /></a>


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Formatting Number With Thousands Separator

Jul 23, 2005

How would I format a number so that:

TheValue = 32500

Displays in the TextBox as: $32,500.00

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Display The Result Of The Calculation In The Textbox With Id Price?

Sep 19, 2009

This is my very first javascript (I have limited knowledge C++ and php). I am trying to make an instant quote calculator, but having some trouble.I want to display the result of the calculation in the textbox with id price.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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Pass Database Query Result For Calculation?

Feb 25, 2009

i having problem on passing the database query result to the javascritpt for calculation.i doing a program that need to calculate the total_price for the purchase items. i use getString to get the foodID, f_item and the unit_price from database, then i need to use the unit_price for doing the calculation in javascript. after get the data from database, the unit_price is used to multiple with the qty that user input to calculate the total_price.since there are several row of data get from database, so user need to enter the qty for each item and then press [Calculate_db] button to perform the calculated result. hence, the total_price for each item is calculated and the sum of all the total_price also being calculated and display in the page.now, i having problem on pass the unit_price to the javascript for calculation.

<form name="formCalc2">


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Finding End Result With Checkboxes / Radio Buttons In One Calculation

Feb 27, 2009

Having trouble calculating the final cost of choices made by a user. I have 4 radio buttons and 2 checkboxes. The first three radio buttons are, all intensive purposes, chocolates with the last radio button stating that the user doesn't want any of the chocolates. The two checkboxes are a milkshake and candyfloss respectively. The user may only choose one of the three chocolates and optionally the milkshake, candyfloss or both.

What I have so far is as follows:
Javascript code
function calc(sec,val,item)
if(!item) {
var item = null;

case 1:
Some code for a different function.

case 2:
cValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("purchaseTotal").value);
document.getElementById("purchaseTotal").value = cValue+val;
document.getElementById("purchaseTotal").value = cValue-val;
} break;
} }
<td>Chocolate 1: ZAR 5.00</td>
<td><input name="chocolate" type="radio" id="chocolate" value="" onClick="calc(2,5.00, this);">
<td> </td>
<td>Chocolate 2: ZAR 5.00</td>
<td><input name="chocolate" type="radio" id="chocolate" value="" onClick="calc(2,5.00, this);">
<td> </td>
<td>Chocolate 3: ZAR 1 200.00</td>
<td><input name="chocolate" type="radio" id="chocolate" value="" onClick="calc(2,5.00, this);">
<td> </td>
<td>I do not wish to buy a chocolate.</td>
<td><input name="chocolate" type="radio" id="chocolate" value="" onClick="calc(2,0, this);">
<td> </td>
<td>Milkshake: ZAR 13.00</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="milkshake" id="milkshake" value="" onClick="calc(2,13.00, this);"></td>
<td> </td>
<td>Candyfloss: ZAR 8.00</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="candyfloss" id="candyfloss" value="" onClick="calc(2,8.00, this);"></td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="3" align="right" valign="top">Total ZAR <input name="purchaseTotal" type="text" id="purchaseTotal" value="0"></td>

What happens at the moment is that clicking on one radio button doesn't subtract the amount from the previous selected radio button and clicking on the same radio button just keeps adding its value to the total. I'd like it to do the opposite and not add to the total if clicked repeatedly and if another radio button is selected the amount of the previous radio button must be deducted from the total.

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Check Box Values Calculation + Display?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm creating this form that when you tick a checkbox, it adds the value of that checkbox to the running total. Then it displays the Calculation and Running total.

<script type="text/javascript">[code]....

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Display Calculation In Surrency Format

Jun 29, 2005

I am really new to Javascript and I have mutteled trough this form and about the onyl thing I have left to do is to get the TOTAL to display in Currency format and not just 4356.548

It needs to look like this:

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Display Form Result In Same Div?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm working on a form which would display the result in the same div that the form is.

Here is my code so far:

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<textarea name="html">

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Display Result Without Refresh?

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to update my PHP CART without having the page refreshed! Here is a part of my code... I will just use the UPDATE_QUANTITY part (there are ADD & Remove)My Form that holds the quantity:

<form name="upd_itm" id="upd_itm" action="cart_function.php" method="post">
<span class="text"><input name="quantity" type="text" value="' . $each_item['quantity'] . '" size="1" maxlength="2" style="text-align: center;"/>[code]....

Can I make it update my quantity in that Quantity text field?

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Display Result On Same Page?

Oct 2, 2010

When I hit the submit button, the result are display on a new page. how do I force it to stay on the same page, here's my code.


<TITLE>Test Input</TITLE>
<script type="text/javascript">


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Ajax :: Display Mysql Php Result?

Nov 20, 2011

I am not a javascript programmer, however are checking as I would like to investigate if I can do following:

I have a calculator that check the price for the properties for a choosen date, I use php and mysql to get the result and the result are displayed on the same page refreshing the page using this in the form: action="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']?>#formdestination">

I know you can print the result using ajax or other javascripts to do this without having to refresh the page and jump to the result.

Was doing a research and I quckly found this link:[URL]..It does not look so complicated, however as I can see the form is done in javascript so I suppose if you have javascript disabled you cant use the calculator.

I would like to have a non javascript solution with the way I am doing it to work if javascript is disabled. An exampel of the calculator can be viewed on this link for exampel:[URL]..

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Cant Get Form To Calculate An Display Result?

Nov 4, 2009

So I decided on my midterm project its going to be a simple gas/trip calculator that calculates the cost of the trip with regards to price of gas an how many miles your going. I am just learning how to use the DOM so please be nice with me lol. Anyway I understand how to grab a field from a form an slap it into a variable but what i cant figure out is how to make the result appear in the result input field. So Here is my code.

Gas & Distance Calculator
Author: Kevin Grissom


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Display The Result Of The Factorial Number?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm just want to display the result of the factorial number, but i keep trying and nothing happend i think it has something to do with my function.

input {width:30px}


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Function To Sum And Display The Two Forms Result Into One?

Sep 10, 2009

i have two forms result and i need a function to sum and display the two forms result into one

function sum() {


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Display Form Result In Iframe On Different Page

Jan 29, 2010

I have a page A with form:

<form id="search" action="find.html" method="get">
... (some select options) ...
<input type="submit" class="submit" value="search">

this form look up some holiday destination which appears on this page with url: [URL] Now, I dont want to display result on this page, but on page B, in iframe.I found a way how to redirect output as a link to properly show in iframe on page B.

Page A contains:

<a href="pageb.html?http://www.domain.com/find.html?destination=italy&price=500">show on page B</a><br>
Page B contains:
<script type="text/javascript">


In this case page B will properly load requested link in iframe.Problem is it is just a static link... I want to display search result from the form.

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Hit The Submit Button, The Result Are Display On A New Page?

Oct 2, 2010

When I hit the submit button, the result are display on a new page. how do I force it to stay on the same page, here's my code.


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Concatenate Two Prompts And Display The Result In An Alert Box

Mar 29, 2010

I am going to concatenate these 2 input values together and display the result in an alert box. These two input are from two prompts.


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Multiple Drop Downs That Display Result ?

Jul 30, 2010

I'm struggling to find a script that's probably quite simple but being a newbie please excuse my naivity.

Anyway I'm trying to create some drop downs that display a result.


Drop Down 1:

Drop Down 2:

Then displayed just underneath them is the resulting price (e.g. �1,490) of the combination selected. Does that make sense?

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JQuery :: Datepicker With Range - Send Values To Php Script And Display The Result?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a date picker with a textbox input for 'from' and 'to' the page loads with default values which display in the textboxes.What I want to do is: when the page loads, these values are sent to my SQL server, the server checks for entries that are within the range, then reports back on the page the results.Subsequent changes to either from or to dates should result in a similar call to the server for validation. no submit button, just change date = changed output.I figure the best way to do this is with AJAX. So I have a date picker, but how do I send the results to a PHP file to do what it will with them? And once the php file is done with them, how do I put the results back on my HTML page?Now for some code:

In <head>

So that's all the code that makes my Range Select date picker. My question is very similar to http:[url]....with-ajax-and-jquery-datepicker except that I probably lack even more knowledge than that OP - I need a step-by-step baby solution to how this all works.Where in my code does the $.ajax() function go? How do I handle two dates, not just one? How do I get the output on screen? Finally, in my PHP script, would this at least provide me output?

$from_date = $_GET['from_date'];
$to_date = = $_GET['to_date'];[code]...

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Foreign Langauge Arrray Element Separator

May 24, 2006

When I create an array I use commas as the separator between elements of
the array e.g [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] but what happens with languages that use
commas as a number's "decimal point"? e.g. [1,1, 2,2 , 3,3] is now a 6
element array.

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JQuery :: Select Last Record From 'thousands Of Records' Using Sql?

Dec 19, 2008

I want to select the last record from thousands of records, how to write the SQL query for that.

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Count The Number Of Names On Basis Of Separator?

May 11, 2009

i need to write a function that counts the number of names seperated by a '/'for example if i write aashish/ankush in a field the number returned should be 2

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Load CSV, Remove Columns, Dynamically Populate Menus & Display Filtered Result?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a new and seemingly huge new project to work onWe have a database that our database administrator is willing to run a script on nightly.The result of this action will be a CVS file containing information that is specific to my departments needs.At first, I need to present visitors to my site with a way to pear the data down to a more manageable sizePrior to displaying the CSV file contents, I thought I would display a set of column headers with checkboxes. Using the checkboxes, I'd like to give visitors to my site the ability to decide which columns of data they want to hide or display.

After they've made their selections and pressed an "OK" button, I'd like to display the remaining contents of the CSV file as a table in a seperate windowThe next part is very Excel like..At the top of each column, I'd like to include a series of drop down menus that visitors to my site can use to filter the list further.In my case, I don necessarily know every possible value for any given column. For example, imagine that one column contains city, another state and the third contains zip code. I could assume all 50 states in the union, however the actual data might also include Puerto Rico and the US Virgin islands. Or I might assume every zipcode in the US, however the actual data might include zip codes for Canada, etc... For this reason, I would like to populate the drop down menus dynamically.

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Moving Hundreds To Thousands Of Drawn Lines Simultaneously.

Oct 22, 2010

I'm one of the main developers from [URL](which is a gaming website), One of our main games is Free rider 2, Which we have converted to run via a database so people don't have to manually send around track codes so other people can evaluate their tracks. I am trying to build a track previewer in html5/javascript which will eventually replace our current one written in flash (which lags terribly on large tracks)

I am stuck on 1 thing though, With the larger tracks there are up to thousands of lines that are drawn using lineTo() moveTo() etc. And when i move using the arrow keys, It requires the javascript to reload the track, and parse every single line again, Causing the screen to turn white whilst it does so.

Is there a way i can use a similar method to the way it has been done in the flash version, where it is in a movieclip, which then instead of moving each line, it moves the movieclip instead.

<script type="application/javascript">
var offsetx = -133;


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JQuery :: Display The Result Of Ajax Call As Html String And Not Plain String?

Dec 25, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to return ajax call as html value and not plain text, ie all html formatting will be displayed.

My code:

<script src="jquery.js">


String returned from webform4.aspx is html formatted but jquery displayed it as plain text. Is that anyway to display it as html string ?

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Numbers From A Text Box For Calculation

Mar 7, 2006

I have the two text boxes on a form, both of which a user enters a
number. I simple need to ADD THESE UP!

I know, its daft, but no matter what I do, it just adds them together.

Example: 1+1 is clearly 2, but it outputs 11!

An example of my code:

var loan = document.loandata.loan.value;
var other = document.loandata.other.value;

total = (loan+other);

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