Delete The Rows Data?
Sep 16, 2011how to delete the rows data. Below is my js source code to insert the row data.
how to delete the rows data. Below is my js source code to insert the row data.
I have a HTML table with 800 rows. How can I delete rows that has no Activity & no $ in JavaScript(Red Colored Rows)? Please note I can have 1 or more than 1 assessments with 1 or more than 1 activity. Sample data.
BelaTorontoFirst AssessmentActivity 110
AsifTorontoFirst Assessment
I have a HTML table with 800 rows. How can I delete rows that has no Activity & no $ in JavaScript(Orange Colored Rows)? note I can have 1 or more than 1 assessments with 1 or more than 1 activity. Sample data.
BelaTorontoFirst AssesmentActivity 110
AsifTorontoFirst Assesment
for(var i = document.getElementById("tableId").rows.length; i > 0;i--)
document.getElementById("tableId").deleteRow(i -1);
I had to write this because it took me an hour to find out the error about deleting rows from an html table by javascript.
If you do this it generates an error :
for(var i = 0; i <document.getElementById("tableId").rows.length; i++)
document.getElementById("tableId").deleteRow(i -1);
The code above wont delete all the rows because "i" is not set back to 0 although the table rows' index will be set again beginning from zero after any row is deleted from the table.
how to delete all rows of table with javascript?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf the user wants more places for inputs I want them to be able to click "Add a User" link that will add more rows...I have some code I found but it is only good for one row and they need the option of adding multiple rows.
function toggle() {
if( document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display=='none' ){
Recently I have learn how to delete rows from a table, but I was trying to do it by mean of the row id, and I could do it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a table in which I have 3 columns. On the firs row, last column contain a button "save". On clicking Save, the button saved is changed to a delete button and it has to insert a new row above the row.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFIRST.:
when i create new rows, the function $("#test table tr").not(':first').mouseover(function(){
I have a table with about 20rows, which contain a checkbox and a bit of text each. What I'm trying to find a way to do is to have delete button at the bottom of the page.When i clicked on DELETE button, it should delete records of checked checkbox rows. I need to delete all the table rows which contain CHECKED textboxes.and remaining checkboxes should be displayed. And we should keep remaining checkboxes in ARRAYLIST.
I need to do this in JavaScript (which is what I'm having trouble with) / if in rear case JSP is accepted- I've been able to get bits of it to work at various times, but I'm running out of time.
I have some JQuery that makes an Ajax call and then adds some rows to an existing table.
LoadDestinationTable() {
$("#destinationTable tr:gt(0)"[code]...
The problem is that the only place where the click event fires is on the rows that were added when the page was 1st rendered – the th, for example.I also tried adding an onclick event handler to the input button’s creation – that also does not fire.
I have taken from internet a script that adds and removes rows but I made a little changes to that script that is renumbering rows after deleting. I can delete all rows by selecting at once except firts row. For ex. I have added 10 rows and I chose 9-th of them I delete them with no problem. but when I choose the first row it deletes one by one and displays error. If possible Why the error displays when choosing first row (no matter only first row or all rows with the first row also). My script is below:
<TITLE> Add/Remove dynamic rows in HTML table </TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">
var rowCount = 0;
function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
var z=table.rows.length;
var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); .....
This is my code to add and delete dynamic rows and auto calculate the amount field by multiplying qty and rate.
I wasn't sure if this should go in the JavaScript or PHP forum, so I decided JavaScript.
I have created a site that has a form where the user can create as many rows as wanted. I really have no idea how I can then get this information to use in PHP.
Here is my JavaScript function creating the rows code...
I read something about naming each element something such as 'el[]' and then iterating through it on the PHP side, but that didn't make much sense to me. I have only been using PHP for a few weeks now so I'm pretty new.
jquery and a button delete, for remove rows of database.The problem is that I do not know how must input checkbox by clickable with click delete button sent to php code?my jquery code:
PHP Code:
$("#tableeven tr")
A page I'm working on lets users open a new window, which in turn lets them send data back to the parent page to create new table rows, cells, links, etc. One of the links created is "delete", so it should delete the row that the delete link belongs to when clicked on. I can do this no problem in ff using the setAttribute('onclick',onClickEvent), but can't do this in IE. I'll show some code to make this easier to understand....
I created a form where users are allowed to delete a specific row of data by clicking the "cancel" button from the drop down menu. However, I have a problem deleting my data using the javascript. Apparently, I only able to delete the first row of the data but not for the rest!
i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI realize this script and I do not know where to begin:
1) A simple grid rows / columns.
2) The first column contain an input type = "checkbox"
3) When select the input type, the line should change color than the other rows, and you should open a popup window.
For points 1, 2 you are OK. Point 3 is the difficulty.
(cant change typo in subject "my" "by") I have a script that deletes a model inside my client by a name however I only want it to delete once. here is my script:
if ( == itsdoof){
var shape_info = o3djs.picking.createShapeInfo(shape, sketchup
the var shape_info = o3djs.pic..... bit is the script that deletes so ignore that however where it has if ( == name) is there anyway to make it only pick up one and not all of them?
here's the code
<div class="artworkdelete">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="del_<?=$artworkDetails['artwork_id'] ?>_<?=$temp_cat_id; ?>" onclick="deleteThisArtWork(">Delete</a>
that's actually a "Delete" link , when I click it, there's a some sort of loading animation like stuff , similar to the thing that appears when one clicks the edit button of a thread here in this forum..then and it deletes the data and doesn't need to refresh the page, i guess it is's not my code.. now I was asked to alter it and use a pop up box to ask the clicker "Yes" or "No" before deleting the data , what or how to change that code snippet i pasted above
i use the following to add a line. how can i delete the last line?
oDiv = document.getElementById("MyDiv");
oDiv.innerHTML = oDiv.innerHTML + string;
I have the following...
<a href='NEEDCOEHERE'>delete row</a>
How could I delete the current row that the href is a part of? I would
like to try to stay away from using IDs.
I have a 4row x 1col table, I would like to drop all the content of row
three. Since Mac IE5.2 does not suppport deleteRow method, I have also try to set the innerHTML='' but it does not work. How can I delete the node from DOM in other way?
<textarea name="vtext" id="vtext">
<img width="10" height="20" src="http://sito/14.jpg" />
with del I can delete image, how I can know when by keyboard delete the image?
When somebody logoff I clear few cookies that I set from my clents browser. I was wondering is there a way to write a javascript so that it also clear cooke set by someone else from the broswer.Suppose there is a cookie name LoginIBM can I clear that one too?
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