I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:
It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.
Can someone please point me to THE source for complete javascript documentation?
Particualry I am interested in the document object. For example with, document.getElementById(id), there is at least style and rows properties and with rows you can get lenght:
What I would really like is to be able to look at an object browser which shows every property and method associated with the javascript document object (and all of the other objects too but I don't want to be greety!).
Hopefully this is out there some where. I keep hanging out here asking for fish when really I want a fishing rod of my own.
Suppose,closing the browser through Browser Close Button(Top Right Corner cross(x) button), i have to execute some ASP script , for that, in body onUnLoad Event calling a fucntion called CloseWin(e,frm), it is working in Internet Explorer successfully , But in FireFox not working. how to solve this problem. or any other way to get the co-ordinates of browser close button( code for both IE and Firefox).
code follows
function CloseWin(e,frm) { //frm required for my program var bButtonClicked = false;
I am using this Browser Plugin call: world = new MTSPlugin( '../obj/main.mtx', '100%', '100%', '', 'simple', ''); in the middle of my page, where I want to load this object. (It is a 3d rendering modul Viewpoint Player)
Now I want to add a browser check, as this plugin runs only in IE. When I dedect that the page is loaded with IE, I am writing via Jquery a class name into my body tag.
I thought, it would work if I do the following:
if($('body').attr('class').length > 1){ world = new MTSPlugin( '../obj/main.mtx', '100%', '100%', '', 'simple', ''); }
But for some reason, the if fails, as it seem that the plugin is called earlier than the jquery browser check, so the class name is not set at this point.
Then I thought, making a function arround and call it onLoad within the body tag. Which has the disatvantage that the MTS Plugin is loading at the worng place on the page.
What I want, is that the call to the object "world = new MTSPlugin( '../obj/main.mtx', '100%', '100%', '', 'simple', '');" is only at a trie condition at the place where it should be...
I display tooltips on my page that appear to the right of form elements. But if the element is too far to the right, the tooltip gets cut off. in that case i would like it to appear to the left.
This script is supposed to redirect IE 5 to a page on my site. However, the code is not doing the redirect part. Take a look:
/******************************************************************************* OLDIE - or Old IE. A script that finds the version of IE you're using, and redirects if lower than the set parameter. [[ Created by Ryan McLaughlin, www.DaoByDesign.com ]] *******************************************************************************/ var browser= navigator.appName var ver= navigator.appVersion
I also would like to point out that the code belongs in a .js file. NOT <script type="javascript".........
I can't get javascript to work on my computer at all. I've tried both Internet Explorer and Firefox but I either get messages saying that I need to enable it or install it, or the page just doesn't load. And I know that it isn't just the site I'm looking at because it's more than one site, and I checked to see whether it was working on different computers, which it is.
I have javascript enabled AND I have java installed, What am I meant to do?
Internet Explorer 7 does not handle buttons correctly since it sends the text between <button> and </button>rather than the value. (Weird but true.) This Javascript is supposed to correct this by sending the value of the button onClick. But it does not work.
I use this to attach the Javascript file in HTML5 :
Code: <script src="buttonfix.js"></script> Contents of buttonfix.js : Code: function runonclick() {
I have been trying to programme the script below so that it will work in Netscape Browser 7.1, 4.73 and Microsoft Internet Explorer; but without success. When I attempt to execute the function flyingsleigh() I receive a JavaScript error: Invalid argument at line:19 Char:7 The idea of this script is to make a graphic run across the browser screen - left to right when the form button is pressed, executing the function using onClick event handler. Code:
Is JQuery live() supported in mobile app browsers? I am having a difficult time getting an application to work. I've posted some code to illustrate/test the problem below. Three lists, #1 using bind(), #2 using live(), and #3 using live() whilst allowing to add list elements. Clicking the list item should just bring you to a second page that displays your selection (it updates whatever was there before, original text is 'original' text). Works great on my PC in all browsers except IE, and on Android/FireFox, but not with IPhone/Safari and Andrpid/WebKit: ot only is the event not triggered on dynamically added list elements, it's not triggered on the 'static' elements in lists #2 and #3. The app was written using JQTouch; wondering if that disrupts somehow JQuery functions.
I have an html form where IE and Firefox work very differently. So, it'd be useful to know what browser is in use. I found this script and put it in my html code...
In the php I do a echo code... but it's always empty... I figure I've got something obvious goofed up, but what?
ALSO, when I run it in IE 8.0, on screen it says "Microsoft Internet Explorer", but it SAYS Browser version: 4 - But I'm using version 8.
AND, when I run it in Firefox version 3.5.5 it SAYS "Netscape" and Browser Version: 5.
I am working on this page - [URL]. When you click the Filter By buttons it alters the content of the iframe below it. This works fine in ALL browsers. However, when you click the browser "back" button it should return to the previous clicked Filter By button (and therefore the previous clicked iframe content). This works fine in every browser except Safari. In Safari it just returns to the previous full page (for instance, if I was viewing google before I went to my page and clicked the iframe buttons, it returns to google rather than the previous iframes).
This class that I made seems to only work in Firefox, testing in IE9 and Chrome, just doesn't work -- why can't Javascript be interpreted all the same way in all browsers! Anyway, here is the class:
Code: var myclass = function() { function runSjax(mode,url,datatype) { datatype = (typeof datatype == "undefined") ? "text":datatype; var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.open(mode,url,false); xmlhttp.send(); if (datatype=="text") { return xmlhttp.responseText; } else { return xmlhttp.responseXML; }} return { getProducts : function(type) { var getProducts_args = 'type='+type; var value; var url = 'apiprocess.php?mode=getProducts&'+getProducts_args; value = runSjax("GET",url); return value; }}; };
Saying that getProducts is not a function when executed: Code: var obj = new myClass; var result = obj.getProducts('remote');
I am integrating PHP with javascript and css to create an image gallery for an art site. When a user clicks a thumbnail, the painting shows above the thumbnails, and data about the painting, along with an artist statement (in the form of an image) shows up on the right side. Everything works as it should with firefox and safari, but the statement image is not showing up in explorer. I right click the broken image and it shows the correct url, but the image is not/won't be displayed. What am I missing?
[URL]If you go to that site on Firefox, the "Return Code #" expands. But if you use IE, you'll see that it doesn't.I could add a fix in there for the fields if they were static, but if you see my javascript, they are dynamically loading fields.
I am using a script I found on a jQuery board [URL] and it works for them, but not for me because my syntax is probably wrong. And they also are just using 1 field and not near-unlimited dynamically loading fields like I am.How would I add in a fix to have the browser 'only' use the expansion if the user is using IE6 or IE7?
[URL]...If you go to that site on Firefox, the "Return Code #" expands. But if you use IE, you'll see that it doesn't. I could add a fix in there for the fields if they were static, but if you see my javascript, they are dynamically loading fields. This "class":"wide" is not working:
I am using a script I found on a jQuery board [URL]..and it works for them, but not for me because my syntax is probably wrong. And they also are just using 1 field and not near-unlimited dynamically loading fields like I am. How would I add in a fix to have the browser 'only' use the expansion if the user is using IE6 or IE7?
Below is the code that is using the name FFF in various places. The effect of all this is that the onclick function is not executed. I would expect a pop up alert when clicking the submit button. This only happens if I rename either the form id or the js variable. Can anyone explain what is going on here ?
I have created a class array (or variable that contains an array) and am trying to add an element to the array when a new Element object is created. Thus, the line of code to add a new element to the array is within the Element object's constructor function. However, the browser just gives me an error "object expected on line 9", the line of code trying to add an element to the array.
Are arrays not functional within objects? Or, is it that the array is made as a class variable?
Code: function Element() { // INSTANCE VARIABLES this.name = "newElement" + Element.total_elements_created; // GIVE UNIQUE NAME // INITIALIZATIONS Element.element_count ++; // INCREASE TOTAL NUMBER OF ELEMENTS EXISTING
I stumbled upon a strange behaviour of the XMLHttpRequest.. Maybe I'm just not well informed enough about its possibilities, so could someone please confirm my question?
When I put plain javscript in a file that is read-in through a XMLHttpRequest-object, it's like it is totally ignored. Eg. I have the file ajax_include.html with in it's body the following lines <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> alert('some alert'); </script>
when I directly surf to the file, the alert pops up as expected, but when I use a simple XMLHttpRequest to replace the contents of a div with the contents of this page, the alert is not popping up, although when I view the selection's source (Thank you, Firefox!), it is there!
When I place an anchor with an onclick-action (eg. alert('onclick')), it works when I click it. So my "conclusion" is that it seems like inline javascript commands are ignored (functions not recognized etc.). All actions assigned to other events work nice though.
Can someone confirm this strange behaviour? Or is it just normal with the use of an XMLHttpRequest opbject?
I am trying to hide/show div sections using javascript, but I can't get it to work. I tried several variations and some sample code I found, but nothing works. I never get passed the alert(1) message.I get a object required error.
<script type="text/javascript"> function hide(id) {[code]......