I have a logo jpg and then a jpg which is a solid blue line. I am trying to make my javascript menu load underneath these two. I have put the src="menu.js" after the two jpg's in the code but it always loads above them in the browser.
Is there a way of getting my menu as the third item down from the top or will javascript always load to the top?
I'd like to create a custom logo (don't know what yet) that represents the pieces of my project so that a user can click on a piece of the logo and have that associated panel brought forth. I'm not sure how to go about doing this so could someone point me in the right direction?
However, I am currently working on a banner that rotates through images via javascript that I want to have in the background under css and still be able to display a logo from within the HTML code. As shown above, that is easy with a picture, but how do you call the javascript and then its ID from within the HTML?
Say I have a website, that I want to use an iframe with. Would be possible, to use Javascript to change the logo image of an iframe of myspace (just for the example), to one on my site? So switch the logo of myspace with one on my server? Is this possible?
function stage1(){ start = setInterval("anilogo('visibility','visible','stage2()')",100); } function stage2(){ created2 = created.split(","); start = setInterval("anilogo('background','black','stage3()')",100); } function stage3(){ created2 = created.split(","); start = setInterval("anilogo('background','green','stage4()')",100); } function stage4(){ created2 = created.split(","); start = setInterval("anilogo('visibility','hidden','')",100); }
this is where the animation stuff is controled. If you want it should be pretty easy to figure out. Otherwise I will look through it later and figure it out...
I try to implement a picture as a cluetip that should show up when the user touches the homepage logo. I tried different things but did not make it properly. the logo had an awful border in the colors of the links and in Firefox 3 the cluetip did not show.
This script creates a motion blur effect of a moving object - Downgrades very well with others.
You must look at a sample to see what it is and how nice it is. All you need to do is put the code bellow in the body section of your page... Instructions are in the code to change properties...
Go to http://free.7host04.com/logocurve/index.html for the LogoCurve generator to view samples and work out what you need - It makes life a LOT easier!! :)
Hope you enjoy! David :thumbsup:
<script language="JavaScript"> <!--Hide /* LOGO CURVE Version 3.2 24.01.2003 Writen by David Bann - South Africa e-mail: david@ftgconsulting.co.za
Feel free to use this code, but please email me the website it is used on, and leave this commenting in tact. Thank you! Please let me know of any bugs or if you edit the script.
Additions since version 3.1: - Added chengeable formulas for curve. - Added changeable event at which the script is initiated.
Things to come: - Better use of layers - will use less layers, but still get same effect... (User will be able to specify how many layers to be used, adding more functionality and effects, as well as performance) - I want to add an option of document boundaries for the curve,as to stop the logo from going out of the document and dissapearing totaly. - Fade to work in browsers other then IE. */
//----------------------- Start Customizable Variables -----------------------// //=== Positioning ===// var left = 0;// Starting left position var top = 20;// Starting left position
//=== Curve and Distance ===// var topInc = 5;// Incriment of top position var leftInc = 5;// Incriment of left position
/* Make both the horizontal curve and the vertical curve the same to.. .. get an increasing gap with no curve. */ var hor_curve = 20;// Horizontal curve - 0 for no curve var ver_curve = -20;// Vertical curve - 0 for no curve
//=== Timing and Other ===// var noTimes = 50;// Number of times the picture is shown var waitTime = 1;// Time delay
var layer = 2;// Layer level var picture = 'smalllogo.gif'// Picture to display (Smaller images work better)
var start_retracted= true;// Start the image retracted (true / false) var retract= true;// Retract from behind after expanding (true / false)
//=== Fade options (Only IEusers see fade) ===// var fade = true;// Gradual Fade (true / false) - Only works if retract =true var fd_destop = 0;// Destination transparency level (ie 80, for mostly solid) var fd_rate = 10;// Time in milliseconds between trasparency changes (best under 100) var fd_delta = 5;// Amount of change each time (ie 5, for 5% change in transparency)
var event_init = 'onClick'// Event at which the script is initiated var left_formula = '(left + leftInc) + ((count/100) * hor_curve)'// Left position formula var top_formula = '(top + topInc) + ((count/100) * ver_curve)'// Top position formula //----------------------- End Customizable Variables -----------------------// //--------------------- DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS POINT! ---------------------//
var count = 0; var count2 = 0; var timeOutVal = waitTime * 10; var txt; var image; var imageName; var lay = new Array;
function addLayer(){ left = eval(left_formula); top = eval(top_formula);
function logoCurveInit(){ while (count < noTimes) { addLayer(); count++; } count = 0;
if (!start_retracted) animate(); }
function animate(){ if (start_retracted) { if (!retract){ if (count > 0){ setTimeout('animate()',timeOutVal);
count--; } } else{ if (count >= 0){ setTimeout('animate()',timeOutVal);
if (count != 0) fadeImage();
count--; } }
if (retract){ if(count==0) retractIt(); } } else{ if (count < noTimes){ setTimeout('animate()',timeOutVal);
if (count != noTimes-1 && retract) fadeImage();
count++; }
if (retract){ if (count == noTimes) retractIt();
} } }
function replay(){ if ((count == noTimes || (count == 0 || count == -1)) &&(count2 == noTimes-1 || count2 == 0)){ start_retracted = !start_retracted; // Make the value opposite of what it is
function retractIt(){ if (start_retracted) { // If the logo is not retracted (showing all the layers) if (count2 > 0){ setTimeout('retractIt()',timeOutVal); lay[count2].hideIt(); count2--; } } else{ // If the logo is retracted (Only showing the first layer) if (count2 < noTimes-1){ setTimeout('retractIt()',timeOutVal); lay[count2].hideIt(); count2++; } } }
function fadeImage(){ if (fade){ if (count >= 0 && count <= noTimes){ image = document.images['Image' + count]; nereidFade(image,fd_destop,fd_rate,fd_delta); } } }
function make_all_visible(){ for (var i = 0; i< noTimes ; i++){ if (document.images['Image' + i].style.MozOpacity){ document.images['Image' + i].style.MozOpacity=100; } else if (document.images['Image' + i].filters) { document.images['Image' + i].filters.alpha.opacity = 100; } } } ////***************(DHTMLCentral.com)****************//// function check_browser(){ this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1 this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1 this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6||this.ie5||this.ie4||this.ns4||this.ns6||this.opera5) return this } bw=new check_browser() function show_message(txt){alert(txt); return false} function lib_obj(obj,nest){ if(!bw.bw) return show_message('Old browser') nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.' this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj): bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; if(!this.evnt) return show_message('The layer does not exist ('+obj+')' +'- If your using Netscape please check the nesting of your tags!') this.css=bw.dom||bw.ie4?this.evnt.style:this.evnt; this.ref=bw.dom||bw.ie4?document:this.css.document; this.x=parseInt(this.css.left)||this.css.pixelLeft||this.evnt.offsetLeft||0; this.y=parseInt(this.css.top)||this.css.pixelTop||this.evnt.offsetTop||0 this.w=this.evnt.offsetWidth||this.css.clip.width|| this.ref.width||this.css.pixelWidth||0; this.h=this.evnt.offsetHeight||this.css.clip.height|| this.ref.height||this.css.pixelHeight||0 this.c=0 if((bw.dom || bw.ie4) && this.css.clip) { this.c=this.css.clip; this.c=this.c.slice(5,this.c.length-1); this.c=this.c.split(' '); for(var i=0;i<4;i++){this.c[i]=parseInt(this.c[i])} } this.ct=this.css.clip.top||this.c[0]||0; this.cr=this.css.clip.right||this.c[1]||this.w||0 this.cb=this.css.clip.bottom||this.c[2]||this.h||0; this.cl=this.css.clip.left||this.c[3]||0 this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this") return this } lib_obj.prototype.showIt = function(){this.css.visibility="visible"} lib_obj.prototype.hideIt = function(){this.css.visibility="hidden"} lib_obj.prototype.writeIt = function(text,startHTML,endHTML){ if(bw.ns4){ if(!startHTML){startHTML=""; endHTML=""} this.ref.open("text/html"); this.ref.write(startHTML+text+endHTML); this.ref.close() }else this.evnt.innerHTML=text } ////***************(DHTMLCentral.com)****************//// /* Code taken from DynamicDrive.com (Start)--> Gradual-Highlight Image Script II- By J. Mark Birenbaum (birenbau@ugrad.cs.ualberta.ca) For full source to script, visit http://dynamicdrive.com */ nereidFadeObjects = new Object();nereidFadeTimers = new Object(); function nereidFade(object, destOp, rate, delta){ if (!document.all)return if (object != "[object]"){ setTimeout("nereidFade("+object+","+destOp+","+rate+","+delta+")",0); return;} clearTimeout(nereidFadeTimers[object.sourceIndex]); diff = destOp-object.filters.alpha.opacity; direction = 1; if (object.filters.alpha.opacity > destOp){direction = -1;} delta=Math.min(direction*diff,delta); object.filters.alpha.opacity+=direction*delta; if (object.filters.alpha.opacity != destOp){ nereidFadeObjects[object.sourceIndex]=object; nereidFadeTimers[object.sourceIndex]=setTimeout("nereidFade(nereidFadeObjects["+object.sourceIndex+"],"+destOp+","+rate+","+delta+")",rate); } } // <-- Code taken from DynamicDrive.com (End) window.onload=new logoCurveInit(); //-->End Hide </script>
When I load my website www.bellmacchinaproductions.com, I see a slideshow featured category. When I click on the logo to go back to the main page, it is cut off. But when I refresh, it seems to work again...
I am completely new to jQuery, and I don't even know how to approach or implement what I am trying to do.Before the home page of a site I've developed appears, I want the logo of the company to appear on the screen, then fade out to reveal the web page with full functionality.I also could do this be fading out the logo to reveal a static image of the home page which then could redirect to actual home page.
I have a very strange issue which happens only on the Mac/Firefox 2 (and 3 I believe) : [URL] The top left logo (ball) is a simple flash 'spin' animation, that is activated using javascript via the navigation (onmouseover effect). This works fine on Windows - Firefox, IE and Mac - Safari. However on Mac/Firefox, the logo ball on page load simply DOES NOT APPEAR. However, when you simply SCROLL down or if you move your mouse over the navigation (which calls the flash), then the logo appears. Basically, it's really odd because the logo ball is there, but Mac/Firefox does not show it until you do something to the page, like scroll.
I cant get my cookie to work. I believe its not my javascript that is wrong. Can anyone take a look to see what i did wrong in my cookie? I have to pages dropdown1.html and dropdown2.html. Both pages have the same exact dropdown list. There is also a javascript file called script.js which makes it so you get an error if you select the same option on the second drop down list as the first. Also in the script.js i have a cookie that should run so dropdown2.html should now what was selected in dropdown1.html Can anyone see if i made a mistake in either my javascript code in my cookie? Right now I am not getting the error message if you select the same option as the first. Ill show all my code incase you need it for reference
Script.js (this is the part where I cant figure out why the error message does not appear on the second dropdown menu if user selects the same option as the first)
I have a problem, I don't know why this code doesn't work on IE ver 8 On Firefox, Chrome it is like I want, on IE - no reaction Is this some html/css problem or my fault on js? I'm sure about .js code is correct.. I think.. link html/css/js
this will not work on change. also the innerhtml wont display. please help. here is the js:
function checkemail(){ if (document.suform.email.value && document.suform.emailcheck.value) { if (document.suform.email.value == document.suform.emailcheck.value)
can i use x on top of cbe versions prior to 5? will this cause any conflicts and break anything? is there anything i need to be aware of or watch out for?
After the user types in the textboxes and press enter (with the cursor still in one of the textboxes), buttonXXX should be pressed by default.(the user is too lazy to take the cursor over to buttonXXX and click).
The problem is the top/left most button (button A) gets pressed which annoys them to death. So I tried to do this.
In the bottonA's onfocus event handle- document.forms[0].elements['buttonXXX'].focus() .
Result: ButtonXXX receives focus alright, but the code for buttonA still executes!
The following passes the test as valid, and the mouseover for the six indicated areas also work. I need various areas to link to another page, including the six mentioned. However either the MAP works by itself, or the below mouseover works, but not both. Code:
The last time I tried to ask this question...Google Groups screwed up my message and there was no subject (sorry for that - I know it's annoying).
I'm trying to learn how to develop a plug-in that allows users to display data from one site in a third party site, like Google Adwords or the Digg counter for news stories. I took a look at Digg.com and found the following:
It looks like digg is doing the following to show the number of "diggs" for a story on your website. On my page I would have the following:
I did a clean install of Windows XP on my computer and my javascript will not work. I've tried all types of browsers, I've download the Service pack 1 for XP and IE. I have download java from Sun, which I know is not javascript but it could not hurt. I have done everything I know of to fix this problem but still Javscript will not work on my windows XP. I don't know where to turn from here, Microsoft surely does not have any info about on their website....
I've written some kind of menu to display a diagram with input fields for a budget plan. A user should be able to change values, which are initially filled by a database value, and get all corresponding values filled by the program.
//value given by database showText[k].setAttribute("value", eval("liste[i][TEXT" + k + "]"));
//onchange event for the user to change the value showText[k].setAttribute("onchange", "calculate('cost" + i + "')");
//function to recalculate corresponding values function calculate(myId) { if (myId == "initial") { ... } else { myId = myId.slice(4); //getParents(myId) returns corresponding values for myId var myParents = getParents(myId); for (var i = deep; i >= 0; i--) { var sum = 0; for (var j = 0; j < myParents.length; j++) { ... for (var k = 0; k < children.length; k++) { sum += parseFloat(document.getElementById(eval("'cost" + children[k] + "'")).getAttribute("value")); }}}}}}
My Problem is: IE and Netscape always use the value initially entered by the database and not the new value entered by the user. Is there a timing or DOM problem?
When trying to use jquery 1.5 with IE 9 RC I get an error saying that at line 5460,character 4, propery or method getElementsByTagName is not supported.