So I decided to create a cool nav menu using <ul> tags and javascript. I input all the code but it is not doing what I want it to do. The menu is horizontal and consists of links in the following order: HOME, SITE SHOWCASE, FREE QUOTES, TESTEMONIALS. the java code has two graphics, on for mouse over and one for mouse out. For some reason the mouse over only works for the last item TESTIMONIALS and the mouse over image for testimonials shows up when my mouse is anywhere on the menu, not just that item![code]
I am trying to create a specific menu using jQuery where i want to toggle a clicked menu item. I used toggleClass to accomplish this. All fine and well, but what i want is that once i click a menu item, the previously clicked item should have the active state/class toggled off.. The menu is variable. (I tried and tried and searched all over the internet, but i cannot find it... spent 5 hours trying to combine various selectors and if/else statements, but it did'nt work.)
I have a javascript that loads images on the page based on the date you select from a drop down menu. So the images are displayed dynamically, however they are numbered 1 through 20.Is there a way I can add a title tag to the images that will display on mouseover?Here's the page I am working on. I want to add title tags to the six images on the right side of the page. They change based on the date selected.
Well after much trial and error I come asking for help. I am trying to write a greasemonkey script that scans a page for all the values between certain <td> tags. When I used firebug it shows what I am looking for as <td class="username">THEUSERNAME</td> but when I view the source it just shows up as <td>THEUSERNAME</td> I want to create an array of the 100 <td>'s on the page that pertain to usernames but none of the other <td>'s
I created a test page that mimicked the code, what I thought origionally, to be so I could test my script with ease. And it worked when there was an actually <td class="username">
This is what I have so far:
// ==UserScript== // //Displayable Name of your script // @name EXAMPLE
I want use two jquery tags menu in one page.I tested each one alone, even more than 10 pages, they all loading correctly. When I open the page, then can stay in the div position they should stay.But when I conbain them together, there will be caused that when I open the page, the pictures will drop down untill all the pictures have been loaded. Then they come back to the position where they should stay.
I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.
The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.
I think I can make a good interesting list of postings under this subject header, 'All browsers are cool but IE.'
Anyway, the following code will show a table with an input box labeled, 'name', on all browsers (Gecko, KHTML, Opera) except IE. Is there anybody ever hit on this issue before?
I need to create a menu on my page, which will have two headings then when you click a heading a submenu tree appears moving like you would see in windows explorer on the left hand side only I need this in my page.
I am still having trouble creating the Select Menu option. I got parts of the correct syntax but it is still not creating the selected carrier as an option in the parent page.
Help apprecitate,. I currently have it commented out just to show the line to you better:
function onCarrierSelect() { var frm = document.carrRequestForm.carrierList.selectedIndex ; var selectCar = document.carrRequestForm.carrierList.options[frm].text; var varEl = "<%=varElementName%>"; if (window.opener && !window.opener.close) var oOption = window.opener.document.createElement("OPTION"); //window.opener.form.[varEl].options.add(oOption); oOption.innerText =selectCar; oOption.value =selectCar; window.close(); }
Basically, I am trying to create a drop down menu that, when a link is chosen, instead of leading to an external page will make information appear underneath... is this possible, and if so, how?
I am trying to find out how to create a drop-down menu in a form that when for example "Option 1" is selected a second drop-down menu appears with further options that are specific to the first option. For example;
I am trying build tripple drop down list using JQUERY .still i can't do it.1st drop down menu(click option )---->load 2nd drop down in to same page----->load 3rd drop down in to same page(1st menu selected value go to jquery function and it is parsed to
I am using the jQuery plugin to create slideshow and also a accordion menu. Slideshow: [URL] The accordion menu is not working if the slideshow is working. I am new to this jQuery world.
The below is the HTML script <html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="nested.accordion.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#main").accordion({ .....
In the above script, slideshow is working fine but the accordion is not working. If I comment the lines 5, 16, 17,18 then the accordion is working but slideshow is not working. There is no errors thrown.
I am using JQuery to create sliding line under menu effect. I have written the code but can't figure out couple of things. I have attached my code. I would like to make the sliding effect more smooth but the most important thing that I can't figure out is how to make the scroller div scroll back to its original position on mouse out.