I'm not terribly familiar with JavaScript, and was hoping someone more experienced could tell me if this is correct, and if so, were do i put this code? Also, I'm trying ot mix it in with a PHP echo(' <script> '); php code block.
Have some thumbnails that when clicked, pops up the full-sized image.
The thing is this: Each image will be a different size. I want the pop-up window to have the dimension of each full size image with no padding, etc... So what's the best solution to this in javascript?
Is there a way to open a link in a new window. That is presized? not a new tab, but a completely new window that would be set to like 600x800 for example? and at the same time pass this? The W3C Markup Validation Service
I am after a simple div scroller that scrolls text up/down within a fix sized div, with two scroll buttons that can be set to hover/click, I have found a load that use it for <li> tags or images and scrolls only up by set amount, but I would like this for text etc.
I am using mouse x,y onclick in one div (if mouse is in one set of coordinate range) to determine whether or not to show/hide another div, and am stumped as to how to compensate for the user changing page size, as the coordinates change. Is there an absolute xy, regardless of page/text size, or code to compensate for it? What is going on here is I have flash that I have no control over (wix) and I need to show Html (which wix doesn't), so I am having to determine if the user is over a certain button in the swf which I put in a div to give me some control over the flash. I'm using on click to bring the HTML to the front in a certain position, while the flash does its animation thing.
I've never worked with Ajax before but I've been reading up on it and done some basic tutorials and am comfortable with the concept of asynchronous communication and how everything works from a technical communication perspective. That being said I have no idea where to start on this project which seems like it should be fairly simple. 1. the browser will have a "working area" which is a rectangle of some decent size, there will be a toolbar of objects on the left hand side. This work area should be shown as a grid that the objects will be placed into.The size of this grid (basically the gridlines) will need to be generated automatically based on user input (also the size of the components/objects that will be dragged in and the size of the rectangle) if it is too large (say 500) i'd like a way to pan around and zoom in as well... 2. For simplicity say there are 2 components: Available, unavailable and an erase feature. 3. each object when dragged to the working area should create an object that has some properties (handled programatically from input elsewhere on a simple form) I will be placing these in a database server side. 4. I'd like to be able to drag across the grid to continuously add the selected object and I'd like to be able to click a button on the edge of the grid to fill in the entire row with the objects. From everything I've read on this it seems like this should be somewhat easy but again I don't know what framework to use to start. I'll be putting this in a drupal site and integrating it with a few modules if that makes a difference (i think that part of the programming will be separate from whatever specific implementation I use to get this Ajax part up though)
Not what i would like but the client wants the browser re-sized on the site loading/refreshing... Been using the following and it works fine.... apart from in Safari. how i can get it working in Safari, or no chance?
I'll have a button in page ... and when i click it .. content of a div
tag has to be get selected (i.e what we normally do with mouse to selecting some part of a page).. then i can do CTRl+C to copy the selected div content.. to paste it in MS Word or in any other external application..
i ve tried the select + copy + paste sequence with the use of temporary text area element to store the innerHTML of Div tag and copied to Clipboard. but while pasting the selected content in MS word it appears like the textual tags not html formatted.. but when u do the
same with mouse clicks and drags u get the formatted pasting in ms word. why? is it possible to just let to user to select a div while clicking a button, pressing ctrl+c to copy and paste the content in another application(ms word etc)?.
I have a page where I am using JQuery to load text into a DIV when you click on a button. Each button loads different text into an existing DIV. I need to be able to give people a link to the page that will preload certain text when they get there.
For instance, there is default text in the DIV when you go to mypage.html, however if you click on 'button_1' it loads different text. I want to be able to have a link that will automaticall have 'button_1' text loaded if i give them a link like mypage.html#button_1 (or something along those lines) How do I do that?
In my webpage is a div where the maincontent of the page is loaded in via Ajax. Now of course whenever I apply the browser refresh butten that content initializes.
I am running a website and I want to display many things on the same page. Currently what I have is something like this: [two buttons here][some code here, showing][some code here, hiding]When i click the second button, the hidden code replaces the code that was just showing. The first button then re-hides that code and shows the first code again. What I want to do is combine the two buttons so that when you click the first one, the text and hyperlink will change to display that of the second button. And when you click the button again, it will change to the text and hyperlink of the first button.
But when I click the browser backward button and it goes back to the page I was, its content remains faded out, which is kind of awkward.. I just want the page content fading in again if the browser backward button is clicked.
when you have a page that contains an iframe, and then navigate inside the iframe, hitting the browsers back button will only affect the contents of the iframe and not the entire page. I've been searching all over for solutions and cant find one that works for my current implementation.
function ShowPage(frame) { frames[0].location = frame+'.html' frame.contentWindow.location.replace(newUrl); } [Code]...
I'm using jCarousel Lite to power a content slider on a site. It has been working great, but I now have the need for a pause button to pause the auto rotation of the slides. I'd like to attach the pause function to an anchor tag. This feature is not built into the plugin currently and my attempts to contact the author have failed.Here is the code on in my html...
i have a website with content on specific pages i need some sort of JS soloution which will fetch an ID/Keyword out of the page content so when a button is clicked it finds the ID/keyword and directs the user to a specific form/page.
I want to test if I get a overflow in a fixed sized div and in that case add 'overflow:scroll' to the div. I guess there is a way to check if a generated contents (from PHP) will create an overflow but how?
I have one long text field in HTML to feed text as input in my page. the entered text will be shown as output text after some operations.In this context, i need to display few text(say 200 chars) only and i need to provide READMORE link/button which would show me the complete content of that text field. I need to achieve this shortly!
I'm looking for something, preferably JQuery, that will let me load new content (blog posts) when "View More" is clicked. Something with a smooth animated motion would be nice. Any tutorials or info on what this technique is called?
I have a problem with adding new inputs to a form (if and when required),Internet Explorer is fine but in Firefox if any previous input fields are filled when the more button is clicked they get reset to blank.JS:
fields = 0; function addInput() { if (fields != 100) {
1) Script Title: Ajax Tabs Content Script (v 2.2) and Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI
2) Script URL (on DD): [URL]
3) Script URL of Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI [URL]
4) Script URL of my implementation of both script. [URL]
5) Problem: I've integrated the featured content slider in one of the default content section of the tab menu as you can see on the link on point 4. The slider is working perfectly when until i click on other tab menu and then back tab menu 1. The slider seize to work no more and worst the other featured content slides are appearing below the first one.
I have previously developed two scripts, both of which work really well, however I want to amalgimate them together if possible? My first script loads the content specified into a single div, replacing the content depending on which function is called, it also displays a loading gif during a timeout of 2 seconds. Here is the page:
The content is coming from an Ajax request. The content gets used more than once on the page for other purposes which is why I don't simply change the iframe src--I have to do an ajax request regardless so I'm trying to avoid multiple calls.
After I load the content, I need modify the height of the iframe so it fits snuggly around the content.
Calculating the height isn't a problem with the exception that it's not always correct and I think it's because the calculation is happening before images have downloaded.
I don't seem to be able to rely on a `load` or `ready` event to delay the calculation. The load event is the only one that tiggers on a change of iframe content, but it doesn't see the new content.